Why the fuck are my spin classes filled with young and fit mayo women?

96  2018-03-18 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


Why the fuck are you in a spin class to begin with?

Yoga is lower impact than actual exercising while making your fatass feel like it's accomplished something physical.

Yoga isn't spin dipshit

Yoga is actual exercise (and stretching), but it’s not cardio.

Spin class means riding on excercise bikes dumbass

So shit you can do at planet fitness?

Yes but there is someone you pay to bark orders at you.

This is what I don’t understand. If you care enough to work out, why don’t you care enough to push yourself during your workout? Wear a heart monitor, figure out your max heart rate, and do your cardio to hit the appropriate ranges during your routine. It’s not that hard.

Because upper middle class and rich white women have the time and money to attend scheduled spin classes?

It's like going to a gay bar and wondering why there are so many faggots there.

Reminds me of this: (Has a picture of a male stripper in underwear) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/24/fashion/how-gay-should-a-gay-bar-be.html

Thanks for the warning, I almost became a faggot.

“My older gay clientele were saying, ‘Gosh, there are so many straight people in here,’” said David Cooley, the bar’s owner. “My argument was, we’ve been fighting for equality for all these years. We can’t reverse-discriminate and say: ‘You’re straight. You can’t come in here.’”

Enjoy having your club taken over by drunk mayo whores acting like they went to the zoo.

Most gay bars may as well put away the rainbow shit because they're mostly bachelorette party bars these days.

Sadly true

Don't they have faggot bars to go to?

Until the hipsters decide to hang out at a faggot bar, because it's cool and progressive. And then when the gays ask why the hipsters are there, the response is, "don't you have, like, a gay bar to go to?"

“Let’s go guys, everyone in here is trying to blow my dong.”

Fun fact : that's how the thought process of Omar Mateen started on the night of the Pulse shooting.

There’s a reason why they schedule them at 9 AM.

And for the "thin" part because attending spin classes keeps you in decent shape.

Because it's apart of the upper-class white girl aesthetic as much as naming your kid "Jayden" is apart of lower-class white girl aesthetic

The way you’re fusing “a part” is a part of being retarded


*a greed

>go to a session of stupid mayo bullshit

> it's full of mayos

Who could have foreseen this?

people who exercise frequently, even with bullshit like 'spin class' are fit and thin

wow, really makes u think

People who are active don't look like a fucking mountain of lard? Who knew!

Look buddy, I can walk half a marathon in 10 days I'm just as healthy as you! #HAES

Apparently some people consider Amy Schumer to be "thin" now. It isn't what it used to be.

That’s some spin...if Amy is “thin” !!

eyyyyyyyyyyy 👉😎👉

She's not obese, just fat, so by 'please god let me avoid confronting the fact that I look like a beached whale' standards she is probably thin.

“But I did feel very isolated at times. There were no teachers of color. I didn’t have another woman who looked like me, who understood my struggles, my insecurities.”

this is the fault of literally no one there but this dumb cunt. it's a fucking yoga class you self-absorbed weirdo, do a stupid pose and think happy thoughts and quit REEEEEEEEEing because you can't relate to people who don't look like you.

I didn’t have another woman who looked like me, who understood my struggles, my insecurities.”

In some other contexts, this something a white nationalist would say

why does everyone ITT think a spin class is yoga?

Like, what part of yoga involves "spinning" in any capacity? Are people just defaulting to the basic white bitch stereotype or what?

After a few committed months of hot yoga at a studio in New York, Christina Rice had found her niche. So when the studio announced that it was offering teacher training, she signed right up.

because the article and title are written by two separate retards, it's a yoga class

Lmao, imagine reading articles like some kind of dork.

I feel like I should agree with this but I also skimmed enough to know the writer wasn't talking about her own experience but something a friend complained about so obviously I'm just an idiot.

damn, how embarrassing!

If you want a spin class where everyone looks exactly like you buy an exercise bike and a shitload of mirrors

finally society is taking on the important issues of our time

Women have insecurities about their bodies, she says, and fitness culture can exacerbate them. In these spaces, “you’re just very conscious that there are people smaller than you, that move more fluidly than you. Sometimes you feel that eyeballs are on you.”

Then just lose weight if it makes you feel so terrible. Fat women will constantly complain how being fat makes them feel inferior even though it shouldn't but the greedy fucks still won't cut out the Starbucks and glazed donut breakfast. I wouldn't want a fitness instructor who wasn't fit, like what's the point.

Oh but when I go to my spin class and yell, "where all the fat black bitches at?" I'm seen as a bad guy???

I still can't believe the Washington Post was pretentious enough to put "Democracy dies in darkness" in the header of every page on their website right after Trump was Inaugurated

They changed it in response to Trump calling the press the enemy of the American people. I think it's fair to add "democracy dies in the darkness" to their header for a week, but if it's there permanently its potency becomes seriously diluted.

Trump calling the press the enemy of the American people

Not to take sides but this article only proves Trump’s point.

This article did not just appear out of thin air, this is someone deliberately coming up with an idea, found a pliable “journalist” minority and provided space for it to be published to incite social division.

Any editor worth it’s salt in today’s US news production is a direct enemy of the society. That much is clear.

but if it's there permanently its potency becomes seriously diluted.

Especially when it's over articles like this. LOL

I'm loving it though. They are making fools out of themselves. I'll give them the page click this time. When I run out of free views I switch over to brave, block scripts; bam reading for free.

i'm struggling to tell if that was satire or not

> Charge $30-$40 bucks a class

> Wonder where all the poor black people at

I know women who pay $50 for "reiki" aka someone PRETENDING to massage you without actually touching you. Fuck, I need to come up with a scam to trick dumb bitches out of their money.

Tfw when mom spends $140 on reiki

I am thankfully genetically modified.

Wouldn't that be bad for your alibis?

mayo women LOVE hippe bullshit

Rummaging through your victims' purses isn't netting you enough?

do gay white people superfluous frivolous shit

Wonder where all the poor black people at

I FTFY for you

“The messaging,” says Stanley, “is essentially: You’re allowed in this space if you are white, slender, able-bodied and less than 45, cis-gender and heterosexual. And if you’re not, then you’re not welcome.”

This is not the message you fucking idiot. This is your interpretation because you are too damn insecure. These people are not excluding you because they are taking dumb Hindu stretching.meditation exercise.

God do I hate people sometimes. Grow a spine and do things you want to do. Don't make up what you think others are thinking and live your life. Fuck.

Upper class mayo women love having a token POC friend anyway.

If the people who believe this garbage put 1/10 of the effort they put into the mental gymnastics they use to justify not exercising into actual gymnastics/exercise maybe they wouldn't be such fatties.

that doesn't have instant results and might hurt a little bit, so nope!

No archive? Deeply disappointed.

Why would I archive an article?

So you don't give page views to the original source. This article is clickbait.

Who fucking cares?

Oh no, they might write more dumb articles, that would be so bad for drama.

There's a pay wall for anyone whose clicked on more than 3 Washington Post articles recently

right click, open in new incognito window

its not that hard

Ask yourself what is the purpose of this non article.

It's specifically designed to get the sort of reaction we are seeing here.

People complaining and sharing the article.

It creates a problem where non exist, and then rides the back of that angle to generate pageviews.

I mean lets assume someone that runs one of these classes reads and agrees with the article what are they supposed to do to address the situation?

The market will self-correct itself and within a year we will see spin classes for and by fat people.

except every university on earth is pumping out brain dead retards programmed to respond to revolutionary stimulus and 'enact change' wherever they manage to infest.

you sound pretty bitter.can't you just be happy with an elementary school education, and accept that some things are not for you?


What inter-sectionalists tell non-Muslim Arab and White children in grade school.

Call exercise classes ableist or bigoted, lean back and feel woke and virtuous.

Ugh, fucking big-breasted women, why can’t they be flat and child-like like my chinese body pillows. For the last time, I’m not a pedophile, because the age of consent in Germany is 14, I guess that makes all of Germany pedophiles, right?

many, many lithe young white bodies and very few people of color. Or older or heavier exercisers.

Maybe because fat people dont' work out? Also POC people tend to be racist as fuck so they probably have a gym right down the block they prefer.

Who the fucked named them spin class anyway. Out of all the names for riding stationary bikes with a trainer, why pick that one?

spinning is a riding technique focused on putting your energy into the part of the pedal cycle where your leg comes up and forward instead of the other part where it goes down and back. White women prefer this because it tones calves and butts instead of riding like a gorilla and building up huge quads.

This is also preferred by professional cyclists who specialize in climbing, which is why climbers are usually skinny fucks while the sprinters have thighs roughly the same width as a beer keg.

imagine being so racist that you a driven to a boiling rage that lasts long enough for you to publish an article when you go to yoga and see people who are not your race.

>implying this woman was genuinely enraged and cynically thinking "I can spin this for some clicks" after her friend bitched about it to her over coffee.

By Lavanya Ramanathan.

These resented shitskins are insufferable

Wtf is a mayo

She was the lone African American in the class. “I did bond with some of the other students,” says Rice. “But I did feel very isolated at times. There were no teachers of color. I didn’t have another woman who looked like me, who understood my struggles, my insecurities.”

tfw you are so cosmopolitan that you can only identify yourself with people who are like you

They should have a "colored only" spin class just for you

Keep this up and it's going to be as racially undiverse as basketball.

I would much rather lose in basket ball against non-black guys than black guys, no matter the skill.

Because with the latter I am reminded of the black race's superior genetics when it comes to sports like basketball.















They are the modern answer to the sprawling, soulless gym, which insists on financial commitment but doesn’t really care whether you actually work out.

I hate fat people and women. Gyms aren't supposed to have a soul, they're fortresses of solitude where men forge themselves. If you need people to care if you work out then you are a child who is incapable of discipline and undeserving of the sweet fruits of the gym. All boutique gyms should be burned down and in their ashes placed squat racks, benches and free weights. Classes that aren't purely to instruct you how to properly do lifts on your own later should be illegal and people who talk in those hollowed grounds beyond what is strictly necessary should be shot dead.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to take exercise advice from a fatty? It's like taking writing advice from an illiterate.

What the fuck is a spin class?