Admins announce they'll do nothing about the Russian propaganda

92  2018-03-05 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Beat my by a minute, shit.

Enjoy the shitstorm everyone cuz I know there's gonna be some butthurt in this one

I'd rather he made Trump an admin or mod of /r/politics, the fallout from that would be truly apocalyptic.

Why not just automatically make Trump a mod of all political subreddits? I mean everyone is so obsessed with him anyways :)

Also he'd probably just shitpost all day and do no president work, everyone wins.

Please my dick can only be so erect

/u/spez Ban my political oppenents >:E

It's not that they're political oppenents, it's that they're Russian trolls, or complete morons spreading Russian propaganda. It's a hate subreddit. /r/fatpeoplehate died, /r/coontown is dead, they slammed down on /r/spacedicks the classiest subreddit of all. They ban users and subreddits for far less, but T_D can break all of the rules and still be allowed.


/u/spez ban my political oppenents. its okay because theyre rushuns i think. lol. anyway remember CHARLOTTESVILLE where /u/ivankatrumpismywaifu literally MURDERED that fat socialist? i do. Band the dotard now ok thanks.

This but unironically tbqfh

My sides, is this pasta???

No but in all seriousness, I'd dance around like a raped ape for T_D to stick around as long as they never ban another subreddit or a user for anything other than spam every again.

I miss calling people a whispering faggot when they forgot to write in all caps in /r/spacedicks and in /r/gats. I split my sides open laughing and died because of some of the posts in /r/fatpeoplehate and /r/coontown.

No more censorship damnit! Voat doesn't censor but the site fuckin sucks.

Oh bb it's pasta now.

Yay I made pasta

poor baby

You should probably get a life and a sense of humor if you "split my sides open laughing and died", and actually have a sense of longing over not calling people faggots anymore.

America and western Europe is a better place because of Russian influence, this is no different than any other cultural exchange, it's just that some of us get a little money for it.

I've been saving up for a PS4 Pro so that I can play Bloodborne with less frame drops. It would've been pretty shitty if all the effort I've put in running interference for the Kremlin were for naught because of soyboys like you.

Top tier pasta, this fresh?

Made to order in this very thread.

Idk this whole "everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot" reminds me of "deep state astroturfing mind control"

Like it's the left version of the conspiracy theory that only exists because people are too stupid and fragile to handle the fact that their opinions can be disagreed with.

Surething Ivan.

I only drink as much vodka as a Russian.

That might be beca&use you are a russkie, Ivan.

Thankfully not, I couldn't live a life under a government that banned bussy.

You break the law Ivan? To the gulag.

enough bussy there.

Report him to the council of American activities. Commie spies

Russia Russia Russia. Do you fags ever get bored with that tired old shit?

New account. Only defends Trump and T_D.

Actually bothers looking up account age, as if anyone gives a fuck.

I’m from Ohio you raging faggot.

Ohio, AKA the Russia of the Midwest.

Нахуй пошел.

Thanks for the tip.

Nice personal attack. Do you have anything to say or not?

I echo his sentiment. Now what?

Keep going...

it's that they're Russian trolls, or complete morons spreading Russian propaganda

It's a hate subreddit

literally couldn't keep a consistent argument for 2 sentences


>Wahh ban people I deem morons

Amazing its like all you seem to know about T_D was gathered from cherry picked screen shots of posts and comments that usually were later removed for breaking the rules.

/u/spez won't ban /r/the_daddy

Dear Christ. Wait till Againsthatesubreddits and Chapocunthouse hear. The sheer amount of autistic reeeing will be enough to rival /r/the_daddy and the 100 subreddits specifically designed to #resist

In before Multiple gilded posts calling for boycotts and petitions that won't do shit.

Why is le TD not banned yet? They are doing the exact same things as us but are right leaning >:(((((((

TD is a godsend, the amount of drama they generate in every /r/announcements thread is enough to keep this sub going for weeks.

I love /r/announcements threads. They could be about how we cured world hunger and the top comment will still be someone butthurt over how TD isn't banned yet.

TD+/r/announcements is the true OTP

Exactly, you can literally predict the top response with 90% accuracy everytime.

CBTS has a better lolcow density, though T_D wins in raw numbers.

/r/politics was a full Russian inside job. You can tell after the primary where people started claiming they liked Hillary Clinton against all reason and facts. At least Trump had his supporters of steak and bad television but /r/politics should be banned

supporters of steak



This but unironically

Lmao theres people actually calling /u/spez an alt-righter. This shit writes itself

Why would they make a statement about this. I'm not really complaining. I am going to enjoy the fallout.

Admins secretly have a fetish for drama

"Popcorn tastes good." - /u/kn0thing

Oh shit I forgot they actually said that lmao. Guess it's not a secret.

That was almost 3 years ago...

That was only three years ago?

POP that kernel Daddy 😍

I mean, it's not like people are gonna go to voat.

Well they wanted to give users the chance to go on yelling about banning more subreddits.

I'm really hoping it's because multiple ad companies have expressed concern over certain subs. And I say this because if these subs happen to get banned, the melt down will be amazing.

/r/spez is secretly as much of an autistic faggot as us here on /r/drama and feeds of it just like us

That's a whole lot of words to say "we ain't done jack shit"

Just the way it I like it

They ban users and subreddits for far less. This is absolute bullshit.

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.

They ban users and subreddits for far less.

Stop being a pedo, pedo

Less than what? What has T_D itself done, exactly? You think an entire sub should be banned because a bunch of Russians posted on it at some point?

What has T_D itself done, exactly?

there's like an entire sub of all the shitty things that T_D's gotten away with, not to mention that so many other subs have gotten banned for way less worse things. like even ignoring all the completly false conspirary shit they create, T_D has literally doxxed people and broken tons of Reddit's rules multiple times but somehow they're still here

there's like an entire sub of all the shitty things that T_D's gotten away with

Last time I checked AHS, they voted some blatantly fake post to the top. It was revealed that OP actually posted the hateful post himself, and then screenshotted it to AHS. Despite that revelation, the mods refused to remove it. That subreddit is untrustworthy garbage.

There is literally blood on your hands. You need to deal with the brainwashing going on or resign. Personally I think you should resign because your ineptitude as any sort of leader at Reddit has directly caused the deaths of at least one confirmed person and potentially the deaths of dozens of others because of your refusal to take a look at this as a moral prerogative.

That's a spicy meatball.




using literally unironically


He deleted his posts.

Wrong username, it was actually /u/vikinick.

Oh hey, it's /r/drama. Sweet. It's about time you assholes commented about me.

Micro aggression like that are NOT welcome here.

Were you actually being serious in that post?

I do believe that he has blood on hands and has a moral imperative to do something and should resign.


That's your opinion that he shouldn't, but he could have stopped people like /u/seattle4truth from murdering people if he had taken action.

So do we need to bad every other subreddit he posted in as well?

No, just the ones that quite obviously led him to believe that all Democrats are pedophiles.

Where's the lie? But honestly, some people are mad-retarded. They will find ways to view the things they wanna see, interact with people like them. If you believe these kinds os people will stop when you ban one or two subreddit... Nothing personnel


"Why is le TD not banned yet? They are doing the exact same things as us but are right leaning >:((((((("

It's actually sorta pathetic that you fall into the "but both sides!" bullshit.

hahaha 90% of /r/politics comments are astroturfed

are you 'tarded?


two scoops


We summon you for our daily dose of the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

Thank you for your service.

I for one look forward to the inevitable clusterfuck all Trump supporting subs will be when he gets indicted and begins to not in prison.

and continue to win

Plz tell me how you do it? Is it 50 ^ ^ ^ s and a period? Your autisim is heartwarming and example of what we can all achieve if we are nuts enough


Thank you kind strangler

Protip, if you really wanna fuck with people, ALT + 0173 is a soft hyphen that isn't rendered by pretty much anything, and makes for a clever way to work around "no blank comments" on various forums around the internet.

It won't show in the "source" button if someone looked at your comment.


You can always click 'source'.

Bot, please tell me how

click 'source'

It's a RES feature.

i type a comment, then delete it

We take the integrity of Reddit extremely seriously

Aren't you the guy who edited other people's comments as a prank?

ads from Russia are blocked entirely

We were always at war with the Ruskies!

content from accounts we suspect are of Russian origin or content linking directly to known propaganda domains, we are doing our best to identify and remove it

WTF, I love censorship now! Keep up the good work, you true-blue patriot! We will crush the enemy and hear the laments of their women!

We have found and removed a few hundred accounts

Indians, dogs and Russians not allowed. Diversity, but in moderation, right?

sadly, from everything we can tell, these users are mostly American, and appear to be unwittingly promoting Russian propaganda

A fifth column, you say? Let's get started on those concentration camps.

I believe the biggest risk we face as Americans is our own ability to discern reality from nonsense, and this is a burden we all bear.

That's all right, pardner, we will fight it with censorship, like we did in the previous Red Scares.

what we’re going through right now will actually reinvigorate Americans to be more vigilant, hold ourselves to higher standards of discourse, and fight back against propaganda, whether foreign or not

Whatever keeps you busy while the military-industrial complex starts exciting new wars all over the planet.

We are growing more sophisticated by the day

You discovered full-text search?

/u/stefantalpalaru, please end your life.

The Red Scare shit is hilarious.

54% of liberals believe it's either "probably true" or "definitely true" that "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President."

You wait long enough, and the Birthers switch sides.

Do you have any source for that 54% because the only article I found is this one from CNN that says 54% of people believe Russians on social media affected the election.. That’s not really the same thing as tampering with votes.

No problem. The actual wording is "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President"

Page 69

In relocating that source, I actually found a more recent poll from the same organization. Page 36 shows it even higher at 64%. Jesus Christ.

Thanks - I’ll be damned.

np bby ;)

LOL they actually think the election was hacked? Who knew the Dems would take the Russian propaganda ball and run even further with it. Americans are provided evidence that Russia used the election make them hate each other and their response to this revelation is to not only to pour gasoline on the mutual hatred but start believing Russia possesses supernatural cyber warfare capability. Putin's dick must be permanently rock hard, this is better than any piece of domestic propaganda Russia can get their own people to swallow and he didn't even have to pay for it.

Everyone left of center knew for certain that George W Bush was going to cancel the elections as of 2002. Partisan politics causes retardation.

I'm pretty sure I saw an unearthed Fark thread once that had a remarkably /r/politics-esque discourse going on about the Bush administration. I wonder if any of them ended up being one of those redditors who gave in to Bush apologia just so they could illustrate how bad le Drumpf is.

LOL they actually think the election was hacked?

64% of them do. Not even the most irresponsible of WaPo op/eds has alleged this. This is of course 16 months after the election in which every single Russian story has been front page news for a week with nothing even approaching allegations of this nature, and after intelligence agencies said that it didn't occur. You expect rural uneducated conservatives to latch onto retarded conspiracies, but this is beyond the pale.

When this is all you hear it's not too hard to understand.

63 million russians voted in ARE NATION'S ELECTIONS

Everybody knows Russian government officials and Mexican illegal immigrants are the dominant voting blocs in America.

Exactly as the founding fathers intended.

Burn both partjes gary Johnson was the only American running

basically, leave it to Demmycrats to drop any ball handed to them

These people are living in an alternative reality where the Trump presidency isn't legitimate because some Russians made FACEBOOK MEMES. Please ignore that you have ENTIRE MEDIA COMPANIES SHILLING FOR HILLARY it's the facebook memes we need to be worried about.

Muller should have been fired ages ago.

Ah yes, the difference between a foreign government and corporations is completely arbitrary at this point.

None of you people give a damn about "election integrity" or you would advocate for voter ID and better record keeping. You just want to pretend the Trump presidency isn't legitimate because some Russians made memes.

But voter ID's requires legal citizenship.

Which is why it's important

But then California would flip!

The horror. Don't forget that the Dem voterbase barely vote as is so if you add the extra hurdle most won't even bother voting

well yeah that’s the actual reason though

Plenty of lefty europoor countries have no problem with national voter id laws.

Foreign interference in an election

Gosh I wonder if that might call the legitimacy of the election into question

If by "interference" you mean FACEBOOK MEMES then you're just pathetic. If you think Russian shitposting means the election is illegitimate then you're a moron.

also learn how to format you monkey

Spending millions on propaganda campaign to get stooge in office to the point that stooge refuses to enforce congressional sanctions


Spending millions on propaganda campaign to get stooge in office to the point that stooge refuses to enforce congressional sanctions

Millions is a drop in the bucket. I would love to see any kind of proof that they really mattered. You're just buttmad that your candidate was so fucking terrible that Trump could win. You are a useful idiot lacking any meaningful form of agency.

Your point is correct and I have been repeatedly proven wrong

But I still love Russian Bussy so I'm just going to ignore everything you've said #RussianBussy

Your point is correct and I have been repeatedly proven wrong

Your "point" is that Russians took over our facebook memes. Never once did I deny that some Russians were probably paid to make facebook memes. WHY DOES THIS MATTER. You ignore any form of real corruption or meddling that matters because you are a twat who thinks John Oliver is an actual political informant and that this is anything more than a vain attempt to detract from Trump. Part of me wishes trump actually is a Russian plant because all of you would fall over dead from a serotonin overdose.


because most americans in the present day get their opinions from social media

there’s been lots of studies supporting this

also they already did it with the Ukranian elections in ‘14(?) among others, and probably wouldn’t continue to spend millions on it if it didn’t yield them some advantage

Oh yeah I'm sure these people were all going to be good Hillary supporters until they were corrupted by Facebook memes. Why can't you just accept that most of America hates you and voted for Trump because he was the best candidate.

INB4 "muh popular vote" even though Trump would have campained differently if it was a fight for the popular vote.

Oh yeah I'm sure these people were all going to be good Hillary supporters until they were corrupted by Facebook memes

I think it’s more like, maybe like two percent of potential voters were dissuaded from voting by the propped-up online culture around it. And some reluctant-Hillaries are said to have flipped at the last minute.

most of America hates you and voted for trump


"muh popular vote"

well, i mean...

...a popular vote for our only shared representative is just common sense. It seemed like a glaring issue the first time it went wrong, and now it’s been twice in 20 years. And hell, even if you adjusted the electoral college so it was as proportional as the House, echoing the original model (2 votes were added to each), they would have turned out differently.

even though Trump would have campained differently if it was a fight for the popular vote


I think it’s more like, maybe 5% of potential voters were dissuaded from voting by the propped-up online culture around it. And some reluctant-Hillaries are said to have flipped at the last minute.

You have no reason to believe this. Most people who consume this content do so because they already believe in it. Even if this is true what do you do about it? Firewall an entire nation off the internet?

...a popular vote for our only shared representative is just common sense

If someone sets up a race where the winner is whomever takes the most steps and you try taking the most steps while your opponent bolts for the finish line you still win. It doesn't matter if you say the race should be first to the finish line because both parties would have acted differently if that was the objectives and you can't predict the outcome. Had the contest been for popular vote Trump would have campained in different locations.


You can just say you love Putin-Juice

Could you stand to be a little less pathetic and just admit this Russian thing is a sham and that you lost an election because your canidate is a terrible person.

I'm sorry I can accept reality without Daddy telling me what to believe

you lost because your candidate is a terrible person


You have no reason to believe this

Polling brah. The difference from expected turnout, the trends expressed in tracking polls, etc.

Most people who consume this content do so because they already believe in it.

That's not how most of Facebook works.

Even if this is true what do you do about it?

well, prohibiting american companies from taking money from foreign governments for domestic political ads would probably be a good start

If someone sets up a race where the winner is whomever takes the most steps

Then it's a stupid race, that should be the central point lol.

It doesn't matter if you say the race should be first to the finish line because both parties would have acted differently if that was the objectives

as would have voters. but not differently enough to suddenly appeal to any of the other 65% of Americans.

Had the contest been for popular vote Trump would have campained [sic] in different locations.

where he'd have less than 40% support locally, right? his strategy has always depended on dividing voters and maintaining a slim plurality, he'd have to completely shed his current image to appeal to a majority.

Polling brah. The difference from expected turnout, the trends expressed in tracking polls, etc.

Because the vote didn't turn out how the polls expected doesn't mean that Russian memes won the election. There are numerous reason the polls were wrong to blame it all on Russian memes is pathetic.

well, prohibiting american companies from taking money from foreign governments for domestic political ads would probably be a good start

Not a bad idea but while we're at it lets ban foreign government from making donations to candidates and parties as well.

Then it's a stupid race, that should be the central point lol.

It's like you're incapable of understanding anything you don't want to. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THE RACE IS STUPID. The race is what both candidates agreed upon and competed in. Had the race been different you would have different campaigning strategies and different outcomes.

where he'd have less than 40% support locally, right? his strategy has always depended on dividing voters and maintaining a slim plurality, he'd have to completely shed his current image to appeal to a majority.

His support is low in those areas but they have an abysmal turnout. The majority of the country didn't vote so he just has to aim for the large white populations who have low turnout and motivate them.

Regardless the electoral college is what was what was competed for and Trump won it.

Because the vote didn't turn out how the polls expected doesn't mean that Russian memes won the election.

You're right, it doesn't. But that coupled with the cause of the discrepensies is a reason to believe it.

There are numerous reason the polls were wrong

if you're not talking state-level here, i'd like to hear em.


Uh... shouldn't it matter if the method that you're using to pick your leader has multiple glaring issues? I'm having a hard time understanding your priorities here.

The race is what both candidates agreed upon and competed in. Had the race been different you would have different campaigning strategies and different outcomes.

ok, you've said this like three times, but still haven't given me a reason to care lol. i'm not saying he technically lost the election or something, i'm saying it's a shitty system, and there's no conceivable way he could have won in a less shitty system- even against a candidate as shitty as Hilldawg, who can at least communicate and knows how to waffle.

he just has to aim for the large white populations who have low turnout and motivate them.

if he could literally double their turnout without energizing the opposition, sure. might need some online help for that, though.

Uh... shouldn't it matter if the method that you're using to pick your leader has multiple glaring issues? I'm having a hard time understanding your priorities here.

Because you fail to understand the argument. I'm not arguing for other against the electoral college. I'm stating you can't claim his presidency is illegetimate by saying Hillary would have won popular vote because both canidates would have campained differently and the results would have been different.

Regardless though, there were extremely visible attempts to influence the election on their part. Which is the part that's actually illegal.

By Facebook troll groups. Sure you can ban paid aids but what do you do about posts? This medeling is insignificant and there is no real proof that it mattered in any significant way. Even if it did convince enough people to turn the election are they guilty of the crime of saying things you disagree with?

At the end of the day this nothing more than you being buttmad about election results over a year after inauguration.

I'm stating you can't claim his presidency is illegetimate by saying Hillary would have won the popular vote

I'm saying it's "illegetimate" because he's literally never had the support of the american people, who he's supposed to represent. I'm not arguing there's some technicality that should nullify his presidency.

This medeling is insignificant and there is no real proof that it mattered in any significant way.

This is not only redundant, it's irrelevant to anything I said.

No but you're making the dumb argument that the election result would have been the same if the contest was for popular vote which you can't make.

If we want to argue about the "legitimacy" of an election then I would argue that there are districts in California with more votes than people that did far more damage than any Russian trolls. Not to mention that anyone receiving govenrment assistance should not have the right to vote on the basis that the integrity of their vote has been compromised.

you're making the dumb argument that the election result would have been the same

Nope. Just said Trump would still get fewer votes. Which is pretty obvious lol, if his public conduct before the primaries or after the election is any indication.

then I would argue that there are districts in California with more votes than people

But you'd be wrong, though.

Nope. Just said Trump would still get fewer votes. Which is pretty obvious lol,

you have little reason to infer this outside of the results of the last election which you can't use as a basis for the popular vote. Are you such a fucking ape that even the most basic of reading comprehension is impossible for you.

So wait... does that imply any citizen that receives a benefit from their government shouldn't be able to vote? What do you think the government's there for, exactly?

If you were to hand somebody money and say vote for me you would be jailed. If you offer them gibsmedats from other people it's perfectly OK. People who are net tax payers should have the right to vote while dindus without a penny in their name who live welfare check to welfare check shouldn't.

The idea that it's for the benefit of those governed is like... literally the founding principle of the country.

The founders of our countries thought only white property owning men of good character should be able to vote. Also the foundation of our country is based off rights and principles not some silly notion of "benefit" at the expense of others.

you have little reason to infer this outside of the results of the last election which you can't use as a basis for the popular vote.

Lol, you serious? There’s been consistent national polling since the primaries, his peak was when he was quiet the week leading into inauguration if I’m not mistaken. Just so happens the “likely voters” category corresponded to the actual popular vote.

The founders of our countries thought only white property owning men of good character should be able to vote.

there was some disagreement about that actually, but not about the thing I said.

If you were to hand somebody money and say vote for me you would be jailed.

Surely you understand there’s a difference between offering your money as an actual bribe, and doing the job you were elected to do (which involves allocating public funds) they way you promised?

also you know candidates don’t personally oversee and attach their name to every payout right

Also the foundation of our country is based off rights and principles not some silly notion of "benefit" at the expense of others.

holy shit this is fucking stupid, i’m sorry but wow. You know having civil rights and protections for them is a benefit of the government, right?

And one of those rights is “life” ya mong

Lol, you serious? There’s been consistent national polling since the primaries, his peak was when he was quiet the week leading into inauguration if I’m not mistaken. Just so happens the “likely voters” category corresponded to the actual popular vote.

Because all of these polls were right before the election they must be on point now.

Surely you understand there’s a difference between offering your money as an actual bribe, and doing the job you were elected to do (which involves allocating public funds) they way you promised?

Depends on what you mean by allocating public funds. Politicians should build put money into things like infrastructure, defense, ect but when somebody is being handed a LITERAL check from the government I don't think they should have the right to vote. If the rest of society decides to keep voting these people money then great, but they don't get to vote themselves money.

holy shit this is fucking stupid, i’m sorry but wow. You know having civil rights and protections for them is a benefit of the government, right?

This is in reference to what the goals of the founding fathers was. They wanted to base their law on rights and principal rather than whatever a politician considered to be "best for the people" at a given time.

I'm not even saying I agree with them on this, the government should be for the benefit of the people, "rights" and "principles" are social constructs and don't exist in nature.

A more recent one is “suffrage.”

And that was a mistake. Ideally the only people with a right to vote should be families with children and service members.

Because all of these polls were right before the election they must be on point now.

The national ones? Yeah, they were lol.

That's what I just said.

But when somebody is being handed a LITERAL check from the government I don't think they should have the right to vote.

But voting is a civil right. As is the right to life (though it's not in the BoR), which is supposedly protected by said check.

And again, world of difference between getting a check from a single candidate and getting a check from a government program. But even candidates can pay people- I mean, they have to, they don't run their campaigns themselves- it just can't be an actual bribe.

But voting is a civil right

Clearly the founding fathers disagreed with this and for good reason. They had an even more harsh stance on who gets to vote than I do.

And again, world of difference between getting a check from a single candidate and getting a check from a government program

Yea at least the check comes out of the pocket of the politician rather than the society. I guess promising people the money of others if you vote for you is perfectly OK then and not at all corrupt.

lol gtfo you damn commie

If anything commies think women should have the exclusive right to vote.

Clearly the founding fathers disagreed with this and for good reason.

Well, Adams didn't. The whole details of voting weren't exactly a unanimous thing, it's why they left it out of the constitution.

I guess promising people the money of others if you vote for you is perfectly OK then and not at all corrupt.

You mean, the money they elected you to manage? Yeah, that's literally OK. It's literally doing their job.

If anything commies think women should have the exclusive right to vote.


Well, Adams didn't. The whole details of voting weren't exactly a unanimous thing, it's why they left it out of the constitution.

Yes but the original law was property owning white men of good character should be the only ones able to vote and this came from most of them agreeing to the sentiment. I'm not saying they all agreed but when people say voting is a "right" and that the founding fathers were egalitarians they're flat out wrong.

You mean, the money that came from people who elected you to manage it?

Implying that the people receiving gibs are the ones paying for them. As I said earlier if people vote for welfare but aren't recipients then fine, but letting gibs seekers vote is silly.

Implying that the people receiving gibs are the ones paying for them.

Well, they do- sales taxes, property taxes. Most of the people voting for them are paying even more for them, though.

Ah yes, the difference between a foreign government and corporations is completely arbitrary at this point.

Increasingly the governments have less power, so...

i don’t know if that’s necessarily true

The biggest corporations are already more powerful than shitholes (Google could erase Botswana from the internet tomorrow but nobody would notice or object). In the developed western countries they control the flow of information much more effectively than government agencies, and they are spending more and more money on influencing the government through lobbying.

oh you meant less power than multinationals? I thought you meant less power than they used to have, with the implication that corporations receive the ceded power

Yeah, multinational corporations have increased power, both soft power and direct (financial/political) power. This is often but not always at the expense of sovereign governments.

In reality those large corporations and most governments are dominated by a wealthy, international elite. The elite as a whole may choose not to act through a government (at least in the US that pesky 1A gets in the way of government action) but through corporations that get around limitations on state power.

Who needs the government to throw somebody in jail if you can just make sure he gets fired and can never work again?

Here's the NYT proposing using corporate power to make the second amendment meaningless, for instance:

You could do that for any civil right you don't like as long as you control the financial industry.

The Trump Presidency is illegitimate for plenty of other, much better reasons. The fact that Russian memes were so popular is only important because it validates this.

Please enlighten me as to why it's illegetimate for reasons besides memes or this endless Russia BS.

It's not that ridiculous, electronic voting is notoriously insecure. At least the way it's done in the US. I think the Russian state, if they wanted to, could change the result of US elections. Or any state with sophisticated enough crackers/hackers.

Though we would probably detect this afterwards.

They gonna hack the paper?

That's why I said electronic voting, which is a large percentage of voting in the US.

you didn't look at the link did you?

Yea I'm aware there are multiple ways to vote and paper ballots are one of them, but it's not 100%. Look at how close the 2000 and 2016 elections were.

12% is a pretty large percentage my man

honestly, we get into that double-digit range, and I’m already like “whoa, we could be using fractions at this point”

Apparently they tried, but they weren't successful.

The targets included voter registration systems but not vote-tallying software. Officials said there were some attempts to compromise networks, but most were unsuccessful.

Only Illinois reported that hackers had succeeded in breaching its voter systems.

Other states said their cybersecurity measures turned back efforts to get to crucial information.

“There are constant attempts by bad actors to hack our systems,” Iowa’s secretary of state, Paul Pate, a Republican, said in a statement. “But we continue to deflect those attempts.”

No doubt they tried monkeying around, but not even the most irresponsible newspaper editor or op/ed writer is suggesting the Reds changed the vote tallies.

You are the guy that sucks off cross-dressers, yeah?

You can't change fiction unless you're the author.

Нас не догонят!


> Actually believing this will work

Is it passè to call all of you guise gigantic faggots? If so, please retract

It’s somewhat ironic, but I actually believe what we’re going through right now will actually reinvigorate Americans to be more vigilant, hold ourselves to higher standards of discourse, and fight back against propaganda, whether foreign or not.


You know it's good drama when sorting by top gives Reddit's trademarked mass-produced stupidity, but sorting by controversial provides actual nuanced discussion

They love to say to people to go to Voat but will not go to voat themselves.

Reddit should just switch over to dick pill, hentai, and cam girl ads.

Sales tax on goods they buy with handouts

sure, sometimes.

subsidized housing

literally who gives a shit

and such a low income tax that they will never become net tax payers.

and that's a minimum wage issue.

Are you really equating what is effectively a retirement plan where people pay into it throughout their lives to welfare handouts?

They take out more than what they put in, and are effectively supported by the next generation. They become a net drain once they start collecting.