Alt-Right YouTuber Accused of Luring Autistic Teen in Pregnancy Plot

182  2018-03-16 by normie_girl


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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I get so excited when I get that message thing and then it's just you. Story of my life.

Like when you get a text but it's just your phone company saying your bill is overdue.

not excited to interact with snappy

normie get out

K I'm goin

You should be excited to pay your bills

Here to explain everything is Youtube Hero Destiny

I'm not sure whether or not you're being sarcastic calling a youtuber a hero

Can u get off my mentions? Kthxbye ♥♥♥

You're right, I'm too high class to be in your mentions. 👛👠💄💍👸👑💅

Creepy stalker ewww buzz off I'm not interested 👉👉👉


This bot is also harassing me

Tell me why women shouldn't be put in zoos

Because can you imagine all the shit we'd give you? You'd never hear the end of it.

You better behave roastie, or I'll put you in with the incels


“ASS, ASS is what I've always been interested in, although tits I have grown to appreciate." —Jean-François Gariépy, PhD

TIL that it is illegal for the mentally disabled to ever have sex.

That's a tough one. I really don't know how I feel about it. Sacrificing a human right (bodily integrity) to protect that same right.

I mean, its the same logic used for children

I'd be curious to see (but too lazy to bother looking up) at what mental capacity the state considers a person to be mentally disabled. The woman in the story has the mental capacity of an 11-year-old, which I completely agree is too young. But, do they consider those with the mental capacity of the age of consent (16?) to be mentally disabled?

Should an adult with the mental capacity of a 16-year-old be allowed to have sex?

Should an adult with the mental capacity of a 16-year-old be allowed to have sex?

Don't worry you won't get any anyway.

Not even as a rape vicitm

Eh... If I get drunk enough I can usually drop my standards far enough to rub one out.

IDK, look up case law in your state

Where was that ever implied? The low-functioning autistic girl he had sex with was essentially coerced into moving in and having sex with him. He wanted to make a family with her, and her family was unaware. She also didn't understand the ramifications of what she was getting into.

The law was shown in the video. It is illegal for the mentally retarded to have sex.

It's not like all mentally ill people are retarded holy shit.

Yes they are lol.

t. retard

When did I say/imply that?

Did you even watch the video?

There go my chances forever.

Isn't this one of those IQ fags? And he's fucking a retard? What do you even say about that? No joke you could make about this situation could possibly be funnier than the situation itself.

He married his first wife at 18, and divorced at 23. “I wanted a family and she wasn’t into it,” he told the court-appointed psychologist. “She left—she lost interest in me. Also I didn’t know how to satisfy a woman and I was getting fat.”


what a faggot 😂😂

How the fuck do you stay married for 5 years and STILL don't know how to pleasure wimminz


Turns out it's not just like in their chinese cartoons.

It probably doesn't go down at all

That's good though, those girls are usually middle or high schoolers.

Who does this cater to? Pedos in denial?

She's not actually 20 in the manga, I think she was 10 or something ... It gets mentioned in the beginning, later she says she's older so they can get in a love hotel.

Who does this cater to? Pedos in denial?

So, yes, then.

The fuck? What manga?





S-so, no nipple sucking, clit fiddling, and slow but strong thrust?

Cucks amirite?

How is getting fat even real? Just eat less, lmao.


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Obesity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Put Down The Fork Like Nigga Close The Fridge Haha

this but unironically

Post this on /r/fatacceptance



Why are all these alt righters such fucking losers?

I feel like people who were successful in life, and held similar views would be intelligent enough to not actually express them publicly.

I think they still express it publically, just different circles. They aren't the kind of people that need to go running to twitter and youtube to get their word out.

I don't think that's the case. Most extremist political stuff comes from people who feel powerless and downtrodden. There are always a few intellectuals and rich people at the top but they're pretty rare. Extremism comes from a desire to matter, a desire to be respected. These groups are always going to be inhabited by poor people and social outcasts.

While I do think successful people overall would be under represented in general, I do feel like a huge part of not seeing successful people express affinity for fringe views frowned upon by society is the fact they'd be more than intelligent enough to discern that nothing good could come of it.

Its because despite islamic idealogy being fucking trash it barely has any impact on most people and there is far more important shit to worry about povery, global warming, mayocide so people who obsess over it are usually fucking retarded.

The only people who want radical changes to society are losers and opportunists.

True. If you're winning at the game, why change the rules?

Society is trash and is becoming a leftist safe space. Look at all these universities churning out soyboy pussies? Something needs to change

Big if true

haha /u/destroythecuck you sound like quite the little loser

Lol, /u/destroythecuck deleted his comment rather than facing up to criticism like a man. No wonder women hate him, he's made of paper.

and what are you, fine contributing member of society, doing with your life i wonder?

Surething looser

Stop being creepy

Did a child write this?

Something needs to change

You could kill yourself. That would change things for you.

I do actually remember reading an article about people who feel as if they've lost something, engage in riskier behavior and this translates into voting as well. People from old manufacturing towns or people who lost their jobs to e-commerce, or simply people afraid of America's waning superpower status as China becomes wealthier voted for Trump precisely because they thought he was risky. So there is real, scientific evidence to suggest that feeling like changes in society have robbed you of something (AKA being a loser) makes you politically radical.


The same reason tankies are losers.

wHoA both sides??!!

Tankies are losers though

Thank god someone came to remind us other people are also retarded.

good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.44679% sure that better_bot is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | UPDATED GitHub

Good bot


Stupid is as stupid does

Nibba you got it backwards. No one else wants to play ball for some reason or another so ---> to the alright shitlording they go.

I do dark humor... as if the fact that I do jokes on the public space about race or rape would make me an unfit father.

Patterns keep emerging

Meme majik, like warp sorsiree, twist the user

Because he's a youtuber. Everyone who makes a career out of being a fucking moron on youtube is seriously mentally ill.

Because if you have to take pride in your race you've got nothing else to take pride in.

right /u/eva_unit_hung

and sometimes you have neither, right buddy?

...this dude was a post doctoral researcher in neuroscience.

Note: JF admits to being accused of sexual assault by at least 7 different women

I love that he mentions trump.

I’m sure he’d like the Iron Cross.

1 most persecuted victim

Did y'all niggas just find out about JF and the Kumite?

No but it was on the daily beast today and I liked the title

Good, didn't want y'all to miss out on the best drama shitshow streams

I love drama.

Why the shit would you visit the Daily Beast?

1) wow. Just wow.

2) Pride of Quebec, this one.

3) Wtf is it with Duke and white supremacy?

4) Find out what this guy's Reddit handle and mod him. His experience with monkey husbandry will be directly applicable to the duties.

He thought he was qualified to deliver his wifes baby because he had worked with monkeys.

Honestly his logic is beyond reproach.

It's fucking hilarious but can you imagine if this nutjob was your dad?

Christ no. If he were my dad I wish he "just went out for a pack of smokes."

I remember him doing a fairly successful AMA on Reddit once. Too lazy to find it and link his username though

He used to have a semi regular gig on the drunken peasants where he apparently hid his power level for years.

Well he was less autistic than the other cast so what does that tell you?

drunken peasants

hiding autism.

Have you watched the people on drunken peasants? A banana fucker and brother to a banana fucker and person that involves himself with banana fuckers.

A banana fucker and brother to a banana fucker

Naw they've since had a falling out with ben over something and left to do their own thing

That was his high point

JF sockpuppet /u/pyropwner9000 I wanted to invite you to join the party here.

Damn, what a wind bag that guy is.

Isn't Richard Spencer also a Duke drop out or something?

Stephen "Totally doesn't have a hidden sound proof pit in his basement" Miller. I think one out two of the other chuckle heads went and graduated at the same time.

While that case was ongoing, Gariepy lost a guardianship dispute over an autistic 19-year-old whom a counselor assessed as having “the social and mental maturity of a 10- or 11-year-old child.”

Doesn't fucking someone with the mental maturity of a child make you a pedophile? Watashi kininarimasu!

Warski also does fucked up shit

Gross. Who the fuck are these people even? I seriously feel out of touch and old because of stuff like this.

Like /r/beholdthemasterrace material, the lot of them.

their streams are entertaining, but they're pretty scummy tbh

what if she has the body of a 4000 year old vampire tho?

What's the difference between the body of a 19 year-old and the body of a 4000 year old vampire in legal terms? Both would be legal but if they have the mental capacity of a young child it's obviously not okay.

Or do you mean the reverse scenario where the person is mentally mature but physically not fully developed?

On stream in his accent he said "I did not consent to err leaving me!"

If you read the court documents it's insane, she would be questioned by the counselor and randomly say 'I have three cats" when pregnancy was mentioned she became really scared and was really traumatised over the idea of having a baby.

It's really fucked up, he literally coaxed her into the whole thing and they had only physically been in contact in person for three weeks when he tried to impregnate her.

People try to minimise it and the alt-right fan boys say "yeah but she can drive a car she can't be that retarded".

But yeah there are eight year olds and 10 year olds on farms that can drive tractors and cars to to help run the farm and just because they can do that doesn't mean they are emotionally mature and it's okay to fuck them!

In one of his 2017 videos, Gariepy claimed courts should not be able to use a person’s public statements against them in a custody battle and that “that is a problem a white ethnostate could solve.”

Jesus Christ what a retard

in the ethnostate, none of us are responsible for the things we say, somehow

they didn't send their best

I knew Jean Garapey was a strange one, but holy shit.

normie girl atleast post the debate where he looks even more crazy

Which one?

I posted that?

No? You should have posted it if ur gonna post month old drama.

But this article was from today and i linked that in this thread

All good mangs!

He's a leaf who fucks barely legal autists while ranting about ethnostates. Is it possible to go lower than this without fucking actual kids or downies?

Literally no.

Do you really want to know if it can go lower?

 “the social and mental maturity of a 10- or 11-year-old child.”

Does this not make him basically a paedo?

Basically yes, but since she's just mentally a child instead of both mentally and physically a child its slightly better than actual pedophilia.

I don't know. I think it's nearly the same because its balanced out by him doing this because he thinks he can hide it and no one will believe her/she can't tell anyone.

“the social and mental maturity of a 10- or 11-year-old child.”

Not to be a massive pedantic cockhead, but the court appointed psychiatrist in the court docs actually said that in terms of autism she was relatively high functioning; the problem was her cognitive deficits and the limitations on her ability to plan and think. If I recall correctly the mental 11 year old comment came from either the family's lawyer or a psych hired by the family. He's still fucking an autist and by my evaluation almost definitely didn't have any good intentions but "mental 11 year old" is a little contentious as a description.

But all that aside he's still a fucking weirdo who seems to be slowly going more and more crazy who has a really worrying pattern with trying to find women, speed marry them and then pump a baby into them while manipulating them to the umpteenth degree. That and the court psych he was dealing with during the appeals case really seemed to lean hard towards diagnosing him with narcissistic personality disorder.

Sounds like a dare

Only thing worse I could think of is posting on /r/drama 🤔

This, but unironically.

He could be a gamer

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

You know what I liked as a teenager? Playing games and reading books. I could just lose myself because I was always really good at immersing myself into something.

Get lost for hours in an adventure alongside knights to save the realm? I'm there on the horse right next to them.

Kill the Olympian gods because they pissed me off? I'm swinging those chains.

Using magic with a wand while saying stupid sounding words? I'll be the one who fails, but keeps trying because I love the idea of magic.

But then, real life hit. People told me I needed to learn about the world, about politics in my country and about socio-economic factors, because I'm an adult now and that's what adults do.

Fine, I'm an adult and I'm good at taking responsibility for myself. So I learned, and when I learned, people said I was wrong. I was learning from the wrong sources, because I was reaching a different conclusion to them.

How could I not believe that games caused violence? How could I not understand that Magic the Gathering cards where a gateway to satan?

How was I so dumb that I didn't get that being conservative made me as bad as the guy who killed millions of jews?

Dramatics aside, I learned quickly that my opinions on things were the wrong opinions. My friend told me I needed to educate myself before voting. When I did, she told me I was wrong because I didn't see things from her point of view.

So I decided to just start ignoring stuff again. Immersing myself into fun universes was much more pleasant and people didn't tell me I was wrong all the time (without being able to prove or explain it of course).

Then, during class one day I'm talking about games with a friend. This girl comes in, I like to call her the Proto-Red, because she looked exactly like Big red, but like 2 years prior to me knowing about her, so... she comes near us and starts telling us that we shouldn't talk about games in school. Why? I thought maybe people were studying, but no, we were in the cafeteria minding our own business.

Nah, she just said games are sexist and she doesn't tolerate sexism in school. Imagine my shock, which I'm sure many of you also had to experience. I'm told to watch Feminist Frequency (who?) to educate myself.

Imagine my shock again when within 5 minutes of her first video I saw she lies about the game.

And again.

And again.

I start to learn as much as I can until I make up my own mind on the topic. They were full of shit. Soon after I got into Gamergate and ever since I've been keeping up to date with everything up to today.

Today I'm reading the news. ''UK's biggest grooming gang", "Video games cause violence", "Women in X-field-they-don't-like", "Here's why white men are...", etc.

And I decide, fuck it. I'm done, I'm just going to take a break for two weeks. Just stop reading any subreddit that might have anything to do with politics, the social war, feminism, SJWs, etc. I'm gonna stick to D&D stuff, maybe read back up on Magic the Gathering and invite a friend to play, finish those games I've been meaning to, maybe it up the old MMO and see if I can fuck up a raid or two because I suck.

Ok, D&D first. Oh? Someone had a bad experience at a game shop? That sure sucks, I hope they find somewhere else to go and... "The men playing D&D are the problem" oh boy... Skip.

Magic the Gathering, there's no way this can be infected, it's fucking playing cards. "This guy(Quartering) is harassing women out of Magic." Shit that's old new, I'll just skip it and... "Women not winning tournaments is lowkey sexism".

Fuck this shit.

I'll just go play my Vita, but I'm a bit stuck on this dungeon, I'll go check up on a FAQ (sue me). I wonder what they're saying on the message boards? "This game is actually problematic."


MMO it is then. My old FFXIV guild was always cool, I'll just go see how they're doing. Log-in "If you're a guy playing a catgirl you're disguisting"


I never realized how bad it had actually gotten... until I tried to leave and go back. It's like an infection that won't go away. It's everywhere and as much as I try to ignore it, it's still there, corrupting the games I like (censorship) and the communities I love. I will take a break of all this, but I had to make this post first, as a rant more than anything else. It's like exorcising demons. They'll be back, but at least I'll have some weight off my chest.

Why do gamergaters have this huge persecution complex? From where I'm sitting they started basically everything. Zoe Quinn slept with a bunch of dudes? Who cares. Anita Sarkeesian produces a bunch of boring videos about sexism in gaming? Don't watch them. Nobody would even know the names of either of these women if they didn't pull them from the ether and reeeeee endlessly about them over nothing. But oh, they have all the power and it's a massive conspiracy against gamers for some reason.

Because they're spergs? Idk dude I dont think that KiA posters even really know why they're KiA posters.

[Nah, we're just bored of listening to an unending army of under-informed, smug retards like yourself pontificating as if they have the first clue what they're talking about. That's all it's ever been.

Imagine being a dumb yank fuck who thinks it's cool to be a sjw. Fucking lol.](


Glad I could be of help to you useless pseuds.

Indeed what else is a gaymer good for?

Plenty. Sorry you're so shit at trolling.

Probably because there's a load of underinformed retards like yourself pontificating as if they have the first clue what they're talking about.

I literally went to KiA after posting that and numbed my brain a bit reading their account of gamergate. Entire time I was poke who fucking cares? You take your post deletions as proof of a maybe conspiracy, of course there deleting your posts when your harassing some poor girl like a bunch of fucking nuts.


Autistic autist accused of luring autistic autist in pregnancy plot? Dude why so redundant

I think JF is like proper psycho though

Just a typical leaf


If it makes you feel any better I consider you a fleur de lis, not a lead

Actually that does make me feel better!

So much for High IQ Mayostate.

The Hispanic girls are just the extra sauce.

Jean-Francois Gariepy

Not just Canadian... French Canadian.


You're one of them, keep yourself safe.

/u/jfgariepy I hope /u/NeoDestiny loses his lolsuit but you should probably stop being a male feminist around women.

Stupid illegal leaf.

Aww man, I got excited because it looked like Totalbiscuit in the video.

jeez u/captainpriapism, I know shit was getting desperate but I didn't think you'd go full retard on us.

He knows spics are experts at dropping anchor babies, so it makes sense to try to impregnate one if you need one fast to avoid getting deported.

this looks like something on subreddit simulator hahaha

Wait, I can get permanent residency if I just get an autistic girl pregnant?

/u/snallygaster, whatcha doing later?

Get in line!

"They say she's a little retarded, but those titties ain't retarded!"

"They say she's a little retarded, but those titties ain't retarded!"

prominent far-right YouTuber

a fast-rising fixture in white-nationalist circles

never heard of the fucker before. I don't know what's worse.. being some sort of WN/alt-right nutcake, or being a prominent Youtuber..

people like this are why I am pro-mayocide.   






It's like when two downies hook up, it's gross but legal

He's not Alt-Right, he's Alt-Lite.

The daily beast must be the worst name for a newspaper. It sounds so trash

This is why you must neuture your Canadians before you bring them abroad.

This whole debacle just showcased the insane hypocrisy of the septic community. The mental gymnastics they had to make to justify JF's actions were insane. If JF was a liberal they would jump on him and tear him apart and call him a pedo in a hearbeat. JF is a disgusting psychopath, but his many defenders are even worse in a way.

The Daily Beast should debate him on the Kumite

Isn't this dude a PhD drop out from Duke university, a rather prestigious school? When tf did he go off the deep end?