The New York Times officially endorses the manocide

119  2018-02-24 by YHofSuburbia


I used to have this one-liner: “If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

What in the world

Somehow I think this would piss off women more than men, who would be slightly amused and confused as to why their friend did this.

Maybe this comedian just knows a bunch of strange, fragile people

yeah women this is definitely "emasculating" and ill be very, uh, humbled? by your going out of your way to make the ordering process smoother and easier for me, please do this to show me whos boss

Also, nothing makes me feel more emasculated than someone else paying.

The guy that came up with "giving blowjobs is empowering" strikes again.

No, they “deescalate the situation.”

I've found quite a few things people project onto others are often their own issues.

An emotionally and mentally secure person worried not about any of these things.

No shit.

My favorite part of going to the same restaurant constabtly is that the waitress already knows my order.

Easily the best part. They know your order, your name, and don’t even have to talk to you to get you more drinks. Best lunch places are the ones where they know you.

Honestly I’d love this, gives me a chance to not care when the server is going to be around and do my own thing.

Maybe this comedian just knows a bunch of strange, fragile people

he's an alt-comedian. and alt-comedians are like the alt-right of the comedy world, just a bunch of thin skinned mayos who are secretly jewish and hated by everyone.

also if they were really your friend wouldn't you know what they would order?

> also if they were really your friend wouldn't you know what they would order?

What kind of faggot dude knows what his buddy is going to order?

The kinda guy who bitches about the alt right as thin skinned.

The alt right are thin skinned though, watch this.

White women have a natural lust for BBC.

Oooh, I'm so scared of your obsession with black cocks. Do I smell a hint of inferiority, or is that lust?

Duh that's why we're all into anime

It's not like men order like Sally in the deli scene of "When Harry Met Sally"

"I'll have the philly with a side of onion rings" is not hard to order.

I love the abrupt transition from this to "17 kids got shot"

“I’ll have the steak, and Phil will have the lasagna.”

Phil slowly reaches for gun concealed under the table

"This is the last time you emasculated me you dumb bitch"

Now, if a this woman also paid for that meal...

No really, that would totes emasculate me, but I'd get a free diner, so it's fine.

but I'd get a free diner

The emasculation is served on a plate, not a plot of land.

oh, is that how it works for the poor?

i like my emasculation with a side of ranch

paying for my meal, taking me home and then pegging me until i have a violent, barely consensual prostate orgasm is about as emasculated as i could possibly get.

even more so if it was a cute trap with a huge 8 inch cawk. good lord i hope that never happens to me, i'm clutching my fragile masculinity like an old lady clutching her pearls.

Don’t worry. That cute trap will give you a pearl necklace of your very own

Just get me steak and potatoes and we fucking groovy. Oh and eat my salad too. Thnx.

Fuck, I'd be flattered thinking they care about me.

Haha u swindled me XD

Seriously who the fuck would that actually "emasculate"

What a weird article but then again I'm used to trash like this from New York Times

Unless the empowered woman is a competent waitress at that exact same establishment there's no way she'd be able to remember the correct order long enough. She'd probably just blurt out her own half-correct order by mistake. I would love being emasculated and robbed of my masculinity at a restaurant as I am a privileged cisgendered male mayo deserving of being put in my place by a strong woman. But this is just not a feasible way of doing so given that women have brains 1/3rd the size of man's. It's science. Plus we live in a patriarchal society so the waitress will just ask me first before the woman anyway.

that opening was really stupid I will agree but I think pretty much everything after that was pretty reasonable and non-judgmental tbh. Not a bad article in my opinion

I only scanned it after that, honestly. I don't really care if boys are broken or not. I'm not a kid nor a parent so I don't give a shit

Michael Ian Black discussing what being a man is like is a pretty good joke, imo

im so proud of myself that i dont know who this is

New York Times opinion columnist

opinion writer for a newspaper in 2018

Guy sounds like an incredibly punchable rich kid nerd.

Idk man it was a pretty good article

I see like five of these fucking "society is bad and it's time to do something, I don't know what but something must be done" a day man

Lol right? He covers ground that's only been covered a million times before.

At least he is saying something a lot of people are not willing to accept yet: there are a million and one conversations on how to be a woman, but any conversation of how to be a man is shut down.

But yeah that first quote about emasculating other men by telling the waiter their order was dumb as fuck.

I didn’t read it, I’m just generalizing off nyt and wsj opinion articles

he's in wet hot american summer, and it's sequel and prequel series aaaaand.... i honestly can't think of anything else

he plays a fag

"plays" a fag

He's one of those comedians who's mostly known for supporting roles in things made by his more successful friends (the most recent thing is probably Wet Hot American Summer). He has a bunch of failed shows on Comedy Central and for awhile he was doing I Love The 90's on VH1. Lately he's been spending his time getting baited into Twitter arguments about feminism.

So naturally he's the person the Times looks to expostulate about the male experience.

He's a pretty funny comedian, but not someone that you would think as manly, or strong. I honestly thought he was a gay twink when i first saw him on camera.


why would i lie about something benign as this? from the other replies he was apparently in wet hot american summer, which i watched but I still don't know who he played so i might recognize a picture of him as whatever character he played

i don't really think you're a liar

Tbf he's explaining what it feels like to be a little bitching.

(((michael ian black))) deconstructing masculinity oy vey

in spite of his degeneracy and scheming, i'll always love him for his i love the 80s commentary on vh1

in my mind, he can do little wrong because of it

only hal sparks was a greater commentator and cultural critic in that series

Wasn't he one of those "comedians" who they interviewed constantly on vh1 back in the 2000's? He was always the least funny and the most giant pussy.

Man does something bad

There's something wrong with men

Man does something good

It's men's fault that a woman didn't do it

this is the first good take on this i've seen in four years

I used to have this one-liner: “If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

What, are you fucking retarded? That would be a really nice thing to do, unless you're an oversensitive woman who gets offended when a man orders for you.

It’s no longer enough to “be a man” — we no longer even know what that means.

Gee, I wonder whose fault that is...

Too many boys are trapped in the same suffocating, outdated model of masculinity, where manhood is measured in strength, where there is no way to be vulnerable without being emasculated, where manliness is about having power over others.

As far as I know, it's feminists who claim masculinity means men having power over others--see "toxic masculinity."

There has to be a way to expand what it means to be a man without losing our masculinity.

Start by asking men, not feminists, and especially not feminist men who do nothing but kiss feminist ass by writing stink pieces for NYT.

I would like men to use feminism as an inspiration, in the same way that feminists used the civil rights movement as theirs. I’m not advocating a quick fix. There isn’t one. But we have to start the conversation. Boys are broken, and I want to help.

Hen house, meet the fox.

This article touch a nerve?

Yeah man these soy boys have got to go

How many more minds must be poisoned by ☠Big Feminism☠

Real Men survive Big Feminism

Real men kill women for sport

The fucked up thing is that this is a factually true sentence.

Is that #whyyouneedfeminism?


yeah just like /u/onitan, paragon of masculinity

People in general. The most dangerous game

this but unironically

I wasn't being ironic either

As many as possible tbh


I agree with you on one thing, feminists who worry about "men's issues" are fucking idiots. They dig their own grave and more than that they suck the dick that holds them down-- go ahead and pretend you don't love it to see women blame their liberation movement for failing to stop men from being violent. Which is ridiculous.

I agree with you on one thing, feminists who worry about "men's issues" are fucking idiots

I mean modern liberal feminism is basically feminism for men by men

This but unironically

Getting this tilted by Michael Ian Black

That's a pretty weak camrip of black panther.

What, do you have a mobile alert set up or something?

He’s a bot

!isbot The_Reason_Trump_Won

You're a bot!

A Russian bot

What ever happened to /u/The_Reason_Macron_Won ?

He's shadowbanned lul

did you ever expect to get this much usage out of that account

personally i though itd wind down after about 6 months

When I knew Trump was gonna win I saw 3 possibilities:

1) given how hated he was by his own party elite, impeachment / early lame duck status within two years

2) Dems get their shit together (lol) and sweep the midterms and possibly the 2020 election

3) Dems double down on the retarded shit in / adjacent to our party (Social justice bullshit included)

So yeah I kinda figured it was likely I'd get 2ish years of shitposting in, barring early impeachment

i thought itd definitely be 3 but i also thought theyd be exhausted by now

I'm honestly not sure if doubling down on the retarded shit will actually be a losing strategy for dems/progressives in the near future. Trump's hated enough and the rage/hysteria is so high that it might actually work out for the party in the short term.

And there's no point in doubling down if you just peter out on all the outrage before midterms, so I was pretty confident if it went that route it'd last till at least December 2018

I'm honestly not sure if doubling down on the retarded shit will actually be a losing strategy for dems/progressives in the near future.

pretty sure it will be tbh, the problem for them is the same as it was during the election- average people that hate that shit wont speak up because they dont want to be yelled at or called a nazi

remember how shocked they were that the polls were wrong, because people that liked trump didnt participate or lied

Trump's hated enough

i think that sort of judgement has the same prob where its hard to gauge

the loudest obviously hate him but i have to wonder how many they actually represent

reddit is constantly shocked that their ideas arent mainstream like remember bernie sanders

so I was pretty confident if it went that route it'd last till at least December 2018

at this rate i wouldnt be surprised if you can keep it up for the whole term it just keeps going

sry for seriouspost that was a bit gay

>says he doesn't care about daddy

>writes paragraphs of analysis on his positive outlook

lol me knowing about stuff doesnt equal investment you goof

and being apathetic doesnt mean i cant observe and make fun of shit

you're not making fun of anything though in that're just trying to be subtle about your earnest opinions to the point you even realize your state of being at the end of the post

lol at your genuine political feelings m8

yeah that post was observation like i also said

you need to stop trying so hard and just accept that im right

Trump's hated enough

Get ready for seven more years.

I guess it would be uncharitable of me to get a job at a suicide hotline right before November 2020, right?

It doesn't matter right now and might not even in 2020. If they keep doing it beyond that, good luck

I don't feel like serious posting about it, but I think it does / did matter now. I think the retarded shit helped Trump win.

Seriously, considering everybody gets angry about something new every 4 days, the fact that the overall hatred for trump is still at such a fierce boil is outright impressive

eh, honestly, both parties have 'swept' the midterms several times in my life. The normal state of a midterm is for the party out of power to 'sweep' the midterm outside of newly started wars.

The normal state of a midterm is for the party out of power to 'sweep' the midterm outside of newly started wars.

yup. its pretty likely dems will take (a lot of) congress in november no matter shittily we campaign

The Senate map for 2018 is absolutely horrid for us, but we'll definitely make gains in the house.

I love you, man.

I used to have this one-liner: “If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.”

Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

They know that if you order for someone, you pay for it right?

I tell my dates that since I went through all the emotional labor of ordering for them, they are responsible for the bill

Pagliacci was a weakling

Haha, great story Mark!


Black was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Jill and Robert Schwartz, a store owner and an executive, respectively.[1] His family is Jewish.[2] He grew up in Hillsborough Township, New Jersey,[3] where he attended Hillsborough High School.

What a weird coincidence... he grew up in New Jersey.

Also imagine the guy with huge parental issues becoming a numale feminist. Who now just does podcasts.

What a weird coincidence...

he grew up in New Jersey.

Damn white people, ruining things for white people

Damn (((white people))), ruining things for huwhite people



I like him in Another Period.

Every single time ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡

Michael Ian Black

Michael Ian Black (born Michael Ian Schwartz; August 12, 1971) is an American comedian, actor, writer, and director. He has starred in several TV comedy series, including The State, Viva Variety, Stella, Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, The Comedy Quarter-hour, Michael & Michael Have Issues, and Another Period. He is also a poker player, appearing on Celebrity Poker Showdown several times. He released his first children's book, Chicken Cheeks, in 2009, and has since released six more, in addition to four books for adults.

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fuck off

Bad human

Chicago soyboy

/u/riemann1413 is that you


This article is nothing but false flattery towards men but male users are blind to this. "Wah, we get bad grades (if we don't care about our grades) and we murder people, dominating women in every other sphere of life doesn't make up for this."

Whose alt are you?

No one's, Im a newbie :)

Insulting males in /r/Drama

I admire your bravery

I used to have this one-liner: “If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

What in the name of Baldrs cock?

The whole article could be summed up as...

cut my balls already

that wouldn't be enough, and he's rational enough to know it

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

This is way too mild to be believable, sweety.

That's entry-level stuff. Any radical feminist worth her salt would discuss how to cull the male population down to about 20%. Also lose the 'stud' stuff, women don't talk like that.

Yeah really, "manual labor?" Ooh. I'm really scared, come back when you have us digging our own mass graves.

Actually the future is women going out and working all day because they have the degree and then coming home and cooking their lazy ass deadbeat man dinner because men know a good thing when they see it. You want to work and cook? Great. Ima sit here on my fat ass and wait for you to feed me then maybe i'll do the dishes and complain about it the whole time talking about "how lucky you are to have a man who puts up with you being out of the house so much."

Lesbian bed death

Lesbian bed death is a concept in which lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple, and generally experience less sexual intimacy the longer the relationship lasts. It is based on 1983 research by sociologist Pepper Schwartz. The concept has been criticized by the lesbian community and some psychologists as popular myth.

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I'll have some black pepper on that pasta, thanks.

superior earnings


This, but unironically.


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Boys are broken, and I want to help.

Found a new road contractor

Men feel isolated, confused and conflicted about their natures. Many feel that the very qualities that used to define them — their strength, aggression and competitiveness — are no longer wanted or needed;

Nope, ever seen the boyfriend of a new wave feminist? It's every single thing they say they hate. Women are not attracted to weak men as much as they want to screech about it in public.

Rapists and abusers are weak men that mask their weakness with aggressive behaviour.

Actually male feminists mask their raping and abuse with progressive behavior.

Yeah, if a man brags about how cool and woke feminist he is then he's probably hiding something...

I am all for the white male-ocide but I mean are we really taking anything by Michael Ian Black seriously?

The comments on that page are the most egregious fart-sniffing bullshit I've ever seen. Also,

women are outperforming men in every field


Yes, but everybody on the Right has been trained to despise Obama — and, I suspect, anybody else who might exhibit such humanity. And all Blacks as well, which also includes Obama.


You haven't explored a better option, rejecting masculinity. Although androgyny has gotten a bad reputation, it is in fact, not what it is depicted and is a better gender state for men. It is more in tune with the idea of being both masculine and feminine, capable of a range of personality traits. Years of studies have shown androgynous men to be more attractive to women, better balanced, and more satisfied with life. Masculine men, in contrast, have fallen out of favor in many ways, at least as real partners for women.


Nailhead! I don't have anything to offer except that boys have a problem because they are asked to model the ultimate male--God. If the perception of God could be less male and less white, everyone would benefit.

What hath you wrought, Ian?

>By Dr. Michael Ian Black


I’m a virgin loser so maybe I’m totally disconnected from reality but the men described in articles like this seem like fiction. They make boys sound like drooling Neanderthals. Like all we care about is sex , grunting, and fighting. And now that we can’t fight when we want we just shoot people.

omg were all the same! equality for all and everyone is identical, nurture not nature

also WHITE MEN are at fault for everything

signed a jew

Is the author of this article an incel that managed to act normal enough to get pity sex? Because that's what it seems like to me. He let a woman define his sense of self.

taking advice on masculinity from Michael Ian Black


Did that heteronormative white male just assume his kids gender?

Is he implying things such as masculinity and feminism are binary options and not on a beautiful spectrum of infinite genders?

Wow, I am shocked, triggered and appalled.

u/spez pls help