Trump decides he wants to take people's guns. /r/politics: "WTF I love the second amendment now" and "I love how pro-gun Obama was"

153  2018-03-01 by aonome


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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"I love how pro-gun Obama was"


100% called it:

Libs are lapping this shit up, hook line and sinker

5D basket weaving.

Keep telling yourself that lil guy, whatever helps you sleep

Nobody's actually saying that tho, perhaps beyond a tiny handful of people. Gun laws is one of the few issues that neither side is going to budge on regardless of who's saying the right things.

What's it feel like to be cucked by daddy?

Are you retarded or just LARPing. Do you seriously think Trump, who has won awards by the NRA, is going to limit gun rights? You retarded dumb fuck liberals are eating this shit up. It's going to result in teachers having guns, schools being safe, and no gun laws getting changed.


U should use ur 2nd amendment rights to stick an assault rifle in ur mouth and pull the trigger, bby.

Are those tears youre crying? Literal, actual tears?


This is the second best troll Trump has ever pulled, I hope the whole political spectrum warps around this

Trump said he was running in 2020. He didn't say what party.

If he runs as a Dem the circle of idiocy will be completed. /r/politics will become T_D and T_D shall become politics.

If he runs as dem, r/politics will jim jones themselves...which sounds fucking amazing btw.

How can an astroturfing bot Jim Jones itself?

By solving the halting problem?

rm -rf /

Something something Southern Strategy

It’s Truml. Southern strategy is beyond him.

“Those nice people on CNN said good thing about me. I now identify with them.” Is more his speed.

all the cool kids will still get their news from here

Demmy Daddy! 😍😫💦

Best heelface turn of the 21st


Can you imagine?

Now he will cause democrats to be anti gun-control.

God, I love 2018.


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/r/politics is for anything Drumpf is against and visa versa. We went from calling the NSA on their bullshit to "Snowden is a traitor" in hours. How is this not the machinations of a subreddit not being gamed by astroturfers?


Put down the thesaurus nerd

Machination is a complex word for you? You should try going back to preschool.

You should try killing yourself

Isn't it a bit complex for you to use the word "yourself"? Or maybe it's "complex" you have issue with this time?

eat shit you troglodite

Pretty triggered there fam for what is by all accounts a very mild insult for this sub. Wanna talk about it?

It's not triggering if i'm having fun with it! 😘

At least hating drumpf taught them that free trade is good.

I don't see that many people who are against gun regulations in that thread, just a bunch of people gloating about how pissed off the alt right is. Which is generally what happens when somebody someone doesn't like does something they like or somebody they like does something they dislike- they find a way to use it to talk shit about the people they dislike.

i bet if you read the article, the headline will turn out to be bullshit, but im not willing to generate the ad revenue for huffpo

Then find the source anywhere else. It's literally what he claimed he wants to do.

he said they should have taken the guns early from the kid who shot up.the school so no it was not a unilateral proposal and yes the headline is bullshit

Lol, you are really fucking stupid.

thats not nice

Im not a nice person.

Truth isnt always sweet like bussy.

He said he law enforcement should be allowed to take away guns before crimes are committed without due process.

Go to some NRA board and I'm sure you will see plenty of Trump supporters freaking out about it.

theyre freaking out ovee these bullshit headlines when it saus right there he was speaking specifically about the shooter

I like taking guns early

What makes you think this is specific to just this guy? It makes no sense. How do you prevent shootings if you just take guns from just this guy?

I'm not saying he goes through with it, but right here he is clearly stating he wants it to be easier to take someone's guns.

What makes you think this is specific to just this guy? It makes no sense. How do you prevent shootings if you just take guns from just this guy? How can you legally do it for just one guy?

Trump said law enforcement officers should specifically have taken the firearms possessed by Nikolas Cruz, the suspected gunman in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

What? Where did I or anyone say that? He wants to take away guns without due process, that is it.

Gun nuts are REEEing because guns are literally how they define themselves and even the potential of making it easier to take them away is the same as threatening their very soul.

why dont you actually link me to it shit head?


No u

i will eat your dick froibo

In a good way or a bad way?

I mean... "before crimes are committed" is kind of hyperbolic.

You don't get the cops called to your house 40+ times and the FBI tipped twice if "no crimes are committed"... openly making threats that you want to shoot up a school is not legal.

He didn't really define it, but this is clearly a guilty until proven innocent kind of mentality.

You can look at this one case and say without a doubt that his guns should have been taken away, but it's going to be another thing to put it into words for a legal policy.

I'm certaintly not against it, it is one of the few policies that I agree with him if he actually goes through with it. Republicans on the other hand will tear themselves apart.

I agree it probably is.

Though I will say, that if what he was alluding to was a kind of: "While you're in the process of being formally charged, but not yet found guilty, we can temporarily confiscate your guns"... I can't say I wouldn't be opposed to a solution like that.

It's what he SAID

Have you noticed that he SAYS a lot of wild shit?

Sure, but what fun is it to wait before action is taken to baste in all of the over the top reactions?

When did you suddenly notice?

"alt-right" "caring about the constitution"


This exactly.

They don't care about the issues they just want the other side to lose. I keep seeing people post in conservative leaning subs who never post there just coming in to try and upset the sub with this shit.

Conservative tears are delicious.

According to the Bolsheviks, the contradiction between political and economic rights within the media had been resolved through the nationalisation of the media. In Lenin's model of media freedom, the propertyless majority of the population abdicated their political right of media freedom to the minority of professional revolutionaries, who ran the nationalised newspapers and radio stations on their behalf. Crucially, the Bolsheviks derived their claim to absolute political power from their knowledge of the correct revolutionary ideology. Because they had been corrupted by the false ideas of the old order, the Russian workers and peasants were unable to express their long-term interests through regular elections. As a consequence, the revolutionary conspiracy had to use the nationalised media for the education of the population in the correct ideas of the new society. Therefore the majority of the population were excluded from any direct or indirect participation within the media. At the same time, media workers were also prevented from expressing their own opinions in print or over the airwaves. In order to guarantee the ideologically correct content of the media, the Bolsheviks turned all journalists, printers, broadcasters and engineers into employees of the revolutionary state. Thus, by the early-1920s, Lenin and his followers had instituted a new definition of media freedom: the one-way flow of propaganda from the ruling party to the population.

visa versa

How is this not the machinations of a subreddit not being gamed by astroturfers?

I honestly think people are that stupid.

The 180 they pulled on Assange was also hilarious.

The best thing I ever saw was comments calling Romney an utterly mad Cold-war relic because he said "Russia was a geopolitical adversary"

Can you guess what the exact same commenters are saying about Russia now?

Yeah, imagine people changing their minds about stuff. What a bunch of deluded fucks.

What’s “visa versa”? Is it like a new Visa card?

Do you mean vice versa?

How is this not the machinations of a subreddit not being gamed by astroturfers?

it is. /r/politics is 100% manipulated discussion and the only people, liberal or conservative, who can actually keep up with the delusional and constantly changing partisan shit that's spewed out there have to be literally retarded. even the actual political parties in this country have more consistency in believe

We went from calling the NSA on their bullshit to "Snowden is a traitor"

NSA can be acting unlawfully and Snowden can still be a traitor 🤔 🤔 🤔

Let's not forget that Snowden didn't just break the news on the mass surveillance. He sold all sorts of other shit to Russia in exchange for his freedom.

Yeah but do you think /r/politics ever cared about that? Most of reddit jerks off over that literal Russian shills tweets like he's notch circa 2012

The only drama here is the alt-right retards pretending like everything is fine.

also when they pretend that "shitlibs" are just as dumb and embarrassing as they are

what a bunch of retards

They're just laughing because it "makes conservatives mad"

As a radical centrist I can agree with that.

Please, take their fucking guns away. I want to see fat, greasy camo-wearing retards REEEEing in the streets NOW.
If this doesn't start a state-wide mayocide then I don't know what will.


Obama, if you’re listening, we love you and miss you. I’m so sorry I doubted your presidency and believed in stupid lies about you. You are an incredibly upstanding, sincere person. Hope you’re enjoying your beer.

lel I read this and started laughing internally like that "bruh look at this dude" video

That guy hit peak soy

What are you gunna do now that Daddy says he should have the right to ground you and take away your guns on a whim?

Who needs guns when you have a fresh cup of soylent?

I'm allergic to soy. Is that a threat?

/u/EricTrumpIsMyWaifu loves Trump more than the Constitution. If Trump hasn't read the Constitution, why should he?

as opposed to you, lmao

I am peak-T




You are peak-Eric T.

I think trump realized that liberals will instantly hate everything he does so now he's just picking positions to remove support from them


If you haven’t served then you shouldn’t be allowed to own a pistol or rifle.

Are you a fellow taliban vet?


Fight for Israel, goy, and you too could be a citizen!

Please unironically fuck yourself to death.

I bet you’re too fat to serve

Too rich, actually. I don't need to kill brown people for money. I happen to be in perfect shape, and my resting heart rate is below 60.

Lol okay Dwight Schrute.


On the contrary, I served and I'm probably one of the last people that should own a gun lol

Oh I’m saying only veterans should be allowed to own a gun. But every customer should have to provide a doctor’s note that proves they are mentally fit to own a firearm.

When I said I served what did you think I meant by that?

Would I be allowed to hunt with a CO2 powered dildo cannon instead?


Flamethrowers are okay too. No?



/u/snallygaster Were you the one that linked to a post on /r/CBTS_Stream where they said something along the lines of "A moment of silence for all the brave anons out there, fighting for or freedom"? I could have sworn it was you, but it's not in your submission history, and I can't find it on /r/drama anymore either.

Oh yeah, I x-posted it. Weird that it's not there anymore; I wonder if that happens when the OP is deleted.

Apparently it's still there, I just missed it. I searched /r/drama using url:cbts as a parameter, but it didn't show the post in the results (probably because you used the built-in crosspost feature to post it here).

of course the admins half-assed the feature

The year is 2020. Trump has gained complete control of everything. 90% of Congress is his own picked politicians and all but Trump-appointed loyalist judges have been replaced. After winning the election by 127% Trump declares victory and turns to the masses. He rips off his shirt and under he has a "Huge D" written on his shirt. Obama comes from backstage and announce the first Galactic Empire. Trump takes out his saber and hands it to Obama and together they rule galaxy for 1000 years.

No homo


Today at school I was gang-banged, and when I tried to tell authorities, they all laughed at me, said that Trump is president so they can do what they want, and then one cop even forced his fingers into me. I cried and tried to go home, but had to hide in the bushes as I witnessed my LGBTQIADG+ friends chained up being herded into vans to go to concentration camps. My neighbour set a womyn of color's house on fire while the cops applauded

"I could shoot a man in broad day light and I'd still have supporters!"

Literally moves to limit his power to shoot people---> conservatives bail ---> conservatives want trump to just shoot people.

I don't expect this to actually go anywhere but it would be hilarious watching the base try and spin it.

lol you're trying too hard

Trump decides he wants to take people's guns. /r/drama: "WTF I hate the second amendment now" and "I love how anti-gun Obama was"