98  2018-02-09 by Starship_Litterbox_B


I thought it was the siren call of bussy tbh

The eternal battle between the influence of pussy and time.

Time wins all battles.

Okay, but "pussy wins all battles" would make a better movie.

Women want an equal partner, but there are increasingly fewer candidates to choose from. The census reports that “the average adult woman in the US is more likely to be a college graduate than the average adult man.” Moreover, today’s young, childless female city-dwellers with college degrees are out-earning their male counterparts by 8 cents on the dollar. Their higher incomes may be why they are less likely (29 percent) to be living with their parents than single men (35 percent).

But muh wage gap!

I literally own, like, three black dresses just to manage all the funerals these MEN make me go to.

Only three? If the patriarchy catches you wearing a dress more than once, they might arrest you.

arrest you

After a thorough raping.

Sloppy rapists keep walking.

Millenia of patriarchy allowed rapists to improve their techniques. To the point where they eveolve to pretend to be "male feminists" and catch their victims with their pants down (figuratively, and literaly).

Redundant, jails are rape factory

I mean more so than walking the streets and everyday life. With added bonus of kidnapping

the fucking compression of this image jesus

I love that part of the article

men less likely to graduate college men make 92 cents for every dollar women make

"oh no, poor women"

women less likely to graduate college with stem degree gender wage gap

"oh no, poor women"

You literally can't fucking win. Everything is about women, everything favors women.

This is a realization I came to a while back when I pointed out the sentencing gap to a feminist and she unironically tried to claim women were the real victims of that because "benevolent sexism."

I saw an article today that was discussing why white women voted for Trump. The conclusion was they were afraid of their husbands or some stupid shit and that's why, not that they were horrible people, their husbands made them do it.

And anyone that dares speak out against this type of bullshit is smeared. Jordan Peterson is a great example. I don't really agree with everything he says, but the accusations they started throwing at him, the strawman arguments, the blatant fucking smear attempts were absurd.

but the accusations they started throwing at him, the strawman arguments, the blatant fucking smear attempts were absurd.

Yeah, this just blows my mind. I mean, he's no Richard Spencer lol

That is literally the first time I've heard or read anything by that guy, not really what i was expecting.

he's got an interesting perspective on a lot of shit, just avoid his religious stuff

You can win you know. Just become an anime character in real life and have sex with guys, like (this person)[]

Classic pizzashill

It's about damn time we go our own way (with other men of course).

"Women are wonderful" effect

The women-are-wonderful effect is the phenomenon found in psychological and sociological research which suggests that people associate more positive attributes with women compared to men. This bias reflects an emotional bias toward women as a general case. The phrase was coined by Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in 1994 after finding that both male and female participants tend to assign positive traits to women, with woman participants showing a far more pronounced bias. Positive traits were assigned to men by participants of both genders, but to a lesser degree.

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Proving that white women have always been a mistake

I'm sure these women are getting plenty of cake

Raw dawg some randos ya dumb cunts

Pro-tip: Befriend a shady urologist. They'll be happy to falsify some vasectomy paperwork for a small fee.

this guy gets it

the big question is what can't they blame men on

Others dub this cohort “career women” as if we made a choice between having a family and a career. (There are no “career men,” mind you.)

There are only "career men", because they do not have the opportunity to choose between family and career.

There is totally such a thing as a family man

They're called homosexuals

Don't forget to subscribe to /r/familyman!

I didn't forget, believe me

My man!

My """"man!""""

There are only "career men", because they do not have the opportunity to choose between family and career.

Not quite true, literally the second paragraph on the same article

There’s 34-year-old Kate, who works in finance downtown. “She’s beautiful, smart, talented . . . everything going for her,” her colleague tells me. “But her boyfriend doesn’t feel settled in his career, so she spent thousands of dollars to freeze her eggs as she waits for him to be ready.”

What xir means is that, for the average man, not having a career usually means you are completely disregarded by womyn. You have to be a "career man" if you want to become a "family man". As succinctly pointed out in this article, womyn regard men without a career as childish trash when it comes to dating.

To expand on /u/getdestroyedcunt's tactfully put point, if 34-year-old Kate's boyfriend thought he had a choice (and wanted to choose it), he wouldn't be worried about his career and could devote himself to being a stay-at-home-parent and have Kate's hot dinner and cold martini ready and waiting when she got home from the office.

You can imagine how Kate would react to this.

You can imagine how beautiful smart talented Kate would react to this.

Every chad in a 20 mile radius just felt some easy gash become available.

This is a very sexist thing you just said and you should apologize for it.

Can't blame those dudes. Not impregnating white women is a completely rational and solid choice.

Too old for you?

By the time they enter college? Obviously

It's more of a bodytype than an age thing. It's correlated with age and ethnicity but still.

but if you impregnate them, you can then fuck their daughters in 5 years. play the long game, what kind of half assed pedo are you?

I hear the same story, told in different ways, all over New York City.

New York City is like the gender-swapped version of Man Jose, you actually have to be a totally not horrible woman to struggle in dating there.

So only horrible women find dating success in NYC?

we could solve the incel problem by just moving them all to NYC and finding them some career woman mommy gfs

Better learn how to date down, roasties; I'm sure there's some studly plumbers and garbage men out there. This is only a "problem" because they're all fighting for the top 20%.

Also OP, why did you make a big show of deleting your previous account only to turn around and create this one? Did you miss us that much?

This is only a "problem" because they're all fighting over the top 20%.

And doing so against attractive women in their 20's who are not bitter I might add.

Lmao you think plumbers are dating down. Plumbers get paid really well because nobody wants to deal with shit

Point taken, but pretty sure your average "senior marketing executive from the Upper East Side" would consider it dating down.

but they wouldn't mind a quick fling with the BPC

AHahahhah oh my fucking god this shit is so funny

You get all uppity and fucking annoying for the past decade about socjus bullshit and now you're sad that everyone thinks you're an unromantic undateable retard. Bravo women lmfao

It's true that childish men are unromantic undateable retards, I am glad you agree.

We should take /r/incels and push it into /r/trollxchromosomes!

That'd deliver so much content I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Oh come on twinks are some nice bussy

I agree


"All men are pigs REEEEEEEE"

" Why can't I find a date? REEEEEEE"

"How 'bout dating a man with slightly lesser income?"

"No U."

" But you just said that gender stereotypes are bad?"




I was on the fence about Busy, but this

women where a mistake

AI waifus when?

If they want a family, single women have to come up with a Plan B, where a young man with the same socioeconomic status isn’t necessarily part of the picture.

I was expecting this to lead to an endorsement of polygamy. Imagine being so woke that you admit that PUAs were right all along. Not quite there yet though.

Imagine making that statement and then complaining men are getting with women younger than them.

It's like prostitution. When young women pursue old men, then they're being empowered. When old men pursue young women though, that's somewhere between "ugh gross creepy" and rape.

It's kinda interesting how much this reminds me of the "lost generation" that happened in Japan - and the parallels are fairly obvious. Young men, with little career prospects or future, don't go down the path of their fathers and instead become, well, nerds.

And the women scoff at the nerds, obviously, and no one makes babies.

Also, in regards to New York, specifically, it's akin to Hong Kong. A large group of women there will never find a partner, despite the fact that the country has a significant shortage of women.

I mean if you get to choose between a modern white woman and a 2D anime girl the decision seems to be fairly obvious.

Also I should move to Hong Kong.

2D is definitely better than 3D, but only because 3D needs to step up their game

Yeah Hong Kong women are desperate for autistic weebs I hear, not enough of them in Asia see

There is a strong correlation between ramen noodle restaurants per capita and sexless singles.

2d women are superior

Women are officially worthless

If only those fucking men would get their acts together and stop playing video games. Don't they know their role in life is to produce babies for high-powered feminist career wimmins.

And also work full time, so that, when the inevitable divorce comes, the woman can still sue for (and receive) alimony and child support!

I love this version of paranoid

The cognitive dissonance on this article is actually incredible. This article manages to somehow undercut several of the most common "empowered feminist" talking points, and yet finds all the fault is with men. It's impressive that some feminist wrote this and just thought everything sounded perfectly ok. You really have to be deep down the rabbit hole of "everything is men's fault" to spend hours writing this shit and just completely fail to see how stupid it is.

I particularly loved the unintentional undercutting of the wage gap. That actually made my dick hard.

The most glaring thing is that they don't realize that this is feminism working as intended. These women should be happy about their situation because, for them, feminism has succeeded.

If the goal of feminism is that women make as much or more then men, it is literally impossible for these career women to maintain the preference for men that earn as much or more. This preference is the flip side of the male/provider female/homemaker social norm. The only way for these women to truly be good feminists is to marry low status men and be providers themselves.

For some reason this obvious outcome is flying over their heads.

The problem with feminism is the weird schisms that have occurred between first, second, and now third (crazy) wave. I don't .. I just cannot understand where third wave even comes from. Second wave itself was a bit self-destructive, because it tore down family structure. but this? what the fuck is this even?

The result of tearing down the family structure?

The result of tearing down the family structure, probably a good example would be Murphy Brown (now that's the later / last example of this brand)- the idea that women don't need men to raise a family- since the 1960s, the US has seen an increase in single-parent child birth that is absurdly high, and it's coincided with an increase in crime, an increase in poverty.

However, second-wave feminists focused on married women. Motivated by what Betty Friedan called "the problem that had no name," activists envisioned a society in which women would not be trapped at home from a very young adult age, raising lots of children and feeling bored and depressed. Instead, they would be able to "have it all" - marriage, family, and a career.

Yes, it turns out, you do need a partner (or if you wish to substitute man / man, woman / woman, that's alright- i'm not arguing the KIND of family, just the fact that you NEED a two-parent family).

The idea

I was raised by a single father, and I'm "fine" for the most part, employed, have a relationship, and a dog, and a car...

You're still less than you'd be if you'd had two parents. Statistics just don't lie about that.

You might have turned out alright. That doesn't mean your situation was ideal. People grow up alright out of abusive households from time to time, it doesn't actually mean that their situations were the best possible ones, or that they reached the best possible outcome.

My mother was found to be an unfit mother, but you keep digging that hole deeper.

what does that have to do with anything? you know your nose gets longer when you tell lies on the internet.

he's saying "in all instances it's better to have two parents."

well... not if one of those parents is a complete shitbag...


FYI /u/Invalid_Target is totally not bitter about his dad choosing his batshit crazy mom to stick his dick in.

Statistics just don't lie about that.

Statistics don't say one thing or the other about u/Invalid_Target's individual case - only the broad mass of single-parent offspring.

Equally, IT's particular case doesn't disprove your general principle, which on the whole I agree with.

i think that's what he meant it just came out as spaghetti

If you were raised by a single mother, you'd be a serial killer. That's the influence of gussy.

oh trust me, im well aware of how I would turn out with my mother raising me.

woman is a huge narcissist, shes 50 now, and according to her, she has done no wrong, disregarding the fact she dropped her two teenaged daughters into foster care, and gave me to my father, and ran from responsibility her whole life.

"It's in the past." she says. "let the past go." she says.

she wants us to let it go, so she can get out of her responsibilities.

I would have been just as bad as she is, and would probably be torturing animals, or some shit.

I was raised by a single father, and I'm "fine" for the most part

while serious posting on /r/Drama with a swastika flair

Say what you want about men, but only the biggest MGTOW retards run around screaming, 'WE DON'T NEED NO WOMEN!', and they number 10-20k at most. I'd wager the number of idiot women who think 'WE DON'T NEED NO MAN!' is in the millions.

Yeah, honey, people need one another. That's the human fucking condition, no man is an island, blah blah people have literally been pointing this out since before the days of Aesop. But these tards think they know better than the combined wisdom of humankind.

yeah but women aren't attracted to men who are "weaker" in any way than they are, so that isn't going to happen.

So women are perpetuating the patriarchy? REEEEEE why are white women so sexist!!!!

Minority women are like 1000x worse on every score. A white woman might accept some psuedo-impressive man, but your average black or hispanic woman wants a war-god who never once shows weakness to anyone.

So like a male feminist Khal Drogo?

Wait, would male feminist Khal Drogo rape more or less?

The only thing missing was explicitly calling them "soyboys".

Someone is bitter for having ended up as an evolutionary dead end.

Susan, 41, a single senior marketing executive from the Upper East Side, is eight months pregnant. After waiting for her match and not finding him, she decided to have a baby on her own.

To wake up at forty and choose to be a single mother is a super genius idea

She's not going to take much comfort in retirement when her downie kid's full-time-carer has eaten up most of her savings and it's not capable of wiping its own arse - never mind hers.

Is she still considered a single mother if she can afford multiple full-time nannies tho?

If that was true, single mothers wouldn't exist.

They're talking about college-educated women.

Not much of a difference in my area.

I can't remember the last time I saw a college-educated, single mother who wasn't a divorcee.


I've met a lot of dudes who will brag about their education and job, but not don't force their partner to beat them.

I've met a lot of women who brag about their education and job, and hold it over the head of anyone they possibly can, particularly their partners.

Man: No girls want to fuck me !!

Society: Well get your shit together, hit the gym, dress better, and spend 2000 dollars on made up PUA advice you fucking loser, and maybe girls touch your willy

Girls: No men want to marry me !!

Society: Oh no sweety, I'm so sorry !! All the men are giant manchildren, let's shame them for their stupid manchildren behavior until they want to commit to you because it's obviously their fault and not yours !!!

You did a good irony, femicide

As a man, it's interesting to see I'm also guilty if I have kids all over the place when I'm too young.

How is it interesting? Have a penis? You're guilty. Pretty simple!

Childish men are to blame for women have kids later in life

I'm ok with this blame.

Alternative title: "Women fail to be more enticing than videogames"

If a career focused man wants to have a family he goes and find somebody who he likes and thinks will be a good mother.

If a career focused woman wants to have a family she wants a man who makes more money than her, is mentally stable, shares the same interests/worldview, skilled in romance and interpersonal relationships in general, has an acceptable domicile and is ambitious to the point of obsession oh and attractive to boot

Good luck with that

Men have been settling for cute dumb women for centuries. I think it's time we end this sexism so that college flunkout men like my self who are cute and dumb can be loved too.

You could always become gay?

I'm bored of being a gaybo

Women want an equal partner

Women want an equal or greater partner. now that they're making up more and more of the upper workforce the "greater" part is becoming way smaller and they refuse to settle. Men have always been willing to date "down" in economic status so when they were generally above in economic status it worked out. Very few of these career centered women are going to start dating some "loser" who won't contribute significantly to the combined income.