"making fun of a disabled person just so you can make tired, predicitable, awful puns? you people truly are shit and if there was a just god you'd all wake up paralyzed tomorrow."

44  2018-02-07 by ExterminateWhiteMen


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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/u/ultstar, our resident bot even has an opinion of you

I wouldn't really worry too much, if god really existed we would have already been wiped out long ago.

i want gold too 😔


I do want it!! <3

MMmmmmmm fuck yea ed, tell me you want it

Yes!!! I want it so bad!!

That's a pentagram

Those god damn paganists.

Apparently a person having an existential crisis is handing out gold like candy in r/drama right now.

/u/ultstar uts ok, this is a safe space so feel free to vent your feeling to us. We promise you empathy and kindness.

looking at your post history - you are without a doubt a perpetual virgin.

No u

What's your record for how long you've spent without becoming enraged at stupid inconsequential shit on the internet? Is it longer than a week?

Probably 20 mins if even that

You're blasting bussy left and right, my dude, and I can't help but admire that.

Virgin shaming is bad and we don't allow that kind of talk here

funny how easy it is to trigger all you lil edge kids

What the fuck is an edge kid 😂 Jesus Christ. You're a weird cunt.

you are so triggered it's hilarious. keep replying!

Ah the old switcheroo, as if anyone's going to actually believe you're not the one here who's triggered when you went and made a whole post dedicated to how triggered you are 😂 so adorable. Like seeing a rat scurry around an obstacle course.

4 more replies in 5 mins wow ur a snowflake

Says the snowflake itself 😂 how many genders do you identify with snowflake? Do you shake that Amazon jungle hairy axe wound of yours or have you given up hope altogether of a man ever wanting to go near that? Probably the latter 😂 keep em coming sweetheart this is the most entertainment I've had all week my life is boring as shit.

i'm not even reading your comments just checking to see that you keep replying! so this is what happens when someone becomes so lonely and desperate for human attention huh? u one sad lil virgin

You seem awfully fixated on how much sex everyone is having. Almost like you aren't getting any yourself? Classic snowflake projection ;)

another reply what a surprise. edge kiddies are so sensitive! this is why everyone hates you! cuz the amount of a pussy you are is in proportion to how little you get. cry more!

I get plenty pussy darling don't you worry about me 😊 just focus on how you're gonna end the patriarchy 😂

another reply! u can just say "I'm triggered" and save the time of typing out something new

AnoThEr RePly EdGe Kid OHmY GoD Im wiNning So mUcH

wow are you competing for the most triggered lil edge kid award or something? you don't have to keep replying - you already won!

ERmAgErd I WoN EdGe Kid VirGin TroPhy yaY NoW I GeTS tO haVe sEx

aren't you getting bored of being this triggered? careful snowflake - you'll melt if you stay this heated

Course I will darling

u = triggered feminazi cuck

I really don't understand how you arrived at that conclusion when all you've done is spout feminist snowflake shit all over Reddit 😂 boy you're fucking delusional bahaha

ur such s triggered lil edgy feminazi soy bou

Haha pure delusion. Enjoy your fantasy world retard :)

u r such a soy boi cuck

You've gradually reduced to a pile of shit on the ground that occasionally makes sense 😂 well done darling

u such a cuck even ur mum cheats on u

What the fuck are you actually talking about 😂 you're getting humiliated and LAUGHED AT in front of everyone bere. It must suck to be you ;)

whats it like to know your mom fucks dogs and your a half dog butt baby?

Hahaha so adorable watching your head explode trying to strike a nerve 😂 what a funny little rodent

who taught this butt baby to talk? that's impressive! ur so triggered lil butt baby edge kid. keep replying - i love trolling trolls. your so easy - guess you get that from your mom

Dance for me rodent. Dance 😁 so adorable

u must be a jobless neet to reply so much. no one wants to hire a femnazi cuck like u

Boo ended to early.

I'm hurt. How will I ever recover from this my lord :( keep talking dirty rat

u such a virgin u didnt even see ur moms vagina.

Mm diseased rat feminist tears are so tasty. Any more?

can't wait til trump deports all u soy boy edge cuck kids

Soy boy 😭😂 fucking moron

u r a moron and an emoji boy so easy to trigger you trolls

Ahahhaha okay dirty rat

u so triggered keep replying

Look at your own post history and how much you're replying to everyone. Utter delusion lol

haha u so delusional no wonder ur dad hates u neet bpi

Hey my dad says I'm a pretty neat boy. I take offense to that!

i made 109;kafma in this sub caking u a cuck boi everyone laugh at u and your boy clit

Now I definitely know you're like 14 and probably got kicked out by your parents and get through the days by sucking strangers cocks and offering up your hairy asshole to the dark lord. Be gone demon spawn.

lol ur so delusional this is why god made u a soy boy

Hahahhahaha cringing at your life

lol i cringe at how easy you are to trigger dance cuck boy dance

Stealing my lines now you're sad 😂 cant think of anything original in that rodent brain of yours?

lmao bruh keep stealing my lines your so delusional this is why people say u got a baby dick

Has a man ever touched you before? 😭😂 That's the only reason I can think of that you'd be so toxic and salty. Nobody wants to touch your smelly clitty huh :(

lmao bruh u such a rodent some gay guy gonns put u in a butt

Making no sense whatsoever. Just like your parents when they decided they're gonna raise you instead of dumping you in the nearest sewer

ur parents should have left u in the sewer ur so triggered ur not even making any sense lmao what a rodent

Childish 😁 you've been humiliated so bad

u r such a delusional child lmao everyone is laughing at you as u embarrass urself like a soy boy

Hahaha weird child

mwaaha ur such an odd baby

You're a hairy feminist

your a hairy femnazi

Fucking weirdo

ur s freak

Your a loner

ur a boner



Fucking faggot

u a neet and no one will ever love u

I can smell your disgusting fanny from here 🤢😂

u look like u suck dog dick because u do suck dog dick

Weird weird cunt I hope you die fuck you

u r triggered u r triggered u r triggered

Nah just hope you die hairy cunt ;)

u r triggered haha thanks for the lolz

How about go fuck your dog dirty bitch ;)

Suck your dad's dick you inbred dog

Stop being so impossibly correct about him!

Its like she knows my soul. I am deeply offended :(

Can you stop hurting everybody's feelings? I find your rudeness very triggering. It brings up bad memories of when my friends didn't let me play Scrabble at our sleepover.

Hey, just because he is a virgin doesn't make him wrong!

Actually my penis is permanently glued to the inside of the vagina of the last girl I killed, just so I can prove to strangers over the internet that I'm not a virgin

Big if true

The amount of time you reference kids is making me uneasy. Are you sure your not a male feminist or Minecraft YouTuber.

u suk dog sick huh thats gross no wonder ur mom wishes shed died giving birth

No you have all wrong. My mom sucks dog dick, and I wish I died during delivery.


Lmao no one believes you. Please continue to freak out.

u so triggered keep replying soi boi

You're mentally unstable.

lmao bruh ur insane

Stop replying to your own alts

lmao bruh ur insane

all you

See, this is where we know you're not for real.

A real SJW would have said "y'all".

Nice try though friendo.

funny how easy it is to trigger you feminazi you think your the trolls then you eat all the bait wat a bunch of cuck bois

I mean, I know it's /r/drama and all, but why do you people keep feeding such an obvious troll? It's pretty clear they're only replying anymore because it's getting a rise out of everyone.

funny how easy it is to troll trolls but middle schoolers are both cruel and sensitive so this isnt a surprise. your all a bunch of edgelord cuckw

Can you prove that they're a virgin? If you can I will ban them immediately. Disgusting creatures.

look in a mirror and ban urself

I will become a virgin again on my wedding day, but until then that ship has long sailed.

modding this sub thinking you'll get married. pick one

I'll get married when I'm bored.

Aww the lolcow trying to get banned! Keep posting and fuelling our entertainment

sure thing you femnazi soy boy cant wait to trump deports all u snowflakes

what kinda faggit says lolcow no wonder ur dad raped a dog and here u is

You got so mad he said this double replied to this comment... but we're the triggered ones.

you so mad and yet I'm the one thats triggered lmao bruh ur insane

"No u"

-you probably

no u

/u/ultstar I'm actually with you 100% on this, and I really hope your way of thinking gets more traction. Those other posters don't have a leg to stand on, and I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot, they would be just as offended at the original texter sticking their foot in their mouth, as you were. Stand up tall and straight here, you cut their argument off at the knees and left them limping in shame.

I haven't looked at the post yet, are they missing a foot?

lol u post in r/bigdickproblems pretending not to be a lil sissy soy boi yet you also post in r/the_donald so we already know u got a small dick trying to keep it white so people dont learn white people got the smallest dicks

Lolcow senpai noticed me!

whats a lolcow is that when people at your mom? she is fat so they're in the right. now go give her her diabetes medicine before she dies

Hahahaha youre one hilarious faggot, dude.

You should hang out here with us more.

tfw you scrounge a profile for dick picks and come up empty 😭😭😭

tfw you scrounge a profile for dick picks and come up empty 😭😭😭


This post just screams purple bowlcut hairstyle feminist wearing 80s baggy clothes who keeps a portable pocket sign in her vegan friendly bag in case of a spontaneous protest opportunity.

I have to agree with /u/ultstar. Some jokes are just going to far.

/u/Chexmix17 you should apologize.

/u/ultstar how many legs do you have

Just one, and her name is Eileen.

I heard she has cum on it.

how many chromies do you have? too many or not enough? and how many dog dicks have u sukd?



u a soy boy cuckold trump supporter virgin femanazi



what a snowflake

Alright, yeah

lmao ur so delusional dance for me cuck boy


kek ur so easy to trigger i got u round my finger


You need a lobotomy

u tarded

/u/ultstar what do you call a one-legged bitch? Eileen.

/u/ultstar what do you call a one-legged asian bitch? Irene.

/u/ultstar what do you call a no-legged bitch? It doesn't matter, it's not like she can come over.

bc disabled people don't have a sense of humour