Is male sexuality evil no matter what? (Yes)

62  2018-02-04 by YouThinkPlatonic


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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One could be a highly sexualized environment that the women participated freely in.

I thought the whole point of #MeToo was that there's no such thing as a highly sexualized environment that the women participated freely in?

you have to admire brianna wu's ability to be taken seriously by these people, given that her claim to fame is making some iphone game that looks like a mid 90's shareware monstrosity.

She rode the “evil gamers” wave.



That looks like one of those games where sick perverts can act out scenarios with other sick perverts.

Male sexuality is only okay when it’s on other males


Do we know for sure Wu hasn't heard it first hand from a woman or man who was there?

/u/Woodendeer do we know for sure Wu didn't see it via astral projection?

These are the questions we should be asking.

I’m guessing that she heard about it from her militarized moon base. If they can launch moon rocks at the Earth, certainly they have surveillance capabilities up there.

Clearly someone you can rely on for accurate info.

TIL Brianna Wu is a confirmed metahuman

mandatory castration fucking yesterday

I'll be honest. Once upon a time, I entered a pussy, and I couldn't stop, I was raping a woman! She kept moaning in pleasure, but I knew I was raping her!

Fun fact: Briana Wu's birth name is John Walker Flynt.

Wu is just mad because shis dude lookin ass never got attention from men.