Antifa crash event thinking it was full of pussboi Nationalists, Radical liberalisticist centrists F U C K T H E M U P

157  2018-03-05 by broden


Universities used to be places to learn different viewpoints, now their places to be afraid of voicing your viewpoint

Who the fuck's afraid of those guys

is that a tranny filming about halfway through?

I can't tell anymore

If it gives a shit about Sargoy, it's a tranny.

TB quite honest I'd hit it six ways to Sunday, Sargoy fan or not

and what accent is that? i cant place it at all

absolutely a tranny

Let's just say the benis is femminine

Thats an 8/10 in the UK

definite tranny but pretty cute i gotta admit

Imagine getting that bussy blasted over Sargon.

Have you even read Locke?

Have you even read Hobbes?

Only the woke have read Hobbes.

this but unironically

I usually read Calvin and Hobbes when I visit my dentist. He has one of the books in the lobby.

No, I read Loki


Sargon is just a fat guy who makes YouTube cash from making feel good videos for retards. I personally have a problem with said retards who he "redpills"

i actually like the song but its covered in cancer how fix?

Holy fuck no

Jesus got nailed to a fucking cross for this!! اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ

Indeed. Everyone involved with this situation should be ashamed of ourselves

It's like going to the zoo and watching apes throw shit around, and I'm not even talking about black people, for fucks sake snowflakes

nah the guy who started beating that pussy with his face covered should be pretty proud tbh fam

Ah, the true radical centrist!! جَزَاكَ اللّهُ

I prefer south Park neutral

potato poTAtoh, same thing

He's a poor brit's Alex Jones.

Leave that role to John Lennon's illegitimate son, Paul Joseph Walker.

Heard he unironically said something in favor ephebomolopolophilia. Any truth to that?

I think he makes very good and well-researched videos. He's about as inoffensive politically as I could imagine.

Well researched? Mate he often cites sources that contradict his videos narrative because he only read the headline

Well I don't watch all his videos (especially not the This Week In Stupid ones) but the ones I have watched were well put together with lots of sources.

You're literally brain dead.

no u

I just made the same comment without reading yours

Scraches throat readjust glasses well heh great minds think alike...

don't try to hit on my waifu you fucking slut

Wow Ed I thought I held the waifu position in your heart...guess I was wrong. 😢😭

I'm like the AI from the movie "Her", i can love many people and provide them with the same level of attention. My heart is motherfuckin' big

You'll always be my waifu!

I sometimes feel inadequate, as the only thing I have in common with a Jewish waifu is long brown hair. Messages like this do wonders for my self esteem. :')

His debate with Kristi Winters was absolutely hilarious and a pretty good example of whats wrong with Sargon and others like him on both sides of the isle. He presents an incredibly lop sided narrative in which he ignores any facts that challenge the message he is pushing. A lot of times because he is simply too ignorant to realize they exist. So, when he bumps into someone whos actually well versed on the stuff he criticizes he gets absolutely blasted because all the very basic stuff she explains to him he is not familiar with. This results in him tantruming mid "debate" and then never ever talking to someone with opposing views again.

I'll have to take your word for it, I don't watch him enough to know how he performs in debates with Literally Who?

You missed some hilarious drama and I feel bad for you.

tbh irl I don't care about drama. pls no ben.

ugh, fucking normies.

Sorry, I have actual things to do. In about 2 weeks, I'm gonna be traveling the west coast in my van. I will miss out on like 2 months of prime drama. Oh well.

Sounds lame.

Do you like open roads, vast forests, horror movies late at night far away from civilization and beating off onto ponderosa pine roots?

only if there is gussy involved fam

gussy? ew dude, don't bring that nasty shit into my /r/drama

Didn't you mention that the Unabomber liked that stuff too?

I did, you have a good memory. Only difference is he wouldn't be too keen on using cars to get around, and I'm sure he wouldn't like using a roof-mounted solar panel to charge a laptop to watch horror movies. His loss.

Why waste all that time?

Because I have terminal autism, and I only have 6 months left to understand social cues.

Same thing happened when he was on Joe Rogan. He’ll talk to him again though because he likes being held in those big strong arms.

hes gonna be debating the mystical mohawk maoist jason unruhe soon, im really excited for both of them to make absolute fools of themselves in front of their respective audiences

omg Unruhe is my favorite (and only) commie. He's incapable of losing a debate, much like radical-centrist DesTINY

The exact same thing happens with Professor of Memes, Jordan Peterson. Watch what happen when he actually goes up against somebody who knows something. He barely seems to even understand the argument he's trying to rebut.

Zizek is going to wipe his ass later this year

For real? When/where is this going down?

bahahahha no.

Sargon reads the headline only and makes 800 videos about feminist rekt bullshit.

isn't a man

thinks it can talk to me

Piss off

Kiss your mother with that mouth?

To be honest, I get real nervous when girls talk to me and I don't know how to react. Wanna maybe do some instant messaging?

My AiM is jaredgayffer27. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D

I'd rather get groomed by 40 year old men when I was 16 like I used to on AiM

Let's just say grooming is not something I'm familiar with bby ;)

You just go in raw?!

I mean that I am really poor at shaving, and my really long hair I just unevenly cut every 6 months when it starts getting caught on things when I sleep.

Wow you sound like a fixer-upper.

I haven't even told you about my living situation yet.

Well don't keep me in suspense.

I just put in my notice at my nice middle class job where I was due a promotion so I could travel the west coast in my van and then spend 2.5 months backpacking Europe over the summer.

So you're unemployed.

I will be on the 16th. But bby my van has space for 1.5 people to sleep in ;)

I'm only half-person sized so it kind of works

Short, posts on obscure websites, makes fun of me

You sound a lot like my ex. Let me ask you this: have you ever held a knife to a man's throat before?

No, I'm so non-violent I get upset chopping vegetables.

emotional wreck, vegetarian

You may actually be my ex girlfriend.

I am gay.

Wouldn't be the first time I made a girl do that.

Second, I just turned gay just then when we were talking.

Why did i follow this thread 2 pages deep? i think i lo....

You love me ed?

isn't a Jew thinks it can talk to her

Piss off

isn't a Jew yet thinks it can talk to her

Piss off

M'sir, tis a good thing to see you appreciate such a m'lady. However, I have already laid claim to her beautiful visage. Head down the road to enjoy your inferior 2d games, the adults are working here.

I'm a woman lmao

Oh in that case, wanna maybe play some games online?

My gamer tag is jaredgayffer27. Let me warn you, I'm a very high level. Try to keep up.

I don't know if I'll be able to keep up, I need a Nice Guy™ to teach me how

I'll powerlevel your character and your heart, girl.

Lmao sorry dude but Chad just hmu, gotta run! Thanks for being a good friend, though!

Sure, if you need someone's shoulder to cry on and never sleep with or reciprocate romantic feelings with, I'm your m'man.

I personally have a problem

Don't care.


Fear not. I am a well-armed American. I am very safe.

i like u

I like me too! :-D

Don't care.

u sure?

what you described sounds like the most unpleasant possible person

"Guys, let's mask up and harass some folks. No one will throw a punch because of the frozen peaches."

Five minutes later, "why the fuck didn't the soylent make me superman?"

Should've taken their B12 pills.

Naw, iron supplements.

Should have asked their bulls to come, classic mistake on antifa's part, really.

The bulls were in the audience.

Or at home neck deep in some tang

Sargon's audience?

I doubt it.

Imagine if he had his jar opener

Rip /u/erictrumpismywaifu. Missed but not forgotten <3 F

Antifa vs liberalisticists and they're all britbongs? I hope this slapfest escalates

Benny hill

We're a culture, not a theme tune.

This is NOT who I am and this is NOT OKAY

Somebody needs to edit this video to include wacky sax.

North Face Jacket and Gloves Antifa

Is there anything more mayo?

Words ending in -cide

Is there any resource tracking these fights - orders of battle, outcomes, casualties?

This is actually a really good idea, could put on youtube and get some $$$

Some blow by blow announcing.

I already told you snally, you could get rich with a dedicated drama website.

Imagine the possibilities!

Great idea! Everyone pitch in 5 bucks!



Shame we lost John Keegan; I would have loved to read his history of the great idiot LARPing war of 2016-????

It's little consolation, but /r/The_Donald was memeing that shit pretty hard last year.

This shitty video wouldn't last 5 seconds on worldstar, mayos suck at literally everything.

Who would win?

Antifa Super Soldier limited edition Doc Marten's


floor wax?

didnt twitter kicked him off for this?

The kicked him of because he kept sending gay interracial porn to people on the alt-right who messed with him.

lol that sounds

...a LOT like me in high school actually

Still gets results i'm sure




i don't feel like regressing quite yet

nogs pounding bussy instead of breeding

oh wow i'm so triggered at them spreading AIDs amongst themselves and dying


When was that 😛😛😛

That is one pasty white ass.

Not an argument.

ruined my day you cunt

Fuck me. He sure has a set of honeyglutes on him hot damn

He posted bussy! /u/neon_needles /u/snallygaster when are we going to mod him?

>modding a youtube celebrity

the thought kinda makes me sick tbqhwy

Yeah but that dude has a really pale butt. Its like staring at a gisha who got hit by a steamroller or something.

Throwing smoke bombs at toddlers.

Soy should be a proscribed substance.

What video am I supposed to watch? I don's see a smoke bomb in the video, just a kid crying.

Why not just skip straight to organized fights? Nazi v antifa v kekistanis

Would be a bloodbath, case in point:

1 Skinhead vs 50 Antifas

My god, that fucking music. I have long thought that if my line of work doesn't pan out, I'd start a white power band. With even the tiniest modicum of songwriting ability and production skills, you could rise to the absolute top of the genre and make a pretty decent amount of neetbux.

youre probably right, there are like five good natsoc bands and 500 utterly terrible squads of neets in garages

These people should be shot

I can't be bothered to sign in but I'm going to guess antifa is being their terrorist selfs

At ~2:45, skinhead throws like a girl.

I need some background on this one. What a cluster.

Nazi on his way to a demonstrantion, meets Antifa on their way to same demonstration, stabs two of them, one fatally. Happened in Spain, guy is called Josué Estébanez.

This is why public transit should continue to be funded.

1 American Chad turmps them all (see what I did xD)

Keks would win but antifa would come second cause you know, the nazis lost WWII

What was their k/d ratio again?

I dont know the exact numbers but it was pretty fucking good

These are the faggots that LARP about bringing forward the next communist ~disaster~ revolution and they can't even stack up against a few white/paki nerds lmao

The proletariat will surely banner under these righteous rich folk who are totally down with the middle/poor classes

I mean, they're all European, lol

Well that's obvious from the fact they didn't need mobility scooters.

No this is in London

London, or as we like to call it Kekistan East.

none of these kids are actually rich, just their parents

this goes for both sides

Political change isn't for the poor

Mayo vs mayo. Whoever loose we win.

Whoever loose we win


kys unironically

Surething kiddo.


How the hell do you even say this word? Liberal-listi-cists?

I believe it's pronounced "REEEEEEEEEEEEE."

it's pronounced aw-ti-sim

I was expecting a little more fighting. You misled me OP

White on white violence is not all it is cracked up to be, we have to go back over half a century for something to talk about.

Argentinians on suicide watch.

He did say white though

or any fighting

"what r u doin! can u not please!"

This is exciting by British standards.

Tfw you can't even beat up a liberalist meeting.

Did you know that the strongest stance is having your feet firmly placed in the centre? It's the new radicalism.

My count is 18 seconds from interruption to an ANTIFA getting clocked. I hereby take back everything bad I've ever said about the British.

I mean, they've had centuries of practice in beating up malnourished mayos with the Irish, it's no real suprise.

/>Irish />White

Have you been on a night out in the UK? I took some American friends out clubbing in England and they were shocked how much fighting goes on lol. We are pretty bad for that sort of stuff here... People get in fist fights over stuff as simple as eye contact.

Have you been on a night out in the UK?

I have. I didn't see any fights. I mostly saw people shouting and other people ignoring the shouting drunks.

We are pretty bad for that sort of stuff here

I'll be in the UK this summer. Maybe we can meet up. Maybe I can borrow your underwear or something. It's no big deal.

What? I used to live in the US, I'm just saying there is a lot more fighting in the UK.

In that case, you can come to my house and borrow my underoos.

Guys I'm too fucking lazy to watch that video, someone tell me what's going in. Please, my mind is yours to mold.

It's that scene from that movie

Oh right that one

Stunning and brave PoC women who identify as womyn use their advanced ninjutsu skills to beat down some pasty faced pepe loving sister trump voting meth smoking fucking rednecks.

I have a hard time believing pepe-lovers would be able to even find meth

Everything is normal, anti-fa then rush in and storm the stage, a bright breaks out about 15 seconds in to the left of the stage.

to the left of the stage

Alt-Left activity confirmed

They say they are gona bash the fash when they can't even bash fucking Sargon ?

When you come for the centre, you better not miss.

Well, I unironically hate sargon, but by the other hand it gives me a huge smile to see antifa getting a beatdown


lmao what the fuck is sargon doing in a fucking university?

hahahaha holy shit

i am going to start an youtube channel right fucking now

Good like trying to be more of a centrist than Sargon kid...heh....

slow claps into the centre of the shadows

sargon might be a centrist

he is also a retard

i am going to start an youtube channel right fucking now

Just pick a side you want to support, pick a really weak argument that basically no one on the other side makes, represent it as one of their core beliefs and tear it down. Make sure to film yourself in front of a book case to add extra legitimacy and of course set up a patreon so you can get that sweet sweet NEETBUX

The funniest part is that the antifags will blame the ebil alt right for violence when sargon and his romanian hob goblin friend have been getting their bussys blasted by alt right feds for the past few months.


Ur jus 2 dumb to understand sargons complex and intellectual arguments, saying honestly and sincerely makes ur points better.

all i know about Sargon of Akkad is that he calls himself that, but i must say i am tremendously disappoiinted that he was there for this moment

Sargon of Akkad

Unless the guy is a Babylonian wizard from 400BCE no one should give a shit what anyone with that name says.

goddamn, actual Sargon's even older than that. he's like Gilgamesh old



Isn't sargon an alt-right poster boy?

Same audience but they turned on him when he dared to debate richard spencer

i think the alt-right thought he was for whatever reason, seeing him realize he had a lot of them as followers has been entertaining

Sargod of Akchad fights the salt-right online, calling them (and I quote) "WHITE NIGGERS"

Sargon is a Liberalisticist Chad.

hahahahaha imagine going to a sargon of akkad meetup lmfao

Sounds like you're veering off to the side.

Come home to the centre, liberalisticist man.

Wow those posh guys really put the boot in.

Other videos in this thread: Watch Playlist &#9654;

Antifa Disrupts Sargon of Akkad Event; Sargon Beats Up Antifa +21 - MOAR
[NSFW] 1 Skinhead vs 50 Antifas +10 - Would be a bloodbath, case in point: 1 Skinhead vs 50 Antifas
Shadilay - P.E.P.E. - Lyrics +6 - Shadilay, my fellow kekistani.

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In the battle of liberalists vs antifa vs the alt right I pick mayocide.

Literally so many white people going at it

Antifa are mayos but at least they're pro-mayocide.

Why abandon them?

Eww commies tho

being disgusted by your golems

apply yourself

Is there anything more autistic than Antifa?

/r/Drama, Nazis, Kekistanis, Tankies, SRDines

/u/SorosShockTrooper See this is what I'm talking about, they can't even take a solid punch without staggering. Soy diets leave you with no strength

Yeah, they got rocked here. Nobody gonna argue with you on that point.

Antifa do a pretty good job of promoting the virtues of fascism just by being themselves.

fake and heterosexual

Walk us through what really happened, if you have the courage of your convictions.

When you give some half arsed answer I'll ask you again to clarify

Like seriously the way the first guy enters the room and throws his index finger into the direction of sargon like he is accusing him of something

"haha I found you FIEND! Your evil deeds end now for I, Mr. Antifa have arrived!"

this is some 100% fake ass bullshit. These are not antifa members but just some sargon fans dressed up to make a joke.

this is some 100% fake ass bullshit. These are not antifa members but just some sargon fans dressed up to make a joke.

You gonna elaborate on that? Walk me through the timeline.

You gonna elaborate on that? Walk me through the timeline.

The guy who enters the room and points his finger at him?

Dude, that looks fake as fuck. I mean in general how they look, they look more like guys who wear fedoras and wave kekistan flags.

And yes I was in Berlin antifa for years and never have I seen such clowns ever. I have had plents of disagreements but this level of larping lol no

The guy who enters the room and points his finger at him?

Dude, that looks fake as fuck

You're still not elaborating. Here, let me do it for you.

"Ok guys, I want to pay you for a job"

"what kind of job?"

"I want you to crash a radical liberalisticist meeting, by dressing up as a group called antifa"

"ok what do you mean by crash, will there be violence?"

"Yes, I'm betting on it. I'm betting on YOU to cause the violence, oh amoral volunteer. For the cause of radical liberalistism!"

"ok, how do you want me to act?

"I want you to go in there and POINT your finger in such a way that everyone thinks you're legit"

"but what about the ex-German anti-fa members browsing /r/drama, they will see me for what I am!"

"No one will believe them, we have our agent /u/broden on the scene to disparage such fools and make them look very very silly"

"ok I'll do it. On one condition"

"what's that?"

"I get to be punched in the head. This is non-negotiable"


Who says anything about paying?

like they could literally just organized this on a discord or something as a big meme. Do you think the Tiki Torch nazis went to that event because they got paid?

I dont even argue this was made intentionally to make antifa look bad but more of a "huehue lets dress up all as antifa and troll sargon irl"

I cant watch the video with sound atm cuz im at work so you gotta wait for me giving you a more indepth later.

Ok, I will wait patiently for you analysis to progress beyond The Suspicious Finger Point.

THe finger knows

Ur dumb

Is calling people white niggers the ultimate centrism? 🤔🤔🤔

Is calling people white niggers the ultimate centrism?

Yes, as it incorporates both whites and niggers.

Ayy this was at my uni. Apparently some people think the student union was involved in the antifa crash. The organiser got harassed by the SU to stop the event and only let it happen if there were safe space marshals there. They also said they would have to stop the event if three students were offended.

What were the consequences for the liberalisticists and the antifa?

Nothing that I know of. A door was smashed and a smoke bomb let off but don't think anyone's going to be punished.

Excellent. A good precedent.

Soyboys in the Destiny subreddit think it's a false flag apparently.

They've even posted here

Radcentbol gang?