When You Hate White Privilege But You Keep Liking White Guys

39  2018-03-20 by mukumukum


wh*te people are a disease 😷🤢🤮

This, but unironically.


"White Fever"

More like THOT CATALOG amirite???


Thought Catalog is just 4chan with nicer typography. It crawls with trolls. I like it.

As a woman of color, 

From looking at her profile pics, that would appear to be a interesting claim to make.

It's like a reverse Amerimutt.

As a woman of color.

She’s not black. It doesn’t count.

Anyone can be a person of color. White is a color too you know kids.

Posting wojacks is my thing dawg.

aspiring cognitive scientist/lifestyle blogger

She's punching above her weight.

Is it me or is there actually some kind of weird sjw subculture where strong female PoCs™ sperg out in public about white male oppression but secretly fantasize about being BLEACHED 24/7. Kind of like how the alt-right uses "cuck" as an insult and then fantasize about Tyrone kicking their door in and fucking their waifu gf in front of them.

The alt right dreams of dick girls

i went to a pretty liberal college and i knew a couple of outspoken "activist" black girls

every single one of them had a white bf.

When I was sitting in the middle of my college campus, I could overhear this group of boys talking. Among them was a white guy, and he had said maybe 2-3 intelligent things within the conversation and each time I made a note of it. Had the other non-white guys said anything intelligent? I don’t know; I couldn’t tell you. I hadn’t even looked at them.

Thirsty for the weisswurst

From her profile

In her spare time she listens to podcasts, writes, and concocts absurd conspiracy theories about celebrity breakups. When she isn’t listening to the 2005 Pride & Prejudice soundtrack on repeat, she can be found trying to integrate the phrase “cursed Egyptian amulet” into everyday conversation.

This writer is going places.

Translation: "I'm boring as hell and shape my identity around pop culture. I also sat in front of my Macbook for half a day desperately searching for some way to make me sound interesting."

Yeah if one of your best qualities is listening to podcasts you probably suck.

As a r/drama mod candidate. I hope her best friend dates a STEM mayo.

Gray Malek is an aspiring cognitive scientist/lifestyle blogger

dusky ladies cannot resist the BWC

You can practically smell the shrimp fried rice emanating from this article. Obvious asian girl with the deep seeded desire to become a cream filled twinkie.

be weary of the white boys

It's "leery", lady. I'd ask if they have an editor but it's Thot Catalog, so... no.

Or “wary”

when you're a defacto racist but keep liking mayos

The irony is lost on her that you're not supposed to not like a group of people because of your stereotypical perception of them.

God forbid people have preferences. Me liking white women over black or spanish women doesn’t make me racist. Me liking women over men doesn’t make me sexist. Me liking taller women over shorter women doesn’t make me heightist. Me liking thinner women over heavier women doesn’t make me and asshole.