More fun in /r/neoliberal! I made links and stuff, don't overlook this one.

104  2018-02-07 by lmao_how_old_are_you

Full disclosure, I post there from time to time because I am indeed a dirty deep state neoliberal. I find the sub generally alright but aside from the St Bernard baristas that invade from time to time to whine about The Establishment, the most fun is when the user bases decides to go CB2ish. It's not rare enough for me to be proud to post there, but it's not often enough to make it funny, so 🙁🙁🙁🙁.


Pizzashill leaves, once and for all. Of course it was because the weemeeeenz.

Guy gets confrontational when a person buys his daughter a doll.

Dude says maybe you guys haven't actually read the memo.

But is it all about psychology?

Or is it all about society?

This exchange, where everyone kinda agrees with each other, made one brave user so ashamed he committed digital seppuku.

Also, something about religious nuts and war heroes!

Alright, I'm going to yoga, you guys. I take the back row, because you know why.


/u/pizzashill = captain ragequitter

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

/u/CheetoMussolini who bought the doll?

Conservative extended family on the mother's side, same ones who kept pushing religion in her against our wishes as well.

Had you informed them of your gift preference?

Yes. This was the primary reason that I was so angered by it. It was part of a larger pattern of their ignoring her mother and my clearly stated preferences in order to force their social views on our daughter.

It was part of a larger pattern of their ignoring her mother and my clearly stated preferences in order to force their social views on our daughter.

See this actually makes sense.

Maybe state your point less retarded next time.

Imagine the horror of an adult forcing their views on a child. Like some sort of parent.

Hopefully state governments will take over child raising and we can prevent this abuse in the future.

it takes a village

Na, modern indoctrination techniques can do it with just a couple Russian bots

Modern indoctrination techniques can get the job done with a couple Russian bots and some Soros bucks

What are you planning to do when your daughter makes friends with girls who do have barbies and starts wanting to know why her dad is such a miserable fun-hating piece of shit?

Or were you just not planning on letting your daughter have any friends, in your one man social engineering program?

It’s ok.

By the time she’s that old she will be asking more important questions like:

“Who is that man mommy brings home and they spend hours in her bedroom?”

“Why does daddy have /r/cuckold bookmarked?”

“What is a hotwife?”

“Daddy, what’s polyamory and why are you monogamous but mommy isn’t?”

“Mommy, which boyfriend is coming over for dinner tonight and is daddy allowed to eat with us? Or will he be in the corner jerking off again?”

“Can I have a gun?”

You know normal kid questions.

idk fam, i never had action figures growing up and i cant say it had any impact on my ability to make friends with fellow cool masculine boys, we just played tag and shit like normal kids

That's ableist towards slow kids, though.

even most retards can understand how tag works, it's a really simple game

It's a simple game unless you're in a wheelchair.

I have the feeling other people would enjoy pushing things in her against your wishes as well.

Which is exactly why I'm so fucking angry about the issue. I think about what she's inevitably going to have to deal with, and I want to hurt people.

Conservative extended family on the mother's side, same ones who kept pushing religion in her against our wishes as well.

My mother bought my daughter an American Girl doll.

I was pissed too.

Have you seen how expensive the "accessories" are?

Oh for fuck's sake, they're insane. That's one area where I've relented, because it's such a big deal for her. I don't know how the fuck those creeps knew I had a daughter, but I started getting catalogs mailed me me before she was a year old. It was downright creepy. I swear I could just about buy accessories for my daughter herself before I can those darn things.

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 62495

/u/aliceUnknown is our regional expert, care to comment?

Poor people don't appreciate fine toys.

kept pushing religion in her against our wishes as well.

But of course; you don't want their indoctrination to interfere with your own.

The original plan was to let her make her own mind about religion when she was older. She had no idea what my religious beliefs were until she was 8, because I'd made a point of not pushing them on her.

When others refused to grant her the same respect, I had to sit her down and have a conversation with her about why I don't care for organized religion, and why I find it highly improbable that there is a god.

What she's arrived at so far is that she does believe in god, but thinks that it probably isn't an awful lot like most major religions think. She's eleven now.

She's going to be just damn fine.

I never should have had to sit her down and have that conversation, but her conservative extended family wanted to threaten her with hellfire and exclusion.

Oh Jesus it's you pathetic little fuckers again. Go brigade a fucking wall, you frightened ignorant cunts.

Join us. Join us.

No. I'm already too filled with hate as it is. I've got to ration it like a precious resource.

Wouldn’t the opposite course of action be more effective at alleviating that pent up rage though? Plus you can use all the ableist slurs you want here.

No. I'm already too filled with hate as it is.

That's why you need to scream it all over us, like an hot stream of pent up anger.

But this isn't about hate or anger, it's about laughing at people sperging out. Ya know, like people getting mad about a doll.

(I think we might've had a normal interaction on /r/neoliberal, but that spazz is very chuckle worthy, my man)

You should give it a chance, helps you truly go dead inside. Neo liberalism only got me 90% of the way there

Better go to LSC to make metaphorical bullet to the head literal

I was banned long ago for teasing angrydm here

It's a shame you have a child. Isn't it time we stopped school shootings?

You're filled with hate but still need to ration it?

My capacity for generating extra hate is just about maxed out.

Can you say something mean about me please? It's the only way I can get off anymore.

You're a nice fellow who asks nicely.


You fucking tease.

You seem like you have good morals.


All riled up over a simple four word question that you actually answered. A question that was not even malicious in anyway.

I've been brigaded twice by r/drama for having the gall to say gaming is full of sexism. It's fucking pathetic. Of course 70% of them also post in t_d

LOL this sub is all about radical centrism homie. How could you possibly know that 70% of drama posters also post in t_d. You got any proof of that or is that just another wild speculation of yours?

Radical centrism? On the part of a bunch of Donald Trump voters?


Thank god for the block feature...

So are you now saying 70% of the sub voted for Trump? Where are you getting these numbers?

Whats it like to be medically retarded?

Care to do an AMA?

i voted for jill stein tyvm

Block me like your estranged parents daddy 😭😭😭

On the part of a bunch of Donald Trump voters?

The goal of this sub is to genocide the mayos and spread bussy love. How the hell did you get daddies voter from this?

lmao most people here hate Trump as a president, but love his retardation. Why on earth would you think we support him? Because we laugh at people who scream into the sky to #resist him?

Wait I thought we were centrist.

Who in this motherfucker is a T_D poster? Aside from pizza.

u/feebo for sure but i think he might be dead.

*/u/feeepo and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s benned from t_d

I think the mods of this sub banned him, but I'm probably wrong.

u/ComedicSans unban pls

there are a bunch who endlessly post SJW stuff because that will obvious convert tards like /u/pizzashill to become bootlickers for rich old white dudes cos the weemeens were too mean to them.

Seriously /u/pizzashill this your most retarded spergout.

Well done

at one point half of the submissions were from some TD serious posters when it happens again im going to ping you and act really full of myself and jerk myself off about my superior internet detective skills.

At one point, this sub was just /r/SRSSucks but you dont see me bragging about it. Newbies get OUT.

When did I post in the Donald?

/u/gadolboobies /u/chicup /u/Ivankatrumpismywaifu /u/eva_Unit_hung

There’s a whole bunch of garden variety regards that do as well. I think they can’t quite get there without the help of a bigly circle jerk.

only 3 pings per comment, famalam

Only three names at a time. Neck yourself.

I wasn’t trying to ping them fammo just answering your pearl clutching question

But then how will they sperg out about how they’re just ironic shitposters?

Dont worry i got this

No I was a mod not a poster

Who in this motherfucker is a T_D poster?

Is it tho

I was a T_D mod not a poster. Get it right

What'd you get kicked out for?

I didn't, I don't have time to mod a community that size so I resigned. The mod team is incredibly active and I just wasn't able to keep up

Give us dirt on the other mods tho

LOL, uh no. I don't leak. Never ever. Even if I was a mod of a cesspool like /r/politics or /r/drama that's not my style, I don't leak

WTF I thought you were cool

Why the hell would you think tbat

Just wait a few more years and your prostate will do that for you, old man

I will unironically send you up to 10 bussy pics for ONE useful bit of dirt on a t_d mod.

I could make you leak 😝😝💦💦💦💦💦

They all love America and support Dr. President Donald J Trump.

YUGE if true


oh noooooo

I mean it's legitimate :/

Honorary degrees are just a cheap fundraising tool fam

It wasn't fair to the others to pick up my slack.

What did you mean by this? Does being a less active mod unfairly deprive other mods of something? Are you getting paid for it? o_O

Have you ever worked in a team before? If one team member doesn't do their share, then the other team members have to pick up the slack. I'm sure when you enter 7th grade, you'll have a unit where you have to work with other people

... and if that team member leaves entirely then that helps the other team members how? It only makes sense if the person who doesn't do their share nevertheless consumes some limited resource which prevents the team from getting extra people.

They will recruit a new mod to replace me

And if you didn't leave they couldn't recruit anyone else because there's not enough paid vacancies or because the custom of your exalted order allows at most 30 Knights or something?

I think it's less of an honorable limit, than t_d mods having the organizational skills of a fish. Too many people would be a barrier.

I assume there is a limit to the number of mods

Check out /r/science.

Being fucking retarded probably.

About what?


Im actually a mod there. This is my drama alt.

We will accept leaks as a form of proof.

Of course 70% of them also post in t_d

Altho I no longer have the data (As it was over 100 GB) the last time I srcaped T_D and the other Trumptard subs very few people there posted outside of T_D, conspiracy or the defaults.

Also (again the last time I checked) T_D only has something like 25,000 active users and r/drama has 49,069 subs. For 70% of us to post in T_D will cause a notable increase in it's number of users

As someone who's on the same team, why did you post multiple times when you gave an answer that actually explained the situation and gave context to your post? You really shouldn't have sperged.

And the daddy defence force on this sub only consists of like 4 morons.

Damn you seem pretty angry. Did that guy buy your kid a doll or something?

It’s just a doll. Get the sand out of your vagina.

You do realize we aren't brigading, we're just summoning

Well you need more candles and pentagrams FFS. It's like you guys have never performed a ritual before.

It worked without them tho

⬇️🍆💦😋 SUCK IT DOWN 😋💦🍆⬇️

Show us on your daughter where the doll touched you.

Do you realize how bigoted you are for raising your daughter under the transphobic assumption that gender is a social construct?


Wow, just wow. Now is not the time for your bigoted "jokes", now is the time for your transphobic ass to listen and learn. Here in the 21st century, us non-bigots understand that there are female brains and male brains. female brains cause people to want to play with dolls. The overwhelming odds are that your daughter has a female brain. Your transphobic ideology is depriving her.

This but Bernankically

Wow attack helicopter pasta? Very transphobic of you

How does it feel to be so woke you get pissed at people for giving your daughter a toy that can be enjoyed by both genders?

How does it feel to not give a damn about society pushing harmful gender roles on your children?

Those assholes would only ever get her gender specific toys, primarily ones that emphasized a woman's role as a homemaker or mother. They'd been specifically asked to please get create toys such as Legos, erector sets, Lincoln Logs, painting kits, etc. etc.

Barbie is actually far superior to a lot of other gender role specific toys, but in this case, it had come from people who had been repeatedly asked to get her gender neutral, creative toys instead.

Pathetic little fuckers

-/u/CheetoMussolini, 2018

/u/CheetoMussolini show us on the doll where the bad man touched you.


Sorry, I just felt like triggering you by saying "peoplekind" instead of mankind because my neoliberal god, Trudeau, told me to.

I'm confused as to why you think this would "trigger me."

I'm glad you've finally decided to MAGA, friend. Someone get this man a coat!

Uh, I don't support Donald Trump and never will because Donald Trump represents the same cognitive problems found in SJWs.

I said I understand the motivation for supporting his incoherent bullshit, not that I support him.

So.. the only conclusion is that you are going to vote for... a third party?

/u/pizzashill are you honestly letting idiots on reddit dissuade you from voting for policies and politicians that you support? Just to make them mad? Or will you change your mind if they apologize to you?

Or is this just dumb, even by "lol I just said it on internet" standards?

Let's put it this way, if those same people support the same policies I do, and they've revealed themselves to be crazy, I think it's time to reconsider my views on what qualifies "evidence-based policy."

This wasn't a decision made based on a single Reddit argument. It's a decision made in light of growing evidence tumblr SJWs aren't simply isolated to the progressive left, but have great influence in every faction of the democratic party. I, in no way, can ever support people that subscribe to the SJW worldview because the SJW worldview is incoherent and absurd. It is not a worldview based on any type of reason or evidence, it is based on emotion.

I reject Trump, conservatism, and Trumpism for the same exact reasons. To remain logically consistent, I'd have to also reject the left. I can't reject one side of the spectrum for faulty thinking, and then embrace the other side that is guilty of the same exact faulty thinking.

I don't want anyone to apologize to me. I'm not mad at anyone there, they're people that disagree with me and that's perfectly acceptable. I didn't decide to stop voting democrats because some neoliberals on reddit were mean to me.

It's what they represent. If they exist here, they exist out there.

You're an alright guy, pizzashill.

Become a proud member of the pizzashill Defense Squad with me.

Let's not go that far

That's all very fair, but keep in mind that nonvoters are retarded trash whose political beliefs are completely irrelevant, and our third party candidates are literally Russian traitors. In 2020, you have the choice between Trump and whoever the Democrats drudge up, assuming Daddy doesn't cancel the elections.

Everyone is a retard or Russian or both unless they agree with me.

You're absolutely right that the parties have become more extreme. I'm on my phone so I'm not gonna link it, but look up Andrew Sullivan's latest New Yorker article.

But instead of working to prevent that, you're just going to...retreat from the political process?

But instead of working to prevent that, you're just going to...retreat from the political process?

He's always been a bitch like this

I've tried to tell him to get involved locally if he really cares, and even given him reading suggestions on pertinent "problems" within the dem party but he always acts holier than thou and he eventually blocked me. He's just some dumb kid from a farm.

People like Pizzashill don't really care. They just want to complain about all the work everyone else is doing and that some people on Twitter are nuts.

Some people


So you are going to reject social safety nets because some basket-weaving major told you women can't be sexist?

Neither the right or the left are monolithic. I can't believe I'm having to explain this to you.

this but unironically

Lil boy growing up. Let me guess: you just turned 25?

Hey, at least we still love you here.

We may think you're wrong (read: retarded) from time to time, but we will never turn around and desert you.

There are no centrists left man. r/neoliberal kills all its right leaning members. Keep in mind something like 75% of millenials believe socialism is better than capitalism. The neolibs in that sub are as 'centrist' as you're going to get in the coming years.

what the fuck is a central view anyway? i know you guys are just jacking each other off but im kind of lost on the concept - everyone constantly says theyre a centrist and that anyone who disagrees is a communist or a fascist but i have no idea what kind of views the so called center holds. do you just think the status quo is perfect? is hillary clinton your waifu because shes just more of the obama administration?

if the party that would rather support a humiliatingly bad hillary clinton campaign than move a bit to the left is too leftist for you, what could possibly be the center?

i genuinely believe that you just label whatever your actual views are as "the center" because it makes you sound like some kind of enlightenment ideal rational thinker when in reality youre just a smug tool


Less restriction on immigration, expansion of EITC, LVT, zoning reform, free trade in most situations, universal healthcare (Singaporean or German), 0% corporate tax, less taxes in general. Personally I like paternal libertarian solutions to imperfect outcomes.

This but unironically

In one more election cycle you'll join the apolitical enlightened amd go on to be financially successful enough to have a hand in the true plutocracy like the rest of us.

Democracy is the opiate of the masses.

Sincerely, good for you. Most people will mentally block out inconsistencies so they don't have to do the hard work of revaluating their positions.

You know what might be fun for you? Take I step back from partisan politics and read up on some base level political philosophy. I think a guy like you who wants logical consistency would take to Aristotle like a fish to water, and once you have a framework you can move forward into modern poli sci.

I vote against anyone supporting "sjw" ideas. This sounds like a bad reason but to me the social justice in this country is a cultural rot that becomes increasingly mainstream.

I mean, I also think they're retarded, but I can still bully them irl so I care more about, ya know, real policies.

I also agree with republicans on most issues so there's little issue. I was just explaining how I figured one could vote republican purely for culture. While that isn't me it certainly solidifies my vote.

Gary Johnson's light grows brighter by one more road ruiner.


Pls, believe us. This is not ironic. We are happy you joined the right tean. Please join the celebration and shitpost for once. Drink a pitcher.

of liquid tide pods

As top mod of /r/Drama, I have your back.

Thank you for accidently helping me find /r/dirtbagcenter

Please don’t refer to Trudeau as a god. That’s sexist. Use the correct title: Chairperson.

Thank you.

/u/Zhairen [-4]Neoliberal Dream for Subreddit Rejuvenation[M] 9 points 3 hours ago

Please refrain from using ableist slurs.

Please refrain from treating your little histrionic retards as if they need to be protected like preschoolers from big bad words. When people make fun of the generation of little hypersensitive pussies, this is precisely what they're referring to, and it's e-fags like you are enabling it.

Fucking stop

Big if true

generation of little hypersensitive pussies
Complains about it in a r/drama thread

no u

Not complaining, I have to laugh at the little pussies that equate words to actual violence and even more at those that feel it's their job to shelter others from it.

idk sounds a lot like bitching to me homie

Bitching out maybe, but I actually encourage these people becoming so sheltered that words can actually hurt them.

Why do you hate the global poor

The global poor don't care about calling retards retards.

Really you could argue there's a little retard in all of us.

u want another one?


I must have missed the part where I said I hate the poor.

>Not hating the poors


Poor people deserved to be hated, after all, THEY chose to play life on hard mode and complain about it.

Have you smelled them.

they smell

Grow up and stop being offensive for the sake of being offensive. You can have a discussion without calling other people retards. If you can't, then I feel sorry for you.

Or you could quit sheltering supposed "adults" from the real world.

The sub is about memes and economic/political discussion, not hurting people. Also, not all people on r/neoliberal are adults. Anyway, those are the rules of the sub, if you don't like it, then go to somewhere more to your liking, like the_donald. I'm sure they will love you there.

You have posted to politics, the_donald, latestagecapitalism, and neoliberal.

You are not an adult, you’re a retard.

You have posted to politics, the_donald, latestagecapitalism, and neoliberal.

You are not an adult, you’re a retard.

I posted on lsc to shill the malaria charity drive and on the_donald to shill about macron. I don't remember why I posted on /r/politics, although it was probably a bad idea.

I don't know how any of these things make me a retard. Feel free to explain it to me.

not all people on r/neoliberal are adults

the problem is that some of you are

not hurting people.

Except for the millions of Americans you want to impoverish so you can enrich the wealthy even more

Hahaha yes way to completely own the libs 😤😤👌👌

If I wanted to own them, I'd join them, then they would just blindly parrot anything I said.

Absolutely owned haha yes.

Absolutely delusional yes.

Protip: adults don't go around calling people retards and pussies. Your infantile behavior isn't going to be tolerated in the real world, snowflake

posts to /r/neoliberalgaming & /r/neoliberalfood

lol retard

Your infantile behavior isn't going to be tolerated in the real world, snowflake

Did a child write this?


Big talk from someone who cries when people use common words


You're a jackass

Lmao how is /r/neoliberalgaming a thing?

Lol, I love the people that need 87 flavors of gender to feel unique calling others snowflake.

Protip: learn to take mean words better than a 5yo and no one will be insulting you. Talking about infantile behavior when your entire party has been pitching a temper tantrum for over a year is beyond hypocritical.

It's weird how none of the words you wrote have anything whatsoever to do with any part of reality.

I guess that's what happens when you hide in your little online safe space. Stay safe, snowflake, I'm sorry the mean old libruls aren't politically correct enough for you.

safe space

Implying you know what that phrase means...

This may be the most delusional boomerang projection I've read all day. Don't let the evil Nazis put you on a train... your soft hands will never make it through the workday.

It's weird how none of the words you wrote have anything whatsoever to do with any part of reality.

I guess that's what happens when you hide in your little online safe space. Stay safe, snowflake, I'm sorry the mean old libruls aren't politically correct enough for you.

How original!! Don't mutilate your genitals all in one place, "snowflake".

It's weird how none of the words you wrote have anything whatsoever to do with any part of reality.

I guess that's what happens when you hide in your little online safe space. Stay safe, snowflake, I'm sorry the mean old libruls aren't politically correct enough for you.

Oh, I get it, you're actually retarded.

I think you tried to use this line on me like 30 minutes ago. You got a hard on I imagine but were not able to tell me what country you are from.


Born and raised in the USA, not that it matters to you. I would have more value to liberals as an Illegal.

Are you going to say anything of substance or are you just going to keep projecting your desperate male fantasies on me until I get bored and go to bed?. Go visit if that's what you're needing. I'm not your faggot, guy.

Are you going to say anything of substance or are you just going to keep projecting your desperate male fantasies on me until I get bored and go to bed?.

Oh no, I havent been making you bored by saying how you like to rub boners with neo-nazis have i?

That's been an online prank so long, I believe reddit blacklisted direct links to it years ago, I figured you were already a member. Anyways, I've heard enough of your faggot fantasy projections for one night. You'll find Mr right someday if you keep your head up quit coming off like a desperate prisoner that just got released.

Anyways, I've heard enough of your faggot fantasy projections for one night

Right... like the websites I sent you?

Wow... lol... you don't look gay at ALL right now. /s

Anyways, I've heard enough of your faggot fantasy projections for one night

I still laugh, when I think of the quality website you sent.

You'll find Mr right someday if you keep your head up and quit coming off like a desperate prisoner that just got released.

Oh god no, I hate to turn you down, but your website doesn't turn me on.

It's ok buddy, stuff your mouth with a big mac while giving me the finger with the other hand.

Lol, and you can play with your batwoman buttplug collection while your mom prepares your HRT drugs.

I think you mean your mom and your buttplug collection.... I only gave her anal like twice - can't believe you told reddit about that.

Lol, that's the closest thing to an original middle-school insult you've come up with today!! Well you actually just added "yo momma"+ anal to what I already said, but you're getting somewhere. At least you're getting your inner faggot back in the closet.

Are you my inner faggot? Because I am not letting you back in the closet... just read some of the sausage loving things you wrote to me.

Yeah, your desperation isn't even cute anymore. Just go fuck yourself like you usually would, I'm not interested.

I see, so I'm not desperate enough to fuck you.... but you attend alt-right rallies?

I don't attend any rallies. I don't need a support group to do my thinking for me. Just fuck off already, you desperate little faggot.

Is calling me a faggot wishful thinking on your part?

Oh major... can I mutilate yours? I can't imagine doing it in two places, they are so fucking small.

Aww, it's dick shaming now, that's adorable!!!

What dick? I was talking about balls... two places and whatnot... do you actually confuse your dick for your balls?

Well, I'm not one to focus on other men's genitals, I'll leave that to you pros.

You sent me a pretty gay website, what were you hoping would happen? I am not joining your sausage-party. why would you think asking to suck my anything was cool?

Ok faggot, goodnight..

One quick question, which of the lemon party guys is you?

Whichever one your delusional faggot ass wants it to be. My real name is Jason so you have a name to go with your pathetic fantasy. Now fuck off.

So is that Jason the giver or Jason the receiver?

I didn't send you the link... interesting way to prove how not gay you are though... not that I care - I mean I figured you were flaming when we first spoke.... but ok... whatever...

Thanks for showing the world your kinks, I guess.

Ok you little bitch, message me one more fucking time with your petulant faggot projections and I'll have us both banned by morning.

Wow, you're straight up delusional aren't you

implying calling Trump “Diaper Donny Orange Cheeto drumpfy wumpfy” isn’t infantile

Life must be difficult when you're illiterate.

That's ableist

I couldn't read this and I can still tell you're a retard

Protip: adults don’t go around sperging out about being called a retard, only reeetards sperg out about being called retards.

A lot of users on this subreddit are illiterate, huh?

We got you to sink down to our level. We win.


So... yes? It's weird typing comments knowing no one is actually capable of reading them. Since the reply will have absolutely nothing to do with my message:

Pellentesque interdum dapibus pellentesque. Duis sit amet ultrices massa. Donec convallis pellentesque erat hendrerit posuere. Aliquam non nulla placerat, dapibus ex nec, accumsan nulla. Mauris ut odio suscipit, auctor neque vitae, dictum dolor. Mauris at velit pretium, iaculis elit eget, fermentum purus. Maecenas lobortis urna in nibh facilisis suscipit. Nam sagittis vel sem volutpat fermentum. Integer sagittis nec tortor eu malesuada. Sed eu tortor ultrices, luctus lectus ac, convallis nibh. Donec quis lacinia dui.

Latine tibi malum

Hocus pocus, penis, penis fallis off-is right-is now-is. Alakazaam bing badda boom. You're now a girl. That'll be $50.


So... yes? It's weird typing comments knowing no one is actually capable of reading them. Since the reply will have absolutely nothing to do with my message:

Aliquam ut risus et ante molestie interdum eget sit amet ex. Cras non dictum lectus. Cras quis elit vestibulum dui interdum ullamcorper. Integer et venenatis ligula, ut feugiat risus. Fusce id iaculis felis. Nullam sed molestie ligula. Phasellus lacinia ullamcorper pretium. Aenean at justo quis turpis condimentum dapibus in id augue. Curabitur cursus massa placerat egestas porttitor. Maecenas pharetra in dui eget aliquam. Cras nec cursus libero. Mauris porttitor felis magna, a lobortis nibh vehicula ut. Quisque sit amet aliquet urna, a finibus eros. Aliquam et pharetra mauris. Nam sit amet sollicitudin turpis.


adults don't go around calling people retards and pussies.

If you don't think adults use Naughty Language you are legitimately a child

Your infantile behavior isn't going to be tolerated in the real world, snowflake

What "infantile" behavior would that be, exactly?

No idea, but posting the same thing over and over again is about as infantile as one can get

Probably all the pathetic cringey shit you post besides people's usernames on a subreddit dedicated to shitting on people caring about things

Protip: adults don't go around calling people retards and pussies.

Yeaaaaaa buuut... they do?

I think you've spent a little too much time sheltered from the real world in your online safe space. You're in for a rude awakening once you have to actually interact with people, snowflake.

Have you met people? Just a bunch of bastards.

I think this illustrates a big problem with America. It's so damn big that people think their daily life is the norm. That's how you get people who think no one in real life calls other humans retards or pussies.

Exactly what a retard would say. Thanks for ruining /r/neoliberal

Antisemitism is already banned, so it was ruined for you anyway.

Calling a Jew antisemitic? Exactly what a retard would say.

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I retard would ask for a hug or maybe moan incoherently.

or maybe moan incoherently.

How would you type that out?



Well, you see, each mentally challenged person's call is unique, it's like asking "how would you type out what a bird sounds like?" I feel like any answer I give would be misleading.

Sorry, let me rephrase

How would exactly would you type that out?

...Fine, you win. Yes, typing out what a moaning retard sounds like would make me feel like a complete piece of shit, so I'm not going to do it.

Really? Mine would sound like MUAHUHhGgggNnnnnartvh!

Yeah, it's weird. Maybe its because I personalized it. Like I was in the library the other day and there was challenged young fellow sitting at one of the computers they have playing a game. At what I can only assume was some particular moment of excitement, he would do this thing that was like a mix of a howl and a gurgle that would boom around the entire building. So I was gonna type that out but I felt bad.



No, if I yield to peer pressure now, I'll spend the rest of my life typing out retard noises.

Your withholding is emotional abusive tbqh

that's really all we do here anyway, though

he's implying you're a self-hating jew. sounds like an antisemitic stereotype

Good point! I should report /u/blogit_

Dude he’s Jewish lol

You can have a discussion without calling other people retards.

Do not assume what I can or cannot do. That's an -ist of some kind.

Shut the fuck up retard

I could, but you faggots get so butt hurt and reddit doesn’t play any role in actual discussions that matter so why be serious.

But banning ablest slurs is pretty retarded though.

lol u mad

Lol. The fact I've been laughing at the endless replies for an hour would say otherwise, but whatever you gotta tell yourself, cupcake.

"im not owned! im not owned!"

What the fuck are you on about?

Why do you worship Hillary Clinton?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about Hillary, you little redneck? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in liberal arts school, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the hacker 4chan, and I have over 300 confirmed privileges checked.

I am trained in Wymens Studies and I’m the top SocJus in the entire DNC staff. You are nothing to me but just another trigger. I will privilege-check you the fuck out with deplatforming the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with enforcing the patriarchy over the Internet? Think again, Trumpsters. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Nasty Wymen across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the blizzard, broflake. The blizzard that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your conservative agenda. You’re fucking dead, Hitler. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can get you fired in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my verified Twitter account.

Not only am I extensively trained in Social Marxist Class Warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Antifa Warriors and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your oppressive ass off the face of the continent, you Conservative Biggot. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “moderate” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have checked your fucking privilege.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn rascist. I will menstruate fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I will menstruate fury all over you

This. Lmao



You're misinformed. There is no God but the Almighty but the saints help pass the message along.

Why not

Why not

Post of the thread:

I almost typed "fair enough", but come on: to go back to the sexuality thing, does anyone here actually think it's nurture now? Why is something as huge as human sexuality accepted as being at least somewhat (but probably mostly, right?) dictated by "nature" but literally the activities you enjoy doing can't be strongly influenced by it?

It's like this sub is just like "Well, conservatives and especially alt righters say it's biology, and they give no credence to the problems that women might face in society, so in turn we need to do a complete 180 and and say it's society and give no credence to biology, lest someone calls us a conservative". The last bit, thankfully, I've only seen once in this thread, but of course this sub is a lot better than most when it comes to mindlessness tribalism.

Anyway, I liked this post from /u/qiv. We don't need to fight gallantly against the notion that biology plays some role in the activities that people like. That just makes us look dumb, frankly.

Well done, /u/g-g-g-g_unit.


LOL the name of that sub is wrong. There is nothing Liberal in there at all. I'm only seeing Anti liberal and globalist cringe piled sky high.

The name of the sub isn't wrong. It's not liberal in the modern sense nor is it libertarian. It is based on global economic policy with a dash of US/UK left-leaning conservatism and right-leaning liberalism.

I think by "right leaning" you must mean "not quite sure about setting up gulags".

Gulags are bad for the economy therefore /r/neoliberal would be against it.

That sub is low enegry. I'm guessing it's only posted on from brigades.

It's actually r/anti-sandersdemocrats thankyou

Oh look someone who doesn't know the meaning of liberalism

TIL liberalism = GDP > Everything and eating out Soros bussy.


listen here you mother respecting individual.

I know exactly why you dislike barbies. Very harmful to our girls. Here are some of the harmful stereotypes these mysogynists promote. The idea that women are able to run for president

Be doctors?

Be beautiful POC astronauts?

I don't want my child, let alone ANY child to be exposed to these harmful stereotypes. SMDH.

That's a fair point. They do try to be more these days.

So I'm kind of just apolitical now.

South Park Neutrality? ONE OF US ONE OF US

