FuckTheAltRight doesn't get history (or memes). Blows a fucking gasket.

50  2018-03-07 by WesternLog


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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/u/lostnumber07 why do you need to dig up 9 month old meme posts to prove that T_D is a hate sub? Reeks of desperation imho.

Although, O sons of God, you have promised more firmly than ever to keep the peace among yourselves and to preserve the rights of the church, there remains still an important work for you to do. Freshly quickened by the divine correction, you must apply the strength of your righteousness to another matter which concerns you as well as God. For your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them. For, as the most of you have heard, the Turks and Arabs have attacked them and have conquered the territory of Romania [the Greek empire] as far west as the shore of the Mediterranean and the Hellespont, which is called the Arm of St. George. They have occupied more and more of the lands of those Christians, and have overcome them in seven battles. They have killed and captured many, and have destroyed the churches and devastated the empire. If you permit them to continue thus for awhile with impurity, the faithful of God will be much more widely attacked by them. On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it.

Inshallah πŸ™

14/88 πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ β˜ͺ️☠️β˜ͺ️☠️β˜ͺ️ πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ 14/88

Sieg heil inshallah and so on fam

This but unironically.

PLEASE READ, /u/lostnumber07:

It's not sinful to eat or drink with your left hand, it's inferior.

As Muslims, we aspire to reach the status of the Mu'min. We aspire to implement the Qur'an and Sunnah in every aspect of our daily lives. In which case, we don't walk into a home with our right foot forward because some kinesiology expert said it's superior, we do it because Allah's Messenger did it, and he was the best human being to ever set foot on this ground, and so we trust him when he tells us where to put our feet.

I'm left handed. My parents never pressured me to eat with my right. When I was 15 I broke my left hand in several places, and Alhamdulillah, within a week I was eating comfortably with my right hand. Allah (swt) made it easy for me. I didn't have to make the conscious decision to willfully struggle with every meal, but if you were to, then you'll be rewarded for it more than me, insha'Allah.

we aspire to reach the status of the Mu'min

What did they mean by this?

u/Lostnumber07 you know you can just not look at that sub right. I don't know whose dumber the Donald tards or the people who spend their time keeping tabs on them

most of em don't want it banned just because the posts are shit

they think it's A C T U A L L Y D A N G E R O U S


shit bot


this might be the only actually alt-right thing i've seen linked on that sub

OP are you retarded, or did you just fuck up the link?

Someone doesn't get the meme.

the joke is larping faggots who still think the Crusades were a good thing, right?

you can't spell "crusade" without "rad"

sure you can. "croisΓ©ed."

Dead snowmayos and sandmayos, why weren't they a good thing again?

because they killed the Gnostics too, and a small subset of them had divine orgies

I think it's worse, I think it's a completely retarded version of "it's just a prank". Like the goal is 100% unironically do exactly what they say ("drive them out"), but it's OK because it's a meme. Where "it's a meme" doesn't actually means anything more than "it should be OK".

Aww it's being serious!

Like most things it was a meme in games like Crusader Kings II, or For Honor where it was ironically racist.

Then actual inbred faggots saw people having fun, what neurons they had left after huffing paint out of thier sisters asshole connected the dots of le epik luls and Muslims and thought they found a new catchphrase to bleat.

Then you got people like OP willfully or idiotically using its innocet origins to pretend they aren't being racist by literally calling for expulsion of Muslims in modern times. JOKES ON YOU I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED

Des Vault, God Emperor, all that shit, it's a joke to them. You are honestly one big dumb motherfucker if you haven't realized this by now.

just because it's a "joke" doesn't make it not faggotry. it just means they're not confident enough in their faggotry to express it sincerely.

It might be dumb as fuck sure, but it's equally dumb to go around saying "they support genocide!!!" or in the case of /r/politics "they actually believe drumpf is a god!!!"

Funnily enough it is only a joke once they get called out for it. Before that shit is always discussed seriously. The "It's just a larp!" defense is becoming more hollow by the day


Not good enough. Put them in dungeons and give them the medieval torture they do to others

I dissaprove of violence, but if I could wakeup tomorrow where Islam is purged from this planet, I'd probably be cheering

If the current pope wasnt such a gigantic cuck (hes a globalist and loves islam more than anything else), there would be a tiny chance the pope would call for a crusade.

Not even kidding when I say that I would drop everything and leave my life behind to fight the good fight, even if it ended in my death.

Honestly we another crusade [Trumpies are so retarted they can't even form coherent sentences]

tfw im agnostic and i still want a christian crusade to wipe out islam kek

Islam is a disease, a cancer of this planet. They're a plague. Drive moslems the fuck OUT! DUES VULT

I'm not kidding, if I had a button that would kill all saracens, I'd press it so fast it would make your head spin. Killing one of those "people" isn't a sin.

"It's just a prank, bro! We were just pretending we wanted to violently eradicate an entire religion. Learn to meme leftists lmaooo."

It's not like Italy just elected a dude to push them out or anything. fucking eyeroll

Wasn't your entire argument that this was "just a meme"?

I know that since Daddy changes his tune more often than his diapers, you've gotten adept at switching the dick you're sucking on the fly, but at least try to stay consistent within a thread.

It's not like Italy just elected a dude to push them out or anything.

Le Pen gets smashed, Wilders gets Smashed, Merkel starting another term. Meanwhile Italy, the Alabama of Europe, still trying to suck on its toes, and you come here to pretend you know what you're talking about πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

One day account
Over a hundred comments/posts bitching about /r/politics and the SJWLGBTQS terrorists
"Get edumacated!"

How about you go pour yourself a glass of bleach and stop being a shitstain on the internet, you petulant moron?

No one is talking about eradication idiot. DEUS VULT's modern analogue is strict border controls and deportations.

Grow the fuck up little man.

Are you illiterate or just delusional? Seeing as you sexually identify as a Daddy-lover, I'm gonna guess it's both.

All of those retards are overtly hoping for a crusade, and you're here trying to convince everyone it's "le deus vult funneh may-may." How have you lived this long without being diagnosed as an autist you fucking sperg?

Quick! Throw a different talking point!

those are clearly just heated gaming moments

stop being such a PC retard

I see nothing wrong here.


Did they just remove every comment saying its a joke? Way to bury the truth.

Fucking fascist pieces of shit.

I vote we let saladin have at them.

Good news for you /u/BookofNightmares! Much to the dismay of right wingers, Euros like the Swedes have already let Saladin have at them. You don’t even need to vote on the mayocide.

Lmao, he does know Saladin got BTFOd by the Second Crusade right? U/BookofNightmares surely all your knowledge of history doesn't come from Hollywood movie featuring Jake Gyllenhaal?

One: Saladin defeated the second crusade. The third crusade was in response to saladin's victories, and was essentially fought to a stalemate.

Two: Jake Gylenhaal in that movie was persian. Saladin was sultan of Egypt, and ethnically kurdish.

Three: It's she.


Interesting and informative read if you want to understand the basics of Saladin's life.

Fought to a stalemate

A Britshit sailed through the Mediterranean, fought surrounded on all 3 sides by Muslims, that too a monarch who ruled over all of Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia and still managed to take Acre, I'd call that a pretty resounding defeat. I mean, getting defeated by Britshits back in the day when random dukes from France and random tribal oogaboogas from Norway could take their throne is pretty embarrassing in and of itself.

In that movie is Persian

Kingdom of Heaven.

It's she

There are no girls on the internet.


In case you actually think a 'chivalrous' Sunni could put down the largest existing Shia power with all the chivalry you seem to think he possessed.

u/trubaited were you truly baited?

Rofl is Stop Advertisement still a thing? Other than that company that I can't even remember right now, have they actually stopped anything? (actual proof, not just feel good "we'll look into it" messages).


Subreddits such as /r/The_Donald, /r/Conservative, and /r/Conspiracy promote hateful ideas

lol, yeah, having conservative ideas is enough to warrant a boycott according to those dumbasses.

They don't joke tho

Oh my god these fucking guys are just so lazy about it. The biggest bunch of pathetic losers on this site, god damn.

Way too many pings in this thread, this is the kind of shit that'll get the sub banned.

We've had warnings from admins before, and you dumbfucks are pinging the most fragile and sensitive redditors around.

What do I have to google to find retarded pepe memes?

"Pepe memes" I assume?