Employee of popular children's MMORPG caught DDOSing and kicking players so he can give himself 30,000$.

106  2018-03-23 by mukumukum

Drama surrounding a famous toddler's game Runescape over cheating accusations about a clan who won some faggot competition. Over 300 players competing against the clan were DDOSed or kicked by admin (who by coincidence is also in the clan.) Someone leaks 2 years of logs showing the admin ordering DDOS, doxing people and sending them bags of salt. Company responds with dindu nuddins and rewards the admin and his clan 30,000$ for their efforts. Discussion is being censored on official forum and subreddit (leaks include screnshots that imply mods of /r/runescape and posibly /r/2007scape are being rewarded for removing content negative of the clan,) but alt sub manchildren are up in arms screeching about integrity of their precious waste of time:







Run Escape relevant in the current year LUK

Very relevant actually, it's still really fucking popular. If OSRS was put on Steam right now it would be in the top 5 most active games

I played that game at age 11 and now im 24 so that game needs to die

I use to write down npc dialog from runescape and turn it in for my history reports in middle school.

I CANNOT believe it is still running. I actively played it like.....8 years ago I think? And I quit because I felt like it had run its course and all my friends had stopped playing. I cannot believe people still play it. I think I remember it became pay to win at some point.

Hello my friend. Do you also remember the thing about the thing in the thing.


Good for him.

Is this Mod Jed drama? Is there actual hard proof now? If so, great drama.

Yeah, hasn't this been ongoing forever? I've never even touched Runescape, and I heard about this a long time ago.

There's fairly convincing proof if real, but nothing that couldn't be faked.

Probably the juiciest OSRS drama there is.

How many times has this happened now? It seems like theres always something fucky like mass disconnects when moneys on the line. This wouldnt surprise me cause the jmods are retarded but it always benefits rot without fail.

"jmods" are literally all freaking interns or people on 'apprenticeships' except for 2 guys who have been in the company since 2005 who barely designed shit. Actual coders and developers that used to work there say the company is awful as far as actual staff competency goes, people who wrote large sections of code don't write anything anymore and are expected just to guide interns for an hour before leaving to work elsewhere as they are also paid crap lol.

Recently their entire community was excited about a guy who dropped out of college and never touched the game before was gonna be a great game designer at the company, like holy shit they be delusional.

Runescape? Aww, I was hoping for revenge of Bus Shock.

Is this like Fortnite for soy boys?

Worse, for hipsters


As someone who plays OSRS, the vast majority of the community is the anti-SJW, youtube watching, dank meme spouting Trump supporters

Well, I figured it would have been some kind of retard. 🐴👟 theory strikes again?

Seems about right

Hipsters =/= SJW

Hipsters are the evolutionary form of emos though, so the similarities are insane.

they aren't hipsters lol, trust me


This is the community that had a collective meltdown that the game was going SJW cause like a one tile rainbow was temporarily put in the game for some LGBT day thing.

"Why do they keep calling us nazis :("

Fortnite wishes it were OSRS

Don't act like the Mod Jed drama is 100% confirmed you mong. Even after Emily was proven to have a minor form of cancer that went away after a year, the OSRS community STILL unanimously thinks she was faking cancer.


Ice Poseidon and his troupe of tard fans is actually hilarious and very entertaining to watch on twitch

Fuck this gay earth, I'm gonna go PK some Venezuelans so they can't feed their families to blow off some Steam.

I had a lot of friends playing runescape back in the days, I'm sure as hell they will be entertained reading this.

why are all this games mods like this though ive never understood

most game staff are at least vaguely professional but every time i hear about runescape mods its all trying to fuck streamers and banning people out of spite and stealing money

Imagine playing a game that it's graphics are worse than a black and white game boy