actual drama mod goes histrionic and insists "no u" when people point out faggy powermod behavior

76  2018-03-16 by TaylorSwiftOfRdrama


Wait are people surprised that the tard wranglers here are massive lolcows themselves?

I guess snappy is busy, so here's this

Here I thought Trannies couldn't get the Rag. I guess they trully are Womynz.

Lol crying over being misgendered. Peak trans right there.

people are emotionless being XD

who are incapable of feeling bad XD

there are only two genders XD

someone please have sex with me XD

If someone assumed I was a woman online I wouldn't have a mental breakdown lmao

If anyone is feeling anything in 2018 they're doing it wrong

Apologies, but I have a strict no-tard policy. Thanks for asking, though!

You came to the wrong place friendo

I should keep myself safe


right? the fuck is this guy on, sobbing about misgendering in /r/drama of all places

“I shall go to /r/drama and cry like a twoxchromo bitch that the meanies misgendered me! They will surely take my side!”

Clearly a winning attitude towards life.

I don't think anyone is surprised T_Dumsford is a tranny. They got really pissed at me a couple months ago when I said that a penis isn't a vagina.

Embarrassing tbh. Maybe AHS will take us off the crypto hate list now we have a token mentally ill AHS user. What a progressive space this sub has become.

Yes. Omg. Keep sperging, you awful waste of skin. Tears are delicious. Keep making shit up, keep denying the reality. It's the internet, bruh. Calm down

Fresh pasta is the yummiest kind

Mlem mlem mlem. MMMmmmmMMmm sweet tears. Glug glug glug in the jug. Mmm yes oh yes sweet tears sustain mmeeeEee.

Why are trannies aka r/drama mods like this?

Perhaps it's a case of causation rather than correlation? How many drama mods are big into sissy porn?

humiliation joi's>pegging>dickgirls>transition...

My thoughts and prayers go out to those poor souls.

Most, if not all

Why can't they just watch cuck porn like normal human beans?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ╯╲___卐卐卐卐卐 Don't mind me just taking my mods for a walk

wow, who could've foreseen that a tranny would be a mentally ill, overly dramatic attention whore?

Why is it always the MTF ones? I have a couple of friends who are ftm or ft? and for the most part the people I've met who go that direction are chill, or at least normal. It seems like the crazy tranny drama always revolves around MTFs. It's like their only understanding of femininity is 1950s sitcom-esque histrionics.

Because it's entitled shitbag men acting how they think women act. Only, like you said, their only understanding of women is from 1950s stereotypes. So they just act constantly fucking crazy.

Are you asking why people who pump themselves full of estrogen are more emotional then those who pump themselves full of testosterone?

Women are given a little more leeway in male spaces to be a bit more emotional and when you've been Mr McStoic holding in all your autism for years and suddenly you have the criticism shields of being trans (which means criticism is transphobia) and that whole "I'm a woman now, I'm hormonal" excuse a lot of these folks sperg the fuck out. Plus gender dysphoria has a really serious problem with comorbidity, so you've got a likely mentally ill man who suddenly has double the excuses to let all the tism hang loose.

FTM folk try to fill the social roll of being male, and thus bottle up all their spergery and rage, which tbh is preferable.

I have a handful of FT? friends and they're all fucking insufferable half the time, so this probs isn't an exact science.

Good post. Always enjoy a wee meltdown.

Nechaev is the guy who gets really upset when you remember he used to moderate n1ggers. Is the a race traitor?

Did you have a stroke?

He certainly forgot how to English.

You can say niggers online. It's okay. This is a safe space


You're going to Internet jail for hate speech

this is what happens wehn you take the internet seriously

internet is vry srs bsns

I will donate $100 to u/T_dumbsford’s electroshock therapy. Standing offer.

Electrolysis? Oh damn, never mind

It’s all just a matter of applied current, if you want my hot take.

Electrocution, in your case, you fucking abomination.

That was ironic btw i would never wish anything ill upon the less fortunate ;)

Save your money.

All dumbsford needs is a transorbital lobotomy which can be done at most better hardware srores.

Anal lobotomy

Anal lobotomy

I didn't know there was such a thing until now, but I'm convinced that this is exactly what u/t_dumbsford needs.

If you're not a doctor already you really should be.

I will print this out in place of a phd

Mods on Reddit are a nice little microcosm of how bureaucracy in real govt works. A bunch of worthless faggots who know fuck all, but who, if they have the teensiest amount of power over anyone, will abuse it at every opportunity.

Gas all mods.

I support this

Every time two mods fight an angel get's an extra chromosome

Anybody who mods, espically a drama sub, should keep themselves safe

Criteria for being a r/drama mod is to be the dumbest fucking retards around

Criteria for being a mod is to be fucking the dumbest retards around


Criteria for being a r/drama mod is to be the dumbest fucking retards around

that explains why my application keeps getting rejected.

I thought it was participating in at least 2 felony level hate crimes?

Nope, the qualifications are as follows:

• Inbred

• At least 3 mental illnesses

• Double digit IQ

• Passible knowledge of a keyboard

• Fear of the dark

• Burger

• Mayo

Weirdest part about it is that head mod seems to be some normalfag from bumblefuck Iowa who likes fishing.