Daddy Zizek fist fucks Jordan Peterson. The salty pseudo-intellectual incels of r/JordanPeterson aren't taking this very well and brigade r/Zizek.

0  2018-02-14 by Deity_Of_Darkness



Commie philosopher with a hilarious accent, mostly reviews movies, and talks about Hegel and Lacan. Most leftists hate him because he mocks political correctness. He's a meme philosopher that just humiliated Jordan "Kermit" Peterson.

He's not a commie in any traditional sense. He's just incoherent and rambling enough that anyone can project their views onto him and feel good that this "esteemed" philosopher with a smart sounding accent agrees with them.

["He's a meme philosopher that just humiliated Jordan "Kermit" Peterson."](He's a meme philosopher that just humiliated Jordan "Kermit" Peterson.)

Liberal pc is the neoliberal left, they aren't leftists - they are the left wing of the right.

Slavoj Zizek: Citations 99288 h-index 117 i10-index 774

Jordan Peterson: Citations 9263 h-index 50 i10-index 80

/u/Hello_Miguel_Sanchez, /u/hobdobgumball cry bitches.

Slavoj Zizek: Average visible food stains on clothing: 5 Neckbeard score (0-10 scale): 8 Lateral lisp severity (0-10 scale): 9 Depressive affect (0-10 scale): 4

Jordan Peterson: Average visible food stains on clothing: 0 Neckbeard score (0-10 scale): 1 Lateral lisp severity (0-10 scale): 0 Depressive affect (0-10 scale): 9

You’re right. Zizek’s numbers really add up, virtually no matter how you look at it.

And even if he's a slob, he's still more successful than Peterson.

What's it like knowing a fat slob will be 1000X more successful than you?

Hish shucshesh eesh sho devashtating. Sho ish hish pushy-magnet game. I would shimply love to be that hot and shuave.

Neckbeard score (0-10 scale): 1

Peterson comes somewhere closer to an 11. Here's a video of him literally wearing a fedora and complaining that nice guys don't get any girls.

That was such a good burn that I will simply applaud you 👏 That was fucking ridiculous JP did that. A fedora? Jesus fucking Christ. I will now concede his neckbeard score is at least an 11.

Jordan is the culmination of the frustration many of us men (and women) feel in the culture that i being changed around us.

He is today's knight and he is building an army. I would happily use the resources I have built (I donate to him now mohtly) and even my combat skills to back his ideals if need be.

Keep preaching Jordan, hopefully it doesn't come to violence but there are millions of us who agree that our freedoms are worth fighting for. While I hope the new dialogue being created calms people down enough to talk and solve our problems Demoratically, I worry that it will simply enrage the Left even more who thinks they have a monopoly on the thought of the country.

All when in fact, they are a tiny minority and if they chose to go to violence, they will be crushed.

Hopefully insanely intelligent people like Jordan will help lead the way peacefully and allow the more moderate Leftists to take pack the party from the Progressives who have violently taken over the Democratic Party.

Hahaha, who woulda thought it would be a Canadian that I would call my modern day hero to join the likes of George Washington and Lucious Quinctius Cincinnatus!

That’s why I give him money, too. For his many faults, he still is the most prominent person contradicting the mainstream narratives. It’s extremely important that we finance him and others doing that.

I've never like, read or watched anything that Jordan Peterson has said so I don't know, but why are you all like this?

Because he’s saying things that few others do. But he has a much broader audience than the others that say the same things. He’s also much more articulate and charismatic than them. So we want him to succeed.

Funny stuff, especially that he's wearing a fedora. That being said, he's not complaining about nice guys not being able to get girls. He's pointing them out as being weak examples of men, and instead championing the stereotypical 1950s Dad who would be a man but still stick around and help raise the family.

the fedora is also satire

imagine caring this much enough to vicariously fight through fucking internet personalities

The agendaposting is strong in this one.

I love mocking Peterson fanboys. They really are no different from Sam Harris fanboys.

Hey aren't you PK's alt?

he sure posts like it

Lol, you’re fanboying over goddamn Zizek right now.

There is no difference between this and the million vids out there of “JORDAN PETERSON TOTALLY OWNS LIBTARD”

Zizek is worse than Peterson solely on the basis that he is a marxist and Peterson is not.

"Our meme clown is way more respected and cited by sociology students", it's not a winning move.

A pseudo-intellectual clown that sounds like Kermit the frog and whose claim to fame is complaining about pronouns isn't exactly someone worthy of respect.

You must mistaken me for someone who defends Peterson. I'm not into cults. Žižek being "better" and "stricter" in his meming does not mean anything to me.

His claim to fame is defending free speech which happened to coincide with transgender pronouns, specifically law that enforces the use of specific words. More recently he's exploded in popularity due to how gracefully and politely he dealt with a very hostile interviewer.

He's also vehemently anti-nazi, and his life has been spent studying what led people to cling to such extreme ideologies. Many on /pol/ do not like him and think he's a Jewish plant of sorts, just look at the various "good goy" comments and such on any video where he talks about Jews:

I dismiss him as another pseudo-intellectual on the right who keeps bringing up the "cultural marxism" conspiracy and bemoaning "post modernism".

I don't think he brings up cultural marxism as a conspiracy very often, if at all.

With regards to bemoaning postmodernism, he definitely does do that a lot, and perhaps too much, but I don't think that in itself makes Peterson entirely worth dismissing. Maybe there's something in his interpretation of postmodernism that is worth dismissing him for? Essentially he agrees with the postmodern idea that there are an infinite amount of interpretations of a given story, for example, but disagrees that they are all equal. He thinks that certain interpretations are better than others, thus certain cultures and ways of life can be better than others.

I also don't think that automatically puts him on the right, or at least not very far on the right. He identifies as a classical liberal and his beliefs seem to support that.

Don't call a well cited clinical psychologist a "pseudo-intellectual" just because you disagree with their opinions you retard.

or what BITCH ?

bringing up the "cultural marxism" conspiracy

What's your opinion on patriarchy

that sounds like Kermit the frog

What have you got against Kermit the Frog?

swing and a miss, cuck

Neo-nazis should be deported.

right after you fuck off to venezuela

I'm not a tankie. Nazis should still be deported.

Nigga try it

You're a sperg. Kys

U mad?

haha ecks dee xD

JP gets leftcels pretty mad

Zizek is not a leftcel tho, he has gone on record saying he's had sex "more than three times" and that he was only making "an ironic bad taste joke" when he claimed to be a virgin.

Zizek might as well be a filthy fascist liberal at this point, since he wanted refugees to accept the bare minimum of western social values when they came over.

Zizek wins soley on this video

Boring. Zzzz OP neck yourself.

There should be an agendapost flair if PK is going to post more of this shit with his alt

Prepare for some more Peterson drama OP - probably incoming in a few days, this time with involvement from an unlikely place - Russell Brand:


Best chain right here. And this quote is pretty funny:

Zizek has exposed the Lobsterian Trinitarian Agenda

You are a fucktard, Peterson’s problem was with free speech being threatened. As I stated, you are fucktard.

The 'glory of the alt-right' jordan 'intellectual for dumb people' peterson was just dog-whisling away gets totally stomped by the epic genius Zizek as per usual.