MensLib has really done it this time. BestOf post telling a new father to dress his son in skirts, give him dolls, and paint his toenails. And protect him from “the brutality of masculinity”. This kid is so fucked.

230  2018-03-18 by DowntownWrongdoer


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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The fact it's gilded shows how fucked that sub is.

Nice try, but I'm not paying for gold

Seeing this post and it's responses give me the exact mental image of just who the MensLib posters are. They're the weird kids in middle/high school who never got along with the rest, and continued to isolate themselves with 1-2 "close" friends, and after High school they continued isolating themselves. And instead of saying "hey i was a retard as a kid and should change my behaviour" they instead chose to blame the rest of the world for their mistakes.

Kinda like incels.

You figure out now that they are mostly introverts and anti-social?

The world isn't all going to hell. Much is polarized and cruel, as you say. But much is beautiful and true

The whole sub is superficial feel good bullshit and zero real content

You figure out now that they are mostly introverts and anti-social?

What, you think i think about things online seriously?

The whole sub is superficial feel good bullshit and zero real content


good point

It's genuinely disturbing from a mental health standpoint. What the hell is our society doing to kids?

In 2015, suicide was the seventh leading cause of death for males and the 14th leading cause of death for females.[8] Additionally, it was the second leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 24 and the third leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10 and 14.

Not high enough

It's funny that politicians often handwave about our mental health issue but nothing is done about it. I remember meeting this insanely awkward freshmen girl in And was shocked to learn she didn't take any counseling Do her parents being a friendless mess is normal for a 14-year-old girl? I myself would probably still be classified with autism had I not been helped by counselors and therapists from elementary to high school

Consultism away the Autism.

They just vaccinated him which canceled out the autism caused by the first batch of vaccinations.

We stopped beating our coward children to death.

We keep fucking up as a society because we keep letting the wrong arguments win. Throw those stats around and people in that weird as fuck sub will probably tell you "oh that's just the patriarchy! we must correct it but insisting on how bad man and/or masculinity is", instead of taking a look at the actual problems affecting them.

14th leading cause of death for females

step it up ladies

Stupid women, can't even kill themselves properly.

People have to die of something. Fewer kids dying of disease, other medical conditions, poisoning, motor accidents, choking on toys, shooting their friends in the face by accident, or whatever means suicide's all that's left.

Kinda like incels.

If female incels could rope in a bunch of unfuckables that not even they want, you get /r/menslib.

Sounds like you're projecting a bit champ.

Nah, i just know them well because i used to bully people like them.

Same. Used to forced those nerds to get on their knees and suck da dick

Ouch, daddy issues too. You'll get better champ.

There is only one daddy for me.

Imagine being proud of what you did in high school

neck urself

Imagine thinking i actually bullied people in high school.

imagine caring about high school at all

Imagine being so mad you care about what someone else did during high school.

That's a lot of imagining.

imagine being so mad that you care about someone being mad about what someone else did during high school.


More like the shrimpy skater kid who everyone thought was gay until they saw his 90 lb weeb gf.

/u/philipjf I bet your son is a faggot.

/u/schwartzbewithyou420 Bring your bussy here. We will love you better than your Dad ever did.

These kids need to be bullied early and often before they shoot up a school.

School shooters are the Daddy Defense Force kids who whine about soyboys on 4chan

Early, and often.

If you're not aborting all male fetuses in Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) , then you need to go back to Patriarchy Theory 101 /u/98cwitr.

Apparently I missed that class! I posted the thread. I was then BANNED from MensLib because I posted conservative viewpoints in OTHER subs I frequent. I was told by a mod of /r/MensLib I was banned since I wouldn't fit in.

Well since you're banned from MesLib, I'd suggest to head to their Sister-Fister sub /r/TwoXChromosomes , or come over to the MensLib Brother-Smotherer sub r/MaleGenocide , for all the advice you need on very late term abortions for male fetuses.

Hey, same here! I argued with one of the ML mods on /r/AskMen about some completely unrelated issue. Tried to post on MensLib a week later, and found out I was banned. The mods lied about the ban reason.

I hate shit like that. I guess I'll ban them all from r/PM_ME_UR_SWIMSUIT

That'll show 'em!

Yeah it might be Petty, but it's still a little fun.

That's so completely fucked up. They literally investigate everyone who posts there, huh. Must take up quite some time. No wonder it's such an echo chamber.

pls don't paint your son's nails btw, you're taking away a fun experience from his future goth self

pls don't paint your son's nails btw, you're taking away a fun experience from his future goth self

Most definitely not. It's my job as a parent to teach him to be truthful to others, but especially himself as well. Don't need to confuse the poor child.

Good thing that you have some sense and didnt believe that feel good bullshit

I would never be able to play that game with a son or even daughter. I just HATE paint in my body, it's soooo uncomfortable.

Lol post it to subredditcancer, they love that sort of shit. Also menslib is a terrible subreddit in general, be happy you got banned.

Come to /r/MensLib2

No thanks, dude.

i coulda sworn that moderators are not allowed to ban you based on submissions in other subs anymore.

They absolutely aren't. And admins never promised to do their job. So here we are.

Good, that's the best thing that could have happened

Good, that's the best thing that could have happened

lol are you actually unironically an ancap?

Nope. Those dudes are crazy. I'm subbed there because every now and then there are some good points made. I consider myself a conversative (socially) libertarian (politically).


Singletons reeee

I'm considering this. I want hapa kids one day but the danger of getting basement dwelling incel hapa sons seems quite grave.

I'd un-ironically be more likely to support aborting my hypothetical child if they were male, than female.

So this is what toxic masculinity feels like ;_;

I mean if you help install some self confidence into them they'll turn out fine

What kind of fucking retard actually uses Calendar

People who use code in speech should be shot.


Woowwww that sub is awesome!! This is the kind of men’s rights I can get behind!!

i also like to get behind boys in skirts 😩💦💩

I prefer girls with dicks but a trap is fine too

Preferably incest.

Yes, nothing better than a young girl who loves her onii-chan.

Sister traps are were it's at tbh

Take it a step further and turn your identical twin into a trap so it becomes masturbation and not gay incest

Take it a step further and turn your identical siamese twin into a trap so it becomes masturbation and not gay incest

next level

Do "girlish" things with him. Join him in games of dress up or playing with dolls. Paint each others nails.

Why stop there /u/Philipjf?

Pop puberty blockers, do each others make up, send each other sassy black pipo GIFs, drink wine and talk about guyz, kick each others stool?

Your token inclusion is so feminist, so woke just so woke.

I really would like to take some of the content of this sub and hand it over to someone who studies evolutionary psychology and get their take on it.

If you operate on the assumption that most people are hardwired to engage in behavior that increases their chances of passing on their genetics, it's hard to argue that anything that flies in this community would be a successful tactic. In fact, I have a sneaky suspicion that what we're actually seeing is a bunch of men who are dramatically over compensating for being locked out of the gene pool.

Sort of like that old adage, "Misery loves company", it could be that they band together like this as some sort of coping mechanism to assuage their feelings of loss and anger.

I think you're onto something there. Not successful as a male? "Yeah, well being a man is just a social construct that furthers the sexist patriarchy!"

I'm saddened by how widespread this loser mentality is. Accepting the way you were born is part of growing up. You can't just throw that away because you're 2cool4rules.

This really gets me riled up (on the internet, no less) but I feel like it's just another symptom of feeble minded relativism. These people think everything is up for debate because feels > reals

I'm sad

[Here's a picture/gif of a cat,](undefined) hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

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Give the hope of a cute cat picture and remove it at the same times? Mod this bot.

Why are we here, just to suffer?

Your making up your own assumptions about them. For all you know and most likely the case is that some are married some have girlfriends and some are struggling with women. Nothing about them is worthy of ridicule. Get a grip you people

men with girlfriends don't sit around questioning the unfairness of how women like manly men. they just fuck their girlfriends and get on with enjoying life. you aren't thinking clearly.

You're getting MensLib mixed up with incels.

Incels direct their rage outwards while MensLib directs it inwards.

no that's the redpill. menslib definitely thinks it's societies fault that men are supposed to be masculine and manly. they spend all their time debating about how it's unfair that men are supposed to act like men.

incels are focused on sex and sex alone, menslib bitch about everything to do with any standards on men, anywhere.

the sub that fits what you're talking about is redpill. in their mind if you're not manly as fuck and screwing 40 bitches a day, it's your own fault. too bad most of them are LARPing and never get any pussy, and just post made up conquests anyway.

Evolution recognizes dead ends, too.

Sexual mimicry

Sexual mimicry occurs when one sex mimics the opposite sex in its behavior, appearance, or chemical signalling. It is more commonly seen within invertebrate species, although sexual mimicry is also seen among vertebrates such as spotted hyenas. Sexual mimicry is commonly used as a mating strategy to gain access to a mate, a defense mechanism to avoid more dominant individuals, or a survival strategy. It can also be a physical characteristic that establishes an individual’s place in society.

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Common in invertebrates and hyenas.


I think it's worth pointing out that it's not just genetic factors that change how we behave which are passed on. Because of how families work, we're more likely to mirror our parents, and so cultural and learned traits which have a lot to do with masculinity are learned more than they are hard wired, but they still grow in an evolution-like manner if they increase chances of reproduction because they are hereditary.

For example, crying less might make you more able to attract women, and it may well be a learned trait, but it means those who cry less are more likely to raise sons who will learn from this.

so entirely learned traits that aren't intrinsic to our pure genetic nature but absolutely part of our cultural nature can be part of that hereditary structure too.

Wasn't there discussion about an evolutionary "gay uncle" hypothesis, in that there's a switch that can get flipped that will increase the likelyhood that a low-T male will be a nurturing/caregiver for other related children (e.g. nieces and nephews). This would help propagate related genes, even if they weren't necessarily the genes of the one expressing the behaviour.

Evopsych is generally horseshit though.

Sure is!

We need some population control, so thank god these pussies are teaching their kids to stay out of the gene pool.

and alot of the feminist type subs do the same thing. they way they talk about "male body standards", which is just basically being in shape, lets you know they are fat, and too lazy to get in shape.

men could do the same thing and complain about how women like ripped dues like the guys who play marvel heroes, but instead i just went to the gym and ate a fuck load of protein for years, and now girls want to fuck me more than they did before.

but yes, your analogy is correct, all of these kind of subs, both male and female, are just failures at dating and attracting the opposite gender.

study after study shows that women are attracted to generic "masculine" traits, you can't shame it out of society any more than you can shame men out of liking hot girls with hot bodies.

When it comes to these people passing on genes, you're forgetting a very important thing: Rape.

Whereas not all date rapists are male feminists, all male feminists are date rapists.

They should really see the "Dr Money" documentary to see how this shit plays out.

I almost wish WW3 would happen for no other reason than it would kill them off faster. The degeneracy of all that feminine psychological preening would be laid bare, and they'd die understanding how dependent they are on actual men to survive.

Always love how they throw shit at trump for dodging the draft, but they’d sooner abandon this country than be drafted themselves.

Even better is not one single celebrertti has left your forlorn country, despite arrogent proclomations of "moving to Canda if President Trump becomes a real thing"

We don't want you. Go stay away retards.


i'd rather not get my legs blown off in a war just to spite women by showing them that they need me so they don't die, but alright fam.

Not a solution.

Wars kill off all the best men, look what two world wars did to Britain, or what Napoleon's levee en masse autism did to France.

Raising a generation of sissies.

This is why the mayocide needs to start with white women.


Soft times create soft people.

Soft people let the president exterminate 6 gorillion minorities per minute.

I unironically agree 100% with the linked comment.

I didnt read it all because its the length of a novel but i agree with all the parts i read

Do "boyish" things with him. Be open to interests in sports, and martial arts, even if you don't have them. Share (without forcing) your interests if you do. Engage in roughhousing if that is what he is after (especially if it ends in cuddles). Show him your work. Join him for videogames

Do "girlish" things with him. Join him in games of dress up or playing with dolls. Paint each others nails. Do housework together. Teach him about flowers (and gardening) and how to cook.

Absolutely disgusting. Progressives seem to think you can raise a child without imposing any kind of values on them, in order that their "true selves" or whatever can blossom free from external influence. Even if you could raise a kid in that kind of vacuum (and you can't, short from locking them in a room and never interacting with them) they would turn out hideously deformed, anti- and asocial, unable to interact with any other human beings. All these parents are doing is giving the kid a new standard with which to conform to, while remaining blissfully ignorant of that fact. At least with conservative parents you recognize that they're holding you to a certain standard and you can choose to conform or rebel. I can't imagine what it would be like growing up with parents who force you to be a non-binary demi-sexual while simultaneously claiming this is who you really are and if you deny it you're only repressing your true feelings.

And if they grow up to be fuck ups, it's societies fault for being cruel, hyper masculine and unloving. So they've got a watertight mental framework where people never have to take responsibility for their personal failings.

Eh. Drama aside, I think cooking and cleaning should be taught to both genders.

Isn't that obvious? Yeah, I get that many 20 30 somethings out on their own for the first time need to find a hot piece of ass to get them to clean up and learn to cook, but it is commonly known that cooking and cleaning is woman's work, and until you find a woman, you have to do it yourself.

hot pockets and frozen chicken tendies is the way i roll! 👍

Badass Barbeque... Like a boss

Let that child develop its own personality, even though personalities are a product of being exposed to others, meaning you have rough guidelines to know how to not end up completely messed up in the head

I’m seriously thinking to buy “12 Rules...” book for the Dad and 16 year Patreon pass to Jordan Peterson lectures.

And a helmet.

You would just make him a different kind of psycho

Also if the goal is to make him masculine that geeky Canadian bitch is an odd image to emulate

Back in my dad's day they duct-taped the helmets on to the kid's heads. Now a days mongs have it easy with the wonders of velcro.

Why not just get him the rick and morty box set and teach him to whine like a little bitch about Frozen as well, round out the stereotype.

How about you clean your room first? Before dishing advice...

I have a maid cuz I'm not poor

This advice is correct to the point of being obvious. If you disagree you shouldn’t reproduce.

Population crisis. Solved.

If we can have this kid filmed and supervised Truman Show style then I'm all for it. While I don't usually enjoy reality tv this would be hilarious.

It would be a hideous fifteen-year-long realtime documentary that ends in the highest quality school shooting footage since Columbine.

Lol, that kid is so fucked.

Every time menslib gets linked here I forget just how retarded it is. I was seriously expecting there to be more comments calling out the part where he says to paint your kids nails.


u/98cwitr, don't take advice from rapists

Honestly I'm glad my dad told me not to cry and shit like that. School could have been so much worse if I was raised to play with dolls. Poor kids.

honestly, I was a bit of a tomgirl as a kid (if there's such a term). I only colored with pink crayons and often played with dollhouses.

I grew up to be a fairly masculine dude who's mostly comfortable with his sexuality, but sometimes I wonder if in some alternate timeline I grew up to be a trap.

faker than my dad’s tits

You and I both know shim prefers to call them "moobs"

I'll be sure to consult /r/MensLib if I ever wish to raise a petulant and narcissistic child with mental health issues!

Considering "the brutality of masculinity" is what created the society that spawned the kind of pathetic, apologizing-for-their-own-existance fucktards that inhabit r/menslib, maybe they're right.

Is it just me or is most of that advice really generic?

Except for like a few specific examples of what to do and that doing "boyish" or "girlish" things. Which I disagree. The kid, whether boy or girl, should show they want to do it before the parent does those things with then. Kids can feel obligated to do things if their parents say, "hey let's do this thing!"

I wouldn't be surprised if his advice was more specific at first, but he decided to make it as vague as humanly possible in order to avoid being wrong about something.

Oh god, never heard of this sub. Let's see what it is.

Well that makes the first sub I'm pre-emptively blocking just to be safe even though I've never seen it on /r/all.

Engage in roughhousing if that is what he is after (especially if it ends in cuddles).

-\ NAMBLA handbook, 1972.

I genuinely wonder if anyone in that sub has ever been out in the real world. Seriously they seem delusional as fuck.

Do "girlish" things with him. Join him in games of dress up or playing with dolls. Paint each others nails. Do housework together. Teach him about flowers (and gardening) and how to cook.

That is terrible advice /u/philipjf. Guys shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff (except spirit cooking, that's cool).

Don't believe me? Take a look at this. Tell me, is this the future you want?

r/menslib is living proof that we are living a major endocrine disruptor crisis.

Not really. He'll have a well dressed, cultured kid who wants to become a scientist. The oversheltered part will just help him fit in with his peers at University.

This advice could also work for a panoid guy trying to train his son for a post apocalyptic world.

Do "boyish" things with him. Be open to interests in sports, and martial arts, even if you don't have them. Share (without forcing) your interests if you do. Engage in roughhousing if that is what he is after (especially if it ends in cuddles). Show him your work. Join him for videogames

I.e zombie killing training

Do "girlish" things with him. Join him in games of dress up or playing with dolls. Paint each others nails. Do housework together. Teach him about flowers (and gardening) and how to cook.

"Gardening" aka how to grow food and drugs (flowers like poppies". Camouflage and survival skills.

Read to him. Expose him to arts. Take him to the symphony and the opera and the ballet (if you can). Take him to museums. Encourage his artistic talents in dance classes, in choirs, in theatre groups--all of it.

"So son, if the entire theater turns into Zombies, how would you escape?"

Show him nature. Take him hiking. Going camping. Give him the chance to commune with all his fellow creatures.

Duh cause societies going down.

Teach him the joys of science, and in math. Let him experience the magic space and the wonder of deep time. Try to show him something of the beauty and possibility of mathematics.

"If you have a zombie coming at you at Y m/s and it's X m away, how much time do you have to kill it?"

Hey, you mentally ill NEETs, how should I raise my son?


I don't agree with forcing your kid to do certain things purely to look like you're such a good and accepting person, however I really don't understand what is so bad about playing dress up with your kid or any other 'feminine' activity if your kid is interested in doing it.

Yeah there is nothing wrong with it! Nothing wrong at all!! It's just a hobby, ok?! They're just interested in it!!! No harm done :))))))))))

Disgusting, tolerant, milquetoast views like yours are responsible for a society where shit like this and this can take place.

Playing dolls or other typically 'feminine' activities with your son is far different than blatantly sexualising your child for attention. I also think you'd find that 9/10 cases like the ones you linked are the parents forcing their children into that very specific mold, which as I said in my original comment, I don't agree with. I just don't understand why some people are so against their children being interested in activities that don't typically 'align' with their gender.

Also, a tolerant mindset is much better than an intolerant one (:

Was it ever not their parents fault?


Why don't we just leave kids alone? If he wants to wear a tutu, great, let him. But if he doesn't - don't fucking force him.

Are we allowed to bring back fag?

Everyone on this site needs to be shoved into a rocket and sent into the sun.

This is a recipe for school shootings.


your kid will get bullied at school

That kid isn't going to be bullied at all lol

How does

I wish my father had shown me more affection

Turn into that garbage?

Will this change his mind?

Hopefully your son doesnt end up killing himself because you confused his ass into thinking he was a tranny and he gets bullied to death cos of it. Or worse, ends up a twink faggot. kill yourself before you breed any more.