Law and Order: SVU runs an episode titled "Info Wars" where not-Ann-Coulter is sodomized with a protest sign at a straw-alt-right rally. /r/SVU objects to the degradation of their show's legendary writing quality

135  2018-02-02 by xjapxn


Not centrist enough for me. Ice-T should have been raped by a pack of dogs, half of them dressed as nazi's and the other half dressed as hipsters. Then when they knot him, that dude from the twilight zone should pop in frame and be like "Fucking niggers. But not Ice-T. Or black people who are cool... Like most black people. You know who I am talking about, faggots." and then slowly nod into the camera as it fades to black.

Beginning to think I posted this too late at night

Star Wars 17: Duh Blaxxcuck Awakenz

On a fugly lopsided dork planet not too far away where Jews and duh Blaxx are finally free to shitpost, make incest pedo foreskin rap and literally eat their young. Bored centrists have figured out how to send Israel into orbit ala Dark City and Jew Keifer Sutherland slings raps and shillings on a journey to inform black hitler of his Blaxxploitation, continually breaking the forth wall and fucking up space communism for the rest of us at home watching it on TV.

He should be yelling how the mayo kids are paid shills for the alien overlords and its a hoax.

Ice T has suffered enough

These would be so much better than what their writers come up with these days.

I got to about image 7 before I realized they were fake.

Is SVU just him making a lot of weird stories like that? Because I think I need to actually watch this show

Thank you so much lol

We all need to be on our toes about future drugs.

Out of context, some of those are fucking hilarious.

Almost all of these are believable SVU dialogue.

Alex Jones gang raped by small mayo kids. Truly, a hot image.

His average grunting sounds like sex noises. I wonder what his sex noises are like?

I hear he trumpets like a majestic bull elephant.

He actually is dead silent and lays there like a starfish.

holy shit, svu is still on?

Imagine watching network tv when there’s gay porn on the internet.


I realize my predilections are niche, and was going for something the whole family can enjoy.

Scat is so current year! It's hip and family friendly I swear

♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ skeep-beep de bop-bop beep do-be-do

They just write storylines based on real events, so as long as real events keep happening...

Guess its time to destroy reality.

so as long as real events keep happening...

Ok, but in this episode not-Ann-Coulter was sodomized.

Maybe SVU is like that weird magical typewriter that John Candy had in some movie which can cause real life to play out like it did in the story.

Or at least one could hope.

I've seen some careless comments from SJW like you, but to imply you wish your "political opponent" would be sodomized is fucking disgusting. Seek help.

"Seek help because I can't understand what tongue-in-cheek is."

I hope you get sodomized.

I have a rude detector, let me try it out.


Oh wow i found rudeness.

Please dont be rude. 😓

Okay Ed. I'm sorry for using your favorite pastime as an insult.

Kink shaming too? /u/HodortheDoorHolder ban this heathen!


not my job

Lazy mofo

This coming from the guy whose username is "PhuckYoFeelings", lol. What a pussy.

A pussy for not wishing an innocent woman to be sodomized? Eat a dick you fucking retard.

You're a pussy because you got your feelings hurt by a shitpost. Cry more.

Not quite a shit post, fucking moron. Look at that idiot's posting history and you'll see he's a typical SJW cunt.

never have i seen a more triggered snowflake




Pick one you goddamn normie chad.

Well, it’s Ann “and THIS is my Adam’s apple!” Coulter, so, neither one of those two words apply...

Phuck Yo Feelings

Maybe they’re giving plot ideas to reality.

There is no way that pays as much.

It's kind of funny in a gruesome sort of way that they're making a sex crimes show about current events, if you think about it. Well, it would be if it didn't ruin what was once a great show.

what was once a great show.


"The monkey is in the basketball!"

the first few seasons were great, fantastic acting too. now it is but a shell of itself

I read on Kotaku that it was better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack.

as long as real events keep happening...


They're one about an mmo cult that got one member to murder rape someone (or try to) was ridiculous.

They just write storylines based on real events

I thought it was based on real headlines... That's quite a difference.

It is. I can’t watch it as much as I used to, they do tons of episodes about kids now and it just hurts me to much. I mean, I KNOW it’s fiction, but I just can’t.

The show went into the shitter once Meloni left.

And now you know that, because of this.

Brilliant, right?

Stabler isn't even part of the show anymore

No reason to watch

Law and Order was on for 25 years. SVU is not close to that yet.

and there’s a subreddit devoted to it, presumably filled with posters under the age of 70

mind boggling

That thread would give srd a stroke. Xpost

You post it, I will die with my honor intact

Not as bad as the gamergate episode, but they tried hard to equal it.

How did you find the research the SVU writers did for that episode?

I'm their head writer duh

Do they have some kind of diversity hire program for retards? In my country some companies get tax breaks for it.

Yup we recruit from reddit to get a diverse sample, will PM you the application

In my country those jobs they give to retards tend to be too hard for me (I'm lazy as fuck). Apparently mongos aren't great at decision making, but they kick ass at repetitive tasks, they just need more training at first (but then they're like machines). So some factories happily use them (and the tax breaks don't hurt).

Me I want to bully some big company into creating a 6 figures "diversity officer" job where I can shitpost on Twitter all day, and make my colleagues go through excruciating mandatory meetings where I tell them about all their privilege.

Being afraid of black people sounds like hard work fam.




Add this to automoderator or zozzle

redchannit 4 lyf d00d

The site doesn't exist, but I've gotta check if someone reserved the domain name.

There was a site, it redirected to 8chan's /redchannit/ board. At the time I thought it was hilarious and I still do.

Friendly reminder they managed to cast Logan Paul as the bad guy as well. Shit stirring ahead of the game.

Anyone know what episode that was? I just watched the one linked in the OP, it was my first, and now I want to see more

Season 16, ep 14. Lowest rated (like less than half the average score) on IMDB.

Oh good, I found it on Netflix. Thanks!

Go home gamer girl!

I still find the best line to be the blatant marketing attempt with "I heard this is better than Civilization V with the Brave New World Expansion"

They leveled up.

This just felt so embarrassing. The language was so cringey. I'm not a fan of the alt right but I'm pretty sure sometimes they say words that aren't 'cuck' and 'libtard'. Christ.


We later find that Randy Platt is the founder and “Grand Wizard” of the “Patriots of the American Way”. He lives at home with his mom and spends his day blogging and tweeting. (Translate: loser.)


He's basically LSU_coonass

I wish I was a neck bearded momma's boy without a job plus Im not too autistic to not have self-awareness, so my online presence is very minimal.

Or just watch it

American privilege is real

Don't get butthurt just because you live in some third world commie hellhole.

You have the freedom of guns and free SVU, I get to not die from minor diseases if I'm poor. Six and one.

die from minor diseases if I'm poor

As the saying goes, it's a feature, not a bug.

so the show that always complains about people not taking rape seriously is arguing that rape is ok if we disagree with the victim politically?

Fascists CONTROLLED the Newspapers. If Trump was fascist he wouldnt fight with the press he would nationalize the press. If Trump was a fascist he would believe in a big government, nationalized businesses, insanely high taxes, government run union, anti- bank, anti-wealth, anti-religion, pro-euthanasia and assisted suicide, huge environmental regulations. Calling the press liars is not fascist in anyway. Go read a fucking book. Fascism isnt that old...Mussolini coined the phrase. Before entering politics he was the fucking editor of a communist news paper. The ideology of fascism is only different than communism on ONE FUCKING POINT. In communism the government is there to serve the people, in fascism the people are there to serve the government. Pretty much every commie regime has actually been fascist. How would abolishing the health care mandate be fascist when a HEALTH CARE MANDATE IS FUCKING CORNERSTONE TO FASCISM. Mussolini's first fucking act was to increase Italian socialism. Go read a book and get the fuck off of reddit asshole.

God damn, /u/SuspiciousDirector, that deserves a slow clap.

In communism the government is there to serve the people, in fascism the people are there to serve the government


They're the same thing except their purpose is the exact opposite


How would abolishing the health care mandate be fascist when a HEALTH CARE MANDATE IS FUCKING CORNERSTONE TO FASCISM.

Fascism begins with a $200 penalty.

You heard it here first, folks.

Redchan did this.

Still not as good as the gamergate episode














I’ll say this, I’ve seen them convict people with less evidence then they had tonight. Basically because Rhea Seehorn’s character told her fan he had small hands they think he could have raped her. > Defense claimed to have witnesses but we never saw them. The Antifa member had motive. His dna was under her nails and she identified him in a lineup that Benson thought was bullshit. The women then claimed she wasn’t 100% but was pretty sure. Still, with the DNA and motive Barba shouldn’t have dismissed the case.


God help us

I'm like a quarter of the way through the ewpisode. I keep watching it like a minute at a time because it's pretty eyeroll inducing, but holy shit...the lady from Better Call Saul is absolutely nailing Ann Coulter's smug, terrible bitch act.

Most of what I'm noticing is that this series really needs Christopher Meloni and that smartass with the dark glasses who used to be on it.

ust finished watching my first SVU episode in probably 15 years.

Holy shit...the lady from Better Call Saul absolutely nailed Ann Coulter's smug, terrible bitch act and even did that weird thing with her voice that makes you think she has an adam's apple. It was uncanny. The only redeemable part of the episode, really.

The Antifa dude was pretty badly acted; just a forgettable walking spergout soyboy with dreads, but that was expected; he was the formulaic way-too-obvious fake suspect who gets like 5 minutes of screen time in every SVU episode I've ever seen.

The 5'6" white nationalist incel caricature who lives with his mother? I had high hopes for lulz when he first appeared. Completely unbelievable character, though; he appears to have confidence. No incel manlet has any confidence, because they'd have a girlfriend and wouldn't constantly bitch about women if they did. Also, he couldn't complete a sentence without "libtard" or "cuck," even when talking to the cops and when on the stand in court. A non-skinhead white nationalist would go out of his way to try to sound reasonable when talking to the po-po or a judge. He talked just like /u/botchlings, except in real life where people could see him and kick his ass. That's some shitty writing.

They dropped the case because it wasn't a 100% lock. In the past, they convicted people with waaaaaaay less.

Most of what I got from this is that this series really sucks without Christopher Meloni and that smartassed old guy with the tinted glasses who always dressed in black. I mean, it kind of sucked when it still had them, but it's downright terrible now.

Stabler and Munch were never really replaced. Amaro was ok, but the new guy is just bad.

Hits like a truck.