Subredditdrama user claims the euphoric neckbeards of r/atheism eventually morphed into incestuous retards of the_donald.

99  2018-02-02 by BMI_IS_MISOGYNIST


TD is a special strain of super autism. Proof that God doesn't love is anymore.

TD is a special strain of super atheism. Proof that God doesn't love is anymore.

Fixed that for you.

I wonder why SRD is so afraid of atheists calling out islam? Could it be the death threats?

Research suggests Blue Tribe / Red Tribe prejudice to be much stronger than better-known types of prejudice like racism. Once the Blue Tribe was able to enlist the blacks and gays and Muslims in their ranks, they became allies of convenience who deserve to be rehabilitated with mildly condescending paeans to their virtue. “There never was a coward where the shamrock grows.”

There never was a coward where the shamrock grows.

They don't want to accidently get killed in a wave of gunfire when a Muslim gets their feelings hurt from a cartoon.

Death threats on Reddit lol. It’s cos Islam is brown people and brown people are oppressed victims that need to be defended by the righteous 👌🏻

A mix of people being unable to separate Islam from individual muslims on both sides, and maybe a sense of pragmatism (what do you plan to achieve with the scat porn of the prophet you drew in MSPaint?)

A mix of people being unable to separate Islam from individual muslims on both sides

Which is then met with an inability to separate Atheism from individual atheists.

Just because I think Islam is a cancerous death cult doesn't mean I think you should purposely antagonize people. I just think the people who are antagonized by a cartoon are silly and the ones who commit murder over it are insane.


Thank you for providing solid drama but, for your sake, you need to stop, you're wasting your time there.

It's all in good fun. I'm surprised that my comments ended up going mostly neutral voted, actually. Must mean his arguments really were shit because usually SRD eats those alt right conspiracy theories right up.

u/gokutheguy give it up, you're not gonna make atheist hate fresh and fun for 2k18, everyone's moved on to hating white people

It’s impossible to hate white people, because they’re not actually people.

Sorry I meant wypipo

I prefer mayos, because it avoids the association with actual people entirely. To each his own, though.

Fair enough.

But you're destroying the integrity of egg salad!

/u/vegetatheguy your dumbass rival is being bold again.

Shamefur dispray.

You have dropped your toast and it lands butter-side down. Do you blame:

A: The Alt Right

B: Gamergate

C: Russian bots.

u/ed__butteredtoast obviously

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I'd put good money on at least one of her kids being at the top of the spectrum.

Reading that guys comment chain is... painful? I mean it's like he is responding to a completely different person than the one he is. None of his responses even attempt to address what the other guy is saying. Then he starts talking about gamergate or something? What the fuck? I'm not sure what's more annoying, the random offtopic bullshit he is spouting, or the fact that it's all somehow upvote, as though other people are somehow following his line of reasoning.



How is Trump a C-List actor?

The mans last name was used as a metaphor for success and wealth.

Like him or hate him, the "Trump" name was in every 80's and 90's movie as the rich dude.

Pretty sure The Apprentice season 1 averaged like 23 million people an episode as well.

Socrates died for this.

We have to assume he enjoyed it.

The outrage resurrected me.

That's not very Stoic of you.

It's true insofar as they're both obnoxious, smug, and get/got to the front page of /r/all very often

Imagine being an SRD mod and unironically calling others obnoxious and smug.

As a moderator of the smuggest community on reddit, I am a foremost expert at identifying smug and as such have the authority to point out smug.

So you are saying SRD is where T_D got its roots from as well?

I think you might be onto something...

The difference is that in SRD, we don't bother people in the outside world with our smugness, and we get our sense of superiority from being meta. We don't feel so superior that we want other people to acknowledge, and give us credit because we masturbate to stolen pictures. So the difference between /r/drama and us is that we don't have a false sense of smugness, and superiority. We are superior, and have the right to feel smug about that.


I searched, but all I could find was /u/ason pasting the pasta 2 years ago, when BOOC was still alive


they will be missed, kinda

I want more lefty agenda posters here

well, maybe I just want better righty agenda posters that don't make me wanna swan dive onto a fork

Although I don't think I could stand more GG posting, so maybe I don't want BOOC.

IDK why I'm rambling, I'm a couple of drinks in. thanks for listening, snally

Sorry sweaty, it's from 2 years ago. I only found my own comments quoting it through sheer grit and autism. My nibba /u/nybbas is my witness though.

I can confirm, my memory is total shit, but even I remember this being posted unironically.

Thanks a lot you asshole, now I am about to dig through months of my own post history trying to find it... -_-

You should probably read the rest of this thread first.

God dammit.

You should probably read the rest of this thread first.

Also, do we know each other or something? I am so confused as to how I got brought into this anyways

You were there years ago when I first served this classic pasta. In a way, you're the closest thing to a friend I ever had. But you abandoned me and turned your back on this sub, so I orchestrated a situation wherein you would waste hours digging through your own comment history, only to find that I had preemptively discovered the link that you sought. My revenge complete, I can finally kms in peace.

Hahaha I never abandoned this sub. I was just worried, you know you've been around too long when other commenters start recognizing your name :P

Also, I got about 5 pages into my history, before i just googled the first few lines of the copy pasta and found a link to my old post ;p

KYS buddy, for the both of us!

Ohhhh shit, never mind. BY THE POWER OF AUTISM!!!

What a sight to behold!

Always showing up late to the party ;(

We don't feel so superior that we want other people to acknowledge

Your post here kinda disproves this.

See, this is the whole problem that SRD posters have. Their sense of moral superiority. You know how to identify a hypocrit? They get beefy if you question their right to morally chastise others.

Lol! They have a fucking chat room where they get instant alerts to developing reddit drama so they can vote and sway the direction of the discussion. It’s kinda sad.

Watching you try and argue with that guy...

Oh my God. Can we nip this "smug" complaint in the bud right now? It's only been two weeks since a bunch of people decided SRD was smug and started being vocal about it. Well, as an avid SRD veteran and guy with nothing to do right now, I'm going to put this to rest. Because I am sick of it. The whining. The complaining. "Nah nah nah" all the time. Jesus.

Am I superior to the average Reddit poster? Absolutely. I dress better. I have hotter sexual partners (and more of them). I make more money. I'm better educated. All of my opinions are thoroughly researched and I'm able to express them better than anyone else on the planet. I have a higher IQ. I have better taste in music, art, literature, video games, cars, name something I have better taste than you and the rest of Reddit.

My dick is thick and girthy; it feels firm in your hand, it fills you up, but it won't hurt you. It's the perfect size. My body is tight, toned, tanned, and shaved. Name a type of model - head, body, hand, feet, dick - and I could be that kind of model. I don't because I'm too busy making a shit ton of money as a doctor lawyer who runs a non-profit for victims of genocide. I'm 6'2', 185, 3% bf. I'm better. I'm superior.

Now I know what you're thinking: "Hey, /u/ason, if you're so much better than everyone else on Reddit, wtf are you doing on Reddit?" And this is the main thing, really. This is what concerns me the most. Although I am superior by every objective and subjective test imaginable by man, most of Reddit doesn't know I'm superior. It's important to me that they know. It's like... if you sing the most beautiful song in the world, but nobody is there to hear it, what's the point? Yanno?

I am the most beautiful song in the world.

So give it a rest. Telling me (and I assume you're talking directly to me, because I assume all statements made by anyone are about me and I am always right) that I only post to feel superior is just a waste of your time and mine. I know I sound like I feel like I'm superior.

Babe, I am superior.

You said it, man.

God I miss bonjour amigos

Oh shit that's right :(

Hey SRDine,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass political outrage. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any bussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all cucks who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Nah I think r/atheism had an extreme case of adolescent edgyness in the past, and still has sometimes. The very definition of smugness smells of fish: the sardine.

It's funny how they can see there's no connection between the_donald and /r/atheism, but insist that there is one between the_donald and gamergate.

lol not surprised to see this here.

Yeah right, subreddit that lost it mind when mods took they maymays away was proto Donald sub.......... on second thought maybe there is something in here.

The right wing atheism users that literally ranted about being persecuted from living in the deep South with conservative people around them? /u/gokutheguy you sound super intelligent and should start a Kickstarter for a book so we can all be more informed of on the nose opinions/observations that you hold.

Why don't you come share some more life lessons with us here?

Anime + Video games + Atheism + ? = Donald Trump.

Everything I don't like is group I don't like.

If atheists became t_d, why are there so many christfag comments about "preserving muh christian culture" on there?

Because the alt-right isn't atheist at all and these people are just associating them with other people the don't like because they're too lazy to actually try and understand who they're opposed to


/u/gokutheguy even snallygaster called you out my dude. feel really bad about yourself.

don't drag me into this!

those SRDines are just pretending to be retarded. /u/gokutheguy you're just being ironic, right mate?

Someone's been dipping into the Gawker a bit too much.

This conversation is pretty hilarious.

Person A: Statement of Fact

Person B: Do you have any proof of statement of fact? (many downvotes)

Person A: Repeats statement of fact

Person B: No really, I'd like to see some evidence (more downvotes)

Person A: I'm not sure why you're refusing to believe my statement of fact

Clever argument

That's basically every internet 'debate'.

Prove it.

Google it nerd.

because science

Looking at this thread It becomes clear that when the mighty brain trust of srdinia cannot put you into one of the shrinking number of cognitive boxes they manage to hold in their tiny pea brains, their entire neurological systems fritz out and throw a error, smugly of course.

Battle not with retards lest ye become retarded.

Ratheists aren't part of the alt-right, but they're quick to team up with them to expel the muzzles, jooz, and kkkatholics.

These fools not realizing that most heavy alt-right people believe that Christianity and Catholicism is 'cucked' because of that pesky "Love they neighbor" bullshit

/u/gokutheguy Atheism+ deserved the fate that it got: disappearing into obscurity.

Where the hell are these spergs getting the idea that /r/atheism neckbeards turned to Trump?

If anything, they're more along the lines of Bernie Sanders supporters.

They they'll just say all the Bernie Bros became trumpets

Funny how the once popular thing to hate on this hellsite turned into another popular thing to hate on this hellsite.

Gee, it's almost like they have no idea who they really hate. There's really a blind sheep mentality to it. Right now, it's popular to hate on Atheists and Trump, but if you asked most of Reddit why they hate both these things, they wouldn't have an answer, all they know is that they're supposed to hate them, otherwise their imaginary internet points would get severely threatened, and imaginary internet points are serious business.

>be an og circlebroker who just wanted to laugh at people who wore fedoras

>laugh at faces of atheism

>shitpost before there even was a word for it

>normies join because they see us having fun

>they start seriousposting

>get driven out of circlebroke by these mouthbreathers

>tfw people unironically believe making fun of fedoras was some grand political victory


>gOD has abandoned us
