Sargon of Akkad event in London gets disrupted by Antifa. Stand around, hold up a flag and flip the double-bird before getting beaten up by a guy who likely uses Kekistan non-ironically. Declare operation a success regardless.

91  2018-03-05 by pm_me_jumbo_jets


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Lol, this happened very close to me. I'm a left leaning person myself but the Antifas I know at my college...I think even Sargon could beat them up if it came down to it.

Lol, this happened very close to me. I'm a left leaning person myself but the Antifas I know at my college...I think even Sargon could beat them up if it came down to it.

"Mission was successful! I bled on the enemy."

When your blood is a cocktail of hormones, psychadelics and STDs, then that's actually a devestating bio-chemical attack.

Antifa using Biological weapons now. Smdh.

I'm bleeding, making me the victor

A great stoner movie.

We taught him wrong, as a joke!

Being beaten by Sargon-watching sperg? When a guy in a suit who probably weights 70Kg (that's 150lbs in Freedom Units) wreaks your cosplaying ass it's time to hang your discount ski-mask and go back to being a shift manager in burger joint.

I come here for the headlines. Seriously, "Gets beaten up by a guy who likely uses kekistan non-ironically" is fucking hilarious. Good work son.

longer video

second half of video is where the juice is

You have to be a gigantic bitch to get your ass kicked at an event filled with all these virgins

Those were reserve supersoldiers


Poor Sargon. Hope he's ok. It really is incredible how these people, can't see how much in the wrong they are, if they have to use censorship and violence in order to win a discussion.

Pretty funny tbh

I wonder how much sargon paid these noodles to pity protest his fag session?

A couple a blowey joeys