/r/GenderCritical on the path to a (wikipedia edit) war about the pronouns of a tranny serial killer of women, children, and kittens

66  2018-02-06 by IAintThatGuy


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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I don't blame them tbh. Denyer was a man (by his own definition) when he killed three woman (and chopped up a bunch of cats IIRC) because they were women (by his own admission). Dude is like a TERF's dream as an example for Why Trannies Are Really Evil Psychos That Hate Women.

And Denyer's still legally a man, in a men's prison. If there was one person I'd expect trans activists to want to quietly pretend he doesn't exist, it'd be Denyer.

Do you think he's a TERF false flag?

Honestly i think the TERFs may have a point with this one.

Paula dindu nuffin wrong. She paid the iron price for her pronouns.

It makes sense - no one wants the serial killer on their team because it makes them look bad.

But even GC has to go full victimhood:

How can women ever hope to tackle the systemic male violence against us when statistics are being muddied and rewritten?

/u/Black_Phillipa not only do men make up the majority of victims of violent crimes, in terms of systemic abuse women commit the majority of domestic violence. In fact, lesbian relationships have the highest rate of domestic violence, while relationships between gay men have the lowest rate of domestic violence.

Well, you can see where they are coming from. Women don't murder each other at the rate that men murder women so getting murdered can seem gendered to them. They don't care that men are killing each other, they just know if they get murdered it's going to probably be a guy doing it just going by statistics. It shouldn't be gendered but that's the way it seems to be.

They don't care that men are killing each other, they just know if they get murdered it's going to probably be a guy doing it just going by statistics.

From someone who has decades of experience in contact sports, martial arts, and spousal abuse : women just suck at those things. They prolly start as many fights as men do, it's just that men are better at finishing those.

They prolly start as many fights as men do, it's just that men are better at finishing those.

Ah, so it's like suicide then.

"Suicide by pissing off a man". I mean really, imagine you're a battered woman, and your violent husband wants a hot dinner on the table every day at 7pm. It's not hard to do. If you repeatedly fail at it, and then get beaten to death, you probably had a death wish.

If my life depended on it I'm pretty sure I could have dinner ready every fucking day at the same time.

Plus once a man sits down to eat, after a day of work, he just wants to relax. No way someone with a full stomach is going to suddenly get up to beat his wife. You don't do cardio right after a big meal. So the only way the wife would get beaten once dinner is ready is if the food is bad (so the husband barely eats, and would rather beat her).

From someone who has decades of experience in contact sports, martial arts, and spousal abuse

Oh wow

Seeing the atomic amount of hatred you radiate about any topic that comes up on drama I'm really not enthused to find out you're just as energetic in your passions irl.

Kinda off topic I guess

Believe it or not, I have the kind of personality and attitude that make a lot of people want to hurt me IRL. So I could go either way : soften my attitude and become nicer, or get tough enough that I can at least deal with violence thrown my way.

My mental stability makes option 2 more viable.

Makes sense

Anyone can get a hold of a gun if they seriously want to just kill someone. I don't think it's only that women are too weak to kill. It seems like when some men lose their shit, it stays lost. I mean, a woman can show up at an ex's job with a gun and kill everyone, they just don't do it as often as men. Probably a lot of interesting reasons, like honor culture and stuff.

Also women are less likely to use guns when it would help them protect themselves. There's probably a cultural aspect.

The terfs are the only feminists that make any sense. At least they're consistent about not liking men.


Except They're objection isn't logical like yours is. Honestly, though if you read between the lines the real reason that poster is objecting to this person being referred to as a woman is because women could never be so evil. Women couldn't possibly be evil psychopathic mysoginists so therefore Deyner must therefore be a man.

What about ilean warnos or whatever the fuck her hick name is 🤔🤔🤔

She killed men, and everyone knows that all men are hateful violent beings. She was doing the world a favor tbh.

tbqhwyf her whole life was one depressing setback after another from childbirth

Not that it excuses her killing those guys but holy fuck I dont know how else she could've turned out

There actually seem a few cases of TERF's wet dreams. Or worst nightmare, depending on how you put it.

Also, doesn't the wiki article state that the prison was criticized for not allowing gender reassignment surgery? Trans rights activists have their priorities straight.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing. But it's drama. Wikipedia drama means people will blow it out of proportion. Tranny drama means it's going involve overdramatic mentally ill freaks. TERF drama means it's going to be especially bitter and mean.

Fair point.

I often wonder, /u/IAintThatGuy... Do you hate trannies or TERFs more?

I often wonder, /u/IAintThatGuy.. Do you hate trannies or TERFs more?

I dislike both, but their interactions are a sight to behold. It's like asking if you'd cheer for a shark or a bear to win a fight, when the fight itself is the whole fun.

I can respect that, even if I think you’re a dick

I've never tried to pretend I'm a good person, so I'm fine with it.

I think we all know which side you're on don't we. #stopbearphobia

Which one is trannies? I’m on that side

Why do you hate bears?

Because bear puns. I fucking hate bear puns. r/bearjoketips

Typical shark apologist.

You cheer for the bear, asshole.

If the battle is on land, I cheer for the shark, because he clearly needs more encouragement.

Denyer has claimed that these feelings of gender dysphoria are what led her to seek revenge against women by murdering them.

He should clearly be put in a women's prison.

It would help reduce overcrowding.

look at it this way, we'll save a shitload of cash since he'll only last a few days. them prison bitches ain't nothing to trifle with.


when lolcows start milking other lolcows you know you're in for a treat 💦💦

It's like a retarded anthill poked a bipolar beehive.

That's some God-tier trolling on that guy's part.


You know what, after reading his wikipedia entry, I'm going to call that person "her". I'm usually against playing into tranny delusions. But in that case, she killed so many women that she earned their pronouns fair and square by right of conquest.

Now that I think about it, Paula might just have been a misguided individual who thought gender transition worked by Highlander rules. You kill someone to absorb their gender identity. Those killings were honest mistakes.

Except the thing with the kittens, that was fucked up. But since most trannies have a thing for catgirls, that might be explained in much the same way.

Paula might just have been a misguided individual who thought gender transition worked by Highlander rules. You kill someone to absorb their gender identity. Those killings were honest mistakes.

Chris-Chan might actually end up believing this. He believes that static or some shit can make you grow breasts so it's really only a matter of time until he tries to fashion himself a woman suit.

I have to find it back in my history, but there was a tranny on Reddit that posted things that sounded very much like Denyer's feelings about women.

It's pretty cool to think we get to say "I knew that guy before he was famous" (as I imagine that someday he's going to kill a bunch of women).

by right of conquest.

You're on a roll in this comment section.

People try to feed us every possible vision of gender they can think of (spectrum, ice cream, spiritual, religious, social construct, conspiracy...). I've decided that I'm going to invent mine, and it's going to be even more retarded than all the others.

You keep what you kill.

The world would be better off if nobody was a trannie.

Working on it. We need a solution. Of the final persuasion.

men commit more violent crimes than women

TERFS: these are troubling statistics that need to be acted on

men commit suicide more often/more succesfully than women

TERFS: angry screeching noises

I have a love-hate relationship with TERFS. On one hand, they're almost to a person embittered sad-sacks. On the other hand, their actions just create endless entertaining drama.

In my case I love both those aspects. I'm fascinated by the existence of people who can find ways to blame male suicide rates on misogyny.

Once again, r/gendercritical is completely correct