R.I.P. South Park Neutrality. 1997-2018

226  2018-03-27 by TSwizzlesNipples


Chapo thread in 3,2,1

Because of course that's a sub

More like 5am


And they're determined south-park defined anti-semetism for an entire generation,

And of course stuff about the centrists actually being agents sent in by the nazis.

If you search their sub angrydm made a post about the show not too long ago and gets smug about banning someone from lsc lol

those damn nazis tricked people into being centrist! that helps them somehow

the jewish characters are just as retarded as everyone else

The only people that hate the center as much as fascists are the commies.

You mean more. Fascists feel alright about centrists because they just need them to allow what happens. Tankies literally reeeeeeeeeeee

Tankies reee because the commies claim to speak for the proles. So when they realize that the common man is centrist/probably slightly conservative as they get older it craps on their whole ideology. Can't have a revolution when the people who are supposed to be revolting don't care. Meanwhile Nazis don't typically concern themselves with the opinions of the common man because it's a top-down system anyway. As long as they can control the masses, it doesn't really matter what they think as long as they aren't too left.

It becomes hard to locate fascism on the familiar Right-Left political map. Did the fascist leaders themselves know, at the beginning? When Mussolini called his friends together at the Piazza San Sepolcro in March 1919, it was not entirely clear whether he was trying to compete with his former colleagues in the Italian Socialist Party on the Left or to attack them frontally from the Right. Where on the Italian political spectrum would what he still sometimes called “national syndicalism” find its place?44

Indeed, fascism always retained that ambiguity.

Fascists were clear about one thing, however: they were not in the middle. Fascist contempt for the soft, complacent, compromising center was absolute (though fascist parties actively seeking power would need to make common cause with centrist elites, against their common enemies on the Left). Their scorn for liberal parliamentarianism and for slack bourgeois individualism, and the radical tone of their remedies for national weakness and disunity, always jarred with their readiness to conclude practical alliances with national conservatives against the internationalist Left. The ultimate fascist response to the Right-Left political map was to claim that they had made it obsolete by being “neither Right nor Left,” transcending such outdated divisions and uniting the nation.

Another contradiction between fascist rhetoric and fascist practice concerns modernization: the shift from rural to urban, from handwork to industry, the division of labor, secular societies, and technological ratio-nalization. Fascists often cursed faceless cities and materialist secularism, and exalted an agrarian utopia free from the rootlessness, conflict, and immorality of urban life.45 Yet fascist leaders adored their fast cars46 and planes,47 and spread their message by dazzlingly up-to-date techniques of propaganda and stagecraft. Once in power, they forced the industrial pace in order to rearm. Thus it becomes difficult to posit the essence of fascism solely in either antimodernist reaction48 or in modernizing dictatorship.

Chapo has the worst faggots on this site, as after we watch Chris go to jail we should Jocktobber their stupid subreddit

Mde is worse tbh

Say what you want about the Chapo mods, but unlike /u/12j8hr712g6rg12h they never banned me for my high verbal IQ.

ur a fukin loser

he's not the one who had a seizure typing his username

wow got me

thanks what do I get

a big ole dick in ya ass

😍😍😍😍 my bussy awaits

you're trying too hard.

you're not qualified to share your opinion of what a loser is.

bitch, you're a mod on reddit

High soy opinion

MDE shares the same humor as opieandanthony though. Are you saying you don't like the segments on O&A where they made women cry or where they joked about black people?

No mde annoys me on how much they whine about bugman/degeneracy/ whatever the newest thing they bitch about with modern society despite being useless shut ins themselves

They're probably more similar to tumblrinas than any other group of people. Self-righteous, complaining about people who are 'worse' than them even though they're dumpy losers themselves, want society to change so that it benefits them because they're too lazy and inept to be successful, they all use the same stupid internet language and are indistinguishable from one another when they click on a comment box, etc.

Seriously, they complain a lot about people identifying with pop culture among other nonsense yet they spend their time bitching on a internet message board for a mediocre tv show

Hopefully it's just a phase. Most of them seem really young. Like younger than the people on /r/teenagers.

Man youre wrong on all those points for me

Most of us mde people see the world now for what itd be a while ago: a fucking sick clown world

you can't be older than 14

26 and successful. ty sweetie


wow, that's even worse!



It's funny you say that. /r/milliondollarextreme has always been my guilty pleasure and I have always felt like they are this awkward average between /pol/ and tumblr. They have the politics of /pol/ and the depressing self-hating culture of tumblr.

It seems most clear when they are talking about "bugmen", which seems to just be their term for modern day yuppies. I am not a fan of the whole "my political opponents are clearly just projecting" rhetoric that is so common these days, but with them it feels accurate.

Like, they'll describe in detail a life that I feel they ideally want but feel is out of reach for their degenerate ways: "Heh, look at these bugmen. Working high paying jobs in silicon valley and using the degrees they successfully earned. I'll bet they even pay taxes and spend their stupid disposable income on things like ethnic food and consumer electronics. What a bunch of soy boys. What's worse, they even have gamer wives that probably cheat on them with black guys. Heh, if only they could be like me. Criticizing regular members of society and longing for a world that I've never known and that never really existed. Worst of all, they have a Nintendo switch. Wow, can you say soyboy? I mean, I don't want one or anything, but these bugmen, Jesus Christ!"

I legit feel bad for MDE posters. It's so bizarre.

Like, they'll describe in detail a life that I feel they ideally want but feel is out of reach for their degenerate ways: "Heh, look at these bugmen. Working high paying jobs in silicon valley and using the degrees they successfully earned. I'll bet they even pay taxes and spend their stupid disposable income on things like ethnic food and consumer electronics. What a bunch of soy boys. What's worse, they even have gamer wives that probably cheat on them with black guys. Heh, if only they could be like me. Criticizing regular members of society and longing for a world that I've never known and that never really existed. Worst of all, they have a Nintendo switch. Wow, can you say soyboy? I mean, I don't want one or anything, but these bugmen, Jesus Christ!"

Hahaha, you've got them down. It really does come across as jealousy or the 'if you can't be them, hate them' mentality. They don't think that they can get a good job, girlfriend/wife, etc so they've weaved a fantasy about how everyone under 40 who can afford nice stuff and is left-leaning is a materialistic drone whose wife is getting fucked. Because somebody in that situation can't possibly be happy. It also seems like a 'i'm not like the other girls!' situation where they complain about bugmen being shallow, but they're no different in this regard. If they weren't shallow then they wouldn't have joined a subculture to begin with and wouldn't all be completely indistinguishable from one another.

MDE triggers me hardcore. Almost as much as the commies but not quite.

So we're a right wing sub now

We have always been a bit right wing.

Let’s admit t, while the Daddy fanboys are hilarious, the right just lacks the same mentally unbalanced lolcows.

Let’s review the left’s most obvious lolcows: Fat acceptance, tankies/commies/antifa, Asian men, feminism, gays, trannies, Muslims, and Hollywood.

Now the right: Some religious crazies, Drumpf, gun owners, and...what else really?

So we tend to mock and provoke the woke allies of the left. We just aren’t on TD’s drug supply stash and sucking the orange man’s taint.

The extreme left is indeed ripe with targets to be mocked.

Let’s admit it, while the Daddy fanboys are hilarious, the right just lacks the same mentally unbalanced lolcows.

Imagine unironically thinking this

Well, list the lolcow factions I missed.

Libertarians, race realists, ancaps, incels, cuckservatives. Lol retard

CBTS, rip

Daddy fanboys are hilarious, the right just lacks the same mentally unbalanced lolcows.

lmao no

Some religious crazies, Drumpf, gun owners, and...what else really?

Libertarians, ancaps, neo-nazis/white supremacists, most conspiracy nuts, MRAs, the list could go on.

MRAs are the only group there that produce good drama, the rest are just kinda creepy and likely to be pedophiles.

Nazi infighting is fucking hilarious,

They're so deluded from reality it's like 2 cars racing but just spinning in the sand.

Nazi infighting is fucking hilarious,

Ask them if slavs are white.

Do you even squat?

dude, that nazi Satanism drama

The amount of commies on the American left far far far outweighs the amount of Nazi white supremacists on the right.

And Roflcopter at actually being triggered by that post and replying seriously.

Go be a rich aristocrat in revolutionary France and get yourself guilotined.

The number of mentally decrepit old republicans that are so far gone they think Rush and Alex Jones are talking sense absolutely dwarfs all those other totals COMBINED.

Yeah, the equivalent of a "far left commie" is an neocon or a libertarian, not a Nazi. Nazis = Anarchists, and there aren't many of either.

Nazis = Anarchists,

Are you saying the nazis are the rightwing equivalent of anarchist in how strong the movement is + how it is represented.

Or are you saying that Nazis are anarchists, that would be the hottest take ever.

I'm saying they're polar opposites on the political spectrum.

Go be a rich aristocrat in revolutionary France

Noted for their similarity to the left, somehow.

Ironically. Many more peasants were executed during the French revolution than nobles.

I think I read that somewhere.

The amount of commies on the American left far far far outweighs the amount of Nazi white supremacists on the right.

I can almost guarantee you there is more white nationalists in the US than actual commies

Maybe but if we remove gang related white supremacists then commies easily out weight. I mean just look at occupy wall street and all the antifa shit.

Antifa might say they're anarchists but when you talk to them most are just commies.

occupy wall street

The vast, vast majority people associated were not communists.

antifa shit

People nationwide involved with ANTIFA is probably under 1,500

btw white nationalists outnumber leftists big time on important sectors of the American internet, i.e. Youtube as well.

Let me guess. Anyone who voted trump is a white supremacist? The problem with you people is you twist your definitions to vilify everyone. Jordan Peterson is considered a white supremacist.

So no when the left walks around calling regular people Nazis because they voted trump don't be surprised that no one believes you when you say that there's a lot of white supremacists and Nazis out there.

LMAO dude I can differentiate between a full-blown 1488 gas the kikes demagogue and a Dave Rubin type. And there are plenty of categories and sub-groups in between, I don't use the phrase 'white nationalist' lightly, when I say white nationalist I mean literal white nationalists.

Who cares about what you think, we care about what the media and anti hate groups tell us.

Places like the southern poverty law center consider that dumb cartoon frog to be a white supremacists symbol because some 4chan autists used it.

Other orgs consider anyone who doesn't want to see the destruction of confederate statues to be white supremacists.

Don't even get me started on the average college art fag. So excuse me if I don't believe that there's hundreds of thousands of white supremacists when the definition for it has been twisted to much over the years.

Here's the point. Your average right winger will not go out and actively encourage the Nazis and white supremacists. But your average left winger would absolutely support many communist and anarchist ideals.

This should be a lesson for everyone: remember to get your news and political ops from a range of healthy sources that offer a diverse set of opinions. This is a prime example of someone who has fallen off this path and decided that shitty youtube videos is all you need to be in the know.

Don't be a homo i'm a brown Canadian and therefore a better person than you.

I voted for the fucking liberals for gods sake.

This isn't an example of someone who has fallen victim of misinformation. It's simply an example of an inbred white trash meth fiend being retarded, as is tradition.

Imagine being this wrong.

What's wrong about my post?

The everything.

oh ok ill shut up now.

your average right winger will not go out and actively encourage the Nazis and white supremacists

That's, uh, exactly what they're doing with increased immigration restrictions and voter ID laws.



It's a Nazi ideal as much as whatever you think the average left winger supports is a Communist ideal.

You are literally proving my point about how everyone can be a nazi if you try hard enough. Thank you.

That's not at all what I said, dipshit.

Relax retard youre the one trying to tie the immigration issues to nazism. Perhaps you should have thought out your argument a little more? Perhaps read some books?

Yeah, they're totally unrelated. I bet you know so many nazis who love immigration.

is this pasta or are you actually this dumb?


What you got against Libertarians / ancaps?


Yeah, those fucking libertarian cucks with their "liberty" and "natural rights" and "personal responsibility".

"non-aggression principle" lmao, how dare they want to live in peace.

that's what I said

Flat earthers and conspiritards are right wing. So are ancaps.

Conspiretards are right wing

left wing too. all the russia shit

Not even in the same caliber of idiocy as flat earth, or pizzagate.

Or Q

Yes it's even worse

its still pretty bad. at least flat earthers have retarded evidence they use, the russian fearmongers have nothing

I mean, how many more of Daddy's confidants have to get indicted and literally cuffed for you to put down the fentanyl and start facing reality?


Without fail Daddy-Defenders will transform into SJWs when reminded of inconvenient facts. Exhibit A.

still waiting for evidence of trump colluding with russia

still waiting

His cabinet members getting charged with conspiracy against the United States, for starters?

last time I checked Trump isn't a cabinet

oh yeah, it's totally normal and not at all out of the ordinary fora president's cabinet members to be charged with conspiracy against the United States. and "conspiracy against the United States", espeically when considering multiple members of his cabinet were charged with it, clearly has nothing to do with the guy who they work for, not one bit.

president's cabinet members

oh i thought we were talking about trump

still waiting

Well for starters, one of them would have to actually be indicted for collusion.

You're the one with issues facing reality, but projection is the libtard MO so we already knew that.

They don't get charged with "collusion". They get charged witb "conspiracy against the United States". Which did happen.

Of course, I fully expect you to turn around and call it a deep state witch hunt as soon as more charges come rolling in.

They don't get charged with "collusion". They get charged witb "conspiracy against the United States"


keep moving those goalposts you fucking libtarded faggot. Wake me up when actual collusion charges happen.

there is no such thing as a collusion charge you utter retard.

Imagine being this retarded.

imagine being this retarded for posting on /r/drama and expecting actual discussions

Imagine being so retarded that you think I expect actual discussion on r/drama

Imagine being so retarded that you think I expect actual discussion on r/drama and didn’t want to just call you a tard while I point out how mindbogglingly stupid you are


Ahem. I present to you anti-vax & girthers.

Not really a left thing.

Jesus fucking Christ. How is this jack ass our president?

Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM.

It's like I'm reading my own biography.

its hilariously worse because of how many of you believe it


U focking wot m8?

usually people who get angry about pizzagate are very partisan in their beliefs and "side" with the russian conspiracy theories because they think its a team sport or something and perceive shit as being on the other team

We are literally discussing things to laugh at, no one here is angry about pizzagate. Drama is a radical centrist sub, You are the one assigning teams.

idiocy as flat earth, or pizzagate.

lol yeah no youre cool


uh oh the captain is butthurt yet again

id like to hear more about this theory tbh, sounds like youre just a bit butthurt and living vicariously through ed for some gay ass reason

Yes. Wait, are you a pizzagate believer?

He has to be lmao. He seems offended that we think it’s so retarded

im not going to outright dismiss the idea that dc and hollywood is full of pedos just because a few jewish guys on tv got really angry at the idea and called it a conspiracy theory (turns out theyre usually the pedos)

Please don't quit this sub.

why would i im the best one here now

if i left itd become circlebroke

That's confirmed tho

That it was fake?

its not

if you disagree with people on reddit they will think youre a russian bot

these people are legitimately insane

Well the same happens with right wingers on a much bigger scale, they think 60% is shareblue shils


People who think they're going to be rich even though they're stuck in a dead-end job so they support billionaires and shit on other poor people, these are the biggest lolcows of all.

AKA half of all food stamp recipients in the south

So black people?

I never see black folks defending billionaires, it's all white trash

is jay-z a billionaire yet

OJ trial

eh I feel like they were more defending him being a ball player and actor than a rich guy, but maybe I am being pedantic

Lol. No. They loved that a black man finally got away with a crime and that it made white people mad. I mean it's 2018 and OJ is still just as famous as the 90s.

Not even close, they loved that they finally had a role model everybody loved and they didn’t want to admit his wrongdoing because they believed it would make the entire black community look bad.

Speak for yourself, I am a proud libcuck.

Where do I get my $0r0$ bucks?

Talk to Hillary.

Don't you mean $HILLary?


Let’s admit it, while the Daddy fanboys are hilarious, the right just lacks the same mentally unbalanced lolcows.


lol. Notice your mere suggestion that r/drama leans right has brought all kinds of faggots out of thin air to reject that.

Post on your main, pussy

thinking I have main

Serious Reddit accounts are for douchebags.

I mean, it is retarded to say that. SRD thinks we're far right, but it's really just that we don't ban them so they never stop entertaining us.

I have never seen such triggering on /r/drama.

50k was a mistake. Gas chamber now.

Someone tooted the "SHAREBLUE (((MEGAPHONE)))"

/> We have always been a bit right wing.

/> One day old account


damn, and before I even got the opportunity to tell him that russia is third world "(

Russia is literally the second world

Russia is literally 1.5 world

First world os america and its allies during the cold war. Second world is russia and its allies and the third world are the neutrals

That how those terms were used originally yes, but now they're used with a more economical context. So you're right, but also wrong at the same time.

words change. 3rd world = poor countries. even by the old criterium, it certainly aint commie and it certainly aint aligned with the Capitalist West.

you also have an interesting username.

Except for Sweden and Finland, they are rich.

you also have an interesting username.

If you think that then you should see my feet

last I heard Russia had a similar gdp per capita as Mexico.

could I see your feet?

I think people have a skewed vision of what third world is. For many people, if a country is poorer than the West, it is third world. There is no in-between. That's not how it works.

You cannot group countries like, say, South Sudan and Liberia with countries like Brazil and Argentina. And you cannot group countries like Brazil and Argentina with, say, Canada and Germany.

Countries like Brazil and Argentina are what's called developing countries. Other countries that fit into this category are Mexico and Russia. They don't have the conditions necessary to be called third world, while being far from being a first world/developed country.

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Because I linked to /r/bodyacceptance. Also known as /r/bodyperfection.

Appeals are ongoing.

6 year old account

heh, nuthin personell...

A SRdine pretending to a Dramallama?

Race realists, all the varieties of conspiratards, facebook grandmas, ancaps...


Incels are usually lefties lol. One of the top posts in that hole is whining about the alt reich

Wow, a 5 month old post with 24 points. That definitely means incels are commies.

Just seems like whenever politics is brought up there the majority of them are "sympathetic" to communism.

I know you're a communist and probably offended but I'm not saying that all commies are incels. So relax.

I swear I saw a post somewhere that r/incels posters mostly posted in KiA and TiA, that's where I'm coming from. Also the woman hate makes then likely to be MRAs.

Well probably, of course not all are going to belong to one group. It's just the whole "Marxist-Rodgerism" thing (they say it's a meme but I doubt) and the whole "I deserve pussy just because!" thing is similar to internet communists.

And yea their sexism shtick leads to overlap between them and MRA groups. So it's probably a mix of both commies and butthurt MRAs/anti-sjws. Who can be on both the left and right.

That's demonstrably false. Go to loveshy forums, puahate, wizardchan, hikkichan, etc. and see what they're supporting.

I have literally never heard of those. Sounds retarded so I'll believe you

Look them up and enjoy!

imagine if race was real tho


Asian men

They fucking hate women(the ones you speak of, at least). Surely they count as right wing.

Creeping sharia, CBTS, transvestigation, pizza time, Seth Rich truthers, birthers

also Asian men is a right-wing thing, the left only takes their women. Which is why they're so upset about it, actually

what else really?


Nice try Sergei

What?? What iteration of English are you speaking??? "Lolcows...woke...Daddy fanboys"

Dude, what? I know there's internet slang but my gods!

We've always been. Do you really think were full of soybois and bitch-men? This is a very masculine sub, and masculinity is right wing

Explains why we want every woman to have a penis.

Of course we do. Why would we want a woman with a vagina? Odds are she would like dick. That's gay.

Real men fuck straight men

why would we want a woman with a vagina?

Alright, so you like dick.

Odds are she would like dick. That's gay.


Why would you stick your dick somewhere another man's dick has been?

It's less gay than sticking your dick in another man, according to my observations. But hey, it's 2018, you get to make up sexual preferences now, so more power to you.

But if you fuck straight men who have never been penetrated before, your dick won't be touching another man's dick. The only way to not be gay is to fuck straight men

if you want male virgins, you've come to the right website.

wait, are you actually one of those people who think sucking dick is gay?

1) you're sharing protein

2) you're admiring masculine physique

3) being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone

eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

fucking summer DYEL's like you piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.

stale pasta


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'stale pasta'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.


This is a very masculine sub,

>internet community

What are you on right now?


its considered that by a great deal of reddit just because we dont ban hate speech or whatever

Parker once mused, “We used to have a great time going to Hollywood parties and saying ‘I think George Bush is doing a great job.’ We’d clear out the room. I used to love it.”

I think this was the early warning.

Or they're just fucking around and like making people uncomfortable

This is the actual explanation. The two of them are just straight-faced trolls that never turn it off. It's why they're able to write such a successful show.

If I'm being completely honest though, I've lost all patience for that type of person. I have a lot of respect for them and their work, but I can't stand associating with that type of person anymore. People who think they're better than everyone else because they're apathetic and refuse to pick a side are annoying and very smug. Usually full of faults themselves, but good luck getting them to acknowledge it.

In 2005 Matt Stone said “I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.”



They were obviously libertarian, which means you hate religious people but you hate liberal socalist wannabies even more and vote republican.

I see you've read my manifesto

Dude I've been living this since before the average redditor was not swallowed like they should have been.

It actually just means you're conservative but want the high ground of pretending to be progressive on social issues.

Anakin underestimated Kenobi's high ground too

Fucking end me

Not even autists would want to associate themselves with the label of progressive.

Oh American education system how you have failed us.

Yikes where did you learn this from ?

Thanks for proving your ignorance! <3

You can tell from all the scenes of people taking it up the ass.

Get out of my head.

Being libertarian means you either hate everyone, barely tolerate everyone, or have given up on everyone.

liberal socalist


We arn't full blow retarded yet, but it will get there.

South Park has always been fundamentally reactionary; those pushing for change are wrong no matter what change they push for. Nothing is a bigger crime to Matt and Trey than Giving a Shit.

Their ideology is apathetic-libertarian; whether you're on the left or the right, if you're asking me to change my behavior, you suck. Manbearpig was almost ten years ago. What an idiot Al Gore was to think climate change was real.

As it stands, the political left tends to push for more change than the political right does; as it stands, Matt and Trey admit they dislike conservatives and "really fucking hate" liberals. It isn't about left or right; it's about change versus comfort.

If you're trying to change something, they think you're annoying. And they think you're lame, because caring about stuff is lame. It's the same attitude that establishes "u mad" and "butthurt" as the ultimate trump cards in internet arguments: caring is for losers, and if you become personally invested in politics you're part of the problem.

Uncritical, detached acceptance of the status quo is the only morally upright posture, and those who draw a distinction between is and ought are all smug bullies, outlandish freaks, and/or closed-minded zealots.

It's a show that teaches its audience to become lazy and self-satisfied, that praises them for being uncritically accepting of their own biases, and that provides them with an endless buffet of thought-terminating cliches suitable for shutting down all manner of challenges to their comfort zones.

South Park is a place where you never have to have your assumptions challenged. It's a place where you're always right, you shouldn't bother to think, and the people asking you to change your mind are annoying busybodies and prigs who should just shut up and leave you alone.

South Park is, if you'll excuse the expression...a "safe space."

> effortposting in /r/Drama


Lol😋 It's an old pasta 🍝🍝

Well damn, off to /r/AteThePasta I go!

happens to be best of us, nigga

sometimes it's tasty anyways

Is this pasta store bought or home made?

It's definitely pasta, back from when the left got really into hating Southpark (was it season 19?). Then they started making fun of Trump and it became acceptable again.

To me, even though Matt and Trey say some based things, ragging on trump is something I can't forgive.

"How dare those comedians insult Daddy who is literally flawless!"

Imagine being this retarded.

Oh wait, you don't have to.

Then you need to grow up.

I hate liberals as much as the next guy and even I have to admit Trump is the most unintentionally man in America. The only problem I have with South Park lately is that it’s hard for them to parody him because he’s already so big of a joke.

Trump is the most unintentionally man in America.

what did he mean by this?

*Unintentionally hilarious

Sorry I’m retarded, I thought it was made clear by the fact that I post here

Daddy! 😍😫💦

This is why we need mayocide

The only problem I have with them making fun of Trump is that they've managed to drag it out for three entire seasons of the show. You can only make the same joke so many times before it stops being funny.

This is bait, r-right?

I have to admit she got me. I got a quarter of the way through before realizing, then came down to the comments haha

This is unironically 100% correct, and exactly why they’re republicans

Though it is reasonably likely that they were just memeing about being republicans to get a reaction out of the room

Uh... that's obviously exactly what they were doing.

twas merely an act

No it isn't you fucking retard

a splain

twas merely an act

And they think you're lame, because caring about stuff is lame.

It's true tho

You could replace "south park" with "r/drama" in that pasta and it would work reasonably well

Good point! 👍

those pushing for change are wrong

Statistically, this is true.

Statistically you are a fucking moron and completely wrong.

Tradition is, by definition, a collection of correct, functional choices. As with evolution, almost all changes are non-workable deviations.

This implies that attempts at social or societal change operates like random genetic mutations. This also implies if you believe this that you're a fucking idiot who wanted to sound smart or profound by invoking evolution.

This implies that attempts at social or societal change operates like random genetic mutations.

They do.

"Tradition" also argues against the existence of evolution

Evolution occurs irrespective of human existence or choices.

Tradition is, by reality, a collection of incorrect really stupid shit old people do, like cutting up vaginas or killing jews. As with religion, almost all stupid shit done regularly has been defended as being tradition.

indeed. this is why ancient, holy sharia law must be instituted worldwide

Western tradition is correct. Islam is a meme religion.

Is this your way of coming out as a flat earther?

He wants to live under the noble code of Pashtunwali.

The world has never been flat. Calling the world flat has no more validity than calling a mentally ill cross-dresser a woman.

This but unironically

lol u mad?

Shhh bb

What they said:

"We're republicans."

What the audience heard:

"All you Hollywood heebs in here? Get ready for the gas chamber."

I mean if you’re going to get called a Nazi anyway, there’s a certain elegance to just going full Goebbels.

They called me a geek in high school so I started biting the heads of chickens.

Is this one of those lefty memes they tell me about? Because I don’t get it.

sounds about right.


But seriously, your jokes are shit

Kinda clever because a geek was a carnival freak who bit off the heads of chickens.

In like 1920


lefty memes

They’re too afraid to offend someone to actually have funny content

"Geek" is what the people in travelling freak shows that bit the heads off animals were called.

and people are still confused about why it happens on reddit

“Reddit is real life, what are you talking about!?”

Name one group of people on earth that shills harder for Jews than republicans lmfao

Gassing isn't reserved only for jews buddy boy, it's also very good at purging libs. And gypsies.


I doubt anyone would actually care, I've never met a person who likes gypsies.


No one cared the last time gypsies got gassed, I doubt they'll care the next time it happens.

They built a monument but gypsies stole it for scrap

This is pretty funny.

Maybe you've noticed there's a slight difference in the conservative, orthodox and Zionist wing of the Jewish people and the atheist, pedophile, Hollywood jews.

Pretty easy to differentiate and see where each lines up by political views.

tons of those atheist, pedo, hollywood jews support israel


Neat. So you got Zionists on either side. Doesn't mean republicans shill for jews, they shill for Israel.

They obviously are shilling for Israel as a means of supporting their own white ethno-state in America. A Whitekanda, if you will.

First of all, you're misinformed if you don't think "both sides" in American politics (outside of, predominately, the far left and right) are all for Israel. Obama was a bit more 'stern' with Netanyahu, but he still gave the Israeli's the largest weapons deal in US history lmao. And then of course you have higher-up dems like Schumer who are practically Israeli nationalists.

Second, powerful American Jews are predominantly for the state of Israel; people like Soros, who don't support the Israeli state, are outliers. It's been proven with polls that American Jewry holds allegiance to Israel over the US. AIPAC is funded largely by American Jews from all-over the tip-top echelons of society.

And by the way I am not white nationalist or right-winger by any means.


good book to learn about this kind of shit

You started this off by asking me who shills harder for jews than Republicans.

Now you're telling me there's no appreciable difference in political parties over who supports them more?

If you added some random emojis you could almost be as stupid as Ed.

Republicans shill harder, but dems still shill

there ya go

I support Israel, because it is the only place in the Middle East where I can get a drink, an E tab, some naked beach titties and a Tavor rifle. Also, they fuck some motherfucking Islams UP.

meme guns OUT

for Harambe!

I completely forgot about Harambe and was happy about it. Why would you do that to me? smh, you are like one of those people that bring out The Game for no reason other than to annoy others

well well now hang on there i think youll find theyre all pedophiles

Hell, I think Jews shill less strenuously for Jews.

only extra old republicans

only extra old republicans

alright, then where are all the young, anti-Israeli republican senators/congressman at?

getting called nazis and or not speaking out because jews will fuck their career

you gotta get elected like trump then you can nuke israel

Jews and Boomers

New icon of neutrality then...

/* watch all of it... best overview you will ever hear on TV...

That was surprisingly enjoyable.

It's Norm of course it was enjoyable you troglodyte.

Which of his stuff you'd recommend?

Anything with him on Conan, Weekend Update, his roast of clinton.

So you were not very helpful, but I managed to find this and it killed me.


we do not deserve Norm

His podcast Norm MacDonald Live is great. Not a whole lot of episodes, but it's a matter of quality over quantity.

Norm is the best

The designated survivor when the day of the rake comes.


I need to rewatch Dirty Work.

That thing she is doing with her eyes, is it a coded message?

Is this sub full of "Norm-ies" now then?

Its past 50k sweetie


He's blinking in morse code.

Least-surprising thing I've read this year.

People thought they were libertarian, so it's not really far off.


Republicans in a tuxedo.

When they made that puppet movie justifying the iraq war as morally correct that should have been a clue.

They've been low tier critique their entire career.

If that’s what you took away from Team America there is no hope for you

wtf I hate south park now

I'm actually watching South Park right now "Mr. Garrisons fancy new vagina", is pretty much shirty on transgendered people and their perceived delusions. They always bashed liberals. Ironically enough, Mr./Ms. Garrison is a right winger on the show.

Mr. Garrison was satire and now he's just an example of the modern LGBT member.

I remember when Garrison was so over the top and absurd that there wasn't even a question that the character was a caricature.

We're so fucked.

Do you remember the episode where he became a woman, then two episodes later he became a lesbian?

People watched that and thought to themselves "this but unironically".

Old white guys are Republicans, more news at 11

Old white guys are always right


/u/cuckslovetrump can you pls confirm?

It's true

How's the wife and bull?

We got a kid who comes around every once and a while. He's a roughnecker so he's kinda busy. The wife lost about 20 pounds since the new year so I've been fucking her too lately

Wow it sounds like she is having a busy 2018 so far!

i thought u were mexican ;(

Still true, regardless.

I'm half and half. I consider myself a white mexican

who tf u calling old fagget

people over 40

You'll be there someday too and you'll get just as nice a laugh at listening to kids talking like they know everything as we do now.

lol aren't you supposed to be in your geometry class right now? or is home ec this period?

I told you I was taking shop this semester >:(

shop is actually one of the few worthwhile electives offered in most high schools. plus, you can make a bong.

well probably not anymore. do they still let you sharpen pencils?

Shop hasn’t been a common elective for 30 years

I can't wait for the boycotts.

I mean, they did say they were """libertarians""" before, which is another term for closeted Republicans.

Libertarianism is the absolute worst ideology.

Found the commie.

Found the nazi

You just said that Libertarianism was worse the Nazism you anti-Semite

Equivalent, Libertarians are worse because they misrepresent the truth.

Will you or will you not make a statement of unequivocal support for the great nation of Israel?

Muh International Jewery

As I suspected, you're an anti-Semite

Liberulz r the real Fascists

Commies aren't liberals

Horseshoe theory is real bro

Its not the worst ideology but it is the one with the highest ratio of spergs and autists

Also your typical "libertarian" is just a kid that wants to be more cool and rebellious than their conservative parents but in reality is just like them

how are we defining libertarian? I've always just seen the hardcore fiscal conservative Republicans as typical libertarians. They're about as libertarian as you can get while still have political power at least.

Less government is the key part imo.

For the autists on reddit, libertarian just means "weed gays and guns broooo"

Have you heard about our lord and saviour "Taxation is Theft"

Gets publically funded modern world for free. Turns 17 years old "the govt is a mafia!"


> Not understanding how taxes work

People don't pay taxes when they're under 17 bro. Context is important

Libertarians are so fucking retarded

Username indicates retard


Total lack of reading comprehension



Yeah, I'm sure the lgbt community is so grateful for all that libertarians have done to defend their rights since, oh wait, never.

I didn't say lgbt, I said gays.

Why does that make any difference at all?

I always find it hilarious that because the Libertarian sub has pretty lax ban laws (makes sense) they inevitably get the "muh anarchy" and "muh marxism" bois that also hate government.

I'm sure there's some sort of something something horseshoe theory bullshit in there idgaf. I just think it's funny that it pools together different people and then they go "wtf are you doing here?"

Like how LSC had a shitfest like 4 days ago because since they need their lil revolution they invariably have to be pro 2A, yet even their own user base can't agree on that and everything gets downvoted to hell and/or banned.

Imagine that. The Radical Centrists and Liberals fighting against the Gunnits and Commies. What a fuckin time to be alive.

That sub is like 15% libertarians and 85% random other people there just to argue about stupid shit cuz they probably won't get banned.

Left libertarians do exist. They're usually the lefties shitting on the tankies for being retarded edgelords. I don't know why they'd be attracted to the libertarian sub tho since "Libertarian" in America is typically right-wing.

What about 'true anarchists' - the guys who think we shoukd go full road warrior?

Or commies who see nothing wrong with over 100 million intentional killings of citizens?

Those are Libertarians, the nap would result In road warrior, fascism or oligarchy if corporate dictators at random. Libertarianism would immediately collapse. Those who want Libertarianism are least suited to conducting society justly in the absence of order.

Libertarians are whatever is convenient to their immediate ideals, pretty sure you can lump them into just about any group frankly.

Anarchists are just a bunch of 30 year old preppers, and first year philosophy students.

Older than that!

Anarchism tho.



Libertarian is a far-left ideology, or was, until inter-sectionality grew like a tumour upon the left wing and corrupted most of its body in the late 90s - present day.


Libertarian grew out of hyper-liberal campuses in the 60s and 70s.

Anarchy, State, and Utopia was written from a hyper-liberal perspective.

You have some queer ideas about what the left and right are, fella

implying that conservative thought is anything other than reactionary ape hysteria feeding on the cast-off ideas of last generations liberals.


I don’t think I was. Matter of fact, I didn’t even mention conservatives 🤔

Orcs are known to be low IQ soooooooooooooo

Do you find it interesting that your “libertarians are far-left” comment got downvoted, but your “SJWs are far-right” comments did not? I do

I love (((Republicans))) but the last few seasons have fucking sucked tbh

Last season was 8/10 lit, but it's not like the good old days. It was the 7-8 before the most recent one that were pretty shit.

South Park stopped being good when it became all about pop culture parody and the characters got super flanderized and/or were reduced to message vehicles. The serial stuff during election season was entertaining, but not much more than that, and yeah, the previous billion seasons were garbage. idk how someone can watch half of the episodes since at least 2009 even passively, they're just not funny or entertaining and they aged like shit because they're all pop culture parodies.

It's gotten unbelievably preachy imo. There was a shift a few years back, it used to be the stories were told from the perspective of the kids, but recently it's being old from the perspective of the adults, and it shows. It's like Randy is now just a mouthpiece for their ideas rather than an actual character.

remember shit like fun times with weapons. glory days.


So what's supposed to happen on 3/28/18 again?

Ehhhh, OP do you have more sources, other than Milo?

Can't handle the truth?

No....I just dislike the source.

no lolcow shame plz.

Jew news bot? Maybe our overlords didn't exchange their shekels at the right booth

Lets get Shlomo Shekelstein the happy merchant in here. He always lends a hand to (((us)))

Cuck cuck cuck out out out.

Hey, cool flair!

Calling someone like Milo a source is like calling shit food. There was once food in it, and there may be a tiny bit of "food" left in it, but it's basically shit.

Tell that to a fly.

are you the shit-eating fly in this analogy


Insects are to be crushed not listened to, weakling.

Milo is a great cow though. His poop smells like black cawk. This sub should love him.

Now that's how you troll Hollywood.

If they did it at the oscars it would be more funnier

Context is important for a joke like this.

What they did here was the equivalent of going to the "Social Justice Awards" and announcing they are part of the alt right. That's why it's funny and that's why it made people uncomfortable.

The oscars are actually just a little bit too open for the same joke to work there.

more funnier

Keep yourself safe friendo

Wait until I get home and Il find a pasta for you you fucking cubt

Epic style

Trollmaster XD

this isnt even the first time they've said that. I doubt they really are though. probably just annoyed by intersectionality

probably just annoyed by intersectionality

That's how you become a Republican, though.

They ragged on trump. I can never forgive them for that, nor should this sub. This sub should stay on message, there are too many posts expressing lib ideas being allowed on here. This has been and always will be a conservative sub.

Don't like this gimmick

1/10 pasta

Imagine going to a pedophile for your news

Imagine believing corporate media smear campaigns.

Your boy outed himself as a pedo you absolute mong

I will repeat what I wrote in my edit: He didn't expose himself as a pedo you fucking retards, he was a victim of pedos and said it wasn't bad. Congrats on blaming the victim while believing what you were spoonfed you fucking imbeciles.

Imagine being such a tryhard pedo apologist

Imagine being such a mongoloid.

Imagine not believing a pedo when he tells you himself in his own words that he is a pedo.

>not wanting the freshest bussy


But what about BOTH SIDES?

i think this might be the least surprising piece of news I've read on this sub tbh

weren’t South Park Neutrals called “South Park Republicans” until like 2005

The left can't meme

Just look at /u/gmscreamingmemes.

Seems like an ok dude.

They have always been Fascist Bros. Their shit show has never been funny. Early episodes were less funny before they got writers. They're awful people and have a horrible perspective.

Fascism is cool and good.

No it sucks. You're a dumbass.

No, communism is the one that promotes sucking and misery. Fascism is focused on strength, beauty and love.

Fascism hates good art, it likes homoerotic realism.

OK Mapplethorpe.

Futurism is absolute God-tier, you take that back you fucking heathen.

Sounds hot

wow this

early episodes when it was a show about elementary school kids being kids and had nothing to do w poltics are literally the best seasons.

South park still sucks though.

Honestly though, the illiberal and far-right 'progressive' movement is pushing everyone to the right.

I'm a hardcore leftistnon-TM, yet opposite to every left-wing talking point.

  • We should stop immigration and help the people in their own region. Studies prove this is about 10x more cost-efficient, and would help create a more stable peaceful world.

  • Rape and other crimes are bad. No, seriously you can't rape people.

  • It is okay to be white.

i wasnt aware "rape is good" was a left-wing talking point

You're never to old to learn something new.

These idealistic fucksticks will cover up crimes by the 'ethnically challenged' to further their provably wrong agendas and identity politics.

It is actually racist, which makes it even more funny.

Yeah, I agree but I have never encountered one of these people before. To fine these people I have to actually attempt to want to find them and seek them out on the internet.

Only for Muslims.

Really destroyed all three leftist talking points

HH, brother

Worked yourself into a shoot eh?

Lefties took the bait in a big way and now spend all our time answering for our social justice fringe, endlessly arguing about gender pronouns, language policing, and manspreading rather than stuff that actually affects 99% of Americans like economics, healthcare, and labor issues, which the right has no answer for.

The right however won the day by fighting with nfl players for not standing for the national anthem, a tradition which dates back to when the USA military began paying them to do it 10 years ago.

which the right has no answer for.

Just kill the poors and no more poverty. Duh

See, I have a lot more respect for you old-school leftists than I do for the modern prog retards that care more about talking up their lamppost-based gender identity than they do for the actual working class.

I think I'd actually prefer a two man Nazi/tankie spit-roast to listening to an American progressive moralise for even a minute.

What studies?

Pretty sure they were just trolling. The fact that the comments are filled with "duhhh obviously" from leftards while I, a rightard, had the exact opposite reaction to their last season shows their neutrality is alive and kicking.

They’re registered libertarians. And have been for years. They mock both “sides”

Right? I fail to see why anyone is surprised by this. They seem to skewer everyone pretty equally.

This is why only having two parties is retarded.

Too bad America runs their government like a sitcom.

I can't wait for the boycotts.

Holy shit people here are deluded lol.

This will sink their careers faster than any allegations ever could.


libertarian conservatism

Almost as much fun as national populism, but not quite.

I mean...they're rich white dudes. This has been known for a long time anyway.