Admins want Redditards to stop faking screenshots of ADs on "hate subs"

107  2018-03-20 by WeWuzKANG5

Gotta protect the bottom line, get in while it's early!

*Holy shit this thread is full of people who want to ban half of the site.


I think they realize that if this is effective the people whose subs are banned will just do the same to all of the far left subs, porn subs, and the countless other subs advertisers definitely wouldn't want their ads on.

It's hilarious to see them unironically begging them to stop. Please stop telling our sponsors!

“Please don’t tell the sponsors about that. Or that. Oh ffs, that to! No! Don’t tell them about late stage capitalism, as we slam them with ads!”

Basically the money grab is gonna turn into a top tier drama festival.

How much is it to run an ad here? We should crowdfund one

Only if it’s an ad for /r/fatpeoplehate or something that will generate loads of screams

We need to make an add about mayocide

Ooooooh. That would rustle people.

As much as "it's OK to be white" though? I'm torn on the best path forward here.

Can’t we have both and upset everyone?

IIRC, kia did the same thing way back during gamergate and the admins told them to knock it off.

It wouldn’t be that difficult to take screenshots of /r/Politics occasional unhinged rants next to ads.

“Occasional” being defined as every ten minutes?


It's really not.

Our time is coming.


It really isn’t.

I’m happy that reddit is finally about to go like Digg

Maybe they'll do something retarded, and rewrite reddit in .net, and then fester like voat.



No it's not

They have gone private.


It's still here

They went private for about 10 minutes

I'm so happy I didn't notice and most of you autists did, there's still hope for me mom.

I hope it was me!

Private now, does anyone have a mirror?

It's working for me.

People need to do shit shit with r/politics r/latestagecapitalism and r/chapocuckhouse

👏 You 👏 can't 👏 be 👏 a 👏 hate 👏 sub 👏 if 👏 you're 👏👏 left 👏 of 👏 center 👏

Bourgeoisie aren't people so... 🤔

Also, center is about 5 miles left of the middle.

I don't think the last two are on the ad whitelist, because they don't have any external advertising.

Lmao they have literally no way to enforce this

Yes they do, they take "account action."

We briefly made the subreddit private so we could have a moderating team meeting without having to juggle too many balls at once.

/u/Merari01 it's the middle of the workday. Y'all don't have anything better to do than to be an internet janitor?

The world is round, genius. It's near bedtime here.

All your modteam is across the pond? Also y'all go to sleep at like 10?

Look, it wasn't easy to convince my mom that I'd be allowed to stay up until 10:30.

Just explain to her that your spinoff SRC clone is super important!

the world is round


Imagine not even being American and devoting a significant portion of your life to getting the_donald banned on Reddit lmao 😂😂😂 classic shit.

ah okay only the american mods are neets. makes sense

Says the american posting on reddit at 2 pm


Can I come live with you if I promise to tend to all the housework?

How are you with cloven animals?

I won't have sex with them if that's your concern.

I need you to muck out their stalls twice a week because my dog is old and has decided to start eating donkey shit if it spills over the fence

I'll do it! Do you have any daughters I can marry though? Because I don't live in Ameriland.

Womp. They're both mid-30s and married off

Lol. U big bitch

Y'all don't have anything better to do than to be an internet janitor?

Some asshole has to clean up after all the other assholes.

I can see the "Real American" beer commercial celebrating these heroes.

Real american cheetos and mt dew you mean

/u/Merari01 man that's a weird way to feel important. How does it feel to walk around like a big boss man working a tough job?

As long as Domino's keeps refusing to deliver to mom's basement my work is not yet done.

As long as Domino's keeps refusing to deliver to my mom's basement my work is not yet done.

It's after midnight, sweetheart. Go to bed

u/IlikeSchecters don't you have better battles to fight? Is this not the very definition of a first world problem?

I mean isn't you bitching about me for the sake of drama sorta in the same vein?

Thinking that mean comments on an anonymous forum is somehow improving... anything... is sort of pathetic.

Especially when the argument being made by the admins was "don't fabricate screenshots to push an agenda."

If you can't see the difference between being pinged for sport vs pontificating about muh hate speech, then I'm afraid you need to keep yourself very safe.

I even said screen shots to push an agenda is stupid. Look, the main reason I use reddit is for some support subs. And because I use some of them, I've gotten a ton of hateful and creepy pms, and many of them come from the usual subs that we don't want reddit to continue housing. First world problem? Sure, I'll give you that. But, some of the communities on here have helped me out a ton, and I just want to make sure that I don't have to stop coming here like I did with some gaming communities because of toxicity.

So you enjoy some of the communities. What if some members of those communities sent hateful or creepy pm's to people they don't agree with about various issues. Should the communities you enjoy frequenting be banned because of the actions of some of the members?

The answer is no. If we're talking about an explicitly toxic sub like r/incels, there is an argument to be made about the subject matter only ever being toxic. However, you're taking about T_D and other subs where the subject matter isn't explicitly hateful even if some of the members are idiots. It isn't right to disband entire communities because of some users, and it's a pointless endeavour because the users will still exist and splinter subs will spring up anyway.

Those communities explicitly reinforce that attitude, though. Remember Aids frodo on the Donald? I do. My purpose isn't to win the oppression Olympics by saying this, but as a trans person it straight up scared the shit out of me, especially when I started having members of those communities saying they were gonna post some pictures of to subs to try and get others to ridicule me. Luckily I pass, so I'd probably just get creepy pms, but the point still stands that there is an established pattern of ridicule against specific demographics that straight up don't want to fight that fight in the first place. If someone doesn't agree with my points of view, fine. I'm not asking for everybody to subscribe to the monthly edition of the transgenda agenda (although I think the people that want to discriminate against people are more deserving of the safe space moniker). But, places like the Donald where people are routinely harassed because of who they are should worry the admins, because it keeps me from enjoying the site and getting benefits from it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, while absolutely legal, the type of harassment such as what's seen on the Donald has a real effect on real people.

A.) Post that bussy

B.) It's juvenile. The vast majority of people giving you shit wouldn't dare say anything to you in person. You can insist those retards get banned, but you're throwing gas on the fire. Don't be the wimp they insist you are.

C.) It still doesn't remove the users who are the problem. They will always be around, but maybe Reddit should introduce other measures like twitter does with it's blacklists that might keep anyone who's ever engaged in certain behavior from pinging or messaging you. Who knows. But the main issue is where does it end? It wouldn't end with TD, you know that.

A.) Here you go sir

B and C.) I mean, at the tail end of boy mode (I was not passing as male very well anymore at this point), I was asked if I was a hermaphrodite at a shady ass gas station. People are nuts. All it takes is one crazy person posting shit where they shouldn't, and I could have a problem on my hands. And the fact is, the whole FPH and CoonTown thing showed that getting rid of that community did have a tangible effect. I personally don't think I'm a wimp for wanting to get rid of places that encourage toxicity, nor do I think I'm brave for being in a specific demographic. All I want is for blatant harassment to not be the most upvoted comments and submissions on a sub. Stuff like this, the example I gave earlier, is a problem.

It was a trick question, trannies have one or two trussies and these are literally the worst.

Luckily I pass,

lol no you don't

You being trans is too good to be true.

"I pass". No you don't. No one does with out a ton of plastic surgery.

Braincels is a subreddit that is in our sights, as is MillionDollarExtreme.

But t_D is a clear hategroup subreddit as well, that has no place on reddit. It is not a subreddit for the promotion of the POTUS. It is a subreddit for the radicalisation of young people in a way that already has directly led to at least two murders.

Yeah, well. The Clinton Campaign killed Seth Rich. I don't see you guys getting pissed about that!

For the sake of argument, they would have killed him via a black ops operation and not through radicalisation of disenfranchised teenagers on reddit.

We're kinda limited to reddit only.

Isn't it always something tho? Rap music, porn, video games, heavy metal, dungeons and dragons. People are always clutching pearls about their shitty teenagers. Banning T_D isn't going to keep teens from behaving that way, if anything it provides a unique opportunity to engage vulnerable teens in a setting where they're being themselves.

Yes, it always is something when it comes to hysterics. Pokemon, Harry Potter, yoga.

I'd say that this opportunity to engage them in a comfortable setting is impossible as long as t_D exists. You can't dry someone off when they are still in the swimming pool. They have to get out first.

t_D deliberately foments hatred and provides an atmosphere where radicalisation is normalised, by normalising racism and calls to violence.

Replace it with a subreddit that's really about being a fanclub of the POTUS. A subreddit that does more than pay lipservice to free speech and that doesn't immediately ban at even the hint of dissent.

In such a place these people could be reasoned with.

I could get behind that as long as it was implemented uniformly. Places like LSC are also toxic within their own ideological context, many users are young adults and could use a dose of pushback, but same deal with the bans. Would Reddit support your suggestion across the board? I doubt it.

Agreed. I have seen what is on that subreddit and know about their banning policy.

All posts calling for violence are welcome on our subreddit.

They'll get downvoted to oblivion though, and you know that. The side you are fighting for is only recognizes one type of "hate"

You will end up just like AHS where it is only the RIGHT type of bad AND people give zero fucks about the truth they just have an agenda.

In such a place these people could be reasoned with.

Leftism in America is not reasonable, dumbass.

Lets be honest. You don't really think that TD radicalizes teens or give a shit. That's just an excuse.

Jesus you're deluded. Use all this effort to get a job and therapy.

no u

Go move to Austin


Another one just went off. Hopefully no one with an IQ over 90 got hurt

I am hoping somehow the russians get the blame for the bombings too.

It's 100% a Russian plot. Putin himself ordered these attacks

> directly

I don't think this word means what you think it means.

that has no place

good lord, could this SJW get any more generic

But t_D is a clear hategroup subreddit as wel

Actually, it is a 24/7 rally for the GREATEST PRESIDENT SINCE LINCOLN!!!!!!!!!!!!


What’s it like being an absolute faggot?


Anything you disagree with is hateful, that system is unsustainable. The world, believe it or not, doesn't cater to your emotions.

and many of them come from the usual subs that we don't want reddit to continue housing

Who exactly is we? Am I talking to the left directly here?

and I just want to make sure that I don't have to stop coming here like I did with some gaming communities because of toxicity.

Keep yourself safe and stop coming to the world everyday, it's the only way to truly avoid all the toxicity.

But, some of the communities on here have helped me out a ton

If anything on reddit has helped you you're already confirmed a pathetic subhuman who only exists to steal air from better beings. If you got hit by a bus right now and you would do much more good for humanity than photoshopping reddit ads.

Don't cut yourself with that edge lol

Like the support subs that banned me and my trans fiance for posting(critical) comments in the wrong places? And now wants him to apologize before he can discuss his sexual assault in /r/rape.

Toxicity already fucked up your support subs. Unless progressive-voting queer Canadians are actually secretly the worst Nazis.


lmao fuck off that is clearly meant to make it look like the ads are running on the same page

u/Merari01 why is it OK to lie about people? If you were really the good guys then you wouldn't need to lie. If I "found" a screenshot with your username posting hate speech, would you delete your account to prove your virtue?

Someone please archive this in case it goes private again. Snapshill bot is down.

why cant u do it

Was 99% sure it would be Manningface.

close enough

We are not going private again.

We temporarily went private so we could have a mod meeting without having to pay close attention to what was happening on the subreddit.

The admin post was made without contacting us first and it took us by surprise. No further admin activity has taken place on the sub, no posts or comments removed or anything like that.

Despite requests for clarification we have gotten none. We therefore do not know precisely what is meant by "doctored screenshots" and will not remove any posts already present on the subreddit.

We will however comply in full with the most stringent interpretation possible. As of today, no screenshots on the subreddit are allowed that are altered in any way, with the exception of removing usernames.

We believe that for advertisers it makes little difference if an ad of theirs is featured right next to calls for violence, genocide, to racism or other hatespeech or if that ad is featured on the same website. We think that alerting advertisers that this type of content exists on reddit can still make their marketing team think twice before placing an ad on reddit.

The admins have made it clear that the protests of the userbase against hatespeech mean little to them. Only when it gets media attention or when it hurts their bottom line is action taken. We therefore think that showing advertisers what their products will be associated with is the best chance for getting this kind of content off the site.


pls no kink shame

This but unironically


Fuck the admins, mayocide nao!

Haha that /r/StopGold code would let you bump mods off their own subs by gilding their posts

So, would the analogous action here be, buy ads advertising a mod r/stopadvertising and make a post highlighting it?

Look at u/awkwardtheturtle in the mix again. That guy is on all the wrong sides of history.

no u

When did you realize that fascism and communism sucked the same dick? Were you on your knees at the time, sucking dick?

I realized that there is no difference between fascism and red fascism when I was in grade school.

That's not to say I wasn't sucking dick at the time, I may have been.

Oh so "your" version of communism is better because "the right people" are involved this time? Are you aware of how stupid that is or are you a useful idiot?

lol why do you think I'm a commie? I mod /r/MURICA. Death is a preferable alternative to communism. Democracy is non-negotiable.

Democracy is the first stage of communism. You really are just a useful idiot.

What exactly do you think LSC stands for? LOL

So what are you, AnCap or something? I see you post to /r/Libertarian. Be honest.



Sounds like a good idea. Would lessen the waste that we see now. Public employee unions are killing us.

lmaooo you're a fucking gem in this world my dude

never change <3

I'm such a gem you had to ban me from your sardine enclosure. :)

Truth hurts. You can't tolerate me in any situation where you have power because, you are an authoritarian. You embody why democracy (communism) sucks.

/r/TopMindsOfReddit candidate right here

You probably mod that place too.

no u

Another amazing example of your eloquent literacy.

Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Hitler could teach you a thing or two about how to get an idea across.

wew lad

Is wew "wow" for people with downs?

There are dreams, and then there are how things works. The ideas that generally work and get praise and stand the test of time are the ones that meet somewhere in the middle.

Im aware and I agree. Privatization of the roads would have to have some form of oversight to make sure safety regulations were met and to insure that graft was not occuring. I'm not AnCap. As it stands right now the government regulates it'self which is just LOL.

Actually, I'm an Augustan fascist.

Let's imperialize the roads!

drama is an asylum for the mentally unique, pls don't hate on him. He probably thinks turtles are cool


It is ok to come forward.

lmao how do they not just ban this sub instantly? Like, why would you allow a sub that exists specifically to lose you money?

2k views, normies get our REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What a shitty subreddit. It’s like they want the same thing that happened to YouTube to happen to reddit. It’s not like people use it to make money but still; telling on reddit to advertisers is pathetic

We take brand safety seriously.

Literally the first and only thing reddit admins have ever taken seriously. /u/spez /u/redditads

How dumb are these people. You have a brand you protect it. These brainlets can't get their heads around it.

This was a great comment. It’s a shame your fan boys didn’t come out and support it.

Huh lol? The hell are you on about?

Oh you. Ha I got you riled up enough to stalk me days later. Im flattered but its time to move on with your live.

Says the guy that replies to my comment twice and probably just spent the last 10min looking through my posts.

says the guy who

I mean I had to find out the origins of why you’re acting like an angry loser following me around. Not every day you get some bitter guy ranting about fanboys on random posts that have nothing to do with it.

I just thought that’s what you were known for. Carry on, I’ll wait for the fanboys to hit this thread too.

Don’t worry about them. You’re my number one fanboy as here you are.

That was so clever, great fodder for the boys. They’re going to eat that one up. The wit you display is second to none.

What is your damage?

From witty to quizzical. You’ve gotta write a book on your genius.