When LAOP is sent death threats by his ex wife after he divorces her for her infidelity, who's the real victim? According to LA, obviously the ex-wife!

88  2018-03-13 by lincoln1222


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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[+255] I left it alone the first time, but ...


I will tell my kids about their mother's threats.

is completely inconsistent with:

The last thing I want is for my children to be caught in the crossfire between my ex and I's feud.

Your children need to have some form of relationship with their mother than isn't colored by the broken relationship between you and their mother. I was with /u/bug-hunter right up until that last paragraph.

Also, "I's" isn't a word.

lmao, you weren't even exaggerating. The kids are also almost both 18, I'd think they deserve to know one of their parents is actively threatening to kill the other one repeatedly.

“If daddy is found with two in the head and mommy insists it was suicide, mommy killed daddy. Ok guys?”

/r/legaladvice: “mommy is the victim here! Reeeeeeeeeee.”

They're acting like the kids are five years old, wtf. A 15 and 16 year old have a very firm grasp of what infidelity is.

I was told by my mother when my dad cheated on her while I was only nine years old. Did it color my perception of him? Fuck yeah it did, I'm glad I knew that shit. It let me know earlier on that he wasn't a reliable father figure to look to.

And not disclosing murder threats, really? That's how Dear Zachary happens.

Next year my oldest turns 18, and boy what a convo about their whore mother we're going to have!

Maybe I'm a bastard but been looking forward to it for a decade now.

Good luck man! Whores dont deserve their children's love.

hey it's not my fault she's been lying to them consistently for years, or that she filed documents with the court directly contradicting what she told them

hookers gonna hook, what else is there to say

Document every piece of evidence. Burn the bridges between them. Just remember, if the situation was reversed, everyone would be calling for your kids to castrate and cut you off entirely. Give her the same love and respect she gave you. I'm rooting for you! Also the OP of the thread posted had an update.

Guess what the dumb fucks in BOLA think... He's a psychopath. There are a few exceptions though. People with actual morals

heh more like "contradict what she's already been telling them for years"

I'm rooting for you man!

Why don't people on legal advice have this objectively perfect mind set?

Two x chromosomes

Here's the thing I don't get about them saying he's coloring their view of their mom. Why shouldn't their view of her be colored?

woah wait the kids are 16 and 15 hell the fuck no I understood why my father hated my mother and left her when I was fucking 9 what planet do these people live on where two teenagers don't understand the concept of cheating.

And not disclosing murder threats, really? That's how Dear Zachary happens.

According to /u/expatinpa we should ignore this because "95% of family annihilators are male".

Which is a nice round number she pulled out of her ass. Mothers tend to murder their children more than fathers though (about 70% vs 30%). (Source: https://www.acf.hhs.gov)

Also as much as I hate serious posting the idea that he shouldn't tell his 15 and 16 year old children that their mom is making death threats is ludicrous. A guy from my home town was just in the news because he murdered his 15 and 12 year old sons then killed himself after him and their mother divorced. People do fucked up things during divorces and fights over kids and their safety could very well be at risk if this lady is making death threats

Yeah, It's funny watching them completely ignore what OP initially asked about, given that it shows she's a big potential danger to the kids and their father.

Imagine hating men that much.

Most of the people in thus sub don't really have to imgagine, tbh. A shit tone of legbeards here.

JFC you're a broken record

It's reddit dude. Soyboy cucks, legbeards and commie scum everywhere you look.

Legbeards? In my /r/drama?!?!?

Can a bussy brother get a ban hammer over here?

They're mostly just white knights who are jealous some guy had sex 15 years ago.

/u/bug-hunter, a quality contributor to LA, wisely says:

I don't care if she banged every pizza boy for 10 zip codes. You need to separate her actions against you, with her rights and duties as a parent to her children. Using your issues with her (however valid) to drive a wedge between her and her kids is not only wrong, but she could absolutely take you to court over it and possibly win.

Naw she’d probably lose. If a 15 and 16 year old want to know why daddy doesn’t love mommy and he explains why, and they ask for proof, that is reasonable.

Also when you say pizza boy do you mean you don’t care if the mommy boned children? Because dear god man, stop supporting pedophilia.

You have violated her parental rights. You need to make some amends.

This is what passes as a quality contributor!

And now to quote my personal favorite subject matter expert on this matter, /u/kenpopehat:

Here's the thing. /r/legaladvice is a train wreck with no coherent purpose or philosophy. No responsible attorney would advise people to post their legal problems "anonymously" on the internet. No responsible attorney would encourage people to take seriously "advice" from anonymous strangers. The reactions, suggestions, and "advice" are frequently awful. There is no credible sign that the mods have any grasp of what "advice" is awful or what is not. The disclaimers about the purpose of the sub are incoherent and contradictory. The purpose of the forum appears to be look-at-the-car-crash entertainment. I like that as much as the next person, but it's not admirable when it's celebrated and encouraged in a way that harms the best interests of people with problems. In fact, it's bad. Very bad.

Also to give credit where it is due, bravo to zanctmao for shutting the fire down.

/u/bug-hunter is a quality contributor to TrollX, if that gives any context

Ohhh, so /u/bug-hunter is that kind of dumb cunt; that explains it.

I don't care if he beat you every day for 10 years. You need to separate his actions against you, with his rights and duties as a parent to his children. Using your issues with him (however valid) to drive a wedge between him and his kids is not only wrong, but he could absolutely take you to court over it and possibly win.

Hey /u/throughfog whats your opinion on this?

Can’t you make whatever your stupid point is without completely misquoting me?

I just replaced the word's "infidelity" and "affection" with "rape" and "sex. Pretty accurate I'd say.

Point is neither is justifiable in the slightest

“Just replacing” means you’re not quoting, you’re either editing or purposefully misquoting. If you want to impugn someone’s opinion and you can’t do it without changing their words your argument is beyond weak.

Btw, LAOP himself pretty much agrees with my observation in his follow up on Legaladvice and I guess he’d know better than anyone else.

Yeah I edited it to make a point. What you said originally was stupid and illogical. This is just as stupid and illogical. Or do you think they are somehow different?

Yes, they are. But no amount of debate will change your mind so I’ll leave it at that. And again point out that LAOP himself agrees with me.

Hypocrisy it is. Just keep in mind, the wife was likely an abusive socipathic jerk. Why else would the kids cut her off just like that?

Also LAOP does not agree with you. And it doesn't justify cheating. If he was maybe emotionally distant, there's something called communication which helps a lot. Plus he had an abusive past. What if he had a low sex drive and the wife wanted sex all the time?

Point is neither is justifiable in the slightest

Woah woah, let's not say things we'll regret later

Why did you tag me in this

In the immortal words of The Descendants:

Whores, you can't make me want

I got all the fish I need

On the deck of my boat

You're dead on, and this is why that sub is terrible.

Assuming she ever dragged him back court over this, I can just picture the judge getting pissed off at having to deal with this bullshit. "So it's the truth? Right, he doesn't have to lie to them for you."

No, the father is alienating the kids, it's so fucking obvious. Kids don't naturally cut off their parents, and if they do the other parent should absolutely tell them that adult stuff must stay between adults, it doesn't concern them.

Try not talking to your kids for one year, and see how you react. I don't blame the mother for making irrational threats, she would obviously not follow through.

So, u/bug-hunter is right, and you're a big dummy and should keep yourself safe u/desertrichard.

u/bug-hunter although, parental alienation isn't recognized by the DSM. Judges don't like hearing about it. You can thank the feminist lobbies who protested against its inclusion because mothers are more likely to do it than fathers.

imagine unironically believing that the cheating whore sending death threats is the victim here

Imagine being a r/drama basement dweller with no relationship experience whatsoever and being able to judge 20 years of marriage from one reddit post.

actions have consequences, a woman just realised

Is it their religious heritage that make americans see red when they talk about infidelity?

The guy says himself he shitalked the mom to their kids out of ressentment.

The guy says himself he shitalked the mom to their kids out of ressentment. Anyway, both parents seem retarded, so who gives a fuck.

Let's assume after she cheated it's been his life mission to shit talk her to their kids. So fucking what? She deserves it and considering the kids were willing to give up their relationship with their mother that quickly they probably didn't like her much in the first place.

It's up to the mother to remedy the situation, so what is her solution.

  • A) Try to salvage whatever is left of the relationship with her ex-man and try to work out a solution that will keep the kids as happy as possible

  • B) Send him death threats

Mrs. Einstein indeed chose the correct choice, B.

Imagine being this serious on /r/drama.

Then imagine trying to pidgeonhole parents and children.


Good OP, bringing us retarded drama. Bad Jack, for being an autistic mong. Keep yourself safe.

Dude, no. You're wrong here.

What is the theory on this with feminists? That if they just take over as many mouthpiece positions as possible, that somehow reality itself will change?

Honestly, the more I read this guy's posts the more I realize why the wife decided that infidelity and leaving him was the way to go. I'm not saying she had that the right way round, but I don't blame her for wanting out of the marriage.


A lot of projection going on in this thread.

Someone do it plz

I cannot for the life of me imagine anyone in Legal Advice saying that if the genders were reversed. Lots of "you're an idiot and are crazy" but never would they ever say that a guy was right to cheat on his wife because of her actions

"Infidelity is just between the parents" is by far the most retarded lie I've ever heard.

It's insane I've never met anyone that doesn't tell the kids because the kids need to understand "mommy loves other people and now we can't be together" if they are younger and fully explain to the older also clears throat KIDS ARE NOT FUCKING MORONS.

Lol, u/bug-hunter and u/grasshoppa1's parents clearly never taught them what a lie of omission is. No wonder they grew up into the kind of people who defend and make excuses for cheaters.

Holy shit these people are insane

user reports:
1: I love these because they give me the chance to report you to the admins for breaking rules. thanks.


What rule are we breaking?

someone's probably mad about the pinging.

Do you think it could be /u/zanctmao?

Idk it might be his other account /u/ZANCTMAO

It could be any number of people who've developed a burning hatred of this place over the years.

Lmao /u/Zanctmao mad.

The sad thing is this guy was defending LAOP. Has he turned to the simps

/u/Zanctmao more like /u/Zanctmad amiright

wait so if i keep posting LA salt to r/drama and encouraging pinging, the sub will get more reports to admins and have a greater chance at getting banned?

hmm this gives me an idea :)

Probably not because we'd be obligated to remove all of the posts that constitute harassment.

if the post is harassment sure, but you can't stop users (on posts that aren't harassment/against Reddit rules) from sending mean pings and getting the sub reported to admins- i guess you could remove all pinged comments but people would still get the notification and be triggered

God damn it I was going to post this

/u/CorrectPie You should a thing or two about Reddit Politics before posting here. Don't ever ask for advice over here. This site is filled with fat neckbeards that are out to play their ideology game or to ruin other people's lives, because theirs is already over.

e.g. the top answer is by /u/bug-hunter, a feminist radical who posts to /r/TrollXChromosomes, a subreddit known for believing every woman to be a victim of every man.

Why do you think he/she/it gave you that advice? Be safe out their, and if you want advice on important matters, contact your lawyer or psychologist, never Reddit.

Fun experiment idea: In a month or so, post a scenario where the genders are reversed

/r/drama is fine for advice though. we gotchu fam.

The worst thing about Reddit is that this is unironically the best sub for any topic.

That's far beyond massively fucked.

Like most commenters in that sub, the closest /u/bug-hunter has been to a courtroom is watching Judge Judy.

I'd bet $100 or a big fat shit on my bar card that /u/bug-hunter is not an attorney.

Understood. I quite like this site. It's very user-friendly.

Infidelity doesn't equal being a bad parent.

Not but threatning to kill your spouse does /u/ KBCme

But keep whiteknighting for a psycho



Cheating is a major moral wrong, of course the "kids" ( if that is how you choose to call a bunch of 16 year olds ) have a right to know what their mother did.


/u/CorrectPie you did the right thing telling them the truth so they weren't just wondering why everything was changed.

LA is a terrible sub both in regards to legal advice and moral grandstanding. You aren't obligated to lie to your kids for her benefit.

That's a pretty nice LARPing sub, but let's be honest, nobody actually takes advice from the internet

LAOP apparently did (according to his update)

He handled it pretty well, I thought.

He was still ostracized and people literally called him a psycopath and an abuser

friendly reminder that some crazy psycho whore killed her children after her husband threatened divorce (after consluting LegalAdvice).

If one parent is mentally unstable enough to threaten to murder the other, the children absolutely need to know that, for their own safety if nothing else

friendly reminder that some crazy psycho whore killed her children after her husband threatened divorce (after consluting LegalAdvice).

Please tell me that this made the news or something like that, I wanna check out this dumpster fire.

this is the original /r/relationship_advice thread,
here's a /r/news thread about the murder. I misremembered slightly, he was on /r/legaladvice after the murder to get a go-fund-me for the costs of his ex-wifes defense removed. Imo doesn't really change anything, still shows that retarded advice on reddit can have real and horrible consequences.

Her husband didn't threaten divorce after consulting /r/legaladvice, the divorce advice came from /r/relationship_advice. /r/legaladvice only came into play after the murders.

Can't say anything but the full effect of the pussy pass.Dude's getting down voted into oblivion for each of his comments.Shows the range and efficiency of the PP.

There's no way in hell that sub reacts that way if a woman told the exact same story about her husband cheating on her and threatening to kill her, just because she told her teenage kids about the cheating and death threats.

They leaped to the assumption he was violating the custody order. And I'm struggling to understand what is so awful about telling your kids the honest truth about why they got divorced? It's not like they're 5 years old and can't comprehend the situation, they are 15 and 16. If they judge their mother for her actions, that's a consequence of the fact that your actions reflect your character and other people may judge you for that. Is it always wrong to inform kids of their parent's immoral behavior? Or just infidelity? Why? And why is being honest about their mother sending death threats wrong? Should the kids not be aware of the potential danger there?

Lol reverse the sexes of this post and see how different the soyboy THOT defense force response is.

Ay lmao check out this simp

In telling your kids, you hurt them. Jesus dude, take some responsibility. You did a shitty thing. If you would just own that, people would be less on your case.

lol /u/IAMA_Shark__AMA

What happened to the wife taking responsibilities for a cunt? She should accept her kids cutting her off

Sorry, like I said elsewhere, I think parental alienation is disgusting.

I dated a guy for give years whose ex wife had cheated on him horribly. Like, scum of the earth territory. But the kids didn't need to be involved in that. I encouraged him to stop speaking I'll of her in front of them, and after a few years we were all doing dinners together regularly.

Did I enjoy making nice with an awful person? Not even a little. But it was good for their kids for everyone to at least pretend to get along.

When you involve your children in your relationship, you do them harm. Whether she deserves to lose their love is completely irrelevant to me, even if I agree.

Let's be real.

1) You dont know the kids. You dont know how they were raised and how they act. You dont know if they were hurt or not.

Now, lets not pretend people were going overboard with this guy. He described his fucking abuse and you know what people told him? That he's like his father. That he's an abusive prick like him

You realize how fucked up that is? This guy was abused relentlessly and now people tell him hes no better even though he clearly is?

Fucking hell. If it wasnt so sexually repressive, I'd welcome Shariah law with open arms.

I don't agree with any of that - the comparison to his father. But you singled me out instead of them. I gave him kudos for his damage control.

And sure, let's be real. The real truth is he straight up admitted that he told his kids as an act of revenge. Sure, the mom might (does) deserve that, but they don't. I think it's gross to use your kids that way. Parental alienation always damaging to the kid.

I also think the mothers actions are awful.

I also think people went overboard.

There's no winners here.

Hm Yeah sorry I lashed at the wrong guy. This thread just got me hella triggered. Sorry.

We're good, I understand.

It's alright. This thread was just a hot spot for unrest lol

You think 2 15 and 16 year olds dont deserve to know the truth? You're retarded lol

In the moment as an act of revenge? No. Calmly at a later point once they move out and can't be court ordered to spend time with anyone? Sure.

once they move out

lie to them for two years, when they ask you about why you and mom are leaving each other... got it. As a psychologist, I've got to say that's the worst possible thing one can do.

As a psychologist


I don't believe you.

Yes, because getting an undergraduate's degree in clinical psychology is unbelievable :O!!!

It's not the degree that's difficult to believe. It's the idea that you, specifically, work in any sort of mental health care field.

Well... to be honest the chances of being mental well being expert is much higher than you, given the sort of opinions that you hold.

Well... to be honest the chances of me being a mental well being expert is much higher than you, given the sort of opinions that you hold.

Lol says the person who most definitely is not a psychologist.

Read up a little on parental alienation syndrome.

who most definitely is not a psychologist.


Read up a little on parental alienation syndrome.

Parental alienation syndrome is not recognized as a disorder by the medical or legal communities and Gardner's theory and related research have been extensively criticized by legal and mental health scholars for lacking scientific validity and reliability.
