MRW I stumble into TrollX's restroom

337  2018-02-19 by WarSanchez


What the hell, man ๐Ÿ˜  I had to link through 4 pages just to get to a Fat Bastard ๐Ÿท meme? That was literally half my data plan for this month ๐Ÿ’ฒ๐Ÿ’ฒI see you are all trolls here for the telecoms and I've reported you to the FBI ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ Buh bye ๐Ÿ–

I was made to do with by PajeetPie himself.

I... the thread is a joke right? Like all those posts are just being silly, right? We are just being trolled?

Why was the thread locked?

No clue.

/u/AnnoysTheGoys did it, which is strange cause I thought he wasn't a faggot. Fatties gotta stick together like the stick to their beds.

I thought he wasn't a faggot

the fuck gave you that idea

I have him at plus one, but you're at plus three so you must be right.

You must be really degenerate to have upvoted /u/captianpriaprism 3 times.

I think he's funny :)

He's funny like Bill O'Reilly is funny.

No, he is pretty much a giant faggot

Isn't the whole point of this sub that the mods aren't supposed to mod at all?

I suspect the admins intervened on this one.

Literally no.

We added some new mods, they have slightly different ideas. TBF most of the old mods want to see the subreddit banned so maybe it's for the best.

/u/AnnArchist, make sure to keep an eye on your sub so the dipshit mods don't get it banned on purpose.

implying he doesn't want the subreddit banned

lemme know if i need to clampdown. Hodor was my idea btw

It's u/annoysthegoys who is spontaneously locking threads

/u/annoysthegoys why did you lock the post? Someone annoyed me about it earlier.

Tell them asking questions is for betas

Tell yourself that modding on /r/drama without announcing the fact that you're doing it is for betas

Ok. Step 2

TBF most of the old mods want to see the subreddit banned

Hooray is that why dbags like /u/riemann1414 /u/zachums /u/phedre et al no longer post here?

Fuck off faggots!

rude pings are banned now, remember?

I donโ€™t want to see the sub banned, but I do think it would be funny. Honestly it would tickle if the whole site got shut down.

nuclear level of spite achieved


But the real question is: "Why are the new mods so shitty?"

I mean, you had one mod who literally tried shutting the whole sub down and needed the admins to step in to stop his e-tantrum.

At the rate y'all are going, you might as well mod me.

Noodles Delenda Est.

Literally SRD 2.0, history repeating itself, etc etc

There has to be at least one moderator on here who is a hamplanet large enough to sustain fusion - it makes sense they'd lock a thread about fatshaming.

Reddit admins don't like it when confirmed serial killers harass fat people. They tend to delete subs for that, seeing how 78% of Americans are fat and don't take kindly to fat-shaming, by serial killers or not.

Where did this whole serial killer thing come from?

Ask /u/OniTan what it's like to stare someone in the eyes and listen to their death rattle

i killed people while in the Mil, does that make a serial killer.

More meat per kill, not to mention no "flight" instinct possibilities.

lol FUCK fat people

not literally

This seems like something a serial killer would say...

making fun of fat people is too ALT RIGHT for some of the mods now lol

either that or theyre fat too

I was able to get in the right position, but I found I was suddenly able to smell my own vagina, which has been smelling a little โ€œoffโ€ since I started being sex positive and fucking whoever I want without shame or guilt.

I must admit, I wasnโ€™t aware it smelled like that. I feel kind of bad now for my tinder date yesterday. Not the first one. The second one. I confidently requested oral and he started to comply, but then just stopped suddenly, said he had an โ€œemergencyโ€, and jumped out of my car.

I hope heโ€™s okay. Thereโ€™s really nothing around that part of I-5 but trees and dead deer.

Is someone trolling TrollX because this is vile

I knew Hillbilly would be back. His work is not yet done. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

alt right mods locking the last thread. smh

Locking & removing ๐Ÿ˜’


Mod-tism leaves too many answered questions my friend.

I blame 2-ply toilet paper.

Maybe they were scared that we will ping those poor ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐ŸšจFATASSES๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ?

New mods typically take their job very seriously. Give it 6 weeks before it's back to normal

Ed is a very, very fat man. I'm sure the thread touched a nerve.

Was ed not even good enough for a r/drama mod and was removed?

He was the mod equivalent of a pity fuck that you regret enough to throw out of your car before they've finished.

....but then realize Ed's wind sock buss is better than nothing when your freezing buss is sleeping in your stationwagon under the MLK bridge.

We considered adding you as a mod.

such an honor. tbh I would just spam posting reports under comments that had reports.

Yeah. I kind of think it's a mistake to add "power users". We'd be better off with a bunch of power mod dweebs who clear the mod queue constantly and just do the bare minimum needed to not get the sub banned. This subreddit used to be about the mods but that time is over.

At least I can crack down on Ed haters over on /r/TeamEd_ButteredToast.


Mod me, I promise to do absolutely nothing

Brigading is how you get shut down, unless you bring in that kekistani money.

commenting in linked threads isn't "brigading". It may be poor form, but "brigading" refers to mass downvoting

It's not poor form though

It is, young buck. The honorable way is to ping them and then slap their tiddies here

It's literally against the rules. Sometimes, depending on which admin is enforcing the rules

Much harder to do that ever since we can't do mean pings though. I don't know what I'm supposed to say if I can't tell them to kill themselves.

I don't like to take risks when my second favorite drama sub is at stake.

Yeah I enjoy SubredditCancer more than this one but it's too slow

Too slow? It barely crawls.

We know that /r/catsfucking is your fave, but why talk shit?

It looks like "/r/catsfucking" is not a subreddit.

Maybe you're looking for /r/Catstuffing with an 88.18% match.

I'm a bot, beep boop | downvote to DELETE. | Contact creator | Opt-out | Feedback | Code

Good fucking bot.


Good bot.

it refers to anything the mod wants it to refer to

Maybe if you loved America you could have an enthusiastic base


Pretty much confirmed that TrollX is full of angry, fat chicks tbh

They quite literally brag about that very fact.


Scott Steiner would have a field day with them.

implying Trollx users use a female restroom


Big if....wait theres not if about it, just big. Massive in fact.

Designated shitting streets

I fucking knew you werent dead!!!


Stunning and brave

That comment is fucking gold

We all gon' get benned

oh perish the thought, being banned from trollx

whatever shall i do now

Not have to think about chicks built like sumo wrestlers holding their Santa Claus guts and aiming turds into tiny toilets, probably.

No kink shame plz

That sounds like something you could make a competition out of. Whoever gets the most poop in the bowl gets the burger!

Holy shit they removed your replies but kept mine ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ trollx is human garbage

You might think so๐Ÿ˜

Are you so new to reddit? When mods nuke a comment chain you still see your comments.

Welcome and enjoy it here btw!

Just new to spreading shit around, this is actually sad because Iโ€™ve been on Reddit 6 years and had no idea. Iโ€™ve been a good girl til now ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Post girl dick or leave

My profile has history on GW go search through that ๐Ÿ˜ where do you think all my link karma came from, sure as hell wasnt from my shitty art

You ever wonder why the gals on trollx only seem to make shitty experiences with men and then complain in their echochamber to each other about patriarchal oppression because of it? That's literally because no normal guy would want to interact with these landwhales if he can avoid it so all they get are potential rapists and fat fetishists.

Shame they moved the last thread. I guess the SJW was too strong for our tranny mods to resist.

u/Gastte 3 points 23 minutes ago

I didn't come from /r/drama. I just heard the reverberations through the earth's crust when you sat down at your computer chair and came to check it out.


Donโ€™t feel bad for the men that just want to treat you like a piece of meat. I say keep those vag juices fermenting and whip it out when someone cat calls you

It's not fair when we are the ones who wrote it.

Is u/lunarpeach one of us? I assumed she was just a gross femcel.

๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก sexist pig how dare you!!! ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก just because Iโ€™m a wymyn!!! #metoo you literally raped me

Sorry bro, you're jerking it to a trap.

No kink shame pls, this is a degenerate server.

Nigga I ain't got time to go through everyone's post history to see if shit's fake or not.

If you post something retarded I'm jerking it regardless.

I ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ didnโ€™t ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿˆถ want ๐Ÿˆถto ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ come ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ out as ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ”ž bussy ๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ˜ณ but you โฌ…๏ธ leave โฌ…๏ธme ๐Ÿšซ no ๐Ÿšซ choice ๐Ÿ˜ญ

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™m honored

I feel like TrollX is approaching like a solid 10% people-laughing-at-them quotient.

I was able to get in the right position, but I found I was suddenly able to smell my own vagina, which has been smelling a little โ€œoffโ€ since I started being sex positive and fucking whoever I want without shame or guilt.

I must admit, I wasnโ€™t aware it smelled like that. I feel kind of bad now for my tinder date yesterday. Not the first one. The second one. I confidently requested oral and he started to comply, but then just stopped suddenly, said he had an โ€œemergencyโ€, and jumped out of my car.

I hope heโ€™s okay. Thereโ€™s really nothing around that part of I-5 but trees and dead deer.

Uhm, ew.

Ummm... And??

I don't see the issue...

You were having sex in the car. That's extremely dangerous.

Yeah, modern suspension isn't built to withstand trollxer's fucking

The Earth isn't built for that.

I get the feeling that your attitude towards sex isn't the only thing that's positive about you.

Being sex positive doesn't mean lacking proper hygiene you filthy sea urchin.

I have sex with dozens of partners each day. Exactly how often do you expect me to wash my vagina? Each second wasted scrubbing my crotch is a second I could be spending bent over in front of a produce clerk behind an Albertson's instead.

I actually never imagined I'd be slut shamed in this sub, of all places.

This is actually starting to make me feel kind of traumatized.

Hi could you please contact poison control for me? I believe I've eaten too much bait.

I think the problem was when you didn't drive into oncoming traffic aiming for the cement mixer.

youre not supposed to be able to smell your own genitals you fucking grot, get some wet wipes or something

This story is too well-crafted. It has to be a troll.


not enough shit and tampons smeared up the walls

Is that someone's actual toilet?

Those fat people happy as fuck. They just took a big old greasy KFC dump in their Great John.

I'm a self admitted fatass but holy shit I can't imagine being that big.

Does that toilet include the optional steerage crane?

I'd assume so.

You are kind of a leftist fag also, if I recall.

I think I am centrist now. My main values haven't changed but the goal posts on what a liberal and conservative are have moved a lot.

Same. I worked in the Obama campaign, but now I am a full nationalist and warrior against degeneracy.

username does not check out

humbly stealing that for my child's name

Hole shit, it's not a joke...

MFW I have the top comment in the top post on the front page of r/trollxchromosomes

Today has been a wild ride.

Oh no! We've been benned!

That seems a terrible idea, the handicap people who are normal size as opposed to a small barn, will fall in

/u/corpse_grindin_gal is you username a Harley Poe reference?

Yes it is!

Fukken sweet! I've never met another fan in the wild.

I have been obsessed with them lately. I cannot get enough. The fun stuff cheers me up, the dark stuff is helping me cope with a hard time.

I just bought one of Joe's penis mugs. It currently has flowers in it. I love it.

Is this how toilets look in burgerland?




Where's the bloody fetus?

Trapped in the folds of the upper thighs.