TrollXChromosome users empower themselves with pubic hair. Just some badass women who refuse to do what society tells them.

37  2018-02-10 by Casey_Closed


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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I'd like to join the thread and mock them, but I'm banned from there.

i've been banned from there like 200 times. alt accounts my good sir.

You have violeted reddit law

Of all the things you could do to make a change, lmao

Its hilarious how they feel the need to pat themselves on the back for the most rudimentary inane shit

I felt a bit of /r/sadcringe myself.

White women: most privileged, loudest whiners.

Also see her post history, it's a gold mine of stereotypes. Menstrual cup, relationship issues with a much older man, overweight.

She doesn't want to be an engineer or in computer science? Another victim of the patriarchy...

This is what happens when the hardest decision you ever had to make was foam or no foam on your latte, but you consider yourself a brave victim fighting injustice

/r/trollxchromosomes are the most basic bitches imaginable, like a parody of themselves.

The great thing about being a man is that whether I shave or don't shave my junk, by arrogantly not caring what other people think I'm feeding into the patriarchy and am part of something much bigger than just me. Yiu know

So beautiful πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


I shave everything except my armpits. It's probably the most outwardly aggressive statement that I make.

Bold, strong, inspiring.

So we have a bald chick with no eyebrows and hairy armpits.....




Imagine being so privileged yet uninteresting that not only do you have the time to actually think so much about something so trivial, but you also feel the need to publicly pat yourself on the back for it.


How sad must her life be, goddamn.

Also lol at using a Clinton gif. Wait, this has to be a drama alt troll

I'm just gonna put this here because I am banned from this sub as well.

/u/slayeroftruth I have a complicated skin care routine too and I guarantee I eat a much more restrictive diet than you. All you have to do is not be a fat ass and watch your calories. I have to do that while hitting my macros. Hitting over 130 grams of protein in a day is hard.

So is shaving all you have left to complain about?It's not like you have to shave, I don't think anyone will be looking under your clothes any time soon.

That's it?? Again that's nothing compared to what women are expected to do.

Nah it's more.

That was you in there? Jeeesus. That's like the feminist version of "THEY TARGETED GAMERS."

Men don't give a shit if you find us interesting. The goal is to put our dicks in you, whether you are interested or not is secondary. Being boring is a much bigger issue for women, because your goal is to keep us around.

I'd say considering women are dumping men more than reverse that women could care less about keeping men around.

Your obsession with trivial grooming says otherwise.

Sure dude. Lets ignore that its women who dump men in divorce majority of the time.

well most women do, you're a legbeard who pretends she doesn't want men cause you can't get any anyway. everyone on trollx is fucking hideous, i looked at one of the posts where you all post pictures lol.

Some dude moved conversation here from another sub. This is my first and last time on trollx. I frequent two subs. Could you dudes leave me alone?

Actually, normal women seem to want to be around men; it's how our species still exists. You're one of the freaks.

Nah fam, you're just the female equivalent of an incel.

I can imagine you at highschool, angrily sweating out your 300 pound frame, glaring at that 'traitor' for Stacy giggling at Chad's lame jokes.

God how you envy her, that fucking slut. Why doesn't Chad like nice girls like yourself?

You're far from the norm.

The thirsty male feminists that you gift your twat to probably don't care whether you're shaved or not.

Lmao yes it is.

Not to mention the societal pressure on men to have a successful career and make a lot of money. Women just have to not be fat and take basic care of themselves.

I am twenty-six years old. I live in the American Garden Buildings on West Eighty-First Street, on the eleventh floor. Tom Cruise lives in the penthouse.

I believe in taking care of myself, in a balanced diet, in a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now.

After I remove the icepack, I use a deep pore-cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey-almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb mint facial masque which I leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.

I always use an after-shave lotion with little or no alcohol because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing "protective" lotion...

Was he only 26 in the book? Damn. I haven't accomplished nearly as much as him and I'm older 😭

he didn't actually accomplish anything. his dad owns the company he worked at and he got a cushy job by default, where he just plays crosswords and watches tv all day.

although, being really ripped, having great skin, and murdering women is a pretty good accomplishment.

I meant the murders, thought that was clear πŸ˜–

Hey they say that most serial killers don't start until their late 30s or 40s so hang in there!


lol @ women thinking weight lifting and getting ripped isn't as hard as buying 200 dollar creams which don't work and rubbing them on your face, even though they do nothing and the idiots just bought into marketing hype.

You know, now that you have me thinking about it, I think it’s a reversal. Men are supposed to shut down everything that makes them human and behave like killer-robot rape machines.

Ughhh this is so me.

this is why all westerners need to be executed

Actually, we just need to do a prisoner exchange and send all our legbeards to Yemen.

Can we talk about the fact that the original post is actually funny?

Like it's legitimately funny to imagine Hillary talking during a debate about the "difficult hard choice" of whether to shave her silvery pubic forest.

If a forest is cut down but nobody sees it, does Bill Clinton is a rapist infowars dot com?

For real tho how'd ya think she keeps it? You think she dyes it blond?

I wonder what percent of trollx subscribers are fuckable? Like 20%?

Way too high.

I dunno, some people are into some weird shit

Lol, well clearly she wants to attract men who have a hairy bush fetish, why else would she post things like this on reddit?


I have found that the amount of fur on my nether region is directly correlated to whether or not I have the money to buy razors. As a mom, wife, and middle class worker these things just aren't priorities anymore πŸ˜‚

I'm just curious what country are you from where the middle class struggles to afford razors? I was in Moldova the other week and all the middle class girls I met there seemed to be able to afford razors. If your from Africa, I hear Italy's borders are pretty weak if you wanted to try and sneak in.

Patriarchy forces her to buy the pink razors which cost 1000x more than the blue ones.

I fight back against the hygiene products industry by refusing to ever wash my asshole.

How is it going to piss off anyone other than the people seeing it?

Which I can only assume is nobody since why would you want to piss them off?

If someone asks or hints at you to shave your balls you don't wax it into a handlebar and scream "HAH that showed you!"

Who is that in the .gif? ...I thought I was straight but I'm having a weird awakening just now.

/u/TreesBeesAndBeans She's 13 years old.

Too old for a male feminist.

Oh no

Oh sweet Jesus. I take it back lol. I didn't really mean it like that anyway, i just thought she had a nice face!


Imagine being so bored and petty that this is empowering to you.