The SRD Mayocide shitshow plays on as Jebus “Jacob Zuma” Gobson calls out our own /u/snallygaster for her bigotry of low expectations. Demodding inbound, but for whom?

84  2018-03-01 by menslib_is_alpha_af


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Yeah, because black people are too stupid and lazy to work a farm, right

Wellllllll there’s a reason whites manage the farm and blacks work it...

because the whites have hundreds of years of commercial agriculture ingrained in their culture, while the blacks are being misled by a corrupt socialist government into thinking money and wealth will magically be created by taking it from whitey

I was being tongue in cheek, but sure! Let’s gonwith that.

Put your tongue in my cheeks, big boy.


/u/JebusGobson are you going to make a thread about /u/snallygaster on r/shitamericansay?

We have rules against low hanging fruit

you're a low-thinking fruit

yes, mega-burn, I know

That was a better one.

I can't believe you went there

/r/drama can, newfag

You should start the anti-white colonisation push by keeping yourself safe.

Also, congrats on being too retarded for even SRD, that's quite a feat even for a soyboy shitlicker like yourself.

I keep myself safe by avoiding white ppl

white "people"

I should make a bot for this

Demod yourself from everything.

i wonder how the admins would feel about this powermod supporting what will surely lead to thousands of dead Africans

...good potential for more drama, at least.

The admins are neoliberals*, meaning they want to kill whitey and fuck over Africa. They'll probably give him a few more subs for aiding in both.

  • as well as gay nazi cucks

lol I was going to ask "then who's left?" but I think I know (((who)))

oh and riceboys, pajeets, and cholos I guess, somebody has to make their computers, someone has to be tech support, and those toilets ain't gonna clean themselves

I don't know about you guys, but personally wouldn't try to insult u/snallygaster.

Here's a picture of a happy panda for her.

This isn’t even a match if she chooses to engage. He’s debating like a 16 year old on r/negareddit. 🐼

I wouldn't want to. With each post of hers beating down SRDine trash my heart grows fonder. <3

/u/JebusGobson isn't this counter to your argument about Istanbul being returned to the Greeks? Istanbul was forcefully turkified with ethnic cleansing and forced assimilation, how is that any different than America or Australia?

That issue is not as black and white.

He said to Arathian that it's different because most of the people currently living in Istanbul are Turks so it would be wrong to push them out. I'm not sure why that same logic isn't also applied to the US and Australia (oh wait, yes I do, it's because /u/JebusGobson is a virtue signaling leftist faggot who hates white people).

So I guess the lesson here is that if you want to seize land you should try to genocide as many of the natives as possible, ideally eradicating them completely.

it's because /u/JebusGobson is a virtue signaling leftist faggot who hates white people

You could just say he's Belgian

Quick, someone find a living Pict so we can give them Scotland back!

That doesn't count because there's no appreciatable difference between Turks and Greeks anyway. Could anyone even tell them apart? Aside from the fact that Turks have better personal hygiene, ofc

Aww why'd you say that. What did the Greeks do to you?

Greeks haven't done anything for at least 600 years

Where you from? I need to defend my proud nation from these cowardly insults.

I'm from Flanders

Worst Simpsons character in the show.


I'm sorry guys I can't do this. I know getting people to come into a thread and then insulting them is like the only thing r/drama has but I'm just not up to it. I'm not cut out for this. Jebus I'm sorry Flanders was a classic character in the Simpson who was integral to the show. He always made me laugh with his polite charm and his dorkiness. Can you forgive me?

Not only do I forgive you, you've earned a permanent place in my heart.

I don't, you suck

Because the Turks aren't holding any economic/social/political power of Greeks rn, afaik

his response to why not the same for Istanbul lol

So the Nazi had the right idea

Dude is aggressively woke.

thanks for recognising the hussle, fam

Wait, is that /u/JebusGobson completely dismissing most of the comment so he can focus on one small piece, blow it out of proportion and move the goalposts? Who'd have guessed?? And of course snally is schooling the kid while being the polite, shining beacon of what dramanauts could never hope to be. Praise b snally.


Jebus playing the /r/drama role.

I'm confused by all these people I've never even seen around apparently knowing who I am

This sub is alt central.

Seems like a sub full of alt-funny and alt-intelligent people


I do think if youre gonna talk trash online you should use your main but too many power user lusers worried about their mod status would disagree with me.

really violates the sanctity of r/drama but lusers gonna luse.

imagine being such a loser you worry about your mod status

Shit, just imagining such makes me depressed

well I always liked you and I of course adore snally so ignore the meanies and they'll go away after a day.

Why do you assume that people have "mains" anymore in the first place?

Because alot of people use alts to talk shit?

Like, do you think that all these people you don't recognize still talk respectably and politely to Jebus and you on their mains (that you do recognize), but use alts to talk shit to you?

What I'm suggesting is that maybe you should make a difference between an alt and a new main, and then all the new-old faces is just you getting old and out of touch.

People have always used alts to post in certain places. Porn alts and shitsub alts are a thing.

I'm not assuming anything other than stating a fact.

You would need the shrivelled up balls of the soyiest soyboy to need to hide your identity here. So I assume you are using an alt right now.


So that's a yes then.


No one talks shit on their mains anymore

This is my "main" you dumb cunt, but the fact that you think everyone is an alt is both adorable and stupid.

I only use this account and I'm banned on like 20 different boards. I only care enough to make an alt when I'm too drunk to remember the name or password the next day anyways.

Hey, there's always gus like me who aren't autistic cool enough to be accused of being/having alts

Bitch you never post anymore either.

kys stupid fucking moron.

how dare you fucking insult me you fucking piece of fucking trash.

I literally do not have time to run an alt with all the time I spend on this one


We can smell lolcow from 7 subreddits away

You are what we call a "lolcow". Enjoy you 15 minutes of fame. Preferably, make the most of it and become a drama mod like the faggot you are.


She is a faggot and so are you

I really hope jebus is trolling and not really serious, because I don't remember him being this retarded, like ever.

He's a moderator of 68 subreddits, there's no question he's close to brain-dead.

Waffles are automatically retarded. It’s the nonstick coating they’re molded by. Warps their fragile minds.

This guy doesn't know about cast iron waffle irons. Shit's naturally nonstick yo.

He's a moderator of 68 subreddits and he's Belgian, there's no question he's close to brain-dead.

he's Belgian

Belgium is pretty much a non-country anyway

Which is why he supports destroying other nations.

The National Forest land in my home state of Idaho is 3x bigger than Belgium. I can't bring myself to care about it except for the Nutella and strawberry waffles the little shops sell in Brussels for 3 Euros.

Plus it was artificially created as a bullshit country by France and Germany so they fight less.

It’s more a Protestant vs Catholic thing and it was more a France vs the rest of Europe ( mostly Britain) thing because Germany didn’t exist in 1830.

Well I should say Germanic.

The Netherlands and Belgium are really just the outcome of the Wars of Religion and the Protestant Reformation, even though both were formed in the 19th century. Its all about separating Catholics from Proties. No one likes to talk about that now seeing as how low Germans are all Atheist sinners into polygamy and euthanasia.

We historical agendaposting now? fuck the ottomans.

You won't believe which (((group))) has been fucking up all of Europe

germans? its usually germans invading roman empires, forming shitty fake roman empires and losing said fake empires territory to ottomans.

Nutella is Swiss

Wow, do you think they ever got around to exporting that to other countries so that they could make money from the other 99% of the world that doesn't live in Italy?

Oh shit, 'Nutella and strawberry waffles' is a single thing, I thought you meant strawberry waffles and Nutella.



Goddamn swamp Germans

I'm just here with a pitchfork for the witch hunt against whoever is bullying Snally.

The legal land grab option

They expect illegal land occupation and rights violations to be prevented in this scenario, but the protection of property rights in SA to diminish, as well as investment in agriculture.

In the view of the researchers, this scenario also gives rise to the agricultural, financial and agro-processing sectors being the biggest losers in terms of production, exports and employment.

Although they regard this second scenario as slightly better than the land grab scenario, they see it as negative from an economic point of view.

This is because they expect the reduced recognition of property rights in this scenario to lead to disinvestment and a gradual decline in the agricultural, agro-processing and financial sectors.

/u/JebusGobson your insults are dumb and so are you. Economists agree this is a bad idea, please go tell this colonialist

“Yeah, because black people are too stupid and lazy to work a farm, right” out your disgusting mayo monster, ignorant patronizing ass you hack of a mod and human being. Then delete your account.

imagine being this racist

Imagine “delete your account” being enough to get that comment removed. Really?

I'll remove whatever I want

/u/JebusGobson why did you get /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK to lock the thread instead of just not replying or saying “You know what? You’re right.”

You could still say it here. Just saying.

Obviously, like always, the answer is autism.

I was on the road all day, alas.

Is your bull named "the road"?

No it's Jamal

Remember when Venezuela nationalized it’s oil industry kicking out all the multinational conglomerates and with it all its expertise? That really worked out well for them.

We don't even need to reach for a comparison with Venezuela. Zimbabwe is right there, and they did the EXACT SAME THING.

this was good for blockchain

True expropriation has never been triedTM .

JebusGobson: Do you think there's no black people with relevant training, or education?

snally: That's why I qualified my statement with 'primarily'. 'Primarily' as in once the white farmers are ousted, there aren't going to be nearly enough farmers to produce the food the country needs because there aren't enough black commercial farmers. Not that there are no black commercial farmers.

I mean, I of course support the home team (snally). But why would you try to make a nuanced argument in a space like SRD? People like that are just suffering from a compulsive fixation on callout culture.

The same can be said about drama.

Stop calling out our callout culture, you’re part of the problem now!

Are you suggesting only minorities engage in callout culture?!

Are you suggesting only minorities engage in callout culture?!

🔒 🚨🔒 🚨 WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO 🔒 🚨🔒 🚨

Sergeant McGillicuddy! We found another topic that SRD can't discuss without punching themselves in the nuts!


Aye aye!

This is what passes as humour to srd moderators.

Not to mention all the drama is being caused by one of their own moderators.

What a shitshow.

Them and Outoftheloop have the worst mod comments when they lock threads.

lol waffles

Snally defense force assemble!!

This but with a feeling of warmth and approval.

Can we please sign some sort of international contract that says when South Africa inevitably fails and destroys its fertile farmland they cannot enter any white countries? It only seems fair.

So why the fuck is that racist piece of shit a mod of SRD? Yet that place will talk with pearls clutched about drama.

Wtb SRD mod Slack logs during this atrocious attack on /u/Snallygaster

Fuck that would be amazing. Just get /u/phedre to leak it.

Jebus: NO U

There ya go. SRD slack leaks.

remarkably accurate, except you forgot to call me a cuck

How much bussy you need to reopen the SRD thread bby?

Obviously fake, I would never be rude to a woman. If a women gives constructive critique, a man's place is to shut up and LISTEN. Something we've reneged on doing for way too long.


Obviously fake, I would never be rude to an ethic minority. You've already suffered enough oppression without my racist white ass weighing in.

True, true. You may be a dirty belgian, but at least you're not mach-2.

Well thanks I guess, that's like saying "at least you're smarter than a beetle"

That seems accurate actually.

we actually just call each other cucks all day, every day.

Hey Zachiepoo. Post pug, cuck.

hey, that's our word!

Snally is right, Jebus is wrong.

Hmm, must be a day ending in y

Snally is right, indeed. Very much on the right

/u/Snallygaster is alt-right Nazi CONFIRMED!!!

Do have numbers on ethnicities of those with commercial farming skills and training in SA?

5 white. 2 black.

Do you?

No I thought you might tho. I'm genuinely curious

there is no way you actually believe this Jebus. Come the hell on.

I'll come the hell on, indeed. On your face.

Oof. Gottem good.

my condolences for your loss

Better right than a fucking moron. Why do you want black people to starve to death? Oh that's right, becuse political ideology trumps morality.

Yeah because look at all those famines that happened everywhere after decolonisation, right? Blacks can't have the farms man, they need whitey to make food for them because obviously they can't do it themselves right?

Despite all your rage you're still just a rat in a cage.

Some will say what is lost can never be saved

Holy shit Oxy actually put his big boy pants on to come play with us for once

And it was even to set the tone :")

China's probably chomping at the bit for their inevitable takeover of South Africa.

I enjoy watching /u/snallygaster post. He is my favorite redditor.

When he makes a spicy hot take, I think to myself "yes".

When he gets wrecked by scrubs, I think to myself "no".

I'm tuched!

You're a he???

no, but there's no point in correcting people on a semi-anonymous website.


Snally defense force assemble

u/JebusGobson, u/snallygaster is the mod that unites us all. Pick another mod next time to be a dick about.

OK, let's be serious about this for a second.

First off, South Africa is a modern nation. It has plenty of universities, and several of them have faculties of agriculture. These faculties employ black and white professors, and the students that study there are black and white. This isn't 1500 AD anymore, where all the local tribes know how to do is cattle husbandry and basic agriculture. There are plenty of educated black people in SA.

Secondly, all over the entire world land ownership transferred from Europeans to the native population after the end of colonialism - and were there famines? No. Only in Zimbabwe and Cambodja, maybe, but that's mostly due to the extreme political situation in those countries. All over the rest of the world the transfer went without problems, because in most cases it was already overwhelmingly the native population that did the actual agricultural labour anyway. In fact food production in all post-colonial nations went up, which is why there has been such a population explosion all over Africa in the last fifty years. Because the white landowners grew mostly cash crops or other crops intended for export to Europe. In plenty of cases that actually led to famines - the Irish potato famine and the 1943 Indian famine as most recent and famous examples.

Do I think /u/snallygaster is a racist? No, I don't, she seems like a fine enough sort. But this reaction of "omg if the white landowners get disowned in favour of the blacks there will be a famine" is at best paternalistic - if you think about it for even five minutes past the apparent immediate knee-jerk reaction of "Africans are uneducated" you realise that that is an erroneous assumption based on racial stereotypes. After all, she literally said "It's happened time and time again when a group of people with necessary skills leave or are removed and unskilled people take over."

You can argue that the government is corrupt - sure, it is. You can argue that their corruptness might/will lead this land redistribution to be an exercise in clientilism, sure. You can argue that's unfair that the current owners might (I stress might) not get compensated, sure. You can say that the current sporadic violence towards white landowners is unjustified, indeed. But saying that there will be mass famines and societal collapse because the South African black population can't work farms? Yeah, that's kinda racist.

First, thank you for the serious post.

Only in Zimbabwe and Cambodja, maybe, but that's mostly due to the extreme political situation in those countries.

Isn't that extreme political situation "remove whitey," at least for the case of Zimbabwe? That is what SA is doing.

My understanding is, most of SA's poor people are still Black (with Whites catching up), with the land are pretty likely to be taken over by SA's ruling elite and distributed to their cronies, the poor are not really getting anything out of it, but we have less rich people in general.

That doesn't sound good to me. Maybe they won't starve to the level of Zimbabwe, but the general quality of life may still decrease.

Plus, why repeat something that you know has failed spectacularly before?

Isn't that extreme political situation "remove whitey," at least for the case of Zimbabwe? That is what SA is doing.

The situation in Zimbabwe was far more extreme, though, as it went hand-in-hand with tons of violence and a collapse of the entire economy (which made it impossible for the newly minted farmers to actually buy the tools the work their land).

My understanding is, most of SA's poor people are still Black (with Whites catching up), with the land are pretty likely to be taken over by SA's ruling elite and distributed to their cronies, the poor are not really getting anything out of it, but we have less rich people in general.

That might be how it goes, but let's hope not I guess? In theory, the new ANC leader is anti-corruption, so let's hope it pans out that way.

At any rate, not enacting policies if there's a danger corruption might get involved would probably paralyse the entire South African state.

Plus, why repeat something that you know has failed spectacularly before?

That's just it: it only failed once (in the case of Zimbabwe), and it succeeded everywhere else. Yet people keep on bringing up Zimbabwe like it's the only possible outcome of land redistribution.

That might be how it goes, but let's hope not I guess?

I hope you're right on this one.

Yet people keep on bringing up Zimbabwe like it's the only possible outcome of land redistribution.

Being the closest one to it makes it pretty easy for people to think of it.

Being the closest one to it makes it pretty easy for people to think of it.

That's not how it goes, though - Begium, for instance, is between Holland and France yet has not made any of the obvious, glaring errors in judgement they have.

Is Belgium doing any of the stupid things France and Netherlands are doing? I'm not too good on my European problems.

We're smart enough not to act French or act Dutch, I mean

Then of course your country is not like them.

Thank god