It's been a while since /r/Overwatch had a good ol' fashioned "those poor girl gamers" thread. Enjoy!

11  2018-02-19 by xjapxn


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Fucking women!

These males have no EMPATHY REEEEE

Girls on the internet

Nice meme

All men in disguise

you silly boy.

Just because you haven't live chatted with us doesn't mean we aren't real. We only live chat with rich and attractive men so that excludes you. Obviously.

Big if tru

Pretty bad disguises tbh

Gamers are what happen when you're too inept to know you're actually an incel and are too young for /r/MGTOW

Seriously though, are there any self proclaimed “girl gamers” or “gamer girl” groups that aren’t super toxic?

It seems like the reasonable ones just play the damn game...

Thank good Overwatch exists, it keeps the garbage player count in games like R6 low.