America-hating leftoid snarls at amerimutts that reddit doesn't hate them, then proceeds to cry more about Amerikka in his echo chamber

45  2018-02-12 by InspiringShitpost


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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That thing posts to /r/enoughpetersonspam






/r/ShitAmericansSay is fucking hilarious. The comment section is absolute cancer but the content is great.Don't be a butthurt Mutt and check it out. It's like r/drama but almost unlimited, constant lolcowery.

Its just more proof that non-Americans are subhuman vermin. Death to the rest of the world.

I'd say death to the whites but everyone knows Americans aren't white

Imagine being a literal 56% mutt

Mutts are good for genetic diversity.

β€œHybrid vigor” lmao

Enjoy your hemophilia.

Death to the rest of the world

You mutts are already doing it with your degenerate fast foods

Der Ewige Ami

Inshallah brother.

Indeed. Just the mere existence of something called ShitAmericansSay is enough to trigger retarded amerifats.

America needs a McBombing.

This but unironically

This but thermonuclear.


Flair checks out

As an ISIS fighter, beheadings journalists trade. πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ

That sub is just a bunch of butthurt poos

Oh no worries, I'm not of that land and am not personally offended at all.

But I will subscribe.

I'm not even subbed, just occasionally visit.

That sub has extremely weak bants tho. It's all "haha you like guns and aren't socialist"

Nothing ACTUALLY funny like 56% face

Yeah, that's why I said the comment section is cancer. Very fragile no banter smuglord Euros.

what is it about reddit that makes euros so mad about america? outside of reddit i never hear that kind of boring whining

"so mad"

It's just that Americans are loud, annoying, dumb faggots online, but they don't realise it.

oh god are you gonna whine now

oh god are you going to be a faggot now

Watch out, he'll shoot you.

Oh here we go. You're just mad because, by virtue of being Americans, we are inherently better than you.

Super mad. Seething.

Oh look, the serf reveals himself


Nah, that sub has no Bantu and they get genuinely upset over the weakest bait.

Like pointing out that non-Quebec Canada is a cultureless void of milquetoast whiteness.

That thing posts to /r/enoughpetersonspam

They have 5 comments in the sub, that doesn't really qualify someone as a regular participant of an online community.

Well if americans weren't so up their own arses they might find less resistance to telling everyone how brilliant they are.

Musk launches a car into space

Amerimutties on Reddit: WE DID IT USA USA USA YEAHHHH


I got a 3 day suspension for calling the /r/MURICA mods fags too


You're a real human being.

Excuse me sweetie, I identify as a real human bean.

And a real hero?

An hero would be better tbh

Heros get bussy!

That would be Canadians.

They stop trying to tell us how we shouldn't care so much about the right to own guns or call transaction managers trannies and we'll stop telling them how unfree they are.

Come on, pal. It's 2017, tranny is an outdated term. Digital backs for 5x4 cameras are or a decent enough quality and affordable enough price range that colour trannies just aren't as cost effective.

bring yourself down to our level or we'll be mean to you!

Why are you foreigners such faggots?

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ms paint picture

Got me real good m8

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Oh no and religious bodies are more charitable than enlightened atheists


atheists just change federal law to make everyone give charitably, with the threat of prison if they dont. See how enlightened they are?

imagine living in a nation where over 82% of people are too low iq to comprehend the god paradoxes

God is a liberal fever dream.

liberalism is a theistic fever dream

I dream of hot twinks

i am not a fetish

You are now

This guy lol

Yup, many hands make the work light.

Imagine having to donate so people don't have to starve in your country.

Imagine being so bitter about being less charitable than others that you have to make salty excuses about it

people don't starve here

Imagine being stupid enough to think this about any country on earth

It's pretty easy to get free food here. If you're poor that is. It's not ideal, but there is no reason to starve to death or suffer from starvation in the Netherlands.

I mean, in all seriousness, I'm not looking down at Americans giving money to help their fellow countryman, but it is just strange to me to pet yourself on the back for being so charitable when it seem like there is a fundamental issue when so many of your countrymen are dependent on other people's voluntary charity. At best it's a silver lining around a fucked up situation. It's not like you guys don't have the food either.

We have bread banks and soup kitchens too you dumb fuck. That's my point. You act like the charity is a necessity when it isn't. You couldn't handle your country being worse than America so you downplayed the generosity of our people while acting like forced charity is more noble. You're the typical brainwashed Scandinavian cuck.

You seem stressed. Is your gofundme for your medical care doing poorly? Hope everything turns out all right. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

We have state funded bread banks and soup kitchens too you dumb fuck.

Most of them are charities, though. Sure there are some federal programs, but the majority is charity-based.

And I don't think "forced charity"is more noble, just that it is much more effective. It's more centralized and that way you can attack the issues on multiple fronts.

I don't downplay the charity, far from it. I just think it's tragic that it is evidently that big of a problem that there are two charities dealing with national hunger in the top 10 charities in the US (3rd and 9th place) and if that was the situation in my country that would sour my idea on being super charitable. You shouldn't need to be that charitable when it comes to such basic necessities, in any case. Not in a rich country with a lot of food.

You're the typical brainwashed european cuck and once your country collapses from taking in too many refugees I'm gonna laugh all the way to the bank.

that would be the food bank, correct?

Imagine having to donate so people don't have to starve in your country.

U.S. is literally the first country in the world for food security.

But then again

If, for whatever reason, people stopped donating to charities, I doubt the US would stay second (not first, like you said. Ironically Ireland is first).

But guys, Jesus was totally a socialist, remember when he told his flock to be charitable or he would have a police force imprison them? I think it was in Luke 3:19

Can't forcibly seize your assets if you don't have property to begin with.

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing.


The joke is that it's written AmeriKKKa because it's as horribly evil as the KKK, I don't know how you could get this wrong /u/InspiringShitpost.

I was too goddamn lazy to fix it.

So american hating to laugh at 70 iq inbred fascists.

Yeah - /r/ShitAmericansSay serves up some fucking hilarious shit on the regular, OP is just being a giant salty faggot because he probably cot featured there at some point.

Hilarious in that the people who post there are eternally assmad, sure

You're just butthurt they doxxed you.

Sorry, who's the one here that regularly attends a subreddit intended to inflame their anus? Besides r/drama, of course

That's what makes your super saiyan levels of saltiness so odd.

Nothing in that sub makes me upset - it's just celebrating our personal, uniquely American brand of tard. That shit's precious.


I was expecting high-quality drama, instead I get low-level bantz from u/IAmNotAPerson6.

u/IAmNotAPerson6, please enlighten us burgers how we have the biggest victim complex in the world.

Damn, am I known around here or something? I'm kind of honored to get a whole post.

Not sure. Some of the users here are bored enough to scour the internet to find stuff that is deemed controversial, or just dumb.

Seems pretty sad, especially when they're so wrong.

Wrong about what? The title is accurate, as far as I can tell.

Well, I don't hate America and neither does reddit, those are the main ones.

You sure seem to have a bone to pick with the Americans, and so do many subs on this website.

I'm an American that doesn't want my country to do awful shit Β―\(ツ)/Β―

I have retrieved these for you _ _

To prevent any more lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as Β―\\\_(ツ)_/Β―

Probably ain't going to happen, sadly.

True, but gotta criticize the awful shit when it happens anyway, even if I get a sub calling me an "America-hating leftoid" in the process.

What you did in linked thread is not about criticizing the "awful shit" our country does, it's jumping on a soapbox saying "the rabid anti-American reddit that only exists in redditors' minds" and then go back to your sub when some people do not agree with your post.

What you did in linked thread is not about criticizing the "awful shit" our country does

I absolutely think pretending other people criticizing the US makes them "anti-American," which is an undefined, vague concept meant to demonize because in actuality it's a completely farcical idea meant to protect our society from any criticism, is awful shit that our country's people do constantly and it needs to stop.

it's jumping on a soapbox

You mean writing a comment, the way you are, and the way every other person that's ever commented on this site it. Calling it a soapbox is underhandedly insinuating something more sinister.

and then go back to your sub when some people do not agree with your post.

Not only was my post to /r/ShitAmericansSay about a completely irrelevant thing, but it was made only 21 minutes after my comment, before there was a single response to my comment (you can check timestamps if you want), and the only two non-downvoted, relevant responses were just stating that I've posted on /r/ShitAmericansSay (in response to my recent post actually, so my posting about their responses is literally the inverse of reality) like that somehow means I'm wrong about reddit not being anti-American (no, one relatively small, very-hated-by-the-rest-of-reddit sub does not mean reddit by and large hates the US).

There was just so goddamn much wrong with what you said it was amazing.

pretending other people criticizing the US

You are correct that nobody is doing that in the thread, which made the point super dumb.

It is also not uncommon to see people having to bring a notch down the United States whenever there is an opportunity on this website.

Some people gets butthurt and make it their business it talk about it all the time.

Calling it a soapbox is underhandedly insinuating something more sinister.

No. I'm calling people jump on their soapbox when they decided to sperg out and do a little speech on the internet for stupid stuff. Like what I am doing right now

Not only was my post to /r/ShitAmericansSay about a completely irrelevant thing, but it was made only 21 minutes after my comment

Okay. Allow me to correct myself: you've made a post thinking someone is dumb, and even commented on that comment, saying he's dumb. Then a dumb shitfest spawned from it.

The only dumb shitfest spawned out of the whole situation is this thread.

There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red....

Pfft, and I disagree.

This thread is the second dumbest.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Pretending mass delusion about being the underdog while being literally the only world superpower is normal and shouldn't be criticized and it totally isn't blowing things way more out of proportion to make a whole post in a separate sub about one off-handed comment and rifling through a person's history to find whatever dirt on them and pretending that validates your beliefs and that you're better because of it when you're actually really sad people.