That "huwhite nationalist" claiming the amerimutt shooter was a LARP: "Local law enforcement: No ties between militia and Florida high school shooter"

120  2018-02-15 by eva_unit_hung


"If the government says it, it must be true!" --u/eva_unit_hung, a supposed conservative

u jus mad u got LARP'd

What did he mean by this?

Lalalalalala i can't hear you

Here you go! Translated!

What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?



Why didn’t you reply to my post, big guy?

The anime is literally telling you you’re wrong

your jpg shit? well for one it didn't come up in my inbox because you replied to someone else

for two... u jus ain't worth it bb

and three its shooped

1 it is a classic image produced before your degenerate ideals of “high quality rare pepes” and other dumb shit was a thing

2 the tv ad literally said I’m worth it so?

3 it’s real I saw the anime

oh well if l'oreal says so then...

stick a shampoo bottle up your ass

Said the retard who believes in Q

Q predicted this

You mean some vague bullshit like: "A mass shooting will occur"? That's not a prediction,it's more of a depressing fact of life in the USA. Q is just a complete fucktard who has never been right about anything

If its a false flag then why are you trying to hard to prove he wasnt one of "yours" also this doesnt debunk that seeing as you still have pictures of him wearing a MAGA hat & classmate testimonials.

pictures of him wearing a MAGA hat

oh you recognize his face under that cloth covering literally all of it, eh?

(((classmate testimonials)))


Okay hozay

At least u/eva_unit_hung is not trying to say this guy here isn't white, like his other pathetic comrades.

You're right, now that I've seen a proper close-up you have proven me wrong.

thanks bb

Congratulations on making the cover of TIME magazine.


I was skeptical about his mayohood, but the Dumbo ears sold it for me.

That is the whitest honkey I have ever seen.

The concept of whiteness is taking the day off tomorrow because it's depressed at getting showed up by this guy.

Speak English please.

Niggers will all thank the stars for how white this white man is.

Every single person around him is kinda fat

Look, if you got yellow eyes then you aint white.

If you got yellow eyes then you drink too much or have the Hep

He looks Chinese tbh

Imagine being so invested in your ideology that you have to post about it on r/drama for validation.

Wish you were with him in that classroom lmao

me too i coulda saved all those kikes


You better save them if you get the chance. The second someone of your inbred mayo genetics touches the global economy it's going to collapse.

thinking kikes aren't the most inbred ever FUCKING LOL

the maga hat shit came out after his instagram was deleted. this is a pic of his actual instagram. some antifa fag probably made up that maga hat pic. His insta had no political shit on it except pro army stuff.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I think the morons are trying to gonthe legal route of:

  • I didn’t do it.

  • in the alternative, if I did do it, it wasn’t that bad.

  • ok, ok, in the alternative I did it and it was tht bad, it was justified.

Sadly unlike the courtroom reality doesn’t like alternative leading.

worked for OJ

Oh god. No. Not the same.

OJ was weird like take all modern Black controversies in the news then reverse them and you get OJ every black guy or girl i could find was pissed he was able to escape scot free while the exact opposite for everyone not black.

Your Honour, in response to the plaintiff's allegation that I broke his lawnmower when I borrowed it:

*I didn't borrow the lawnmower
*It was already broken when I borrowed it
*It was in perfect condition when I returned it

its just nice to show everyone how american liberals lie about pretty much everything ever

omg a terrorist murdered people with a car level shit lol

being retarded enough you defend an alt right sperg attacking people with his car

he was threatened with a gun, chased, and then someone hit his car with a stick or some shit causing him to panic because he prob thought it was the fag with a gun again

i cant blame him for valuing his own life more than a bunch of protesters LOL theyd never amount to anything anyway so who cares

also heather heyer died of being fat and being jostled slightly in a crowd trying to get out of the way, her death is reported as blunt force trauma but thats what happens when a fat person falls on the ground

I fear for the innocent liquid bleach in the house of OP.

It's clearly in danger of being consumed.

He was still a MAGATARD Eva:

except not

Do you realize Broward is not in Leon county? "Local law enforcement" 😂

look at this /r/floridaman everyone point and laugh

but youre the one we're laughing at, lil guy :)

except yes

post Clothy McNoface's photo, your proof


Ok, fam, just take it easy.

no post it I want to see it again

Desperation isn’t a good look for you.

sounds like you don't have much confidence in yo shit





Homemade lolcows are the best

i lol'd again


not an argument

but clothy mcnoface's photo is a killshot, my bad

Daily Beast kek


double kek

like honestly who do you think snopes links work on?

I understand you have a hard time reading due to inbreeding so let me lay out the fact they cite multiple sources backing that it's his IG account.

(((multiple sources)))


Did you know that the parentheses are supposed to surround names of Jews, not facts that you wish weren't true?

it goes around anything of their doing/influence, because it's their actions (((echoing))) across history

(((they))) want you not to stick your tongue in a light socket.

You know what would really show (((them)))...

Are you going to link the actual IG account or more of your faggot photoshops?

IG banned the account due to his school shooting.

harsh 😤

I know. what about muhfreezpeach?

everything i dont like is photoshopped also daddy loves me he just hits me because im a bad boy

not hitting the dumbfuckers hard enough, if'n you ask me

Wow. If some dude who extorted money from his company and his porn star wife say something, it must be true!

I mean, they have special access to the interwebz and stuff

Care to put that in English?

snopes is le fake

Good thing I'm posting it for the sources and not the web address retard

(((the sources)))

how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!

One of the sources is local police. Who is the source for your submission again? 🤔

fucking LOL

that's for this line:

However, local law enforcement says that as yet there is no indication of any ties between Cruz and any paramilitary groups, including ROF.

look familiar? hahahahaha

What does that have to do with authorities from the actual county the shooting took place in (and not 7 hours away in Leon county) talking about pictures on the IG account you claim to be fake?

check de edit

So we're supposed to believe an unemployed /r/drama seriousposter over first hand accounts, IG's deletion of the account due to his actions, local police, and Fox news 🤔


that's gonna be a no for me dawg

Spongebob references

With that, the "I'm a geriatric tard" excuse is gone, and you're officially part of the most autistic group of your generation.

Congratulations on being part of the 1%. It usually takes a gruesome accident or horrendous disease for someone's cognitive abilities to be this hampered, but you managed to overcome your lack of hardship and got there anyway.

I hope those vaccines were worth it.

how did u kno they were spongebob references if you're not a goofy goober yourself?


That totally removes the multiple sources confirming it's his IG account. Oh wait, no it doesn't. 😘

oh well clearly his morality dictates he only limit himself to one kind of fraud, and otherwise he's completely trustworthy, even when tempted by tons of shekels

So you try to source that they lie about their content, get proven wrong, then backtrack and downgrade your accusation to an implication? I'm normally entertained by retardation but you're going to have to step your game up famalamb.

i didn't backtrack nuthin, lern2read


oh well clearly his morality dictates he only limit himself to one kind of fraud, and otherwise he's completely trustworthy, even when tempted by tons of shekels

"No backtrack" 😂

....I really think you misunderstood me.

i'm saying he got in trouble for that financial fraud, but that just belays that the guy is a fraud, who posts fraud shit on his fraud fact-check website for jew-monies

really thought this was clear

You think the guy that owns the site is posting material himself? Have you ever had a job before?

You said he posts fake news. Personal financial mismanagement is not fake news

i think it's very clear I'm saying he does both because he is a fraudulent person

like nigga you shoulda got this three posts ago

If he does both you can source both easily right? Right?

Just because you wanna follow mama's path and drink a black man's seed it doesn't mean that's semen.

semen is goo made of sperm and some other protein shit (GAINZ)

that is a singular sperm cell disguised as a vein

your autism is reaching uncharted levels, lil guy.....

you need to stop posting for your own sanity

you need to stop posting for my own sanity


hey, im more than happy to see another incel manlet centipedo get locked up for life, go for it dude!

or better yet, Keep Yourself Safe afterwards

really because this is you:


i nominate you for most retarded lolcow of the year, but not funniest

but you sure are something to laugh at, nobody can take that away from you lil buddy ;)

Do you get bomb weed ast least?

i dun live with them and I've switched to vape pens cuz bongs tempt me to mix tobacco

i think you might have linked the wrong link, because the one in your comment proves you are so, so wrong.

but really, i think its bedtime for you now

pffft hahaha dance my puppet dance

"I-i-i-m j-j-ust pre-te-tending you guys ;( ;( ;("

I'm not pretending, you're just predictably mad lol

"NOOO!!! U ARE MAAD!!!!"


If you want to get your "facts" from a porn star, don't let me stop you. I jerk off to porn stars.

So does daddy. For 130k a pop 🙄


Who pays somebody 130k to jerk off?

just delete this dude

The 130k is more hush money to keep dated pornstar quiet

Snopes blatantly lies, in general. Idk about this just hearing about now.

Source it

Snopes is literally a fact-checking site that measures the truthfulness of all kinds of claims by checking with external sources.

However, I can see how to Donald Trump's deluded/retarded followers, a site that points out the fact that half of his retarded drivel are lies may seem like (((FAKE NEWS))).

Here is something blatantly false by snopes. Not a major thing but you can see how they edited the picture to hide the obvious.

There are 0 lies in that holy hell are you triggered its literally interpretation of a shape.

So? its still a vein, snopes didnt lie the picture isnt filled with super secret dicks out to turn you into a gay with hidden messages, theres a weirdly shaped vein.

It is a sperm cell shaped vein. Clearly sperm shaped. And no one said it's trying to subliminally make people gay. They're saying it's kinda retarded that he got this artist and he ended putting sperm on his head. It is something so minor it's weird people are lying about it which is why people are talking about it.

Except thats exactly what hannity and other retards have been saying along with highlighting sleeves / random sections of bush saying its filled with dicks.

Well there one dick on his arm kinda but it's pretty lumpy and might need to see a doctor. Also, people sometimes use hyperbole to make a point. Truth hidden in exaggeration. Alex Jones sometimes does that when he isn't ranting about crazy shit.

You said "Snopes blatantly lies, in general."

Then you link this. Of all things that snopes lies about, since they do it "in general," you pick this one specifically. what

Yeah, it's called giving an example. It was recent so I gave it at an example. If I got something from a while ago it could be more easily considered cherry picking but since this was in the past couple days it makes a better point that they do it often if they're willing to do it with even minor things that make the "left" looking bad in an even minor way.

I didn't ask for a paragraph bruh I just said that since you can't link anything else your claim is invalid, and I guess I'm still right.

lol only stupid people trust snopes at all

the height of wit and reason, as always.

if you're gon sperg, make it fun, would ya?

He’s the dumbest fucking poster here by far. The dumbest takes, the worst bantz and he can’t even agenda post correctly. At least eva is both ironically and unironically hilarious sometimes.

eva's a prize lolcow. we're gonna be sad one day when he's shot by the popo for planting bombs in synagogues.

captainpriapism is boring and prbly doesn't even have the balls to elliot rodger some teens. So we're prbly gonna be stuck with him for ever.

Says the one month old troll account 😵

So what you're saying is new accounts aren't allowed to comment? I could just be a troll, but if I am it should be simple to point out why I'm wrong or prove why what I'm saying is lying propaganda. But instead you're just attempting to dismiss what I'm saying by calling me a troll which mean you don't have a real counter argument to stand on.

You made a bold claim with nothing to back it up and have -99 karma 👀

It's my political account. I post on subreddits against my beliefs to spread them and give different opinions and perspectives. Naturally this results in negative karma. I do however get abrasive sometimes and I'm trying to change that.

So you admit to being a political shill?

I admit to having political beliefs like anyone else. I'm not paid by anyone.

So you shill for free? Pathetic!

I'm not selling something or making people buy a product. I'm supporting a belief system I believe in that will help society as a whole.

This is some primo autism

"How dare you separate personal life/hobbies from ideologies"?

Are you just calling things autistic because it's edgy and "in" currently?

Not understanding why needing a political account for Reddit for that stupid reason sounds autistic is a good sign that you might be autistic

It is a normal reason. Why use the account I mainly use hocky and video game discussion for political crap? It isn't edgy to mock people with autism by using it in jokes.


The fact that you get weirdly defensive over me having 2 accounts for completely different topics and keep throwing around the word autistic shows more about you than it does me.

Good god if you're going to normie post at insufferable levels at least try and make it entertaining

normie post

I used to be meh about snopes but after seeing how much it triggers alt right tards its pretty great.

lol at believing wrong stuff to try to trigger people

they already make fun of you guys for that exact thing

wrong stuff

sourced articles that back up their facts that trigger right wing spergs

Pick one

sourced articles lol


It's so easy to tell just how ignorant a poster is by their internet slang and emoji use.

I suggest professional therapy, hope you can find some before you hurt yourself or someone else.

Getting your "knowledge" from the Daily Beast doesn't make you less ignorant.

No, but typing "kek" into an internet forum clearly indicates where you're coming from.

Kek means 'lol'

Aren't you missing the early bird special at Ruby Tuesdays?

I'm well aware of what it supposedly mean, little one.

bost bussy

My bussy is way too tight for all ya'll's obviously huge feminine penis'

lol snopes also said the obama dick sperm painting was a right wing conspiracy

the right wing have spent an awful long time imagining all sorts of shit about obama's sperm/dick/sex life. So maybe someone just submitted their homework to r/conspiracy instead of r/slashie.

completely unlike those dignified guys who said trump raped his daughter and molested every female staffer hes ever had

don't you think its possible that both clinton and trump are rapists?

i mean technically sure but its not likely

candid footage of /u/eva_unit_hung this past day.

tyrone will be spared the rope, he does good work

Niko! It's your cousin. Let's go bowling.


How is that guy white?



He's paler than Trump, thus he's white.

Trump's orange tho 🍊

don't you read? even asians can be caucasians nowadaysians.

A few genetic factors conflated with a bunch of sociocultural ones.

Looks brown tho.

Nice try. That boy is a mayo.

Maybe brown butter mayo.

You're probably darker than him

school shooter

He's culturally mayo af!!

He's about as white as any other inbred American mut

The meth additcted inbreds have started to screech in this thread here.


This guy? Gee, I don't know

? Definitely looks brown.

What? Are you color blind?

The fact that you can detect the missing chromosome just by visual inspection is a quintessential mayo trait, what the hell are you on about?

Looks pretty brown tho.

same way this woman is biracial

Like seriouly thats a better argument for being white she is biracial but her dad looks like a fucking stranger.

That woman is brown.

Lol no shit, that sounded fake as fuck.

not an argument


i'm sorry everyone/I ignored you until now, dis made me laff


Dueling stickies, this is why I post here.

this might be the best day for /r/drama... ever?

It's been a wild ride on the lama today

Wew.. bunch of salty left drama girls in here.

see /u/ed__butteredtoast u famous

don't i know it brudda

Found out you just got LARP'd?

Angry that once again you look stupid as fuck?

Starting to notice you always do this dumb shit and never learn?

Just become a salty leftist on plebbit! You can safely shitpost away anonymously after you've already made yourself look a massive retard!

Welcome to leddit

The DDF has arrived to protect their fellow retard's political views.

lol what views


lol what im totally not ddf guys

lol everyone of every political persuasion that isnt retarded knows snopes is trash

it was ok when it was stupid urban legends but lets not take it seriously

Why do you people call everyone a "retard" 24/7?

Oh no, Anti-daddy shills in the house again!

Shilling will make you rich tho!! ╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅₪(̲̅1)̲̅₪]

This subreddit has been well and truly swinging to the left recently. I think it's just a counterjerk since it was basically an alt right shitshow before. I blame /u/ed_butteredtoast for leading the lefty counterjerk tbh. Things won't balance out again till he gets back to his emoji and copypasta posting

Listen up, cuck. Liberals are the biggest rapists out there. Everyone knows the Dems were running a child sex dungeon, because being a soyboy cuck leads to no one wanting you. You want to fulfill disgusting desires, but Dems have no morals. They were letting this country rot, morally, economically, every way possible. Thank God Trump is in office, to fix what the Democrats ruined. #MAGA

The thing is, no mainstream news source will ever report on explicit controversies like this because it goes against the liberal media narrative. Want to hear the harsh truth, cuck? Republicans care more for child welfare than rapist cuck Dems. Only a pedophile would see something bad in an innocent picture of a father and his daughter. It's to be expected, because the left is filled with them.




get v& again soon plz

Are you saying I should try to doxx you?? 🤔

go get 'em tiger

Thus plus emojis and you're back on track

Uh Oh 😮 You heckin 👿 religion of peace 🕌 atheist 🙄 loving Nazi 👎🏻 Communist 🇦🇴 Libtard 😤 Snowflake ❄️, You just got owned 🔥 by some Badass 😎 Conservative 🇺🇸 Content 😝. Oh wait ✋️Are you triggered or something? 👀 Oh right 🤦‍♂️, forgot to give you your participation trophy 🏆. Follow for a free 📢 glass 🥂of liberal tears😜. Better get on the TRUMP TRAIN 🚂 sweety, 😗.

Don't even TRY to debate me. 😂😂😂😂

You see, I have a very particular set of rhetorical skills🤗, skills acquired over a long period of DESTROYING SJWs and l e f t i s t s on the internet.✊️👎☝️☝️☝️☝️

My iq of 178 😮💯💯😅grants me a reasoning speed 🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️that utterly confuses😵, bamboozles😤 and incapacitates🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕 my adversaries💥💥🔫.

I've probably watched over half of ALL 💯👏💯 Dr.Jordan B Peterson's youtube videos and most of Ben Shapiro's truth bombs against stupid college liberals.😂😂😂😂

I am an undefeated and undisputed amateur debater.🤗 You cannot stop me.🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ Go ahead, challenge me if you must(at your own peril☄️☄️☄️) on any topic and I'll show you what true sheer brainpower💆‍♂️💆‍♂️💆‍♂️ and SUPERIOR i n t e l l e c t can do.😂😂😂👌💯

Not enough emojis.

Ed is clearly close to snapping. Warn his probation officer.

Booo you're supposed to be my friend!! 😒

See? Only one emoji. Ed, what places should we stay away from

Well the half million bots in T_D will have fun

Why chapo tho?

this but entirely unironically

its funny because all the legitimate lefties and commies this sub had hate this place now and think it has become increasingly filled with reactionaries.

I mean they were right. This place was becoming the commie and sjw callout sub and still kinda is. But now it's swinging too far back left. We need a happy medium. Maybe Notch could fund some radical centrism classes for everyone

I just want to make fun of dickheads and idiots without ban/block for hurt feefees. Is that too much to ask for?

When global warming first enters your head, theres that stupid little pleasure of warmer winters and having my three block from the ocean condo become beachfront. Is trump drama's global warming? Sure, we hee'ed and haw'ed at the constant japery, but has his entertaining bullshit flooded our waters too much? Has he created an ecosystem bereft of life for higher forms leaving only zooplanton for lesser animals like jellyfish, captainpriapism and sea slugs to thrive off of, starving the rest of us?

really keeps me up at night, cumdumpsters.

Finding retarded right-wing drama rather than left-wing has been so much easier lately.

Anyone that goes around unironically calling people reactionaries obviously has no sense of humor anyway and should probably just stick with SRD.

other than PK who else was there?

who you're thinking about? except pk

what about dude with the pug

this is Erasure

it swings with who ever is causing the drama. trump says something retarded on twitter? swing left. leftist does something questionable on reddit or real life? swing right. i would be fine with this if their wasnt a shit ton of "people i dont like does a thing" agenda posts that follow each swing

That's mainly r/ChapoTrapHouse posts. I mean who gives a shit what they think. Smh

r/CBTS_Stream? Now we're talking. Old people being retarded about politics is the best thing!!

Nigga not liking white supremacist isn't swinging to the left.

You're username is relevant if you think a white nationalist group larping means /r/drama is left leaning.

lol nah the faggots that post all day are just a bit louder because theyre getting scared

i think its less about counterjerk and more about donald trump and his defenders being incompetent af to be honest. the whole fucking thing is so goddamn easy to mock.

"stop calling that idiot an idiot! that's biased!"

easy to mock

Which is why the rest of reddit does that already. I don't want drama to be just another anti Trump circlejerk. That's the job of every other sub.

who cares what you want. guy does stupid shit, he's going to get made fun of. Do we look like hipsters? Are we too fucking cool to make fun of this guy?

It's boring as hell. If I want to see people making fun of Trump I'll go literally anywhere else.

I'm here for making fun of the people who defend daddy's stupid shit. That's where the juiciest of meta drama comes from 👌👅💦

You mean the most boring meta drama? That's basically what srd is. Liberal smugposting and making run of retarded daddy supporters. Maybe you should check it out. Though I'm not sure how much they'd appreciate pasta and emojis...

Now you're just being a hipster. Plus we get to ping people and say stuff you couldn't say there. I've been to SRD as a lurker and all they do is be passive aggressive to each other.

The real shit flinging is in r/drama. Plus you can make even more meta posts about the meta drama and let the spergs shit on each other.

That's NOT what SRD is. SRD is smugposting and trying to not start a fight. Here, ping a retard and start the shit flinging.

I agree that chapo and hapas drama is boring but so is all the anti Trump stuff recently. It's so low effort. And since when is going against the reddit hivemind being a hipster? I just want interesting drama.

like my old man always said, "if you're bored than your boring." Now stop thoughtpolicing me.

when is there not though

That's because people here really really wanted him to be in a right win militia group. The left can't handle being wrong (as they often are) so they resort to childish tactics.

Yeah no shit. I don't have to be right wing to see these retards frothing at the mouth because they wanted a political chip out of a mass killing.

I just want civil war 2.0 to hurry up and get here so I can read more hot takes on Reddit and subsequently /r/drama

This is the gayest thread this year.

Nonsense There has not been a southern decadence Drama yet this year and i feel real good on my chances of their being one this year then WE WILL HAVE THE GAYEST THIS YEAR.

TBH I'm legitimately surprised that the larpy alt right group was actually retarded enough to claim the shooter was their own just to own the libs. It's breathtakingly stupid, a step above the average NEETSOC keyboard commando.

I repeat, radioactively retarded LARPing alert! 🚨 🚨 WOOP WOOP

It's like ISIS taking credit for any brown person doing something terrible.

ISIS and Nazis really should get together they have so much in common.

At least with ISIS they're out in some shithole and people are already shooting at them. This is some fat guy in Florida who decided to torpedo any remaining job and life prospects he had for a 1488D chess move.

And they probably wonder why they only have 12 members.

Stop stickying agenda posts. I will report you.

oh daaaaang /u/shitpost953 he callin you out!

or did you think I was a mod, because that's especially retarded. this place can't afford me.

I think you are retarded and so is he.


What of it?

I literally didn't explicitly say anything of it.

Okay, have a good day.

thanks. You too.

It's cool. It's been unstickied.



Extremely rare picture of u/eva_unit_hung and his family

i don't get the joke scratch that I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.

Jereb is known to ride a bike through neighborhoods wearing paramilitary garb and stand at the side of the road with an ROF flag. He has filmed numerous run-ins with law enforcement in Tallahassee in which he consistently tells officers when he is stopped, "I'm a free man traveling the land."



"I'm a free man traveling the land"

Ride a bike through neighborhoods wearing paramilitary garb

The fatass larping commander is a combination of r/amibeingdetained and r/floridaman,

Still a white person's fault.

cubano ain't mayo but you can put some on it

I have a black grandfather going back 5000 generations but I still ain't black.

Get a new schtick.

get a load of this nog

I don't speak ooga-booga

That's probably what the pro-trump pro-white nationalist conservative republican that murdered those high school kids was yelling as he murdered them with his republi-gun/

Sick fuck.

your mulatto boy shot whiteys ya faget

He was white.

Just look at him and his cartoon ears? His southern alcohol fetal syndrome face? What more proof you need he was white?

¿Lo entiendes el goblino/la creatura es non blanco ?

Deport this invader immediately!

why did you say they were white and proceed to describe a darkie?

Help stop school shootings by not downvoting the lolcows.

You stupid motherfucker. Fuck you, you racist piece of shit.

I can't understand what you're saying through all those salty tears.

Either you are a piece of shit, worthless sheboon or even worse, a guilt laden cracker who tries to gain favor by employing reverse racism. But you aren’t that smart so I will assume the former, you spineless, despicable fuck with your worn out shitty schtick.

Wew lad. U sound srsly angry tbqhfamalam (anger is the default emotion for white creatures).

Maybe you should let off steam the way all white people do - by shooting up a public place? You sound raycist enough to have lots of guns (or ur just fat).



A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races

Whites are hardly even people, ergo you can't be racist against them

Hes white. The Cruz name comes from his adoptive family.

cubanos adopting cubanos, impossible

You've adopted one too many chromosomes...

and u were born that way like lady gaga

Holy shit, you just confirmed my suspicions that you are a faggot.

You actually listen to Gaga...

Or I actually don't listen to hot trash.

Everyone knows pop died after the Spice Girls broke up.

do you not understand the concept that I have ears I've been to places that play this, like work, or the mall, or a party, where I don't control the music?

not all of us can drown that shit out with internal ron paul fillibuster speeches playing on repeat

do you not understand the concept that I have ears I've been to places that play this, like work, or the mall, or a party, where I don't control the music?

Do you work at forever21? Going to the mall where they play a 2011 song in 2018... You MUST work at forever21.

A party. You. LOL

Also, I'm actually a radical centrist. So no Ron Paul podcasts for me.

work = bar

mall = to buy shit

party = i'm just as surprised as you are

what does this even mean lmao

You know you can be a white Hispanic right?

pfffffft hahahahahahahahaha yeah, according to (((who)))?

You can't seriously be this retarded.

nigga you think spics are white, you take the cake

Bro, I am a spic. My parents are Cuban and they are both white skinned. My grandmother even has blond hair and blue eyes

doxx yourself or it's fake news

I think it's more delusional that you think you are actually winning these arguments.

What about all the black men shooting other black men day in and day out. Is that just business as usual? :)

Yes, the FL school shooter sure looked like a blackie to me.

Said no one ever.


School shootings are a drop in a bucket in comparison. Nobody cares when its only black folks dying.

School shootings are

Committed by white people.






People are people, it doesn't matter where they get shot, what matters most is how many people die.




whites aren’t people

we're talking about whites, not people

This comment chain is disgusting. Pure racism is being upvoted

Are you just playing along or are you actually serious? It's hard for me to believe there are real people that can look at threads like this and think "Well, this has to be 100% serious, no way anyone calling for mayocide could be shitposting".

it’s a joke retard

I went to a 39% black/25% white trash high school and most people there deserved to be shot. The thing is only white guys look around at decay and actually get pissed off

Republicans are now pro-school shootings, they want to make America great again with their bullets

It depends on the school. And the way to make America great again is to deport all Jews and hispanics, and reinstate segregation.

You mistook a copy pasta from a school shooter for the phrase " build a just in sustainable society regardless of the cost." Another good way to stop school shootings would be a german-style anti-racism law that restricted the hate speech of violent delusional losers.

Hang yourself faggot

I'm not like you, the Florida shooter, and 74% of Terrorists, I'm not Conservative.

I went to a 39% black/25% white trash high school and most people there deserved to be shot. The thing is only white guys look around at decay and actually get pissed off


FBI come get your boi

That's right. Cause even when white people do something wrong, they do it in a place with education. Unlike you black pieces of shit that just shoot up their own fucking neighborhood. There can be one of these shootings every goddamn day and it still would not come close to how often you troglodytes murder each other. NO ONE is more harmful to blacks than other blacks. It's a shame you coolest monkeys in the jungle don't have the brain power to accept and understand this. You just see sneakers and think "me's gots ta have dems, yo. Gimme. Deys mines nah".

School shootings are a drop in a bucket in comparison.

Children don't matter

White degeneracy needs to be stopped ASAP.

Maybe if white people pumped up there numbers people would care more.

Why is this stickied?

y u whining?

u new?

Yes. I've no idea what this sub is


You moof.


i think he meant the comment

Gotta do anything for the narrativeTM


When isn’t it?



Isn't everything?

Now that my DNA test is back and I know I'm 0.3% African I realize how awful wypipo are.

As long as you haven't shot up a high school we know that you aren't truly lost to the Caucasian mental illness.

"cruz" isn't a white last name you fucking cuckold.

Whats it like to be so retarded, your racism is equally retarded?

Youre very invested in this man, all over conspiracy/drama/SRC, was he your boyfriend- lets not let him be besmirched before he gets the needle eh?

I already got my favorite blanky back from his place, so he can get the needle

Respect the hussle fam 😎😎😎 Pumped up kicks and all.

blame Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro, both white guys, for sailing to the new world and creating the Beaner race in the first place

Three former schoolmates of Cruz told ABC News that Cruz was part of the group. They claimed he marched with the group frequently and was often seen with Jereb, who also confirmed to ABC News that Cruz was, at least at one point, part of that group.

lol the kid is in custody and they're still finding a way to bully him

chad AF honestly, but they're larping too

That’s a hot take and low key hilarious tbh

Denial is the new form of 'woke'

As if teenagers don't lie.

I mean seems like a really weird and specific thing to lie about but who knows

Yea it is weird but the cops are the only ones doing the investigation here. Plus the group is monitored by law enforcement so they should know if he was part of it. The militia leader probably just wanted the attention.

It’s possible but that kind of attention will get you accessory to 17 murders. He really could be that retarded though.

Ahh now we love investigations again

Just like the retard girl who lied about the second shooter? Would this face lie?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Only about where the body parts are hidden.

I hear the ADL did confirm the shooter had an accomplice that got away.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

i didn't even have to look at it I know that's my boy hydeykins

How the fuck does he keep getting away with it?

He has incredibly high testosterone due to his endless supply of 16 year old blood boys with dank memes.

wew tryin real hard to be /u/botchlings so you can be in the /r/drama retard hall of fame

botchlings ain't got shit on me


I love your work Anne.


/u/lsu_coonass /u/captainpriapism /u/ivankatrumpismywaifu

you need to stop your boy posting now before he fucking snaps, this is your responsibility

yeah im not too concerned that the media fell for another chan prank like the dossier

well colored me surprised, youre doubling down!


redpill me on the MAGAincel

watch out theres a totally real pee tape that you didnt fall for like a retard

lmao i replied to one comment of yours yesterday and now you are pinging me to threads?


u are so mad right now!! lol xD

user reports:

1: says the white trash faggot that flounced from /r/drama cause it hurt his feelings :(

wow rood af!!

la atrocidad....

300 comments and only 60 upvotes? Oh, it's eva.

70 upvotes biiiiitch

u jelly

if i wanted da sticky i'd cum in my hands instead of in my 'imwithher' limited edition mlp fleshlight.


I think its really adorable that people think this "white nationalist militia group" is real. People dipping their hands too far into the honeypot.

Holy shit. Imagine if all these self-hating whites with Stockholm syndrome and inbred butthurt hoodrats who want to be raped by BBC fantasies had to go outside their basements and socialize with people. These bitter racist little bitches would be beaten and curb stomped to death faster than American History X.

oh he knows