
120  2018-02-09 by Ed_ButteredToast




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Not even snappy dare insult God Emperor Trump!

Yup see comrade, when shitpost as butter toast Snappy no make fun for fear of being infected with cancer


Donald 💵💵💵💵💰📢📢J Trump✊🔨the only 👨man who💡💡🔔 knows how📞☎📠to stop⛔📳📳the Chinese 🈵🚻🎏🈚🈯🍜🍜🍜from ✂✂📖💣🔎ripping 〽💲💲💲🏧❗off 🗽🗽🗽🚀🇺🇸 America


You just got🖐🏿grabbed🤜🏼 by the P😽SSY by 👨‍💼DADDY TRUMP👨‍💼welcoming our SLUTTIEST👅💦 PRESIDENT 💥are u READY🤝👍🏼 for TRUMP👨‍💼 TO BECOME AMERICAS DADDY💦😛👅 get ready to be GRABBED by the P😽SSY EVERYDAY FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS👅😩💯 TRUMP👨‍💼 is going to rule your COUNTRY🇺🇸🇺🇸 AND your P😽SSY😂😂😍😋🤗 send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ LOVERS😍 OF TRUMP OR NEVER GET YOUR P😽SSY GRABBED🤜BY DADDY TRUMP👨‍💼 AGAIN

I missed you, you bitch.

Me too bitch!! 😍💞👌

Ahhh biiiitcch. No homo love-yo-toasty-ass

Yes /u/Edward_MargerineBread this is a good meme although I do question it's relevance

Excuse me! I like to referred to as, The Wonder Bread!!

It looks like trump lost some weight 😂😂😂

me on the left

/u/ima-kitty and /u/aliceunknown would like to have a word with you

Everyone knows u/aliceunkown has the least appealing chest in the sub

You don't know anything boi!

I'll have you know that while you were still stupidly giggling to yourself while shitposting dead memes from the election I was furiously masturbating to hurt feefees in the finest of r/drama traditions. You know nothing butter toast man!


Now gimme your bussy!

i've done nothing wrong

naw /u/Ed_ButteredToast just sayin he seen our tits

You thought I was a she? It's nice to see opinions flipping lol

I use both he and she for you. First I thought u were a guy, then a girl, then a guy but idk



That's how Chinese tits look like!

😒😢They are too small😢😒

Show me yours, you slut!

I am still waiting for the implants operation.

u/Notchx time to make a dream come true

Eww... femoids.

Lol, when twitch fail we still have ED to provide us with nudes.


Hello fellow young non-alt of Ed_ButteredBread. I too would like to say Ed is my favorite user, and would make a wonderful mod just like MasterLawlz.

Lol, do you really think that I'm Ed?

Fam, I'm to lazy to post emojipastas.

😱 I would never accuse you of using alts!

How could you even think that?! 😭

That’s exactly what an Ed alt would say!


Meme arrows aren't cool anymore grandpa!! 😒

I don't care


This post hasn’t been accompanied by the appropriate T_D pasta, I am saddened by these events.


Bro those girls way bro I couldn't fall to this not when I have to make eye contact with them looking like The Oatmeal comics woof

i feel like this is missing some context

I am unironically hard now

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Trying to out retard /u/masterlawlz I see

That’s impossible though

You're gonna have to up your tard game familam

Ping acknowledged.

bu.... but...

I didn't even mention you!

I have the very definition of a "confused boner" right now.


Your laugh is all I wanted to hear, Senpai. (●´ω`●)

If we started perma banning anyone who makes a post like this would anyone be upset?


If you remove autists like /u/Ed_ButteredToast or /u/masterlawlz you'll create a power vacuum that will attract even bigger idiots to the sub, like myself.

I can't do both their jobs. I only have so many alts.

rude af!!

I'll gild you if you ban Ed.

rude af

Literally never

It would be very painful

Don't say that and don't actually do it.