Brave /r/drama mod defends the honor of /r/drama (bonus: /r/drama is compared to the Third Reich)

60  2018-03-17 by wazzupnerds


I love how we're simultaneously crypto-hate Nazi sympathisers to some groups and SJW circlebrokers to others.

It's almost like folk from across the whole autistic political spectrum are allowed to post here and that pisses off the mongoloids on both extremes 🤔

Also shows that the further to any extreme a person goes, the more likely they are to feel persecuted. Really initiates the almond activation

/u/ComedicSans and /u/shallowm proving that r/drama will always prevail because friendship is magic.

I used to hang out in /r/drama, but it's literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

Wait? I thought we were right wing Nazis. You know this sub is good when both sides hate us.


Dude the right-wing subs on Reddit are the biggest safe spaces I've ever seen.

You're less likely to get banned on fucking SRS than /r/conservative or the Donald.

I find this hilarious. Same for the whole “ohhhh who’s the snowflake now” thing. It simply isn’t true. Look at every Reddit announcement, people crying over TD every single time and somehow they aren’t the ones getting triggered???

Snowflakery is applicable to bought sides. That's what you're missing

I mean sorta, a lotta subs love it when people come in and sperg out.

the biggest conservative subs on reddit have a min karma requirement to post.

Even mundane subs like /r/republican will outright ban you if you post or say anything they don't like.

I got banned from /r/republican for posting this paper once:

At another point one of them claimed "socialism" was any government spending. I defined socialism for him and was banned instantly. These people are the biggest snowflakes I've ever encountered and I fucking modded a large anti-SJW sub.

Left wing subs do it too, I’ve been told that by a fuckthealtright mod

Here's the difference: Left wing crazies don't run around the internet pretending they give a shit about free speech. They'll outright tell you they don't and mock the very concept.

Right-wing crazies run around screeching about how "the intolerant left hates free speech" while being min-hitlers online.

And this magical logical leap apparently makes you ok with subs like LSC banning almost everyone out there for using the wrong word. You are an idiot.

Where, at any point, did I claim I'm ok with those subs banning anyone?

I don't give a shit who bans who. It's just hilarious watching internet conservatives reee about free speech while being rabidly anti-free speech in reality.

It used to be a "tad" more that way, but not as much recently.

Were a hate subreddit, not a political one 😇


fuck bitcoin

I used to hang out in /r/drama, but it's literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point.

u/shallowm weren't you here like 1 or 2 days ago? Lol.

Anyways, just more proof that the further right or left you go, the more likely you are to think everyone is out to get you.

Truuu. I unironically feel like I get my bussy reamed by conservatoids everyday in here. Last bastion of free speech!


Post bussy or it didn't happen.

weren't you here like 1 or 2 days ago?

It's pasta, fam.

It did go over my head :]

It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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I guess Snappy's salty about getting sent to the internment camps.

/u/ComedicSans how did you manage to get baited so easily. Feel ashamed man

Tbh I was trying to bait randoms into getting involved. /u/shallowm messaged me immediately with something to that effect. I forget the specifics, reddit chat messages are retarded.

white knighting /r/drama in other subs. Hopping to get autistic bussy are we?

Nothing causes as much drama as baiting the people who have conspiracy theories about /r/Drama.

Nice cover story.

Y u heff 2 b like dat?

guz no tirty assie is gonna pul a fast one on me.

Happens all the time.

Sounds like you're trying to save face tbh

Delet this, fam.

/u/shallowm messaged me immediately with something to that effect

Imagine having a life this empty.

Imagine caring enough to comment.

You have to live it.

delet this

Delet u

Lol why are whitewingers so fucking pathetic

You have to be a real Chad to somehow simultaneously shill for both (((globalist leftists))) and literally Hitler.

We should be proud of ourselves, lads and token icky gussies.

We are cryptohate's final form.

Lmao obviously butthurt because someone laughed at his retardation