THOT has miscarriage, demands ex's band be blacklisted

60  2018-02-26 by homosexextra


If you can relate to their music, you're probably just as privileged.

Did anyone read that great wall of text?

yeah. it’s awful. basically just a bad relationship but she just added a bunch of emotional turmoil into it so it seemed 1000x worse

I don't get why everyone's all "I'm so sorry this happened to you" as if she suffered some huge trauma and not just your average shitty breakup.

Validating her victim complex. Doing her no favours whatsoever


My ex-boyfriend was a dick. Please boycott his band to punish him.

"I'm poor and needy and unstable so I latched onto a nobody from a shitty band. Then I got knocked up by him and the babby got diarrhea'd out the vagoo then he ghosted me and now I am mad my easy paycheck is gone so you should boycott his band" is the TL;DR

Someone really needs to respond exactly this to her and the Twitter post. I can't right now because...well someone else because I just browse this place while eating and I'm done with my bean burritos now.

Interesting that she decided to come out with allegations right after they got signed to Epitaph Records.

Mods confirmed she made a post months ago but deleted it before anyone saw it.

It's like she wanted to have an emotional pin-cushion child. You know, the kind that poisons the kid's mind about how everyone in the world is out to get their mom and all her baby daddy's ain't shit. Maybe this is mean but the miscarriage sounds like it's for the best, there's alreay enough people with kids who have no business having them. Maybe I'm cynical, but the numerous times she threw their "privilege" out there makes me think she thought this kid would be an easy cash cow. USE BIRTH CONTROL! these dumb women, I swear.

This woman is doing the Lord's work. Remo drive is just another indie band that isn't catchy enough to be pop rock and isn't energetic enough to be punk. We can live without it.

U right

She's mad cause he was an angsty asshole? That's like all of indie music.

I know Stephen and this is a crock of horse shit

i hope that comment puts me in /r/iamverybadass

You can't say this and then not follow up. What really happened?

His tweet clarifies it

Mods pls verify

She's so butthurt her ex-boyfriend blocked her on Facebook that she tries to end his career. Seems pretty stable

I bet she "really hates drama"

It’s on him that I was pregnant too.

/u/elfsuccubus pls explain

also thanks for the band reco

This is glorious. Sounds like he hooked a girl with untreated BPD, jury out on what kind of person he is but probably not a peach either.

Sounds fairly tame for an early 20 something indie band star. Not a peach but I’m sure anyone could find half a dozen far worse guys in your corner dive bar.

Oh, for sure. An inconvenient truth that a lot of people want to ignore is that oftentimes people in abusive relationships tend to have abusive tendencies/emotional instability themselves, tho. That said, I doubt he's more nuts than his ex.

No doubt lol. The other discussions tab in the link are even more dramatic than this thread, r/emo and r/RemoDrive Naw just this other discussion.

jury out on what kind of person he is but probably not a peach either

his hair + glasses combo is like he wanted to look like the 70s but didnt have the confidence to actually commit to it, dudes almost certainly incredibly irritating to have a conversation with. even if you set that aside, hes still a bassist in an indie rock band.

i could tell from skimming over her rant that there was definitely going to be another side to it

Her username is "elfsuccubus" too. If that isn't a red flag...

An argument escalated between a girl and me at a show, Stephen had to get in the middle of it, she fell. She then said Stephen pushed her. The next day, he called me and broke up with me over the phone. I had a miscarriage that week. He’s aware of this.

/u/elfsuccubus he probably doesn't believe you tbh

And thanks for the band reco

Wait, so he cuts off his shitty gf that keeps getting him in trouble, and somehow it's HIS fault her body is shit?

this is why you never stick your dick in crazy gussy, only bussy

I seriously have no idea how the human race has managed to last this long.

Having now listened to u/remodrive I agree that they're terrible and should be mayocided.

I didn't really read the post... something about a baby?

Edit: bonus, u/remodrive is user. Tell me, friendo, how you take the news?

Oh my god, who the hell cares?

It is like you dont like petty drama

Not enough dead hookers

This is boring drama. I'm not reading that wall of text.

This is like Lucy going after Ricky once they sold the hash driveway.

lmao she's all "he didn't contact me after my miscarriage!" and it turns out his therapist advised him never to talk to her again

She sounds 10/10 loony tunes

I can't wait till all her mindless internet ranting detailing specific encounters and locations is used against her in court for the future defamation/slander lawsuit

In the week of their album release show, he called me a bitch after expressing my feelings about something he said to me. He did things like that a lot. He was never in the wrong.

Is "expressing my feelings" some kind of irregular verb that changes depending on the subject?

"I expressed my feelings, you were rude, my ex boyfriend was an abusive asshole".