The Fresh Princess of Bel-Air?
3 2018-02-27 by WeWuzKANG5
It's early, give people some time to get upset and just wait for the yassssssssss.
3 2018-02-27 by WeWuzKANG5
It's early, give people some time to get upset and just wait for the yassssssssss.
1 EricTrumpIsMyWaifu 2018-02-27
I love how we have reached the point where we can predict drama like a weatherman
1 InsaneHuckleberry 2018-02-27
Can’t bomb, it will be totally funny and hilarious.
They’re called “Republicans” or “Fundamental Islamists” and you better call them by the proper pronoun.
1 Sarge_Ward 2018-02-27
good post
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-02-27
good comment