The BBC is DESTROYING European culture and these brave neckbeards have had enough of it!

125  2018-02-07 by Snowayne2


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Not bad

Good choice of verb to describe what the BBC is doing to the inferior European culture

Everyone knows your culture is decided by TV shows 99% of humanity has no interest in watching. #Mayopride 😏

Joke's on you, I recently watched that.


Something about the walls falling?

when the walls fell you nigger

thats Nigger to you champ

As a 14yo muslim transwoman, I take great offense. Or something... Im not clicking that shit.

Why, you some kind of racist??

The best kind of racist



Woah, where'd you find this picture of /u/feeepo's sister?

it's from Blacked. and you damned well know it.

Nothing gets past you.

/u/feeepo you still angry your mom went black?

I’m so sick of that gif

sorry. if I had known...

So ugly.. and that monster vag lol.

Imagine being this obsessed with black dick.

It's all I know ;_;

I had a fun time trying to decide if BBC was referring to the television station or the porn type before clicking


Implying the two having the same initials isn't a (((coincidence)))

Stop downplaying the importance of the Illuminati.

Stop downplaying the importance of the Illuminati.

Three posts. Triangles have three sides... Oh dear god, /u/afclu13 is part of the (((Illuminati)))

Stop downplaying the importance of the Illuminati.

What's up with amerifats obssession with skin colour and genitals. And why not pink pussy then since it's actually.. y'know.. attractive?

extreme mayo insecurity about their peepees

Yes you shouldn't blackwash or whitewash history. But this is fulfilling a long held British tradition in of itself.

lol of course these guys wouldnt have a problem with the concept of "blackwashing" if the word traditional can be attached to it

Oh no you DON'T fuck with our pantomimes

not gonna lie our pantomimes suck

this is a shakespeare play though

i do wanna see the Mel Gibson one

You had me at DeVito as Ali.

best one


Shaft is already a fictional character so changing the actor changes nothing.

From now on, whenever a whitey complains about their culture getting shit on, i'm just gonna say "WE WAZ ROMANS" or "WE WAZ VIKINGS" in their stead. Skol.


Its funny because the blacks believe they WAZ ROMANS


No faggot im not giving you a source

not an argument

Not an argument either ;)))


another bbc thing i think

There probably was a black legionnaire or two.

Mostly black*

Romans looked at Northern Europeans the same way they look at black people

Big mistake though , one group of subhuman had the ability to conquer them

well, more like de-conquer themselves

I mean, I guess Huns and Bulgars count as northern European, and they did some shit man.

i mean, Rome got sacked a bunch but it seems like no one really stuck around to make sure they were actually conquered

Nah, Bulgars took out a big chunk, even if the Huns were as mighty as a flaccid dick without Attila.

the side chunks were DLC anyway, you gotta seize the seat

They were from Turkic peoples from the Eurasian steppe. Westerly Mongols.

Yeah but at a certain point the Eurasian steppe becomes a part of Europe that is northwards (as opposed to the actual places northern Europe refers to).

Yeah just a few

Probably more that that. Romans had holdings across North Africa.

no, they think they were egyptians. they just think Romans were swarthy/nappy-headed

Hold on a moment,

>pays taxes

Are you indeed suggesting,

>goes to college

That we,

>follows the law


>gets promoted

We were in fact,

>drinks diet cola

That we truly were,

>uses credit card

Monarchs of previous dynasties? Golly!

t. Albert McBosa



Nice try Hibernian

That's Caledonia to you, pleb

Isn't that Mac?

Both in both. Scots heavily immigrated to Ireland throughout medieval/modern history.

imagine unironically posting on MDE in 2018

Not a good look

exactamundo my dude

Never been to the South or Appalachians, I presume.

1 out of 6 ain't bad

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Charles V (German: Karl; Italian: Carlo; Latin: Carolus; Dutch: Karel, Spanish: Carlos; 24 February 1500 – 21 September 1558) was ruler of both the Spanish Empire as Charles I from 1516 and the Holy Roman Empire as Charles V from 1519, as well as of the lands of the former Duchy of Burgundy from 1506. He voluntarily stepped down from these and other positions by a series of abdications between 1554 and 1556. Through inheritance, he brought together under his rule extensive territories in western, central, and southern Europe, and the Spanish viceroyalties in the Americas and Asia. As a result, his domains spanned nearly four million square kilometers and were the first to be described as "the empire on which the sun never sets".

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naw but seriously, that meme is shit

mfw wypipo are crying about cultural appropriation.


lol why though





You're forgiven.

zozYour're forgiven.



that would have been like, 5,000 years earlier, but neat

That's the definition of early. SUPER EARLY Britons were single celled.

tabloids are now legitimate news?

Haven't they always been?

Wouldn't that be Bleached?

In 10,000 BC, wasn’t mankind pretty much fresh out of Africa by a few hundred years?

Not really.

The most significant "recent" wave took place about 70,000 years ago

Wait wasnt Mary batshit insane?

yeah, like at least half of British monarchs

wasnt it Margret?

Mary? Yes. Margaret? Dunno.

I made the same mistake.

Honestly, just let anyone act as who they want regardless of race. Have Forest Whitaker play as James Bond and have Matt Damon play as MLK, imo. Would make movies more interesting.

Matt Damon was in a movie called the wall playing a Chinese warrior just last year

Truly, an actor who can fit any role.

Nah nigga he was a western trader who stumbled into China and then helped them fight get it RIGHT.

I'm sick of Hollywood whitewashing the great lizard wars

Uh.... Excuse me the term for wayward Westerners in China is Caucasian Chinese.

I've had enough of Hollywood whitewashing the great lizard wars. This is genocide.

Sometimes I like to be immersed in my movies and it’s pretty fucking hard to be immersed when Weird Al gives a speech about how he has a dream and black president Lincoln frees the slaves.

So you didn't enjoy the Vampire Hunter Lincoln? What a boring life you lead.

Notice the word ‘sometimes’. Not all movies are purposely ridiculous like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Sometimes people want to actually feel like it could be real. Grow up son.

Then don't watch a Shakespearean show where everyone soliloquys and fairies close the act.

What part of ‘sometimes’ does not compute with you?

That's right, pretend you're weren't just talking about the black British queen show when you said "sometimes".

Here’s the difference. That show is serious. It’s not a joke. It’s fine if it’s a joke.

Shakespearean shows where everyone soliloquys and fairies close the act can be serious too.

It’s easy to suspend disbelief when someone soliloquies. Not so much when the queen is black or MLK is white. It’s glaring in your face. It doesn’t fit the time. I can’t suspend my disbelief. I haven’t read much Shakespeare, but if a completely non-supernatural play includes fairies for no reason, then I wouldn’t like that either.

I mean why stop there? Why not instead of swords they just have light sabers in an otherwise completely serious and time appropriate movie. MLK doesn’t need to be black I guess. He can actually be a white woman.

I haven’t read much Shakespeare, but if a completely non-supernatural play includes fairies for no reason, then I wouldn’t like that either.


Lol wut

If you can’t honestly tell the difference between something clearly fiction and one trying to accurately depict history you are retarded.

Who gives a fuck if batman is black, but actual historical English figures being acted with black people just doesn’t many any sense at all

If you can’t honestly tell the difference between something clearly fiction and one trying to accurately depict history you are retarded.

You must be retarded then because Shakespearean plays are clearly fiction.

Clearly jokes > clearly not jokes

I won't rest until I get to see Jackie Chan play MLK.

Look if we get a song like curry flavor then I'm fine with it.

I want that movie to get made, but I don't know anything about making movies. I think you need to be rich, jewish, and a rapist. I can provide one of those 3 things.

jackie chan doing a dramatic speech in english would be great

Wellllll....Imagine what would happen if Matt Damon as MLK would be an option...IT WOULDN'T

And Forest Whitaker?? HE'S FAT.

I really, really doubt BBC would allow anything other than a mayo character replaced a non mayo, let alone allow a "free for all" for any actor to play whatever.

The left is very very fragile about any racial swapping that replaces all minority.

After watching Ghost Dog I'm fully convinced that Forest would be a brilliant Bond actually. Ghost Dog's the best fucking assassin film bar none. Fuck Leon, the daft paedo.

I wonder if we'll eventually come full circle and reach a point where the black people enacted colonialism and were responsible for enslavement of black people. 🤔

Oh ma gawd Breadquanda hold my slaves

Some bitch named Deltrice got to them first.

*Sum bich named Deltrice

I've downthugdaddied you because there is no accepted spelling of that line.


Wasn't it warring tribes who sold off conquered or captured blacks off to the whities.... so wouldn't it mean blacks are literally responsible for their own peoples enslavement.

Subsaharan Africans are as responsible as anyone else. Like, yeah, they enslaved people too, but that's just it -- they enslaved people too.

Also, it's true that they would not have done it if there hadn't been a market for it.



More like 'You and your people want to be left alone? K, well your neighbors have guns and shit now. Oh, you want guns too? You are going to have to pay for them somehow...'

That was part of it. So was "woo, shit, we can have a fucktonne of shotguns now!".

For the record, Dahomey did nothing wrong.

Yeah, there's no denying a lot of warlike tribes played a keyrole in kickstarting the process.

But still, the mayo must pay for his crimes.

So, why didn't slavery in Africa end when slavery ended in Europe and North America.

Europe (lol) and North America were not huge markets for slaves.

responsible for enslavement of black people. 🤔

Except they did and still do.

Isn't that basically Hamilton?

There was sizable mulatto population in St. Domingue who owned slaves. Of course they were “products” of slavery themselves but whatever.

But we wuz kweenz.


Imagine the drama is someone would post this idea on Twitter.


Just wait till troy - fall of city gets released.

They're still underpaying them tho, so the mayocide isn't fully cooked yet (unfortunately).

imagine being Mark Collett

imagine reading what Mark Collett has to say and thinking, "yeah, that sounds reasonable"

Eh. The UK is the Europeaan version of the US. And just as insane, just a year late. Pay no attention to them, they’re self solving problem

You're saying that like 90% of the commenters in that thread aren't American.


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher? Randy Newman tried to warn us about short people, but did we listen?!?!?

I mean, that is freaking retarded though.

Unironically giving a shit about it is even more retarded.

Hey retard, calling a retard a retard doesn't take much of an effort you know.

Implying that crying on some neckbeard sub is the same as saying retard.

gotta get ryan gosling to play mansa musa now, i guess

This tbh

Stewart already played Othello

De took our Jerbs.

/u/waistlinepants how often to actually interact with black people? How often do you leave the house?


this post sucks

retards tbh

saw an egyptian variant of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar at the barbican a long while ago and it was great.

It is a bit jarring when you're watching something that's supposed to be the eleventh century and all of a sudden Will Smith shows up. Takes away from the realism.

I think it would be the same if you were watching a historical film about a Zulu tribe and one of them was Brad Pitt.

Lmao @ people in the comments there saying "wow cringe anarchy has really gone to race baiting shit".

It never became that way it has always been that way.

Everyone wants to preserve culture, but everything has an expiry date. maybe 50 thousand, maybe 50 million years. But eventually everything we have or made or are will vanish. Live in the now people! enjoy the time you have. Stop caring about the race of characters in a play. make your own play!

Big black cock?

Blackies? On my telly? Well I never.

It's a Shakespeare adaptation. The casting for those is all about having fun with it to play it vs. historical accuracy. Denzel played the King of Spain once, and was awesome