Something's Fucky when /r/MarchAgainstTrump mod forgets to switch account before posting in /r/the_donald

524  2018-03-02 by Throwaway19871637981


Really activates the almonds...

Mmmmm activated almonds

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

🤔🤔🤔 really gets my march marching 🤔🤔🤔

really heils my hitler

We can submit quotes?


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u/nameuser4321 lol 😂😂

Also, OP u r stupid if you think this was unintentional 😏

Oh look, it's u/the_rachel another prolific doxxer


Don't even try

Uh, no. u/EricTrumpIsMyWaiter

Some of the mods on t_d are really gods

But none of them are as godly as /u/t_dumbsford

Duk pls. What do you want?

What can you offer me?

What can you offer me?

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

Fine 😣

I want... you to tell me a duck story

Did you just downvote me?

I would never downvote you, but I haven't upvoted that comment of yours yet(doing it now)

Ok. Once upon a time there was a duck learned how to use a computer. He sperged out on the internet until he deleted his account. The end.

Do you want me to delete my account? 😥😥


Now I'm going to downvote you 😣

I have a rude detector, let me try it out.


Oh wow i found rudeness.

Please dont be rude. 😓

Delet this neffew



im calling the police

Omg cat girl discrimination. Reported to the secret tranny social justice defense league.

ok. to hell with it, im tired of hiding behind a lie. ill say it,** i hate cat girls.**

So brave

Duk pls.

Is this Dukbcaj or duckbj or whatever?


Ugh. He was always so spergy, but 8/10 of his posts were super boring. It's fine to be autistic. It's fine to be boring. Just don't be both.


Pls go

t. Dumbsford

So either MAT has been infiltrated by a Trumpette, which would be hilarious. Or, muh Russian bots are fucking up.

/r/ed_butteredtoast please post the 360 degree eyebrow raised emoji gif

/u/ed_butteredtoast please post some appropriate, emoji laced pasta.

/u/ed_butteredtoast pls post that worn out bag of beef that you call a bussy

That's the one!

Now post a picture of yourself holding a paper saying /u/ed_butteredtoast


Bad bot.

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.77677% sure that Ed_ButteredToast is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | UPDATED GitHub

You’re part of the conspiracy.

!isbot perrycohen

I am 101% sure perrycohen is a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | UPDATED GitHub

Good bot

I was having trouble loading /u/Ed_ButteredToast's link, so I corrected the URL for anyone else having problems:

Odd but thank you

Adam Curtis covers this in Hypernormalisation here is a TL;DR section he did for Screen Wipe.

The idea is you support multiple viewpoints and then make it obious you are doing so, to sow confusion.

It's brilliant stratigy you get people fighting amoung themselves by polarizing both sides.

So a five year old playing his parents off one another to try and score a candy.

Social science is fun!

So a five year old playing his parents off one another to try and score a candy. 2 Christmases and 2 birthdays

You think pennies, you get pennies.

This is spycraft. It's the same as making it look like you're talking to someone in another country when you aren't at all.

Pseudo-intellectuals like to think the scariest part of life is whether or not we live in a simulation, or whether or not aliens exist, etc. But this documentary covers the real and now, and that is much more scary.

adam curtis is just npr for people that have heard of baudrillard

go off king

Oh, no! Russians again! C’mon! Ain’t it how it works almost everywhere? Ain’t the bipartisan system just one of such tools of the establishment to polarize popular opinion about whatever “hot” topic the mass media on their payroll have for us today, so that we can fight each other into infinity instead of questioning and challenging the status quo? I believe, the romans were the first to describe it as the “divide and rule” policy. Nothing’s really new.

If Russia is as pervasive and manipulative as the anti-Trump die-hards believe, and they want "to divide the nation", then running both pro- and anti- crowds makes a lot of sense. Don't assume backlash; create it.

If Hilldawg would have won we wouldn’t have ever heard of any, “ze Russians have infiltrated us!” bullshit. It’s just something to try and give people who ever since day one have proclaimed, “He is not my President!” Something to latch on to. Russians didn’t elect Donald Trump, 8 years of PC President Obama and the chance of extending that did, compiled with she is a shitty candidate who literally had to be thrown in a van due to health reasons and she didn’t bother campaigning in rust belt states.

That's pretty obvious. Look at the way the media tip-toes around making any kind of accusation that could be proven or disproven, and instead weasel words to give the impression that the Russians stole the election without ever coming right out and saying it.

We'd probably still be hearing conspiracy theories.

The best part is watching all the people who told Trump "the election isn't rigged and you'd better accept a loss" suddenly declare that some shady deals is proof that the vote was tampered with.

They actually think shitposting should be illegal if it's possibly maybe kinda what a foreign government may have once stated would be beneficial for it.

Maybe conspiracy theories but not an unleashed investigation of anyone who has ever had a meeting with Trump and non stop media coverage of some crazy Russian collusion. Yes and American billionaire in the last years of his life has decided to collude with Russian by getting elected and boosting our defense spending? Checks out...

I do remember when march started that there were some rumors that created by pro trumpers to make the anti Trump subs looks bad

anti Trump subs look bad

The like Definition of Leftist infighting is thinking everyone who disagrees with you or "makes you look bad" is a shill or FBI plant because your viewpoint is so very very very important that someone must be out to get you

And for rightists literally everything that's ideologically inconvenient is a hoax.

REEE I can't accept someone saying something bad about my side without talking about how dumb the otherside is

how interesting, is this what passes for humor in Neoliberal?

Yes and Yes.

I played Psyops, the setup these days is... interesting.

Hi nBob



What about you?

You forgot false flags

I wonder if /r/dankmemes /r/trashy and /r/rateme communities would be happy to know that someone who thinks the_donald "Mods=Gods" moderates those communities.

Should we find out?

Hey, I still got 15 comment karma!

All mods are literal losers so anyone who cares is a list cause tbh

Oh no, don't take his pathetic unpaid modding job!


Yeah he might kill himself.







i don't think they'll have much of an issue with this

You're a🅱️solutely right.

Was a mod of /r/The_Donald and /r/dankmemes, nobody cares

can confirm

Dude, it’s fucking Duk. He’s our friendly neighborhood retard. You /r/drama newfags don’t know shit, do you?

fucking reddit cucks using the word newfag

Speaking of fresh terminology, cuck?

leddit pls go

I wish you could please go. Keep yourself safe.

wait I actually love you and hope you have a good day. Also did you hear that Stephen Hawking just died? RIP

Dew it

u/Avenger_of_Justice u/Mannos_Hands_of_Fate Did you know one of your mods is a Trumpette?

I have questions

This will answer them:

Basically, /r/marchagainsttrump /r/trashy /r/dankmemes are all white supremacist subreddits that knowingly have an alt-right nazi on their mod roles.

The users should demand a purge of the mods

Woah that's more of an answer than I bargained for. shit.

also pretty good job setting that up. Hat's off to you

Truely a #GOTEM situation



tHe uSeRs ShoUd deManD A pUrGe oF The MoDs


Well, well,well, r/Drama. "March Against Trump" turns out to be controlled opposition, do you choad snorkelers still doubt that Lena Dunham crisis actor?

This can be the only conclusion.

Trump steaks turn turtles gay.

shit I'm 60% turtle.

You're going to need to eat an ass load of soy to counter the steak's effect.

Does that mean you're 40% gay?

no, I'm 40% offended

and 100% reasion to remember the name

We're gonna need a second opinion. /u/awkwardtheturtle, what say you?

Trump steaks turn turtles gay.

Yes, yes it does. Also, they need to stop putting chemicals in the wate, those are also turning the turtles gay.

They need to do x that turns turtles gay

Wow, homophobia

no u

No u

no u

No u

those are also turning the turtles gay.

If a homosexual eats gay turtles, does it turn that person straight?

Eating turtles, gay or otherwise, makes the person a bad person, and they'll go to Hell for what they've done, enshallah.


March Against Trump, or The_Donald?

"March Against Trump" turns out to be controlled opposition,

Pay attention fuck stick funnel.

But how do you know which one is controlled opposition? The explanation works equally well in either direction.

Yeah but he called dibs on it being the first one.

That implies that Lena Dunham can act. So I still doubt it.

It's the lizard person wearing her skin that can't act

Guess he is a secret nazi white supremacist who strangles kittens.

/u/nameuser4321 what ARE you

This is me

Bussy, gussy or (((pussy)))?


since you're here, can i conduct a lil AMA?

1) What are your thoughts on the Russian annex of Crimea? Ukraine's independence?

2) Syrian chemical weapons attacks. Good, bad or ugly?

3) The troll farm, why did you start it? What were you hoping to accomplish?

4) When steele was paying you 10s of thousands of dollars to make shit up about trump with no need to demonstrate that any of it was true, how hard were you laughing? Did this play into question #3 at all?

5) 2016 presidential election. How many voting machines did you really hack? Would hillary have been president if you did nothing? How many votes did you manually switch from hillary to the donald? How many from donald to bernie? How many from bernie to stein? Why didn't you do anything for my main man gary? Hurtful. Oh, and how can bernie still win?

That's all I've got. Thanks for being a loyal comrade.


wait why is duk a mat mod lol

It’s a Russian

Haven't people been saying MAT was sketchy from the get go? I remember some drama about people thinking it was a honeypot because of a T_D denizen being involved. They explained it away by saying he only helped set up the CSS.

I remember that dumb gif of Trump dancing that's hugely popular in t_d being massively upvoted, obviously by a t_d brigade, and the mods refused to remove it because they wanted a "discussion".

Liberals, this is why you fucking lose everything, you've got no fucking balls. The alt-right is right, you are fucking cucks. Only thing dumber than the alt-right are retards who are constantly tripped up by that band of retards.

I don't know about that. But, if MAT is some dumb trolling or some kind of controlled opposition, of course the mods aren't going to remove shit like that. Now, I don't go there so I don't know how many dummies are getting jerked around by this nonsense. There's plenty of stupid to go around, that's for sure.

Yes, because if there's one thing liberals do too much of in 2017, it's giving people disagree with them a forum, and not the rampant constant censorship of everything they disagree with.

MAT used to vote bot the shit out of their own subreddit. The admins replaced the mod team with a bunch of powermods and here we are.

Some people say the vote botting was a false flag to make anti-Trumpers look bad.

That's because liberals on reddit refuse to acknowledge that they've ever done anything wrong. So everything is a 'false flag' against them.

Pretty much. Our former top mod was a psycho who eventually was ousted. You can read about it here

I mean, it's not really surprising, trumptards literally infiltrated every major sub on reddit

Hey maybe he just likes Trump and also likes marching against Trump. People don't have to toe the party line on everything. For example I'm pro abortion but also pro killing abortion doctors.

B-but why would the Russians want a method actor reality TV star to be elected President of the USA only to undermine him?

I'm confused--why hasn't this been picked up by all the anti-trump subs? I can't even find a post about it on SRD. This should be getting more attention and drama than it's getting--why are we the only sub that cares?