/u/Spez reveals his fantastic plan to take down /r/Teh_Dolan - do nothing and link to /r/SubredditDrama

237  2018-03-05 by ComedicSans


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

And business is booming

You act like that isn't the best plan unironically.

The sardines were already normies.

And given /r/drama's stable 50K+ population, we are as well.

I just assume it's the same 1000 people subbed across 50 accounts each.

I can barely manage two accounts. 50 would hurt.

They don't manage 50, they drop the old accounts after a while.

Get with the times. RES lets you set and forget dozens of alts to cycle at leisure with a single click.

That's because you're not autistic enough

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

And given /r/drama's stable 50K+ population, we are as well.

maybe the # of subscribers is stable, but the subscribers themselves are not stable


I'm sorry I'm sorry, how's your mom?

Better after /u/ComedicSans had his way with her I hope.

I just want to be very clear: the users are as stable as Daddy.

I'm not a TERF REEEEEEEE :( rude tbh



I think I broke her, tbh.

The sardines were already normies.

What in the fuck is wrong with you that you think SRDines are normal adjusted people? I can find threads in there without even trying where they think a man wanting to fuck his wife is rapey.

Probably in the sense that most of them have boring mainstream liberal politics. Often self described leftist since that's in vogue without having the courtesy of being an entertaining pants-on-head crazy like an actual reddit leftist.

entertaining pants-on-head crazy


You can be pants-on-head crazy while still being kinda boring.

Oh they're the most typical white community college kids that exist, which at this point also makes them looney tunes. I'm fairly sure silvertongue would be one of the brightest SRD posters these days.


Pick one.

He did say the infamous "popcorn tastes good"

that was the other one. the one that ensured mayocide by marrying Serena and ended up with mixed children. lol

Man these CSS images look like links of mobile. Fuck admins for fixing this shit

They are busy inventing their own CSS replacement, which mobile apps would then use. I'm not joking.

DIGG 4.0 will repeat itself

Hmmm, but that would mean that this time we would be the ignorant digglets. Do not want, can we figure out where we are going to go, then go there right now and assimilate, so that we could look down on uncultured reddit hordes that come later?

We should all go to Voat, now? You know, while there's still time?

Speak for yourself.

Lol they planned on scrapping CSS entirely, they don't give a shit because they are going to euthanize this entire place.

Isn't it colonising when it's a white man 🤔

sticky PhysicsIsMyMistress' one comedicsans u ultra cuck they got it first

He linked to the full comments though, while /u/ComedicSans linked to this particular drama in that thread.

I see way too many metasub dipshits in that thread. Do we gas them first for being so Online, or me first for remembering their usernames?


Thank you for your unwavering support of the mayocide. Send in ol' Ziggy B.

It's what CTR pays me for, famalam.

Start working for Soros you pleb. That's where the real Jew bucks are ╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅₪(̲̅1)̲̅₪]

There is literally blood on your hands. You need to deal with the brainwashing going on or resign. Personally I think you should resign because your ineptitude as any sort of leader at Reddit has directly caused the deaths of at least one confirmed person and potentially the deaths of dozens of others because of your refusal to take a look at this as a moral prerogative.

Only one? How disappointing.


Hi ComedicSans,

I was a moderator around Reddit for a number of years, and I found that the admins nearly always chose a policy of inaction on potentially controversial problems like this. It's second from the bottom on my big list of complaints about dealing with the admins. And you know what? It nearly always blows up into a big disaster that is ten times harder to control. I can name a number of examples from old Reddit history that you might remember as well. Here is my comment from when /r/FatPeopleHate was banned, and it's pretty much exactly what we're dealing with today:

The admins have made some serious missteps. First, they should have been addressing shit like this years ago when Reddit first got big enough to start brigading. They let hate subs grow and didn't even make public comments on it. I still remember that when Violentacrez got doxxed, the mods started a ban boycott of gawker sites. Yishan (CEO at the time) then came into the mod subreddit (which is private) and asked us not to do it because it made bad press for Reddit. They didn't even have the guts to make that statement publicly, much less tell off Gawker. Getting the admins to do anything even remotely controversial has been a constant problem.

They were lenient on issues of harassment and brigading because they didn't want to take a controversial stance, and now it has blown up in their faces. And what's more, the Admins themselves have encouraged the exact same behavior by urging people to contact congress on Net Neutrality and all this stuff. They let a minor cut turn into a big infection that went septic, and now they are frantically guzzling penicillin hoping that they can control the damage.

Another huge misstep was the tone and writing of the announcement. They should have very clearly defined harassment as outside contact with specific 'targets' and cooperation of the subreddit's moderators. It was phrased in such a vague way that, in tandem with this post, people were able to frame this as an attack on ideas instead of behavior. They needed to clarify that mocking someone isn't harassment; actually hunting down and contacting the person is. That's why /r/cringe, and even all the racist subs are still allowed. They're despicable, but they aren't actively going after anyone.

In my opinion, they should have presented clear evidence of such harassment from the subreddits that were banned and said "This is exactly what will get you banned in the future." /r/PCMasterRace was banned for a short time because the mods there were encouraging witch hunts of /r/gaming, and the admins provided clear proof of what had happened. The mods then cleaned up their shit, and the harassment stopped and everything went back to normal. That is how it should work: if an active mod team agrees to crack down on any instances of harassment or witch hunting, then the community can stay.

/r/The_Donald has committed blatant violations of pretty much every Reddit-wide rule . And you all refuse to act for one simple reason: you're afraid of how it looks. You're worried that the headline will be "Reddit takes political stance and bans Donald Trump supporters." Which is obviously not the case, since the ban would be for brigading, racism, sexism, etc. But you're worried that you can't control the narrative.

So please realize that this never works. What has always happened in the past is that your policy of inaction lets the problem grow and grow and grow until there is a mountain of evidence that somehow catches the eye of someone in the media, and they publish something damaging about Reddit that eventually spurs you all to do something. But by then it is too late and you've allowed that sort of content to proliferate throughout the site. And it becomes public and you're unable to control the narrative anyway, which is why Reddit was associated for pedophilia for so long after CNN interviewed the founder of /r/Jailbait. Remember that one?

I'm begging you, just once: please enforce your rules as they are written and regardless of how some people might try to interpret it. And when you do enforce those rules, provide a statement that clearly describes the violations and why that enforcement action is being taken. That is the only way you'll ever control the narrative. You can either do it now, or you can do it when it blows up in your face.

After careful consideration, I say:


After shaggin' yer nan m8, I have concluded that I like shaggin' nans m8.

Serious posters? in my r/drama? It's more common than you might think.

Can you imagine seriousposting as hard as /u/karmanaut? Absolutely pathetic.

You are why we need mayocide

One zyklon b for me please

you, it’s a proximity heuristic


the irony is not lost on them. Now they want NRA to be the prez lol. Sweet sweet drama! Pls no impeaches till we are fed enough

Not even spez bothers to link to np.reddit.com




It's okay to be a normie.



For real though, I know /u/EricTrumpIsMyWaifu is retarded, but why is he so excited? Admins have never said anyone should use np. I don't know who invented this np thing, but it wasn't the admins.

He is old and easily confused. I'm just glad to see he is having one of his "good days" today.


What stage in life are you at when /u/EricTrumpIsMyWaifu is less retarded than you? Pre-birth or suffering from dementia?

You both can go fuck yourselves

Hey, i defended you gramps. Plenty of people are dumber than you. Like /u/moudougou

Go back to negging single moms then because your game is weak as fuck

Negging is my fetish.

Nigging is mine

that's not a very nice thing to say



NP links don't actually do anything by themselves. Changing the URL from www.reddit.com to np.reddit.com only makes a difference if the mods have changed the CSS of the sub to hide the voting buttons, comment box, and reply option when accessed through an NP link, and the user clicking the link has CSS enabled. The mods of the subreddit can make it display a different CSS based on the language code of the link (in this case, the np., but it could also be de. or any other two letters). If you have CSS enabled, just check /r/drama's NP version for an example of this.

It's not even something set up by the admins, it was just something that a bunch of people decided to adopt to try and stop people from commenting and voting in linked threads.

So I guess the drumpf reddit is the new "but what about srs."


Mod me pls

SRS started that brand of subreddit, so they only have themselves to blame.

wait, that brand of... ostensible rule violations?

adversity to the rest of reddit?

Those are two aspects, yeah.

actual violations are still ostensible violations

holy shit the amount of long-winded people in there who do absolutely nothing but post huge rants about how much they don't like parts of reddit, like it literally consumes their lives. i don't feel so bad about myself anymore.

"Hi longtime mod of Reddit here."

Cool now I know what kind of person you are.

"Hi longtime mod of Reddit here."

Cool now I know what kind of person you are.

Flair added

Did I mention I also masturbate in my socks ?

Can someone explain to me the degenerate American past time of jerking off into socks

it's like a re-usable ona hole. what's the downside?

Just cum in your own mouth you faggot

Easier to clean up then jizzing on the floor.

Why not a tissue tho

Well if you make big cummies like me a tissue wont cut it.

Why not two tissues

Big Cummies


>Not cumming directly into the trash can.

How are you meant to point ur penis down when u make cums.

So you don't even socks have to jerk off into? Please inform your local American embassy. Maybe USAID can set you up with some.

Like all weird American sex stuff, I'm betting this is about getting their dicks clipped.


The reason we need mayocide?

But there is hate speech there! Yes I could just block the sub, but there is hate speech!

Nowadays, hate speech is simply saying that you support free speech

Saying you support free speach has a 100% correlation to being spastic tard who can't defend thenselves.

Saying you don’t want free speech has a 100% correlation to thinking gulags weren’t that bad

says the guy with the swastika flair.

I hope it has the desired effect

He’s obviously undercover. He’s an OSS spy

I think in all of History, people who genuinely care about aspects they don't like of a website they voluntarily use to write essay length sperg outs are the biggest losers.

Whats amazing is how quickly some of them post those long ass rants. Its as if they spent weeks writing these rants in preparation for the eventual opportunity to post them. Some of these dorks must have giant doc files full of carefully crafted statements relating to the hot button issues on Reddit, ready to be copy/pasted into a reply at the drop of a hat.

Its sad stuff, man.

the internet was a huge mistake

Being a mod on reddit is the Millennial equivalent of being on a PTA or an HOA board. I have immediate distrust and disdain for anyone in those three groups.

They're like uncharismatic authoritarians

I'm too lazy to be an authoritarian. I just like putting on my rainbow hat.

at least being on the PTA or an HOA board requires you to leave your dank basement and socialize irl, something a reddit moderator is incapable of

Why not just ignore those parts?


Reddit will be remembered as a prime example of why you shouldn't invite SJWs to your site when it finally burns down to ashes.

more like a prime example of why you should just ban conservatards from the start tbh

Brave opinion.

it would last a lot longer if you just banned everyone tbf

There's some kind of retardation going on there though.

Sub about laughing at fatties: BANNED

Alt right sub: yeah well they'll destroy themselves, eventually

Sub about laughing at fatties: BANNED

wasn't there any doxx involved or was that feeepocoontown?

They got bad press. Hating fat people isn't the issue. They were harassing IMGUR staff for being fat too and mocking their pics.

"Even their dog is fat"




FPH wasn't wrong they were just assholes with no self awareness.

Or maybe they just didn't care about offending fatties

self hating fatties i bet lol. bet they wouldn't show off their tight bods

Former fatties or doughey messes that were under 25 BMI.

Nah, getting called a self-hating fatty you'd typically just timestamp yourself not being a fatty. "No ur teh fatty" was surprisingly common defense by actual fatties.

As was seen in the fitnesscirclejerk raid during that time, almost all the people making fun of fat people in FPH were skinny skeletons, not people who were actually in shape.

Yeah, a large portion of fph was either closeted fat people or anemic looking smokers who thought being emaciated meant they were "fit".

They took it way too far tho. In addition to the obnoxious proselytizing everywhere they went, the frequent calls for killing all fat people and the time they stole a disabled woman's picture from a sewing sub and put it on their sidebar were way too much. You could tell that the sub was populated by a bunch of losers who went into it full force because they finally found a group of people that they could feel superior to. Loved the posts from tumblr though.

Yeah I think its safe to say the 'issue' is that they targeted the butt buddies of the admins, not that they actually broke any rules or 'harassed' people by making fun of them.

That was really funny though.

I'm pretty sure the case with r/fph was that their content evolved into harassing people outside of the sub, and the mods doing nothing to stop it. The r/t_d mods realized that as long as they comply with the admins and keep it on site they aren't at risk of eating the ban hammer.

The only dox involved was info the Imgur staff themselves put up on a contact or FAQ page or something. Hey guise I just doxxed Trump his address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

People have been suspended for less.

I've been handed a 3-day suspension for saying I lived at 1600 Penn Ave.

I reported it to the admins so we'll see what happens


I'm assuming it was posted by one of ed's alts, because TBQH there's no proof it wasn't

user reports:

1: doxxing posting addresses -- ps I reported this to the admins

oh no



You want to know the best part? I didn't report it to the admins.



Sub about harassing redditors: BANNED

Sub about a candidate I REALLY REALLY dislike: yeah well they'll destroy themselves eventually

What the fuck spez?!?!?

T/D doesn't harass Redditors, ever

Why are drumpftards this dumb? Or are you just a triggered lardplanet?

Lol sorry your sub for flabby manlets got banned. I'm also sorry that you're still ass blasted about it like a year plus later. Maybe you should have asked the retards running the place to work with the admins like drama and Donald mods do

h-he called me fat so I-I'm just going to call him fat back


Lol I didn't call you fat, I called you a flabby manlet. Which is what everyone knows the average FPH user was.

Go cry to the admins about it. Or hit the gym so you don't have to make fun of fatties to feel better about being a weak flabby manlet. Well, it won't help with the manlet part.

Mate, what the average Amerilard calls flabby is hamplanet status for the rest of the world. Same for "tall" Americans. Stay cucked by your shit tier genetics.

Lol stay mad, manlet.

I guess it's easier to cry on the internet about fat people then to fix your own issues. Good luck!

I guess it's easier to cry on the internet about niggers stealing your jobs, guns and women than to fix your own issues. Good luck!

Lol you seem to be having a breakdown. Finally realize the reason you need to hate on fatties on the internet is because you hate your flabby manlet body? Must be rough.

Weren't you going to stop replying? Because when Redditors start saying shit like "good luck!" it usually means they're done. Guess I hit a nerve.

Yet here you are replying?

Why do autists always think that if they get the last word they win an argument no matter how retarded they look? lol

How ironic

You're the one who said something which, to you, means goodbye. Not me. Maybe you don't know what ironic means?

Easy enough to explain the reason FPH was singled out and taken out back.

Drama: front for the radical centrist cabal that pulls all reddit's strings

T_D: petri dish of retardation kept around to observe, datamine, and to let metastasize into the imageboards that spawned it

FPH: reposted /fit/fph/ content with additional reddit cringe that was otherwise irrelevant aside from the negative attention it was drawing to the admins.

/pol/ on Reddit is less bad than /fit/ on Reddi

Uh-huh. Logical.

T_D isn't even diet /pol/. Most of /pol/ laments the reddit cancer they accidentally imported back to their own board and try to contain them to their own general. It's a hilarious and ironic taste of their own medicine considering they've been shitting up all the other boards with off-topic cancer for years.

Suuure. More like /pol/ is Reddit-lite. It's the most cancerous board of 4chan mixed with dumb easily impressed Boomers that soaked up "4chan culture" and mixed it into a super cancer cocktail.

And then you have FPH which like you said was just stories about fat people failing at things. Oh yes, horrible. What a den of evil and harassment.

I don't even have an opinion on FPH outside the content being shit. All I'm saying is FPH was an easily-cleansed problem from reddit's perspective.

While /pol/ is total cancer, they didn't actually want T/D's users. all they really wanted with T/D was to intentionally convert a population of native redditors into insufferably cancerous daddy cultists to shit up reddit for laughs. They never expected for it to turn into an on-ramp that would pour their own weaponized plebbitors back onto their board. Then out of left field the boomer denizens of all the the right wing internets' Disqus comment sections wandered into T/D and from there /pol/ and 8/pol/ to mutate into CBTS_Stream ultra cancer, which is unironically one of the most hilarious things I've ever witnessed all come together.

Q is in on it.

You're very wrong.

Lol this faggot.

I'm still salty that FPH is gone.

Where the mods were gods. :'(

TD is alt right?

They're up for the occasional removal of non-whites so yeah pretty much.

You mean the down voted and removed comments?

/u/karmanaut is very upset in that thread.

When you have that many accounts you need to keep them manned at all times.

Yeah they broke that account out of retirement, first post in a year

I'm sure the dude is modding under alts. Iirc he used to be a powermod back in the day

Probably, there's a list of his alts from back in the day on the sub, probablyhittingonyou, drunkenconomist some others.

So basically /u/karmanaut how dare anyone copy the way you monetized shilling on reddit?



Probablyhittingonyou was karmanaut? Wow. Had no idea


drunken economist is a different guy and ended up working for reddit. Not sure if he still does.

(((Plausible deniability)))

powermod or powerbottom. Which is gayer?

100% powermod

Dude is one of the biggest losers on Reddit. And that's coming from an /r/drama user.

And try very hard not to get shilling your main with your alt.

We haven't forgotten.

But there is hate speech, this must be stopped!

Just to let everyone know, this exists.

so much virginity in a single video

I'm here for drama not cringe

He looks so much like moot's straight brother.

What a soyboy. Also they mentioned Saydrah lmao

We track down Karmanaut and force him to cook us bacon at narwhal point

this makes me wanna deep fry my brain

deep fork scratches on non stick pan reddit mail shirt


I bet as soon as the camera was off, they sat around on their smart phones reading off reddit headlines and reciting witty comments as if they came up with them to each other.

Poor thing looks like it has never seen the sun.

Didn't he used to hold the record for most downvoted comment in Reddit history at one point before the voting algorithm allowed 10k+ vote totals on comments?

Time to impose a 25% tariff on all imported parts.

4chan is screwing us with their shitposts, folks!

Outside of /b/ and /r9k/ they unironically have much higher post quality than Reddit.

Let's be fair, 3/5ths

At this rate spez will have the most downvoted comment on reddit before the American midterms, even more than that one from EA’s PR.

Banning them probably won't accomplish what you want. However, letting them fall apart from their own dysfunction probably will. Their engagement is shrinking over time, and that's much more powerful than shutting them down outright.

Hey, /u/spez


you want TD to be banned right away?

Nah, he's wrong about the other part.

oh shit you posted this comment 3 times and in 2 different TD thread.

not a bad idea tbh, this comment is probably your masterpiece

this comment is probably your masterpiece

bitch do you know who I am

The ghost of Seth Rich?

Nikolas Cruz*

goblino is still alive, checkm8

being beta enough ask for mercy. SAD!

now he's a total wuss without an AR-15. Not surprised at all

are you expecting me to defend him, because all I've done since this happened is distance dis fuk from me and muh daddyboys

aren't you the pathetic canadian craving so much attention he posts a pic of himself in drama of all places


How do you manage to make us leafs look even worse that we do by default? It is truly an achievement.

Perhaps you are a false flag personified

look even worse

we cannot confirm this until you post your own /r/drama badass selfie, now can we?

Oh I didn't mean the selfie, I meant your entire shtick.

"i'm embarrased by my timbit body pls no bully r/drama"

not incorrect tbh

hey /u/spez, you gave these spergs a simple button they can press to avoid the_daddy. Just laugh at how incapable they are of functioning when they found out life doesn't tailor itself to their retarded whims.

I’m sure this will get lost, but I have to say, as an active moderator who has poured countless hours into helping foster various communities across reddit, and a black woman, seeing your repeated, active refusal to actually address toxic communities on your website is so infuriating I hardly have words. It’s hard to express what it’s like to put so much into a website whose admins would rather twiddle their thumbs and hope it all blows over rather than take a stance against the communities you foster that are directly hostile to my very existence.

I’m sure I’m just screaming into the void at this point, but banning communities works. Not banning them isn’t neutral, it’s taking a stance. Consider what this site is like for the people these massive communities are openly hostile to. Hint: it blows. The user experience for us fucking blows. As someone who loves reddit, it’s fucking soul-draining being here sometimes. Please, for the love of god, fix it.

/u/fsmpastafarian, is your opinion worth more because you're a black woman? Is that double the oppression points?

Of course not, and nothing in my comment implied that I did. I’m just speaking from a particular experience that most other redditors don’t share, but which it’s worth admins being aware of I believe.

Ouch, hit me with the instant downvote though.

I didn’t downvote you, actually.

Show me + show your gussy as proof

Disgusting. 🤢🤮



Kick him in the balls, tbh.

The user experience for us fucking blows. As someone who loves reddit, it’s fucking soul-draining being here sometimes. Please, for the love of god, fix it.

Did you join Imzy when it first opened its doors to new users?

I just kinda wonder what's wrong with toxic communities? As long as you don't visit them who cares?

The toxicity bleeds elsewhere. For instance, it’s hard for me to go into an /r/pics post where a black person happens to be in the picture, and not see way more racist jokes than I used to see in posts like that. It’s impossible to avoid.

I mean r/pics is a weird example because a picture of a sign that says "drumpf and Republicans are super Hitler" gets 10k up votes in less than 5 minutes so I would imagine those comments come from people who would still be on reddit regardless of the_donald or whatever subreddits you think are problems.

It was just an example. It happens everywhere.


Huh? How does that follow from what I said?

It's literally exactly what you said.

You post some virtue signaling garbage in /r/pics and someone calls you on it.

Rather than debate them (since lets be honest as a liberal I'm sure you're incapable if IGNORING them) you need to demand that something completely and wholly unrelated is banned.


How about reading my comments thoroughly before responding to me, eh? I didn’t say I posted anything to /r/pics, I said there are examples of posts I come across on reddit (emphasis on come across) where just the mere presence of a black person brings out racist comments. If you go through my comment history I’m sure you’ll find plenty of examples of me engaging with people who make jokes/comments like this, often with scientific sourcing.

But sure, continue to make baseless assumptions about what I’ve done based on half-reading comments and then get all riled up about it. Go ahead.

where just the mere presence of a black person brings out racist comments.


We get it, you're black

you're so retarded, literally never see racist comments unless you're actively digging for them to feel all warm and oppressed inside

but she found one! once! somewhere! so we need to shut the_donald down. because that will show the left wing troll who false flagged that racism!

dont worry about him, hes a little... special

Jesus calm down

I can't figure out who is winning here until I can calculate the appropriate neuro-divergent oppression points for your autistic sperging.

Rather than debate them




Lmao. You think this doesn't happen to literally every race? People in this subreddit constantly joke about the "mayocide" but you can't be racist to white people, right?

The chances of you getting a response to this is literally p=0.000


10 oppression points to Gryffindor!

As a redditor who has spent countless hours shitposting based on headlines alone, and a white person, i didn't read any of your posts.

So, you speak for all the black wamens?

and a black woman

+2 oppression tokens

If anything it should be worth less since they've convinced themselves that being a qwaeen makes them an expert on the internet.

How can you let this garbage site affect your life so much? These morons are screaming about the_brainlet posters when there are subs that promote crime like /r/shoplifting or /r/anarchism with instructions on building bombs.

A site rife with pedos, animal rapists, thieves and bussy-hating TERFs doesn’t mean squat, but god forbid a right wing sub is popular. Sorry sweaty, commies calling for violence don’t count.

daily reminder /u/Seattle4Truth ended up killing his father due to autism lol

How so?

He literally killed his father

In his defense his father was a libtard.

and mayo

He contributed to the mayocide

theres literally nothing wrong with promoting "crime" (lol as if crime is even real), the problem is with promoting the idea that conservatives arent subhuman. not that t_d is very good at pushing that particular fiction, but any attempt should still be met with overwhelming force.

Let's be real for a sec, all partisans are subhuman.

anyone who can summarize their political outlook with one word shouldn't have the right to vote in the first place.

Mayocide though


Fortunately for me, "South Park neutral" is three words.

T_D does an excellent job of promoting the idea that conservatives are in fact subhuman. For that reason alone it should not be banned.

Oh damn son don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Its okay to cut yourself.

Mod Spez right now

He's an SRD mod though; do you *really* want one of those making moderation decisions here?

god, fuck, get the thought out of my fucking head, that's disgusting

Some, I assume, are good people.

But you're the only mod everyone likes and you mod both.

Mod spez now.

R u saying not everyone likes me? :(

Aw, I think you're pretty cool fella. It's these other catty bitches that keep talkin shit.

🙀 🙀 🙀

I already have serious cognitive dissonance about how a person like you who I respect can be a SRDine. For the sake of my mental health, please don't draw my attention to it.

sorry mang

Here are my thoughts:

1) The long-winded tl;dr posts are 100% right about Reddit's toxic relationship with T_D

2) Reddit has no obligation to do anything about T_D. They're a business. If being the right hand to Russia is what pays the bills, they'll do whatever

3) I have long wanted to find an alternative to Reddit because frankly, its just toxic being here. Not just on /r/Drama (although before people took it seriously, I loved the shitposting here), but on even the less trafficked subs. I hoped Snapzu would be that place, but it's not. My search continues.

I look forward to the day /u/spez sells his shares, leaves, and the bussy blasting can begin. Inshallah

Here are my thoughts:

1) bend over so I can fuck your ass

2) see 1

3) kiss me and call me daddy

My thoughts:

Purge the word 'toxic' from your faggy vocabulary. Your use of the word is toxic tbqh.

Wew. Suck your own dick offline then, nobody will miss you.

How's that one site where you get crypto for creating content? It sounds like it's picking up some steam.

Srs posting in my /r/drama?


I know third post in this sticky but I say we start a /u/spez gets fired by the board tontine, because this post doesn't just happen on a whimsy.

I can feel their smug aura mocking spez

I can smell it.

Fishy vag, body odor and vegan farts

Gaetz staffer used Reddit forum promoting conspiracy theories to draft legislation




How was your day?

It's still morning here, barely started. Busy thus far, though.

Well I hope you have a good day ahead of you.

Why thank you.

Post bussy.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I was just thinking "what a lovely interaction". And then I have to see whatever the fuck that was. 😠

"It's good to show contempt for your audience"


Worked for the gaming industry.

"How can I make this about Gaymergate? Hmm..."

To be fair, gamers are contemptible.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I hate the cunts.

Well, it's redditors we are talking about.

reeeeeee you didn’t take drastic steps to censor opinions I don’t >agree with and Reddit is as popular as ever

Yeah, Spez isn’t doing shit until revenue sources jump ship. Don’t like it? Tell your favorite sock provider

/u/Spez you'd get a lot more respect if you just owned the fact you guys want money. Bring a pussy coward skirting around the issue wins you no favors.

You figure if the users wanted a successful Reddit protest, they would stop using Reddit. Seriously, arrange a week where a majority of users leave and watch Reddit crumble. Not giving gold or disabling ad block is not good enough.

They can't.

moist users

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

/u/karmanaut nigger nigger chicken dinner

so brave. lmao

As a man you either have strong convictions or you are gay.

My conviction is that you're gay and not the good, homosexual kind.

Spez is fucking useless. Word salad meaning absolutely nothing.

/u/Spez reveals his fantastic plan to take down /r/Teh_Dolan - do nothing and link to /r/SubredditDrama

One of us ! Ones of us ! Ones of us !

You aren't going to convince me that he isn't a drama user with such a comment.

It's amazing. These people have deluded themselves into thinking that facebook memes stole the election and that Hillary would have won if IT WASN'T FOR ALL THAT EVIL RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA SPREADING LIES. They call everyone they dislike "hateful" yet they are more full of hate than anyone else.

Needs more bussy


You heard me

Show us your butthole.

He would be better off just not answering.

I mean, when the real answer is that T_D drives a lot of traffic--and banning one of the primary online hubs for the current POTUS is going to generate a lot of negative press--you're better off not trying to bullshit your way around it.

/u/karmanaut is speaking some advanced faggotry.

Wtf is wrong with idiots reporting all the fun subreddits. What a bunch of weaklings.

Ignore them because they're bound to collapse. Spez is Krushchev confirmed.

u/spez for mod!

Unironically, he's right, though

/u/Spez is my hero

holy shit there's people frothing all over their keyboard in there. Had to check to see I wan't still in r/drama


Leave the site you supposedly hate


Spend 16 hours a day posting 1000 word rants about how much you hate the website.


Sometimes i shit my adult diapers and then smear it on the keyboard and i get a typical reddit reply to spez