r/drama officially named as one of the subs most responsible for spreading conflict on reddit

181  2018-03-19 by YHofSuburbia


fuck off

no u



lol why is the very old and dead r/circlebroke on the list? I expect better from the r/dataisbeautiful STEMlords

I'm pretty sure that list is outdated

ELI5 is on that list?

it's dated mar 2018 so i guess pretty recent? Basically the list seems weird to everyone, so the study might not be studying the kind of "conflict" we think. I made a boring comment about the methodology here if you want to brigade read it

It's a 3 year long study

It's data over 3 years

Subredditdrama officially masterrace


Its just the tip of the iceberg as the study only had public data. They don't know how many /r/drama users jump to alt accounts to spread crypto-hate.

My cryptohate is so effective it turns people into sleeper agents, Manchurian-candudate style.

One day they'll be living their normal, non-racist life when they see a reddit post by my alt, and an hour later they're chasing down mayo-americans on the road, mad max style.

your codeword is:

an hour later they're chasing down mayo-americans on the road, mad max style.

So they just continue their normal, non-racist life?

Yep. I estimate that r/CBTS_Stream only had about 60% actual organic retardation, while the rest of it was stealth trolling.

Every one of my posts is unironically filled with love

how many /r/drama users jump to alt accounts to spread crypto-hate.

I resent the implication

fuckin lol

It's probably SRD, they're wise not to say so because SRD has political cover including most western media outlets. It's also pointless or even risky as reddit admins participate in SRD. Shame reddit, lose your data feed for future research.

/u/Javierthenormal I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this matter I think you have some good insight.

Uh duh? It's in the title and rules.

wipes away tear...


Seriously? Then the situation is far, far, better than I had feared.

Or do the numbers get fudged by the fact that the SJW subreddits auto-ban dissenters instead of milking the lolcows?

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

So, the top attackers are the actual attack subreddits.

Some of the ones listed are predatory places inhabited by people with legit psychopathic characteristics. I'm not surprised they're the 1% that make the experience bad for other users, that is their raison de vivre.

Needs to be a snapshill quote. Do we still add new ones now? All I keep getting is some faggotry about repeating something until it's meaningless or something. I don't even see "Jews did this" much anymore.

They add new ones but the new ones they've been adding have all been shit

Probably cause they're too proud to mine my comment history of brilliantly crafted bon mots

you think that because youre probably the kind of guy who nails his fucking dick to a board

Don't you dare try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.

How is subredditdrama beating us reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gotta step up our game

The most important thing is that now we have proof that we are more peaceful than SRD

my favorite takeaway from that is that the reason /r/hearthstone is on the list is because the study used the word "Trump" as a metric for conflict and one of the most popular streamers of that game is named Trump.

Where does it say "Trump" was an anger word? I'd like to see the list. I thought maybe Hearthstone made the list because of the huge, multi-subreddit freak out about the rainbow celebration and all it's gayness.

More like r/liesarebeautiful.

From the Vice article.

The specific interactions analyzed were “cross-links,” or any time that one subreddit linked to a post from another... The team utilized a psychological dictionary of “anger” words to measure the outcome of these conflicts.

Here's a paper analyzing this alleged "psychological dictionary."

Despite the appeal of computerized language measures, they are still quite crude. Programs such as LIWC ignore context, irony, sarcasm, and idioms. The word “mad,” for example, is currently coded as an anger word. When people say things such as “I’m mad about him,” or “He’s as mad as a hatter” the meaning and intent of their utterances will be miscoded. LIWC, like any computerized text analysis program, is a probabilistic system.


As you can see, the methodology used by the researchers will inevitably cause a large number of false positives for irony and parody subs such as r/Drama. At best, the study Vice cites is underdetermined when applied to r/Drama and there is no compelling reason to believe that r/Drama's visits to other subs are a significant source of "anger words." QED.

I have a feeling they just had a list of subs they wanted in the results and kept tweaking their bot until it included them all, then treated the extras as new discoveries.

That could very well be. Look, it would be understandable, although unethical, if the researchers nudged their "study" in the direction of legitimate bad actors such as r/subredditdrama and r/circlebroke2, but when STEMlords fail to grasp even the basic techniques of postmodernism innocent subs can be swept the fervor of value-laden crusades.

/r/madlads is the maddest of the anger subs! What a fine collection of madlads!

and r/hearthstone's mad bomber clutch wins

sighs loudly im so sick of being #3 in life, first in track, second in my wife's and bull cuck relationship and now spreading hate.

Proud of r/drama.


Ranked below SRD

Well, time to murderfuck the person who made this. We can't have such lies being told without punishment.

No offense to Americans, but a lot of them think they are the centre of the world (unfortunately it's true) so they misappropriate their cultural viewpoints to the rest of us.

Can I just reiterate this sentiment, except with offence to Americans?

How about as a "liberating" military force?

Well, that was more than you could say for the Romans or the Vikings I suppose.

Want to get droned for freedom my dude?

This American-phobia needs to stop now.

We did it reddit!

Bad study.

We did it Reddit!!!

Remember, if you're not pinging, you're not doing your part

Conflict is better than allowing stupid to pass by celebrated and unhindered.

Would you say the weak should fear the strong

I would say that there is no such thing as a harmless idiot. All idiots, by nature, are harmful.

Nah I don't believe it, the trolling around here is pretty weak sauce these days.

Admins took root & stem when they made the new pinging rules ;_;

NEW SISTER SUB /r/nintendoswitch

Believe it or not, communists actually do value free speech. The problem is that they don't dogmatically protect hate speech because we recognize that words said can be violent. Words inherently have no meaning... but actions do. And saying "I love you" isn't just a string of words: it's an action.

Up is down, white is black, and this is officially the stupidest fucking thing I've read all month. Bravo, /u/goodmorningillinois, I bit your bait so fucking hard.

Remember Rosa.

Waldemar Pabst did nothing wrong.

Does this ignore quotations?

Because if not, any meta-sub will automatically appear higher than it should be.

Not that /r/Drama is nice, but some of the other subs listed are higher than I'd expect.

Nothing but pride for my subreddit

/u/xNotch use your money to make us #1

Me being here already makes us #1. I'm just amazed it took them this long to realize jokingly talking about things is the same thing as talking about things.