Offensive Speech is now under new management

68  2018-03-13 by DubTeeDub


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Good snappy

mod me tbh

Gey bent tbh


Get off my typo

Turtles are food

no u

To be totally fair, I've never seen Dumbs on a menu. Turtle on the other hand :'(

you're not looking at the right menus then tbvqhwy bbq

Turtles have weird ass dicks

Mmm, ass dicks.

По вцssу тно

Mmmmm... Turtle soup

Turtles are food not friends.

Right side of history

If a turtle had the opportunity he would eat you and your whole family.


I look forward to the hot takes from /u/freespeechwarrior, /u/Nechaev, and u/nameuser4321

I think it's always an asshole move to move a subreddit away from what it was created as.

I did enjoy this video though:

Hope you enjoy your new playground.

I think it's always an asshole move to move a subreddit away from what it was created as.

So, by extension, you're saying that mods should be able to freely enforce their rules in any subreddit to ensure that it holds true to their vision?

That would be censorship!!

I have clarified my statement a bit to say "almost always"

Because context does matter, if a community grows without heavy moderation, it saddens me to see it become heavily moderated rather than those who have become unhappy with the content creating their own more curated alternative.

It's rather rare for the reverse to happen because those who value freedom are less apt to seek control over others.

If a sub becomes more free, the original participants can keep doing what they are doing, but to make a subreddit more restrictive than it was in the past denies the community of what they previously had.

I have clarified my statement a bit to say "almost always"

So you defend censorship almost always?

You're a lunatic

You're a genuine lunatic

Hope you’re having a good day too mam.

Im fine. I hope you are too. I wish you no ill will as a human being. But you're aboslitost attitudes on "free speech" are misguided. If someone is allowed to start talking about how a class or person is trash and needs to die, I get to shit them down. That the part we always disagreed on, you lunatic. Your free speech rights stop when you threaten others safety. It's called fighting back.

I simply don’t think that generic animus or even violent ideation towards large classes of people rises to the level of threatening others safety.

People say things like “Kill all the lawyers” but it should not be, and typically isn’t perceived as an imminent threat against any given lawyer.

Let's kill all the lawyers

"Let's kill all the lawyers" is a line from William Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". It is among Shakespeare's most famous lines, as well as one of his most controversial, and has been used as the title of movies and books. Shakespeare may be making a joke when character "Dick The Butcher" suggests one of the ways the band of pretenders to the throne can improve the country is to kill all the lawyers.

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Did you read the message I directed you to, because that's pretty much all I have to say at this point.

But seing you've summoned me here I'd like to add some caveats.

I never particularly cared for the subreddit, but I thought it should be allowed to exist.

I wouldn't have handed it over to somebody else if it was that important to me.

Entrusting u/t_dumbsford was obviously a major mistake on my part, but a lot of us were fooled by the phony friendship dumbsford offered.

I'd advise keeping on your guard because dumbsford is someone whose word means nothing and they will gladly betray somebody they have led to believe to be their friend if it suits their sad quest to collect every subreddit on the platform.

(I think dumbsford believe subreddits are like Pokémon cards, but still hasn't figured out why one just can't quite "catch them all".

Omg you nailed me! It had nothing to do with you guys. It's all me being a shithead! Fuck off back to src and your altright shithole. Drama drama drama beep beep

You've been top mod there for over a year.

The only "new management" is your prescription list.

💙💚 buuuuutt huuuuuurt 💛💜

Woo! It's like a sports bar. My team beat your team.

Pull up your stockings sunshine, they're bunching up around your ankles.


You "won" a shitty subreddit where you already had absolute power, but it's the little victories that sweeten the bitter pill of your life.

You can be like Eugene and tell everybody about your master ruses.

I know your family would be so proud (if they still talked to you).

Have a fun day. Cherish these precious moments that make your life so very rich and special.

I know your family would be so proud (if they still talked to you).

Wow you got me there. Stings. Ouch oof owie.

Totally not an ordinary bring person with a normal house and family and like you. Must be a basement dwelling necky. Man you got me good.

Well you're a tranny mod on reddit who apparently takes Reddit super seriously, so it's basically a given that you are mentally disabled and your life is in shambles.

You seem upset

Have a fun day. Cherish these precious moments that make your life so very rich and special.

You seem upset

You seem illiterate, but that's okay in [$_current_year].

We don't shame people for things like that now.

I am literate in emotions and you still seem upset 🧐

Lol fag


putting trust in somebody who actually takes their moderating duties seriously

this is the worst decision u could make and idk why u would ever do this

Now I wouldn't call trying to collect a moderator position on every subreddit on reddit "somebody who takes their moderating duties seriously", but if you think that's commendable you could create some more subreddits to help dumbs along on this heroic quest,or cardgame ... or whztever the fuck it is now.

You might even score a reach-around if you're really lucky.

i hate to defend some internet-janitor extraordinaire, but they mod like 15 subreddits. thats not "i gotta collect them all", thats just a weird hobby.

15 subreddits?

According to my profile the number is closer to 1141, but if you're dyslexic it might look like 15.

Lol😂😂 u got cucked by u/T_Dumbsford 😏😉


Yeah trusting somebody with something I didn't care about was a catastrophe.

By the way.. I'm reporting you for transphobia.

Stop man. This is getting awkward. You're lolcowing.

Thanks for your concern friend.

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Wasn't offensive speech always a troll sub?

Rude 😣

Fuck a duck

You're into beastiality? 😫😫😫

Aren't we all?


Stop bullying /u/nameuser4321. He's a good boy.

/u/snallygaster you think I won't ping you? Huh? Duk stole my left sock.

Dumbs pls

I want my sock back. Stupid duck

What do I get in return?


You don't get to dictate the terms 😣

The reddit moderator procurement system is like the political structure of a corrupt sub saharan African Banana republic.

There's no system whatsoever to deal with a corrupt moderator, so therefore it's like trying to balance a pencil on its tip. The slightest bit of corruption that worms itself in will breed more corruption. Imagine how it feels if law enforcement was like this, they just bust into your house and smash up your stuff and vanish, and then you complain and try to escalate to police the police, everyone treats you like you're a criminal and you are ruthlessly silenced and excluded from speaking to anyone else about it.

The question reddit has to ask itself is: "How do corrupt Banana republics reform their police forces to eliminate corruption?" If we're honest, the question is neither intuitive nor easy to implement. I don't envy the founders and employees of Reddit now, there is some difficult decisions and turbulant seas ahead, since now even the state and federal government is starting to create laws that restrict the rights of websites (because of sites like reddit) to police up the behavior of it's power users in accordance to state and federal laws, so that websites don't become breeding grounds for evil organizations like ISIS or foreign powers who stand in defiance of American sovereignty.


lol idk i havent read it


wtf was this pasta saved as then?

Damn, that's a porta macros

Lol I have like another 30 after that. I have a habit of saving the funniest shit I see around as RES macros.

can i see the foodporn ban beef? love me some food sub wackiness

Dearest moderators of r/FoodPorn,

First of all, as a user who often enjoys the content of this subreddit, thank you for your work.

Now, if I may, I'd like to propose something that at first glance you'll probably find preposterous, but here it goes.

In order to sustain the fight against climate change, for ethical reasons and to help the health of the population, would you consider eliminating all posts containing beef?

From the bottom of my heart, I'd love to ask you to eliminate all posts containing any kind of meat and fish: it's common practice that piglets get castrated without anesthesia and as adults boiled alive, the chicken farming industry creates a hell for animals that are fully aware and capable of feeling pain. We are overfishing nearly every fish species that is left in the ocean, meaning that we take those few that survive through the plastic pollution in order to enjoy a meal. Squids form pairs and have social dynamics. However, I'm getting off topic.

Point is, if you as moderators eliminate posts containing beef, you can really help implementing a change in paradigm. You have a great power, and you know what uncle Ben thinks of that...

One kg of beef means that up to 20 000l of water have been consumed to create it. Keeping 1.4 billion cattle, 19 billion chicken, around a billion pigs and a billion sheep ( means giving up nearly 3/4 of what all the agriculture industry in the world produces in order to feed them. This means, that there are people who suffer from malnutrition and food shortages while we focus on keeping cows fat. Billions of them. I mean, do you picture how big a billion is? A million seconds are a few weeks, a billion seconds 31 years.

And I wish that it stopped here: all these animals produce huge quantities of waste that goes on to make ocean dead zones (, puts methane into the atmosphere (a gas that is 1000x worse for the environment than CO2). In order to keep them alive and fed we destroy natural habitats, aka destroy the rainforest.

And let's not forget the risk of apocalypse brought by an antibiotic resistant bacterium (Bill Gates' greatest fear for humanity) that could develop anywhere in any moment, in one of the billions of animals we keep in environments pumped full of antibiotics.

Let's not even start with what is considered "normal practice" in slaughterhouses, just keep in mind that cows mourn, pigs are more intelligent than dogs and chicken feel pain.

To top all of this off, red meat is considered carcinogenic by the WHO ( Sadly, the list goes on and on and on and on. I'm sure that if you ask on r/vegan or r/vegetarian why the people went that way, they'll be readily available to tell you other grim implications of our lifestyle.

All of this, for a luxury food.

Now, if you want to start doing something against climate change, for ethics and for health, you could stop feeding pictures of beef to the subconscious of reddit. You could make a heroic statement by saying what is ok and what not. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

I ain't complaining if you decide to ban all kinds of meat, but If banning beef is too big of a step right now, you could also stop pictures of baby cow meat, also known as Veal, to be seen as socially acceptable. Each year you could add one kind of meat to the ban list. Or maybe you could have meatless weeks.

Thank you for your time reading this,

a regular guy who truly believes you can have a positive impact on humanity

wowie thats a lot of pasta

yeah I don't think he appreciated it when I responded with this:

lol no

In order to sustain the fight against climate change, for ethical reasons and to help the health of the population, would you consider eliminating all posts containing beef?

Lol no.

wait you can save text on reddit? i had literally no idea you could do that, i've been storing all of my copypasta/shitposts on google drive lolol

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

How do you deal with corrupt mods, if calling them out only leads to you being punished. Corrupt mods leads to them bringing in more mods who agree.

Not necessarily. Start by assuming that most high level moderators aren't in it for nefarious reasons. Most of them just want to help out with a subreddit they like. Some really enjoy being part of the larger community of moderators. Then think about how Reddit's higher profile moderators have reacted historically when they find a fellow moderator has been rolling in pig shit.

There was an image site banned throughout reddit when they caught on to a moderator capitalizing on his position. Moderators that are seen as abusive or manipulative are generally blackballed. Your history on reddit will be known forever if you do something really horrible.

So far, the "good moderators" have the upper hand in most cases and will just shitcan those that don't have good motives. The worst instance you come across is where the subreddit is led by an asshat. There is very little you can do under those circumstances. It's rare that admin will step in, so it's best to just walk away. After all, it's just a website. One that you don't own or get paid to work for.

GOOD point

You also have jackass power mods who created national subs at the start of reddit and then made someone from that country second mod. Since back then, most countries outside the Western ones didn't have too many people online, they ended up being immigrants and now I have to listen to people sitting in Switzerland and US lecture me about how elections in my state are going to swing.

Wish most national subs would just get purged TBH, whoever would make the new sub would have a 90% chance of being far better than the previous ones.


something about copious bananna hammocks, idk

Or you could have elections for the mods. That's a possibility too.

That would actually be a great thing

I think there is a way to set up a reddit poll, so it's even relativelly easy to implement.

Beside, it would be hilarious to see all political subs explain that democracy is actually a terrible thing and nobody should use it.

I'd pay to see that.

The Russians would just find a way to influence the elections and we'd all be living under T_D.

Shit you're right. Okay that's a terrible idea.

Wait a minute...

Voat is moving in this direction.

That moderator list reads like a Who's Who of internet sperglords.

There are better ways to apply for a spot...

If they ever manage to invent an effective "internet sperglord" vaccine then I'll consider applying.

If it's a vaccine, wouldn't that just create more sperglords? 🤔

Good point.

GOOD point

Bad bot

Click the Suck my dick button to unsubscribe from this bot


Post bussy

No u

Or a who's who of why we need mayocide





If that's true then why aren't you on there?

I'm part of the who's who of sperglords! Whoo I made it Reddit!

High five!

After your strong recommendation I applied and became a mod there. Thanks friendo!

I'm on a who's who list? I'm honoured.

I saw those guys in concert back in 97.

Oh look, a boring shitty circlejerk for moronic reddit powermods

Throw it on the pile with the other five or six hundred I guess

This one make Freeze Peach jokes! That sure was sone cutting and original like, a decade ago or whatever


It's noble, vital work you're doing, and don't let your parents tell you otherwise.

MODERATOR OF r/tifu r/BlackPeopleTwitter r/instant_regret r/BikiniBottomTwitter r/blackpeoplegifs r/wholesomebpt r/Fuckthealtright r/TopMindsOfReddit r/AgainstHateSubreddits r/Stormlight_Archive r/Cosmere r/OnionLovers r/CreedThoughts r/OffensiveSpeech r/wsgy u/awkwardtheturtle r/downvotesreally r/Race_Realism r/Chauncii r/bptcirclejerk r/neckbeardpeoplegifs r/truewhitepeoplegifs r/antiislam r/actualjournalism r/depression_irl r/RoastieTears r/The_Dildo r/Three r/FunWithAdmins r/Ten r/nine r/ProHateSubreddits r/TrueRarePuppers r/asawhiteperson r/eighty r/fourty r/trueblackpeoplegifs

lol thanks for the ping

edit: do not be pupset

Imagine caring so much about reddit that you have moderators for your user profile lmao

Get out of your parents basement and breathe fresh air some time

lol says the guy who just scraped dub's profile page so you could put together a list of all the subs they mod, as if that proves some kind of edgy point.

It's ok lad. Everything's gonna be ok. Just calm down or we're going to have to take your tendies away.

lol says the guy who just spent 15 seconds copypasting a list

Whoa shit youre right thats just like you moderating (checks) Holy fuck bro you moderate literally over 2000 subreddits you are the saddest sack of neckbeard shit I have ever seen on this site.

as if that proves some kind of edgy point.

I'd explain the point but you moderate literally two thousand fucking subs.

It's ok lad. Everything's gonna be ok. Just calm down or we're going to have to take your tendies away.

Hey look a reddit powermod pretending he has meaningful power over people's lives, now theres a fucking shocker

Hey call me edgy again, that'll change what a sad little no-life bitch you are lmfao


I'll call you edgy because it's both true and funny... also, you invited it



Hey call me edgy again


edgy again

Won't call you edgy, but will thx lolcow! <3

You're a complete lolcow but I agree

I feel dirty



Modding r/ten and r/nine is super important and shows I'm an evil power mod

Bruh mods are sadsack hall monitors

lol I know

lol says the guy who just scraped dub's profile page so you could put together a list of all the subs they mod, as if that proves some kind of edgy point

"This list makes you a dork"

"Copying and pasting that list makes you a bigger dork"


Get it together nerd

I'm not saying I'm not a dork

Yes it proves they are a retard who is wayyy too invested in Reddit.

ooo do me next do me next

Yes, do you have a point m8?

If that's not a wakeup call idk what is. This is like the kind of thing your family should print out and bring to an intervention.

You should be extremely embarrassed. The fact that you aren't shows you might be too far gone.

Here come the /r/CreedThoughts mods!

r/creedthoughts go subscribe

I hope /u/OfficialCreedBratton shows up : )

As long as it's not r/kelloggs mods... they're the worst.


Hey /u/DubTeeDub unban me from Black People Twitter.


So i can comment with the rest of the white people.

If that's not a wakeup call idk what is. This is like the kind of thing his family should print out and bring to an intervention.

Powermods? What power do they have lol? GallowBoob is a powermod since his reddit time wasting actually earns him money. The rest of those spergs are just people who think reddit actually matters.


This but unironically.

Give me a list of things that you don't sperg over. It'll be helpful tbqh



The end

Daddy Eddy!

You seem somewhat ass angry, a little butt bruised, a mite tuchus trembled, a wee bit booty blasted, a smidge posterior perturbed.

The tranny faggot himself got it, and immediately turned it into a safe space for lowly self made freaks like himself.

You are very mad :)


Oh snap are you a dickgirl IRL? Explains why you care about the internet so much.

You are also very mad :)


You can tell they're mad cuz of how they are.

vvv good

Probably not as mad as you are at being called a faggot tbh

I'm not mad at all

You are tho :)

Lol I don't even know who you are

Putting in the sidebar of your subs how proud you are of the bans you give out kind of makes u look mad bro.

Did he get it by reddit request? What I want to know is how much effort went into this. I'm imagining him sitting there refreshing the previous mods user page until 6 months of inactivity.

He must have, I posted back there for a little while when it looked like it was going to take off but it slowly died instead, I trolled one of the mods and he got pissy and gave me a 'product of incest' flair, good times. Tdumbsford collects subreddits like the fetid hole in his crotch collects pubic hair, idk why they gave him mod here too.

Blah blah yadda yadda school yard 6th grade insult heh btfo you faggot hurt lol

That is exactly! What I did.

Self depreciating humor only works if you aren't a narcissist.

/u/t_dumbsford why you do dis. powermods are too autistic and lacking in self-awareness for /r/drama.

You know what? Yeah, well...

Boo you fucking suck every sub you mod turns to shit

Are you calling me a shit Midas?

Nothin personnel kid.

u should mod r/drama

I second this

tbf correlation =/= causation.. he mods half of reddit.. the fact it sucks is unrelated.

Good point

On the one hand, it's great he took over a sub from what I'm assuming where racist assholes. On the other, the freeze peach meme is so fucking lame I literally can't even.

That's the point Lenny.macro

It's gril btw

Okay if you're being ironic, I can respect the hustle bae.

It's supposed to be a funny version of ahs. Just rub their faces in the fact we're right and they're wrong. The most obnoxious sjw playground we can make it. Brianna Wu for president. Dowrkins when? Mayocide now. Destroy all Nazis and TERFs. And peaches. Who doesn't love frozen fruit? Did you know freezing fruit concentrates the sugar and salt? It's more flavorful than fresh!

The most obnoxious sjw playground we can make it.

I died a little reading this.


Never leave us

Fuck all my gay ass ain't going anywhere. Live with me, sugar plumb.

You may be doing it on purpose but I'm cringing just as hard as if you weren't

Wait aren't you a man? I thought the tranny thing was a meme.

Hi Dumbs!


How are you doing?

Drama mod abuse is the highlight of my career

I always lie when /u/riemann1413 asks me if I know his safe word.

If you take moderating subs on reddit seriously, or think that it makes even the slightest difference in the world, you should really reconsider your living status.


I'm waiting. Patiently.

Are you joking? I hope you're actually joking. It's 2018, Reddit is the information highway and this is their battlefield. These brave men and women (and non-binary folk) spend most of their free time fighting nazis to make the world a better place.

Why don't you show a little respect to the people who keep this website up and running for us, and do it for free?

Thank you good sir or madam. Your recognition is important for me. We're not just shitting up a shit thread on a shit site while we drink beer and watch Netflix like everyone else, on our phones while we do other stuff. No, we're sitting at our crappy battlestations in our mom's basement, dedicated, commited to Reddit. Hang on, my dominoes is here, gotta put on pants...

Actually I do this from my phone in my mom's basement tbh.

I feel like announcing this is like announcing you won a fist-fight over some coupons that came in the weekly newspaper. Congrats, you are retarded.


/u/DubTeeDub could you post a pic of yourself so I can rate you?


Post it on /r/rateme

We'll be glad to have a ~lolcow~ celebrity on the sub

im offended

Me too.


Should be ashamed for recognizing a large portion of that mod list?

You should prolly kys tbqh

After you.

I don't get it. What was that sub before?

It was just hundreds if submissions of slurs and other hatespeech

Literally just used to post offensive things because internet edgelords

Ugh I bet that was soooo effin problematic


My Little Leftist's First Internet Meme

sorts by controversial

The best salt is at the bottom of the mine.

I agree. You should keep yourself safe from offensive speech

wait i need context

did mod like worm their way into mod team to shut down some random racist internet shithole

or did they get mod priveleges and just go "lol this sub sucks im deleting this"

The first one.

idk how i feel about this.

i respect the dedication needed to do that just to piss off a group of retards.

on the other hand, however, the freeze peach meme was funny in like 2015 or so when some people still actually cared about gg.

i think it really would have been a lot more funny and cause more drama if he made the subreddit contain the opposite of the offensive speech that the sub actually held. shouldve made it about punching nazis or something idc, just anything that wouldve offended one of those mongs instead of taking another opportunity to beat the rotting horse.

True but there would have been issues with mods like me who are against violence against the right, too.

Maybe should have made it about finding people saying really nice things about others.

Brb, messaging t_dumbsford.

personally i dont mind the glorification of violence as long as its funny, but your morals are probably more properly aligned there.

i like the idea about making it about just very nice speech though. sounds funny and completely inoffensive.

I made my first post of someone saying something really nice in r/getmotivated.

I thank you for the inspiration for the great idea.

Should have made it about muslims fucking goats tbh

But we already have The_Donald?

I think im gonna swallow bleach cause I recognise one of the names on the mod list.

or even violent ideation

How can you think this does not threaten people? Not just being called a faggot at the gas pump, which has happened and I felt frightened ,but organized campaigns against other people's safety and well being? This is goddamned privilege. And I hate that word. Bit that's what it is. You're telling me black.people shouldn't be afraid of cops, the suicide and violence rate against trans people shouldn't get to us, the rates of assault against women aren't important. You seem like an empirical person. Look at the stats. Targeted minority's are directly threatened by your precious free speech.nononw is trying to get rid of the first ammendmant. All were saying is we have every right to shut that shit down, following the same set of rules. Why do you have an issue with a world without hate and bigotry?

It worked


You know you're in for a laugh when you see someone insulting liberalism, but it's because they think it's too far right.

I think I was a mod there for a few weeks right when it started