Normies in a nutshell

252  2018-03-27 by DowntownWrongdoer


Normies in a nutshell is more like this: "Help, I'm a normie, and I'm stuck in a nutshell. How did I get into this bloody great big nutshell? What kind of shell has a nut like this?"

Oof owie my nutshell

Who throws a shoe?


Haha, great comment /u/dooba_dooba!

r/DadJokes called and they want their reward back

this is the kind of post this sub deserves

I didn't know Chip Chipperson posted here.

I heard you can ask him anything.

/u/ChipChippersonAMA is this true?


what's your favorite species of tree

I like wheeping willows a good deal

read that in Austin Powers voice, did pantomime, AAA+++ poaster

I can see why this sub needs to be banned for crypto hate

I also like to live dangerously

I suddenly realized that people may not get this Austin Powers reference because the last Austin Powers came out 15 years ago... Time is scary.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Gun control. The 2nd amendment is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Gun Laws most of the interpretations will go over a typical fudd's head.

There's also exemptions to semi-automatics, which is deftly misunderstood in gun legislation - ownership of automatic rifles was never specified in the second amendment and the founding fathers never predicted these weapons of war would end up in civilian hands, for instance.

The parkland highschool kids understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly comprehend the dangers of these guns, to realize that they're not just menacing- they represent a constant threat to the safety of school children. As a consequence people who dislike gun control truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't understand, for instance, the reasoning for banning bump stocks and the name of the "AR-15," which itself is a cryptic reference to Assault Rifle with 15 inch rounds.

I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dianne Feinstein's genius unfolds itself on their twitter feed. What fools... how I pity them. ๐Ÿ˜‚

And yes by the way, I DO drink soy lattes and avoid dairy products. And yes, my girlfriend is out on a date tonight with her friend. I asked him to bring her back by 7:30- And he had to demonstrate that he is within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

ironically dairy products actually have real estrogen in them

But ๐Ÿ˜ฏMr Skeltal ๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŽบ๐ŸŽบ said it gives strong ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ชbones and calcium. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜’

that's because the (((dairy industry))) is unironically one of the biggest lobbies in the world. they have canada by the balls.

got milk, goyim?

The Dairy ((((((๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ„)))))) Industry๐Ÿ˜ฑ is ๐Ÿ‘€watching you๐Ÿ‘ป ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘ฅ๐Ÿ‘ค

is that why they have bagged milk there

Its ๐Ÿ‘Œto drink ๐Ÿ„ dont be a soyboy!

Anyway, soy as a label has very little to do with actual soy milk.. it's more tied to the kind of people who drink soy drinks. Its about reclaiming words and making new ones.

We can't call people faggots anymore.. so we call them soys. But it means the same thing.

I call people faggots here all the time.


Someone much smarter than you once said "people who boast about their IQ are losers."

What's with the Harry Potter obsession whenever some "tragedy" happens?

It's the only book they've ever read.

๐Ÿ˜ˆHaha๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Libcucks ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ™‰amirite?? ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

At least try

That comment gave me brain-AIDS.


You mean watched?

  1. Potter conveys classical Christian moral lessons and parables without all the baggage. Among the increasingly faithless, it's all they have by way of moral guidance.

  2. It's the closest thing our culture has to a universal reference point. If you make an allusion to Ephesians in casual conversation (as I often do) you get blank stares, but compare someone to Neville Longbottom and every 25-year old in the world will smile and nod.

but compare someone to Neville Longbottom and every 25-year-old in the world will understand

Third coming of the great plague when?

You can help! Go sneeze on someone today!

Sounds good here it goes! "aaaaaaaaaaaaajew!" shit didn't work, just turned myself in to Hitler.

Instructions unclear, dick stuck in Hitler.


I've got something long for your bottom

If you make an allusion to Ephesians in casual conversation (as I often do)


That sub is a cesspit of normal people (or normies, as I like to call them) sneering at their intellectual betters. Contemptible. How I pity them.

im gonna shove you in a locker nerd fag

Watch out, you're gonna get banned for this language, Young boy. Reddit inc. doesn't tolerate bigotry against nerds


If you make an allusion to Ephesians in casual conversation (as I often do)

Please do take a bath with your toaster.

If you make an allusion to Ephesians in casual conversation

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

You should because ephesians isn't even the best Pauline letter

Neville Longbottom

Patron Saint of Bussy

If you make an allusion to Ephesians in casual conversation (as I often do)

As a prisoner of the drama, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Itโ€™s tough adult literature for mayos.

Ugh. I hope you don't have that stored in your phone, or else where. I'd cringe everyone I scrolled passed it b


So, the book where the protagonist swears to assassinate agents of the state makes her want to restrict guns to . . . agents of the state? SMH mayos.

amazing how liberals also claim to be leftists but in the same breath condemn gun ownership. smdh and they say they teach politics in schools

actual leftists hate liberals

EU liberals hate US "liberals" even harder.

Eh, idk if they claim to be leftists they probably just think they're left of center. You can't even really run on a leftist platform in most parts of America.

i unironically want to labor camp these untermensch

The books show how much power an individual can have against evil if everyone is armed. Truly a society that I want to live in.

I agree. The 5 day waiting period and background check for wands is atrocious. Plus anyone that calls for a ban on "assault style" wizard wands doesn't understand that most of that is just cosmetic additions.

We need to start a dialogue on wand control

I have a wand you can control

Umbridge was ahead of her time

you don't need practical defence against the dark-arts lessons

Although they don't like to admit it, functionally most western secularists are just like the religionists they claim to despite. The only difference really is that they have a catechism that is made out of stupid shit like Harry Potter and Feminism.

Ultimately they're the same type of non-thinking irrational nutjobs, they just have a different brand name. You might even say it's just the human condition - everyone is always looking for an answer, they just end up picking the one that doesn't hurt their sensitive fee fees.

Everything would be better if there would be no religions!

Proceeds to engage in tribalism

We hate religion

Immediately devotes themselves to pagan idol worship

Really stirs up the fury of the lord

people are gullible, shallow, and dumb, what an amazing fucking insight.

teleports behind you

Nothing personal, kid.

The worst harry potter fan is still less of a degenerate than the best christian republican

Worst villain ever. All that build-up and the cocksucker can't even take over a high school.

Braincels in a nutshell

I think it's a very nice detail that the upper panel has 4 normies and the lower only has 3.

Clearly, Goggles got shot.

Looked dead already.

Honestly that video of la goblina saying she bullied the kid before the shooting was honestly pretty shocking. That's why you don't let 18 year olds speak uncoached.

Got a video link? I have been avoidingb videos of the wannabe Khmer rouge

Holy fuck. That skinhead is INSANE. An admitted bully, that now claims SHES the victim.

tbh I'd bully that kid too. By all accounts he was an absolute violent nutjob.

Don't complain when 5.56 comes your way then.

So we just have to pretend to like violent freaks incase they shoot us?

Isn't that why most people are nice to cops?

This but unironically

You don't have to pretend, just don't bully them on purpose.

The girl in the video said ostracised which simply means not talk to because you don't like them.

You heard 'em, shut this sub down immediately

Because all social interactions are a binary choice between bullying and friendship right?

Maybe just not be a piece of shit to people in general.


I'd rather get shot than be fake friends with this kinda loser t b h

Duly noted, kek.

He won't. Not unless he invests in some kevlar, that is.

By all accounts he was an absolute violent nutjob.

The school shooting proved that. But it shows that if you want to bully the violent mental case in your school, you better start wearing level 3 body armor (now that they might make rifles harder to get, you might switch to level 2A or 2 since the next school shooters might have to do it with handguns).

Yeah but it's kinda confirmation bias too, right? How many violent psychos got bullied in high school and didn't go on to perpetrate mass murder?

I'm not saying they all do. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to poke that kind of bear.

I think I read that he was a foster kid and his foster parents died or something.

Ok, I keep asking this but no one answers me. Why does the video start in the middle of a sentence and cut out right as she was getting ready to say something else? She didn't say she bullied him, she said they ostracized him. But, there were teachers who were afraid to be alone in a room with Cruz. Why should seventh graders (since she's talking about middle school) befriend someone who scares them?

Because conservatives are actual literal retards, they really are genuine morons, thats why all those things.

Some of them are pretty stupid alright.

Bruh he brought knives to school, posted pictures of himself with guns on Instagram, tortured animals for fun, and threatened to beat people up. Cruz was the definition of unhinged in school, so I don't know why people are saying that everything would have been ok if some kids had just befriended him. He actually had a girlfriend for a time, but his craziness drove her away. When she got a new bf, Cruz stalked them, threatened them, got into a fistfight the new bf, and made a bunch of fake social media accounts under his ex-gf's name to harass them. Who the fuck wants to befriend the psycho kid if you know that he'll harass the ever living crap out of you when you decide that you're sick of his bullshit?

Right-wingers need to pick a better angle than "people should have just been nice to him" because Cruz was a social outcast for a reason.

Always blame everyone but whitey. And you aren't even white lol

Probably we need some common sense speech control. We don't let people drink until they're 21, so why should 18 year olds have free speech?

Won't someone think of the mass murderer!?? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I know it's /r/Drama but at least try.

try wut?

> white knighting for school shooters this hard

being this retarded

I'm sorry about your condition :(


I accept your surrender.

Remember the Dramalamo!


In his defense all he did was kill some of the worse members of society, teenagers and better still american teenagers, and even better again Floridian teenagers. And who knows, one of the teenagers he shot could have been a future school shooter.

It's a mental health issue.. not a guns issue.

Eww seriousposting

sorry. fuck you faggot

oof Edgy

Your mother was a classy lady.

there are dedicated anti-gang initiatives in every city with a drive-by to its name, but it's difficult and incremental work that is never gonna be more than moderately successful within our current social structure, so retards love to act like it isnt going on whenever they want to delegitimize or handwave away movements or ideas that make them uncomfortable

what im saying is you should probably get your own dick out of your mouth and kill yourself

With ZERO national attention. It has nothing to do with hand-waving or taking away the legitimacy.. it's just a fact that school shootings are DWARFED by gang violence by blacks. Any fucking brainlet that can't understand that is already dead in the head.

oh, still sucking away i see. unfortunate

We're not talking about initiatives, we're talking about dumb rich white kids who are angry that for the only time in their lives, they had to live like black people in the ghetto for 6 minutes.

that is never gonna be more than moderately successful within our current social structure

ah a white ethnostate suporter, shouldn't you be on gab or something?

black ethnostate actually

yeah it's called detroit

Hmmm Iโ€™m a white women in Baltimore and I donโ€™t fucking feel safe either. I worry everyday if Iโ€™m gonna get robbed on the train or if some psycho wants to take their bad day out on me or now.

you gonna get raped.

We have no idea what /u/shittin-glitter looks like, they could be fat in which case they probably won't get raped

Fat people donโ€™t run fast so it is easier to kidnap them .

BUT lemme just tell you Iโ€™ll see you before you see me and I gotta a blade. Fuck with me, I dare you ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

~~teleports behind you~~

Fat people donโ€™t run fast so it is easier to kidnap them .

It might be easier to catch them, but unless you have a forklift in your rapevan, good luck.

it's Baltimore, it don't matter none


why does nobody march over gang violence?

Because nobody wants to attract negative attention from gangs, because they know gangs will shoot them for any stupid reason.

best of both worlds.

The real question is if drumpf is hitler why'd you want the civilians to be banned form having guns. Historically speaking it's a sign of bad things to come.

This, but unironically.

Ugh whatever man

I remember during the march for our lives thing that a student from the school was speaking telling people how they all bullied the shooter before.

just shoot incels on sight before they hurt anyone

That... Is sad but more true than what people realize

why is the weird kid 45 years old?

Have you tried not being a faggot who stinks?

As a non american: Lol muricans cant stop shooting each other because of their weird gun fetish, gonna carry on having shit all guns yet somehow a higher ranked freedom than the US.

This actually works really well as a critique of US foreign policy and imperialism

The bullies: The USA

Mean words: indiscriminate drone strikes

The weird kid: People of the middle east