155  2018-02-06 by a_normal_human


I'm just waiting for the Armond White review.

He's our only hope to oppose those fedora wearing, spineless atheist, capeshit watching, capitalist obeying, intellectual crushing, dorito eating, IQ thieving manchildren cunts


Armond White loves capeshit

fortunately, he hates other black people. so this should balance out nicely.

Armond loves movies that challenge status quo, and not in the "STRONG WOMAN/BLACK/GAY/LATIN/TRANSGENDER FINDING HIS/HER/SCHKLER/THEIR WAY" kind of way, as in movies that test the audience's current definition of what a genre is, and if something in that genre can truly be called revolutionary and beautiful.

yes, Batman vs. Superman truly challenged the status quo in a way that breathed life back into the superhero genre

but a movie where a guy has to kill his liberal white girlfriend and her whole family for his survival, that uses the comforts of pastorial New England life as a backdrop for suspense? didn’t challenge NUFFIN

this but actually unironically

bvs is the best superhero movie and get out is just a very competent and timely variation on themes that horror movies been exploring for decades

what themes

it’s more of a suspense movie

well, it's obviously a body snatchers riff, except instead of communists (or, if you prefer the 1993 version, white-picket suburbanites) it's liberals. in a lot of ways it's also an updating of craven's the people under the stairs (which is all about bush sr era white supremacy through war of attrition) for the obama years. the more general themes of paranoia, hidden identities, and sinister elites have been around forever ofc. like i said, it's timely, but that isnt the same as being groundbreaking. you do have a point about liberal racism though, only one i can think of off hand is maybe sembene's black girl

those are plot devices, not themes

idk, maybe you have a different idea of the difference between a theme and a plot device. "aliens that generate a clone of you" is a plot device, "the suppression of self/individual identity" seems a lot more like a theme to me.

but that’s not a theme of Get Out

I keep trying to tell my friends that at least BvS tried to do something new, but apparently polish is more important than innovation.

...what was "something new" about it? Making Luthor more generic than usual? Setting up a conflict between two unlikeable, poorly established characters?

Armond White is many things, but he doesn't hate black people. He just has a frothing hatred of anything that resembles grandstanding to liberal mayo wypipo.

even a movie about killing grandstanding liberal mayo wypipo?

Read the review nigra it ain't that bad. I enjoyed the movie btw.

nah, still doesn't explain Man of Steel

Him shitting on anything Marvel and praising DC's worst efforts like a true old school fanboy is awesome and sad at the same time.

Bruh that's is way to specific to not be an autobiography.

Also you forgot soyboy

added 4 u sweetie

Marvel movies are so bland they make me understand why Armond White is the way he is.

six or seven years ago I would never have dreamed of considering that man's opinion, but these days I really do hate the MCU that much.


IIRC,he was banned from RT after posting too many meme reviews.


t. mayo brainlets

Anyone making that argument is a retard, mayo or otherwise.

Don't get assblasted because people are pointing out the hypocrisy surrounding the themes / critical praise of this movie.

And kill yourself if all you're ever going to do is agenda post on r/drama you hypersensitive faggot.

Holy shit did you really get this mad at a shitpost on r/drama.

Fuckin' mayos lol. Skin thinner than wet paper (paper wasn't invented by mayos fyi.)

Lol I don't care what race invented this thing or that thing.

But appearently you care that some dumb movie is getting shit on for catering to identity politics. Let it go man, it's drama.

Fucking read my edit you master of assblastedness. If you can't take a joke about your precious outrage over a capeshit "film" then you should probably take a permanent break from breathing oxygen.

Rude, tbh.

y’all are both mad as hell, and you keep on taking more

taking more

Taking more what? Better be dick.


it feels like youre not really being ironic at times

are you brown irl


Imbecile, your tiny little feelings concern me not. Cumskins require a great deal of maintenance lest their fragile Caucasian frame fall into dust.

yeah youre not really convincing me otherwise tbh

Why do people keep calling the bois of /r/drama gay like it's supposed to be offensive or something

cuz being gay is GAY

fake and gay.

I think that's jus stating a fact.

Because they never, ever get the bussy.

people are pointing out the hypocrisy surrounding the themes / critical praise of this movie.

if all you're ever going to do is agenda post on r/drama


i liked the part where you told him to kill himself though

p.s. they’re making shit up

Fair enough, but I think you can objectively look at what's going on with this movie and say it's retarded without pushing a narrative.

And next to pizzashill and starbox, you're another one that argues in these posts about how it's the alt right or daddy supporters that are the true retards.

You're all fucking retards. Take it to SRD or Cringeanarchy.

cringeanarchy doesn’t do metaposts. jesus, that’d be awful

They have a massive agenda, but because it's a liberal agenda, every liberal here will upvote them while pretending to have never said anything terrible about agendaposting in the past.

Just like Starship is pretending that this is a normal shitpost, and that she doesn't post 5-6 'OMG REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL' posts a day.

Friendly reminder that white people are still totally collectively to blame for the bad stuff that white people did 400 years ago or whatever, they just don't get credit for any of the good stuff

You sound like some kind of liberal faggot. The only cure is to consume a small amount of ricin. Just enough!

On that note, happy 400th year anniversary of the moment racism disappeared forever!

racism is alive and well my friend




no one’s ever blamed Chuck McLester down at the AutoZone for their sociological problems

i assume you're equally lenient when people generalise other groups

yes, chinese people are scared of black people

Privilege is genetically passed down

Are Muslims responsible for the slaves they took? Are blacks responsible for the slaves they sold to American slavers?

Shhh.... You aren't meant to know about that

I predict this movie is a competent, well-shot, but ultimately rather forgettable action film, just like almost every other Marvel movie ever made.

I also predict a lot of breathless praise by primarily white critics, lauding its bravery and sincerity with respect to "questions it poses" for our culture in currentYear.

Really makes me think 🤔🤔

i could tell what was going on for most of Civil War, i can tell you that much

Eh. Marvel fight scenes use basically two shots. First, wide-angle crane and tracking shots that capture a whole bunch of heroes. Those are cool, but all the one-on-one fights are captured using Bourne-style shaky cam that, while not bad enough to make the fight impossible to follow, rob many hits of their impact. There's also too many cuts in the 1v1 fights too.

cuts are an editing issue

also a shit fight choreographer issue and a hollywood actors are shit at fighting issue

hollywood actors are shit at fighting

what's the point of all those cuts if they don't switch in their body doubles?

its so jarring, asians really have one up on hollywood when it comes to people fighting

well, they had a lot of weird martial arts plays to draw from, and started making it look cool on film in the 60s.

we just started imitating that from the 70s, before that all our fight scenes went left hook, right hook, stumble backwards, pull out a gun

i like the period in time where western film makers were aware of martial arts existing but didnt really know anything else about it and just improvised with flailing

Also, their idea of color correction is to make everything grey.

Civil War is the only film I've ever fallen asleep in the theatres for.

i couldn't fall asleep, i was busy. i thought it was alright, probably wouldn't see it again

I can see it. Wonder woman had the same political climate around it too. I watched it, thought 'hey that was pretty good, a little bit too much CGI' and forgot about it the day after.

Reddit/critics on the other hand were a battlezone of people REEEing about how wonder woman is the most important thing in the world vs people REEing about how women dun took our cumics.

I'm willing to bet that, just like wonder woman, outside a few moments, the only people making this movie all about skin color will be the viewers.

Pretty much exactly my thoughts on WW. Thought it was pretty good, as far as comic book movies go, but I don't understand the cultural climaxing on the left or tendie tossing on the right.

The middle of the film was an extended love letter to Seven Samurai, what with the team of quirky characters defending the town.

Wonder Woman also had the additional benefit of being the only installment in its cinematic universe that wasn’t complete shit, so

That's true, DC has been producing trash for some time now.

I'll have you know Suicide Squad was the pinnacle of cinematic perfection.

What are we, some kind of drama?

But did it win an Oscar?

why the hell would i know that

That movie seemed like the execs messed with it heavily. Wonder Woman learns that Dussendorf was human, Ares wasn't involved, and you can't solve everything in a climactic battle, and then Ares is the British commander in one random scene and everything is solved in a climactic battle

Don't forget grandstanding with women-only showings by Alamo Drafthouse

It was great when they lost their discrimination complaint, and again when it came out they secretly rehired a literal rapist to run a part of their company

Don't forget the anti-Zionist rage that surrounded Gal Gadot for being one of Yahwehs chosen people.

im actually okay with that. that Zionist bitch can rot in hell for all i care

Just wanted to drop by and say that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, our friend and ally. I’m glad after decades of promises, the US has finally demonstrated its acknowledgment of that fact.

jerusalem is the capital of the free state of palestine, facts aren't subject to your bought support. and you americans can have kikeville or any other of our rival nation as your ally i don't care...it's better if all our enemies congregated themselves into distinct group of "allies" so that we know exactly who we're fighting when we eventually go to a war with the west

Geez, calm down. I wouldn’t want you to fire rockets at me from the rooftop of a school or anything. We are just talking

that never happens. those are some grade a zionist lies that the jew media sells to you whities and you lap it up right away the obedient little dog you are, without thinking about them for a second. hezbollah fighters leave their wives and children behind them and stand bravely against the tank cannons. they are more men than you will ever be

You’re so angry!

no i'm not, don't worry i try not to waste time on human waste the likes of you :)

No worries- it’s not like we were going to bump into each other at the new embassy after it’s online. In Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

You would be angry too if you lived in some war-torn Muslim shithole

You really think that they have electric lighting, alcohol, or music?

Ohhhh shit I forgot about the a cappella, no booze, billions-strong permanence of the Islamic no-cooties sleepover (72 virgins, indeed).

Palestinians are garbage Arabs other Arabs don't want.

weirdly your scree has no facts

I'm sorry about your brain-damaged.

My brain-damaged what?


Imagine me dressed up as Henry Kissinger, selling ice cream to children in Disneyland.

I need an adult.

Or a rabbi


Only libel of it's untrue 🤔 🤔 🤔

I'm sorry about your brain.

I live in Austin. I don't care if they want a women centric screening, but what they were doing was actually against the law and they were acting like pompous dickbutts about it.

That's what happens when you employ male feminists.

I was hoping for black only screenings. You think "women only" was controversial

hmm maybe they could do WOC only

Maybe I am tone deaf, but was the movie supposed to carry a political message (maybe except for her fighting the Central Powers)? I liked it as a fun action movie.

Only thing I really remember is Ghazi being mad that Gal Gadot is Jewish.

It looks a little less obnoxiously quippy than most of the other Marvel movies, so that's nice. I'm tired of Marvel selling middle school snark as some kind of edgy "subversion" bullshit.

But yeah, its most likely pretty disposable. 87 on metacritic? yeah fuck off buddy

Yeah, the director seems extremely competent, at least based on his prior work (I very much enjoyed Creed, and apparently the came up with the idea as well as directed).

Honestly, it'll probably float near toward the top of the 20-odd marvel movies, but I wonder if anyone will honestly remember the plot after a month.

I haven't seen any of the trailers beyond the teaser last summer, but I'm guessing it's going to be two brothers fighting each other over some political disagreement while a white guy in the background does the real villainy.

so.. one of the Thor movies?

Yes. Also the last Captain America movie.

Last two Captain America movies

I thought Creed was gonna be as dumb as the last 15 Rockys but I unironically think it was the best one, including the original.

I think it’s on par with Rocky Balboa (2007). Original is of course a classic, so not even sure I would want to compare the two, aside from the obvious similarities in story structure. But it was really refreshing to see a new character inhabit that world

most fans of this sort of shit have no personality to speak of and that snarky stuff really appeals to them so they can quote and emulate it

same type of dudes that open their mouths in photos pretending to be surprised

Yeah for sure, its weird how much certain hipster types like the MCU. I think its because The Dark Knight was such a huge cultural event, its still seen as representing the default state of superhero movies, even though the MCU has obviously replaced the whole "dark and gritty" trend.

That's why Marvel can crank out Tony Snark's Super Quirky and LOL Random Adventures #17 and pass themselves off as pioneers and shit.

basically being a "nerd" is trendy now so boring people gravitate toward it without actually being interested in anything but the image

who even knows why

It's actually current_year, kys camelFag


Thats... accurate.

Yep. It will get a solid B, just like every other marvel movie, but reviewers will pretend its revolutionary because they're scared of being called racist.

I predict this movie is a competent, well-shot, but ultimately rather forgettable action film, just like almost every other Marvel movie ever made.

It's how i feel about all the Captain America, thor and hulk movies. I barely remember them. Not sure how many where made. But at least im not racist for that.

Rotten Tomatoes gives it 100% after banning all bad reviews. I totes believe this.

Movie awards famiusly go almost entirely to movies making political statements, or set in a British setting, and people don't think reviews are the same, though?

The fact that Fartgulpers III got snubbed for Best Visual Effects back in '09 is a testament that Hollywood is concerned for nothing but political bullshit.

They said they were gonna ban bad user reviews, this is critic reviews.

That's still pretty bad tho

Like how many other times have movies been hit with a bunch of user hate and they did nothing, but this is the straw that breaks the camel's back?

critics arent real people

neither are the users though

at least with the critics you can hold someone accountable

you can at least average the public opinion out to get sort of a general overview, critics are just ideologues saying stuff

how do you "average the public opinion" lol

metacritic, RT and IMDb are as vulnerable to brigades as anyone else

ask a bunch of actual people that saw it? how would you usually find out if people like a thing

all critics are trash no exceptions

that ain’t “the general public” tho

User reviews, not critic reviews.

I don’t rotten tomato ☹️ I thought the 100% was users.

My bad.

This brave soul is presently at -16. That won’t last long.

oh wow, the alt right hit that thread hard. or maybe it got linked somewhere else?

why are people so mad about this movie

i thought the villain for this is Black too tho.

oh god can you imagine the shit-flinging if Michael B Jordan is a pawn to some hidden white dude?

and no not Andy Serkis. I bet 100 bucks Jordan's character kills his.

100% rating with the comment "...which raises movie escapism very near the level of art: You've never seen anything like it in your life."


You've never seen anything like it in your life."

It's true that I've never seen a bunch of black people competently come together to make tens of millions of dollars in anything outside of the drug trade, the gridiron, or the basketball court so the reviewer got that much right.

I'm just glad an alt-right movie is getting such high reviews. Gives me hope for the future.

It does seem that the only way for one to assert him/her self is through will to power.

Thansk, Nietzsche.

All we need now is for Jordan Peterson to endorse the film.

A lobster dies in every scene

Where is this lobster thing coming from, isn’t he a psychologist?

I think he used lobsters as an illustration that humans are still animals that evolved and have animal instincts for certain ways of living. And then it became a meme, so I'm repeating it because I'm a mental midget.

So, like a lobster person?

nietzsche wasn’t a nazi, he was just a weird dick

I'll show you a weird dick

We will show dem de wai, brother


This is the only correct answer

Still waiting on that Calvin and Hobbes movie with the Old Yeller vibe.

So, the movie is about early ideas of Malcolm X?

That might have served black Americans better than what they have now...

Malcom X wrote about getting the only access to a very valuable material?

I know people don't like serious posting but in the interest of radical centrism, here's what Malxolm said:

You know the best way to get rid of segregation? The white man is more afraid of separation than he is of integration. Segregation means that he puts you away from him, but not far enough for you to be out of his jurisdiction; separation means you're gone. And the white man will integrate faster than he'll let you separate. So we will work with you against the segregated school system because it's criminal, because it is absolutely destructive, in every way imaginable, to the minds of the children who have to be exposed to that type of crippling education.

It's hard to find a flaw in this.

I was hoping for a divorce myself.

No, it was MLK who had the thing for white women

no you moron

Praise Yakub

In the comics Wakanda was the greatest most enlightened nation in Africa because they built a giant wall around it.

But they're only enlightened cause of the magic space rock that gave them better technology

This one?:origin()/pre15/5284/th/pre/f/2017/115/1/6/the_monolith_and_the_ape_men_2001_a_space_odyssey_by_halhefnerart-db735cc.jpg)

Leave it to blacks to make a movie about a "rock" that has magical powers

Leave it to blacks to make a movie about a "rock" that has magical powers.

They based a whole religion around that shit in real life.

i mean, so did mayos

fuck, so did the chinese!

I mean duh you think it's coincidence an erect penis is called rock-hard?

I thought that was because of Dwayne and his johnson

Other way around actually, The Rock's The Rock because rocks are awesome.

You're aware the movie is a film adaptation of comics written by like 99+ percent mayos, right?

>knowing things about comic books

A lot of people on #BothSides are at significant risk of being stuffed into lockers ITT

lol jews wrote all the comics buddy, thats why theyre so unrealistic and almost exclusively about weird power fantasies

you know a lot about comic books and weird power fantasies, how shocking

lol i dont read comics or watch superhero movies, its common knowledge that most comic book creators of old were jews

youre so bitter

bitter, coming from the eternal GGsperg, thats fucking rich lmao

you literally harbour feelings about me because you prob disagree with something i said once or something

i dont even know why some of you have so many feelings about me its a bit weird tbh

feelings about me

dont flatter yourself, your limp dick aint shit (though i will consider it if you post bussy)

hmm its either that or youre one of those weird jewish guys that always acts like its an insult

thatd be too easy though

i cant see any bussy? also stop obsessing over (((them))), its not (((their))) fault your life is a stinking pile of shame and loneliness

lol whos obsessed i just like saying true stuff that people dont know how to respond to

i might also suggest that trump isnt responsible for your life being shit either so you should prob stop sperging about him

trump has literally no effect on my life, which is several orders of magnitude better than yours

trump has literally no effect on my life

lol what nigga you catch feelings constantly about trump shit

my life, which is several orders of magnitude better than yours

uh you started a topic about eating waste you collected off the floor in a meat plant, who tf you think youre kidding

you started a topic about eating waste you collected off the floor in a meat plant, who tf you think youre kidding

thats your takeaway from my topic? more and more pieces fall into place every time you type out something

how can you even be this retarded and still be alive?

you said your life is better than mine, and you pick meat scraps off the floor for a living

not sure where you thought this was gonna go tbh

more and more pieces fall into place every time you type out something

how can you even be this retarded and still be alive?

lol you just get so angry and just lash out spastically dont you

learn to converse

oh yes, the master of conversation, private limpdick, pls teach me

well first of all dont pretend to be the cool guy with the high ground and act like you can bully people when you instantly get mad about random shit and can be baited so easily

its literally impossible to not have the high ground on you, sorry ;)

yeah it comes across stilted and fake because you dont really believe it yourself

this isnt about faith, its just you are what you are and almost everyone else on this planet is better than you

lol you envy me is what it comes down to

I just wanted to say the way you don't capitalise letters really makes you seem really cool

I just wanted to say the way you want to be the worst poster on this shithole site but are actually just boring really makes you seem really cool

i just do it so people like you get all weird and bitterly comment on it tbh, same with writing lol all the time

rt is unironically just as good if not better than american media even including the slant

that ones real though

I know, that's why it's so hilarious.

Russian state propaganda is better than Reuters, says angry Australian man who fell for gamergate

gamergate were the good guys lol everyone knows ghazi was full of pedos and rapists

dont make me post the list again

Russian state propaganda is better than Reuters

no, rt is better than washington post and nytimes and cnn and msnbc and fox, but those are low bars


keep going

lol at you thinking youre ever going to get an audience outside of faggot ghazi circles

everyone smart agrees with me

why are you still freaking out about ghazi

everyone smart agrees with me

yeah like Donald trump and Russian state television

nobodys freaking out its just still funny how many of them were pedos and crazy people

we tried to tell you

yeah like Donald trump and Russian state television

lol youre so easily influenced

dude, you're an Australian who fell for a far right nationalist movement in the US.

nobodys freaking out its just still funny how many of them were pedos and crazy people

I agree that some tiny sub nobody cares about has some bad people in it

fell for a far right nationalist movement in the US


And fell for Gamergate.

its been pretty well established that gg were the good guys, i know you dont believe it but that doesnt really matter

You don't get to say others are easily influenced.

yeah i do lol because you are

You watch Russian state television and go "this is better than a free press!" You're a useful idiot

lol at thinking america has a free press

I agree that some tiny sub nobody cares about has some bad people in it

nah pretty much everyone even remotely agaisnt gamergate turned out to be a creepy pedo or rapist

see here

btw did you see Milo dropped his court case and is now selling supplements on infowars ?

do you mean as opposed to all those totally successful sjws

its been pretty well established that gg were the good guys, i know you dont believe it but that doesnt really matter

lmao yeah man

lol at thinking america has a free press

Yes, it's in the constitution.

nah pretty much everyone even remotely agaisnt gamergate turned out to be a creepy pedo or rapist

TIL only a handful of people opposed GG and they were all rapists. That's a reasonable opinion to hold.

do you mean as opposed to all those totally successful sjws

You mean like the ones on TV and stuff? Yeah I guess so.

btw did you see Trump blame video games for gun violence today? How do you square your support for Dear Leader (Russian state television says he's okay! And 9/11 was an inside job) with your claim to give a shit about video game censorship?

lmao yeah man, everybody loves you guys and everyone when they think about Gamergate thinks "those guys are the good guys, and those people who opposed them who we all know as Ghazi were all pedos!"

my favourite thing about you is how badly you judge public perception because of how much you isolate yourself from differing opinions and convince yourself everyone else is evil

That's totally what people think.

unironically yes, because they can look at ghazi cat ladies and pedos and incels and all the weirdo trannies that oppose it for attention

how obnoxious you are has always been ggs strength

Yes, it's in the constitution.


nvm that its owned by like 5 dudes and propaganda is legal

TIL only a handful of people opposed GG and they were all rapists. That's a reasonable opinion to hold.

only a few people did oppose it and 90% of them were in the media

youve always been a tiny prescence of obnoxious isolated neckbeards

You mean like the ones on TV and stuff? Yeah I guess so.


btw did you see Trump blame video games for gun violence today? How do you square your support for Dear Leader (Russian state television says he's okay! And 9/11 was an inside job) with your claim to give a shit about video game censorship?

he can think what he likes as long as its not legislated

beliefs are fine until you force them on other people then youre an authoritarian like you

my favourite thing about you is how badly you judge public perception because of how much you isolate yourself from differing opinions and convince yourself everyone else is evil

lmao, the irony. Says the guy who says "the mob of idiots renowned for failing in their cause and harassing people, EVERYONE KNOWS they're the good guys".

You live in a bubble mate.

unironically yes, because they can look at ghazi cat ladies and pedos and incels and all the weirdo trannies that oppose it for attention

When I look at ghazi I see a dead sub. Also, nobody looks at ghazi. Nobody other than GGers know who your perceived enemies are.

nvm that its owned by like 5 dudes and propaganda is legal


da jooz, right?

only a few people did oppose it and 90% of them were in the media

Yeah, only a few people had a problem with Gamergate. That checks out. For the most part, society unanimously accepted GGers and treated them with respect, and listened to their ideas. And that's why ethics in gaming journalism has been fixed!



beliefs are fine until you force them on other people then youre an authoritarian like you

Well good thing he doesn't have any power and doesn't want to force his beliefs on others. If he ever becomes president I guess people will have to worry.

But as a gamer who needs to defend gaming, clearly this isn't as big of a deal as some lady saying she doesn't like big butts in video games or something

lmao, the irony. Says the guy who says "the mob of idiots renowned for failing in their cause and harassing people, EVERYONE KNOWS they're the good guys".

fbi found that there was no credible harassment sorry

meanwhile like 6-7 major anti ggers are arrested for rape and child porn LOL

When I look at ghazi I see a dead sub.

always has been but thats literally everyone who shares your bad ideas, a bunch of weirdo fat women and trannies and soyboys

remember colby klaus and srhbutts LOL


da jooz, right?

no it was the repeal of the smith mundt act but i dont expect you to know anything

Yeah, only a few people had a problem with Gamergate. That checks out. For the most part, society unanimously accepted GGers and treated them with respect, and listened to their ideas.

LOL you believe what polygon wrote because you dont get out much

most people who played games agreed they were sick of your faggotry



its literally an internet meme because of how funny it is

you guys always do that open mouth surprised look too

Well good thing he doesn't have any power and doesn't want to force his beliefs on others. If he ever becomes president I guess people will have to worry.

hes not making laws about stupid insignificant shit like that, hes busy making you cry

But as a gamer who needs to defend gaming, clearly this isn't as big of a deal as some lady saying she doesn't like big butts in video games or something

unironically because that woman will call everyone who says her ideas are dumb a harasser and have them banned from twitter

major anti ggers

well as major as some random twitter pedo that gets angry at nothing can be, but they represented your ideas because they were the best you had

remember the meltdowns and caelrie and irbytremor and lifestyled


major anti ggers

i just like how youre pretending not to care now when you seriousposted for like 2 years about totally real internet harassment and thought you were an important group to help women

gamergate ended a long time ago. there were things about it that were interesting to discuss (being used as a right wing recruitment campaign by unethical journalists like Milo, going against almost all of their stated ideals repeatedly from the very beginning, it's origins as a harassment campaign against a single dev for cheating on her bf, etc).

But now they're just a generic alt right/pro trump group whining about SJWs. There's nothing left to talk about.

I just think its funny that an internet mob mostly of entitled teenagers that is barely remembered, is still so important to you that you think there's such things as "major anti-GGers" and that people who aren't 30-year-old weirdos who hang out with teenager alt-liters even know what "anti-GG" means.

Most gamers don't even know what gamergate is.

its great because youre so invested in pretending you won and are the good guy that youll deny reality and not even realise that you basically made trump win

you literally never understood what was happening and so you never had a chance of stopping it

lol! its great

Most gamers don't even know what gamergate is. It's just some group of idiots whining on the internet, affecting nothing and then proving every criticism about them correct.

suuuure buddy and most people are feminists

There is nothing to win. Gamergate died out and became just generic alt right morons.

suuuure buddy and most people are feminists

lol, you really think you're so important.

you literally never understood what was happening and so you never had a chance of stopping it

I know, and now you guys have won by ... uh....... buying copies of Hatred? what have you achieved? Is Kotaku and Polygon destroyed? Are SJWs no more and nobody ever talks about diversity anymore?

You're a secluded group in the corner of the internet, convincing yourself you're victorious because you have no sense of the real world.

not even realise that you basically made trump win

Anti-GG made trump win?


god you're a dumbass

There is nothing to win. Gamergate died out and became just generic alt right morons.

lol nope its the new normal and there forever, people are always going to reject faggy diversity shit

popular culture is making fun of sjws now, look at youtube or any other social media site

lol, you really think you're so important.

yep ive felt great about this shit the entire time, ive helped influence an entire generation thatll call you a fag

I know, and now you guys have won by ... uh....... buying copies of Hatred?

shifting the overton window

as i said now making fun of sjws is popular culture and people who talk about genders or whatever get laughed at

its gone further than i even thought and its hilarious because its going to keep moving until your ideas are dead

Is Kotaku and Polygon destroyed? Are SJWs no more and nobody ever talks about diversity anymore?


Anti-GG made trump win?


god you're a dumbass

anti gg and gamergate showed people how authoritarian sjws were and how untrustworthy and vindictive they were when given the upper hand, also how hilariously bad american media is

that followed through into how nobody trusted sjw dems or the news and polls in the election, its literally your fault lol

like honestly where do you think the memes came from? russia? lol

lol nope its the new normal and there forever, people are always going to reject faggy diversity shit

You're right, that black panther movie tanked because of it.

popular culture is making fun of sjws now, look at youtube or any other social media site

lmao, youtube or social media sites. That is hilarious dude. Your youtube is curated, and its filled with uneducated morons. But you're right that there's lots of Sargon videos and I guess that means you've won.

yep ive felt great about this shit the entire time, ive helped influence an entire generation thatll call you a fag

You haven't done anything, you're an Australian loser sitting on the internet cucking for Trump, Russia, and repeating bullshit. You are not important. You haven't influenced anything.

as i said now making fun of sjws is popular culture and people who talk about genders or whatever get laughed at

TIL social sciences are no longer a thing and every class just has people laughing at the professor

its gone further than i even thought and its hilarious because its going to keep moving until your ideas are dead

is that why gay marriage got passed in your country last year, because everyone is moving so far to the right?


I accept your concession, your entire goal for existing as a movement completely failed. you achieved nothing.

anti gg and gamergate showed people how authoritarian sjws were and how untrustworthy and vindictive they were when given the upper hand, also how hilariously bad american media is

nobody outside of your bubble even knows what "anti gg" is dude. And gamergate was interesting as a case of internet mob/harassment tactics, people claiming ideas and then hiding behind them to silence others, etc. But it failed and means nothing.

that followed through into how nobody trusted sjw dems or the news and polls in the election, its literally your fault lol

dude, you did't get trump elected by sitting around whining about feminists on KiA.

like honestly where do you think the memes came from? russia? lol

dude, you're over 30. Stop acting like memes are how you judge the entire global culture.

the internet is not a 1:1 representation of real life. Go to a poly sci course or something and talk about how Russian state television is great and everyone knows anti-GG are pedophiles, and you're going to get made fun of

You're right, that black panther movie tanked because of it.

lol, american liberals are scared of black people thats all that is

interesting the same people that said gg was a hate group say its 100% the best movie ever though

lmao, youtube or social media sites. That is hilarious dude.

its representative, sjw shit is unpopular

Your youtube is curated, and its filled with uneducated morons.

lol no

You are not important. You haven't influenced anything.

maybe if you keep telling yourself that youll somehow undo the years of shit weve done

lol not really though

TIL social sciences are no longer a thing and every class just has people laughing at the professor

yes american college is a joke now

like berkeley or mizzou, or even better evergreen college LOL

is that why gay marriage got passed in your country last year

its actually because it was a non issue and didnt really change anything except a technicality, we already had civil unions for years that afforded all the same rights

nobody outside of your bubble even knows what "anti gg" is dude.

yeah they know you as sjws and pedos and rapists and tumblrites

every single person thats gone public and shit talked gg during the time turned out to be a lolcow

internet mob/harassment tactics, people claiming ideas and then hiding behind them to silence others, etc

lol you still dont even get it

dude, you did't get trump elected by sitting around whining about feminists on KiA.

no as i said it was by shifting the overton window, making things gradually more acceptable and things you like gradually less acceptable

for example everyone makes fun of genders and trannies now whereas a few years ago it was a faux pas

dude, you're over 30. Stop acting like memes are how you judge the entire global culture.

memes are just the transmission of ideas

you guys wonder why teenagers are so attracted to this shit when you cant even convey your ideas properly to them without being condescending and obnoxious

Go to a poly sci course or something and talk about how Russian state television is great and everyone knows anti-GG are pedophiles, and you're going to get made fun of

lol how are you consistently this bad at interpreting things

interesting the same people that said gg was a hate group say its 100% the best movie ever though

Apparently it's a good movie. Are you saying the plot of the movie is about harassing some lady who cheated on her bf or something?

its representative, sjw shit is unpopular

On youtube and reddit, sure. In places that are dominated by 18-25 men, I agree. Amongst the uneducated, I agree.

But not in the real world.

maybe if you keep telling yourself that youll somehow undo the years of shit weve done

But you haven't done anything. You tried to attack a few women on the internet, whined selectively about "censorship", buddied up to unethical journalists, and then your movement died out and nobody cared.

like berkeley or mizzou, or even better evergreen college LOL

lol dude, you're some 30 something Australian loser. You've never been to a US college. Everything you know about them comes from your yotuube feed or reddit threads.

its actually because it was a non issue and didnt really change anything except a technicality, we already had civil unions for years that afforded all the same rights

It wasn't a non-issue. Gay people wanted to be treated equally under the law. They won in a landslide because things are moving to the left and progressives ultimately always win.

yeah they know you as sjws and pedos and rapists and tumblrites

No, they don't. Go into your workplace and ask a random person if they know what a "tumblrite" is. You live a very sheltered life, man. This connecton between "anti-GG" and pedos is nothing. When people think of prominent pedos in pop culture, they think of people like Roy Moore.

every single person thats gone public and shit talked gg during the time turned out to be a lolcow

This isn't true. Plenty of people who recognised that GG was a worthless mob of idiots didn't turn out to be a "lolcow" (again, you've gotta start acting your age).

lol you still dont even get it

That's just what happened. GG established it's own ideals and then shat all over them to defend itself from perceived attacks from perceived enemies. They were taken seriously as a ethics in gaming movement for about 1 day.

no as i said it was by shifting the overton window, making things gradually more acceptable and things you like gradually less acceptable

Like gay marriage. I know. You've said this before and you're wrong. Progressives ultimately always win.

for example everyone makes fun of genders and trannies now whereas a few years ago it was a faux pas

Discrimination/mockery of transgender people is at an all time low. people calling them "trannies" is far less common. Them being a punch line in movies ala Ace Ventura, Austin Powers, doesn't really happen anymore. People are growing more and more respectful of LGBT rights.

That's another one you lost.

Btw "everyone makes fun of genders" is the most reddit shit imaginable. Most people aren't aware of specific parts of social sciences about the study of genders enough to make fun of it.

you guys wonder why teenagers are so attracted to this shit when you cant even convey your ideas properly to them without being condescending and obnoxious

People talked down to homophobes during the gay marriage debate. How did that turn out for your side?

And thanks for admitting your ideas are basically only attractive to teenagers.

Educated people continue to move left, and will continue to drag morons like you along with it.

lol how are you consistently this bad at interpreting things

I accept your concession. You would be laughed out of any room where people knew ANYTHING about politics. You have the worldview of a 16 year old alt righter from the US. Nobody will ever take your views seriously and you do not influence anybody, no matter how much you hang out with teenagers on the internet and try to act like them.

Maybe you goyim should write better.

white men were writing serious prose about the human condition and philosophy while jews were fantasizing about being invincible and wearing tights in the street


i guess its like when a kid gets bullied at school and comes home and draws a picture of him huge and powerful beating up all the bullies

That's better. I just get insulted when you're calling it in.

so you're coming out of the closet as a "proud Kekistani" or something?

lol people can dish it out but not take it

take what ?

your "im only pretending to be a fucking retarded shithead neckbeard" schtick ?

you think snarky ironic racism is hilarious until its about jews and then you cry, its a running theme in this sub

its funny because americans are too conditioned to know how to respond to it

im not american you stupid little man and i couldnt care less about jews, now go seriouspost about gamergate, post bussy or stfu

ahaha you catch so many feelings about nothing, you feel real strongly about internet stuff

take things less seriously ay

you: "you feel strongly about internet stuff, take things less seriously"

also you: a completely un-ironic GGsperg of the most autistic variant ever

how the fuck can you even survive with such a severe case of cognitive dissonance?

just keep yourself safe now, "man"

posting here at the rate you do is twenty times as spergy as gg lol

i love how little you actually understand

"no u are the sperg! GG is for cool big boys!!!!"

sperging out at gg is proven to be worse than liking it sorry

hahahahahaha you keep on telling yourself whatever you need to validate your pitiful existence, little man :)

now go post about about jk rowling in /kia or smth

see this is what im talking about

youre clearly emotionally invested but too scared to actually put forth your ideas because you know people will make fun of you

even though theres a lot of people sympathetic to them in here

like you think you have to defend the harry potter woman or youre conceding somehow but you wont explicitly say it lol

you must be trying so hard

wtf is wrong with you? seriously?

lol you downvoted in a conversation nobody else is reading

Jack Kirby created the character, but Black Panther has had a lot of black contributors. Billy Graham is often seen as the definitive Black Panther artist, and the film also seems to draw heavily on Christopher Priest's run, at the very least with the inclusion of the "king of useless white-boys" Everett Ross character.

You are giving /r/drama a bad name.

It's just a fucking movie, alright?!

implying we ever had a good name

Close enough

A lot of African countries are rich in natural resources. Wakanda is different because they explicitly reject democracy, and use their resources exclusively for the benefit of their own people.

If you disagree with this political message, you can no longer call yourself a woke liberal.

Vibranium isn't natural

woke liberal

burger detected

jesus, that’s... a REALLY common plot device in comics, come to think of it

They didn't land on magic rock. Magic rock landed on them!


I lost respect for RT when I checked critic reviews for Shot Caller. Two different newspaper journalist "critics" had literally the same review copy pasted with some word changes.

RT was never reliable for critic reviews.

i’m pretty sure there’s a button you can press in the case of blatant plagiarism

I keep thinking people are talking about Russia Today's take on Black Panther and wondering what I missed

SetsunaFC looking like a straight up retard in there.

/u/SetsunaFC I'm curious, how many movie tickets can you buy a month with your disability check?

Going to torrent it and keep the check/stamps. Let’s not pretend any effort or ingenuity will be put forth.

Imagine being such a pussy that you cry about a black super hero

or enough of a pussy to want one to feel good about your skin colour

Imagine being black. Ugh.

now imagine being you.

Well I'm pretty awesome

Objectively and subjectively untrue.

"b..but dey got kendrick lameur n woke niggaz on da soundtrack n sheeeittt"

Best alt right movie ever! 100% on torn tomatoes 👌🏿✌🏿 woke AND🔥💯🍆💦😂👾🕺🏿

anti-democracy lol

u/neon_needles is a not so smart person who doesn't couldn't sit still long enough to think about a ten minute pie eating scene

It's true. That shit is for communists and fruits with bad mustaches.

It's not a silly blockbuster popcorn movie until a mass of people start REEEing over nothing.

From the Top CriticsTM at RottenTomatoes

Black Panther is set largely in Wakanda, with a detour to South Korea. Still, there's no shaking the feeling that this is what America looks like when it's allowed to be its truest, freest self. That's a superhero challenge if ever there was one.

Stephanie Zacharek
TIME Magazine

Is Stephanie (((our girl)))?


Any sub with over 49,000 subbscribers should kill itself #meanwords

Ohhh boyyyy. The day has come

mayocide. now.

Wow, I can't believe they got (weird black guy name nobody else recognizes from some other show).

You think for a megathread they would be competent enough to get an attractive HD picture

Hot take: all super hero movies are garbage and are the reality tv of movies.

Dis beez da best moobie dat i dun ebuh seent!

We Wuz Kangs: The Movie

implying they wouldn't buy critics.. Disney is approaching a trillion dollar corporation status and is halfway taken over the entertainment industry, why do people still have this nostalgic goodwill towards them like they're above all the slimy things they did to get this far?