Escape From Primerica

40  2018-03-24 by snallygaster


There's plenty of software companies to work for in SF, Snally! You can even attend some Warriors games too!

I ended up getting ridiculously lucky and landing a great job in a major metropolitan area. I'm still wondering how I managed to do it; I was competing against a bunch of PhDs even for the shitty contract job I mentioned.


Thanks! I'm pretty happy with where I'm at right now, especially after suffering through a rocky couple of years leading up to it. Most of my peers in the field haven't been so lucky breaking in, though. Breeds a weird sort of survivor's guilt.

What field? Internet babysitter?




Good bot

If only

I think you mean Janitor.

I had a run in with Primerica. Someone had mentioned that they knew someone who was hiring, it seemed shady but, I applied anyway. Turns out it was Primerica, and the interview was a shitshow. I am glad I never got involved.

At least he respected you enough to put some effort into the con. There's nothing more insulting than when someone tries to recruit you into a cult, but you know they don't really want you and they're just going through the motions so they can report to their boss that they made an attempt.

This was a good read, well written. I always thought you were a fellow boomer though, or at least GenX. Millenial? Never would be guessed it.

Don't let this fellows treachery lead you astray from the path of our Lord Jesus Christ though, he will be burning alongside pedo priests and televangelists.

Oh man, good for you. I'm so sick of seeing people on my facebook sell Cutco knives or Plexus slim or It Works! garbage. There should be way stricter laws cracking down on MLM companies.