Damore finally snapped!

115  2018-04-03 by respaaaaaj


yikes the west coast side of my wife's team work in that office

I hope they don't die. Unless they're white of course.

of course they won't die, shooter was a woman

Meritocracy really is sexism

We need some affirmative action suicides whenever a woman shoots up a building. Equality window jumpers are the only way to smash patriarchy, and the pavement, once and for all.

we could just tie down all the white men and give the chicks extra time and bullets

the War on Competency must continue!

Holy shit that made me laugh

Sources say one survivor ran out the building screaming, "I DON'T DEAL WITH AD REVENUE, I'M JUST A JANITOR."

logan paul is going about his comeback tour in a misguided way

He is there to make a video with the bodies.

It's just a prank bro.

This never would have happened if they just hired a minority instead.

wypipo won't shoot up their office if they never worked there in the first place!

wypipo wouldn't shoot up their office if they were mayocided first

that's where you're wrong kiddo

companies should just hire exclusively wheelchair bound vegetables who communicate like stephen hawking from now on. they're probably smart, it's progressive, and they can't shoot the place up

Wheelchair mounted machine guns.

America, fuck yeah !

Damn actually that is worth the deaths. Patriotic as fuck.

I tried to search for "YouTube news." I am an idiot.

tube news

Tub nsfw

Those classic California gun control laws back at it again

you can still buy guns in california you retard

Sure, but you have to buy them from cops if you want anything fun.

I mean I wouldn't count California guns as real guns. 10 shots and the magazine can't be removed without a special tool? Might as well just throw rocks.

Even that's changed as well. You can't have bullet buttons and whatnot anymore.

People are seriously using fancy stripper clips or taking apart their guns to load them.

Easiest way now is to just make a featureless rifle. Basically rifle grip and no thumb hole stock. You can pretty much do what you want after that. It does leave you with janky looking weapons like this.

Maybe that's why nobody died yet aside from the shooter?

As if smuggling guns from state to state isn't literally the easiest thing in the World...

But also a illegal, yet look where they are.

Omg you're like a rhetorical genius and totally not a fucking retard.


wtf jordan peterson posts in /r/drama?


It is I indeed - lord of all retards, champion of the kekistani. Now post bussy. And clean your room.

I listened to his podcast with Joe Rogan recentlyt (lol dude weed) and I actually laughed that the Clean Your Room is real. I thought it was a chan meme or someshit lol XDDDDDDDD

Why do we even have laws tbh

wtf i love anarchy now!

Laws have actually literally not stopped a single crime ever. As a matter of fact they create criminals. Look the the criminal rate with laws then look at it without laws : 0!

Ergo, ipso facto, guns should be given out at birth. And as we all know from the Bible, life begins at arousal.

Ergo, ipso facto,

no no no #NO!

get your latin shit #OUT!

bye bye!

Oh, laws do work... When they're not poorly written, emotionally driven knee jerk reactions.

Lol wow quality post brah

Some great replies too. Mostly about gun control.

By the sound of it - and the anemic body count - the shooter wasn't using a particularly suitable weapon for the job.

Edit: yup, handgun. Tbh this is an argument for gun control if anything.

4 shot, no deaths except the shooter herself. Gee, I wonder if all those "commie" Cali gun laws have something to do with it.

Some of the biggest mass shootings in history have been with a hand gun. In fact handguns are used in most mass-shootings. The reason mass shooters sometimes go for let's say the AR-15, is because it's cheap, media makes it out to be some "edgy" weapon, and because of the looks (a lot of shooters are fucking edge lords). It's not even close to the most deadly weapon they could use.

California use to have the most mass shootings, It's the third state now, and Florida is the first. Illinois is the second because of Chicago. (Could be higher or a bit lower. This is from 2015. I'll look up statistics for the past two years if I can find any)

I'd say their laws haven't fixed anything.

What the fuck are you even implying here

I'm implying what I said. California gun laws haven't fixed anything.

Yeah, you edited your post because you realised it was just rambling without a point.

Nothing I typed was rambling.

I edited in this part: (Could be higher or a bit lower. This is from 2015. I'll look up statistics for the past two years if I can find any) about a few minutes after I posted.

and after I hit enter on the comment I quickly edited and put: "I'd say their laws haven't fixed anything." literally one second after entering. Even if you saw it literally a second after I posted it, it should still be pretty clear what I'm implying.

  1. Handguns have been used in most mass shootings.

  2. Handguns have been used in some of the deadliest mass shootings

  3. California is way up there for mass shootings.

You don't really need that last sentence to get what I'm implying. None of it is rambling.

No, I edited the last part literally a second after entering because it was just something extra to add. I didn't know you would see it that very second before adding that sentence. I didn't know you were going to have some serious trouble connecting the dots. Even without that last sentence, it's not rambling. It's pretty easy to understand what I'm talking about. It's not my fault you're having difficulty.

I've never seen a "no u" being dragged out this long.

I'm just being honest.

Alright now fellas

Tea time!

I hope you are using per capita stats and not total mass shootings, bc thats pretty meaningless.

You're right for the bit about California. I'll check in a bit (too busy atm to research), and edit my post and message you with them to see.

It's not even close to the most deadly weapon they could use.

Outside of niche tactical situations, it would still be some variation of semi-auto, detachable magazines, and intermediate cartridge or above. That's a great formula for mass murder.

omg the AR-15 is a scwaarrryy militarryyy assuaaault rifflee literally shaking

Women can't do shit right.

explain why cali has more gun homicides per capita than someplace like nevada then lol

or how azn basement dweller cho managed to obliterate 32 people using handguns

I honestly don't give enough of a fuck. I'm here to laugh at Mutts getting plugged, not argue why Nevada has less shootings than California. And most shooters don't even get to 5 kills, let alone 32. Cho was an anomaly.

gave enough of a fuck to reply to me

also remember that """"""mass"""""" shootings are anomalies in of themselves anyway fambrogini

Haha, yes mass shootings are such an anomaly that there's been 1 high profile one like every 2 weeks. Stay cucked, Mutt.

yes, you should totally lose your shit over stuff thats literally less than 1% of all homicides

I'm not losing anything here except my sides.

Lost your remaining dignity by bringing up California law on /r/drama and then losing your shit when someone called you out for being a retard.

Is this losing your shit? Amazing.

Stop digging, you got buried.

I wasn't when I went to bed, my precious karma got robbed by the raving hordes of Amerimutts

if mass shootings are an anomaly then so is asian who is good with guns.

Handgun is absolutely the gun for the job indoors like this.

Somehow you never see soldiers breaching with their sidearms except in situations of the last resort.

In what context? Hollywood movies? Breaching with multiple soldiers covering you is a way different situation than a lone gunwoman .

Soldiers use short rifles that are illegal to own by anyone other than LE in the US.

white female adult wearing dark top and headscarf.



Still could be Damore, you never know these days.

Nice. Stolen with the solemn appropriation only whites are capable of.

My bet is either Susan W gone postal or a conservithot breaking the mass shooting glass ceiling while trying to defile the good name of Allah (hence the headscraf)

Femoid false flagger? Fuckyeah.

Or maybe just /r/GenderCritical leaking.

Many Arabs look white (esp. from a distance) and are counted as such under the US census anyway, so it could be a standard attack. That said, seems weird she would attack alone if that was the case.

I personally wouldn't expect a fundamentalist Muslim woman to wear anything that could be described as a "top".

There are now also reports describing it as a mask. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

Yeah I mean the terrorists have pretty strange eschatological beliefs anyway with regards to being forgiven for sins after attacking infidels or whatever (eg. 9/11 attackers visiting strip clubs and so on), so who knows? That said, a solo female firearms attack is virtually unheard of even in Islamist circles - there are female terrorists in the Middle East but they’re mostly suicide bombers.

suicide bombers.

Homicide bomber is the proper term, please try to keep up

you seen Osama's hard drive?

Sounds like a Babushka.

lol honestly watch this shit turn out to be some gigantic aspie who was mad about demonetization of alt right clickbait

i'd be more surprised if it wasn't tbh

You weren't that far off lmao

Headscarf is interesting although could still be balaclava or whatever. Seems rare for femoid Islamists to attack in the west without a male accomplice.

She could be just wearing it to keep her head and ears warm in the cold Californian weather, let's not jump to conclusions.

Google is in SF, it actually does get chilly there.

South California is pretty cold. Whenever I visit I feel like I'm going to freeze to death honestly.

Lmao SoCal has absurdly mild weather, you have to be the biggest pussy on Earth.

Imagine being so cucked you think California has mild weather. It's literally a desert... 🤠

San Diego average temp by month. It does get pretty hot inland though.

Hi San Diego Tourism authority.

Have you visited the Wild Animal Park, Sea World, or one of the city's many microbreweries? They're fantastic for both families and young visitors alike.

BREAKING: They've just found out the terrorists name is Samuela Hydell.

Lol ok this is pretty good


It's impossible to stop our Radical Equality movement. Did you know women only have 1 shooting for every 100 male shootings? #EndTheShootingGapNOW

She can’t keep getting away with it!

white woman



Clearly it's one of Putin's KGB Babushka operatives.



love hate relationship right now

Actually white, Arab and not Muslim turns out.

I want to applaud Google for hiring a non-white male persyn to performs their mass murders. It's a credit to their gender diversity in the workplace efforts.

>news report: white female adult wearing dark top and headscarf.

>"non-white male persyn to performs their mass murders"

Did a gear get jammed in your brain?

Snally, they are saying they got a not a white guy to do it.




”white” female adult wearing dark top and headscarf *

H3H3 finally has had enough with the whole ad revenue thing. He is just doing this for the goofs and the gaffs.

Early reports are of a Women, and Hila has military training...

Where can I find an IDF qt

Where can I find one with good trigger discipline?

This is America we need to shoot at large crowds as quickly as possible.

Join Hamas and get captured

no thanks, she has 0/10 trigger discipline


coughs wetly



cough cough

Full body armor, green sunglasses - waiting for the Steal His Look for this mass shooting event

Gotta love ABC asking for an interview while the guy is in an active shooter situation.


(Using archive because she will probably delete this)

what a dumb bimbo

i appreciate the cut-throat dedication. my dad is in this field and this is exactly what it takes to make your way through.

watch nightcrawler if you haven't already

Real dedicated men would storm the building, shank the shooter, then interview them about what is going through their heads as the life drains from them.

Being a successful journalist requires a personality bordering on sociopathic. This couldn't possibly have adverse effects.

Wait...wasn't she the same cunt that was harassing someone related to the Sandy Hook shooting???

Edit: Apparently she is. I'm not sure if it's out of sheer, unadulterated ignorance or just pure temerity that she would try that move again.

Early reports of the suspect have identified her as Samantha Hyde


Your pranks have gone too far


its social experiment, shitlord.

I really think it might be Onision in a wig 😕

4 real dudes been close to the edge for a while

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital confirming they are receiving patients from Youtube

Is this all an elaborate plan by the Zucc?

jesus christ there is an actual hospital named after him?

I guess other things were named after late 1800s tycoons... but that was because they donated money


but that was because they donated money

He did the same thing.

In your head, why did you think it was named after him if not for donating money?

i didnt do much research, so i wanted to agenda post! ree!

You are forgiven. Now post bussy, agenda-poster (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

Because it's SF

He donated 75 million. Not worth the money for the govt tho, he should’ve at least donated a billion to get Zuckerberg Hospital to be a thing


I just wanted to grandstand about how 75 million is too low for that dumb of a name


Too bad she couldn't break the body-count ceiling...at least Brenda Ann Spencer killed a few people when she did it.

C'mon ladies, we gotta show these boys we can keep up!

username checks out

Tbh I kind of want to go shitpost on the feminist subs about "toxic Femininity."

It seems this woman was after her boyfriend, so some shitposting about how she hated men is in order as well.

DAMMIT, really had my hopes up there for a bit

Germaine Greer has unironically blamed school bullying (the kind that’s by girls against girls) on some patriarchal osmosis of beauty standards. I’m sure you could make the same argument in GenderCritical and be applauded for it.

Oh, it was a bf? Damn.

Naw, it works like this -

A man shoots his girlfriend = toxic masculinity

A woman shoots her boyfriend = he was an abuser and/or it's the patriarchy's fault.

Toxic femininity usually prefers blades to guns

Said she had a Towel on iirc. Probably terrorism bro

Someone said she had a fucking scarf on and she literally killed her own boyfriend.

Idk that’s one heck of a woman scorned, prolly a little Islam in there for good measure imho

No, all mass public shootings are either Muslim terrorists, mentally ill white men, or Schrodingers teenagers that can fit whatever narrative you want.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand your wrong. She was pissed about youtube revenue and being censored. You know I bet you could get paid by someone, somewhere, for being so wrong all the time about things.

They're saying this was a domestic violence incident, female shooter..

This incident should be used as an example and warning to all cis-het males, and even trans-males..


or if you do, don't let her know where you live or work!

lol only the left would spin a mass murder at an office building as “domestic violence”

YouTube messed with the H3H3 fanbase for the last time 😡😡😡

maybe next time theyll think twice before not putting H3 on the trending page.


1/1. Shitty kill ratio. 😒😒😒

as someone from the middle-east. i can't for the life of me understand why tribalism is frowned upon. it builds loyalty and is necessary for social hegemony. it's also good to be well-rooted in your community because that way you have more motivation to benefit your people over anyone else. that's not racism that's just how society naturally developed. i mean, i know my lineage up to 14 generations ago, where i found out that at the top of my lineage was one of the daughters of muhammad (pbuh) himeself!. no amount of racial diversity or genetic mixing will ever replace that feeling of belonging and oneness with my community that i got when i got a certificate of my detailed lineage. i truly feel for biracial kids because their parents were selfish enough to not consider that by mixing races, they have uprooted their kids who cannot fully experience a sense of shared community,culture,ethics,nation,religion etc. with anyone really.

Tribalism isnt always good. What do you mean tribalism? I guess you can call american street gangs tribalism because thats basically what it is? The fight over territory and respect. For example in los angeles mexicand and blacks fight over race sometimes. Also i disagree with your view on mixed kids. Alot of kids where im from are mixed they seem fine?

Totally called this one being a woman.

First off, no actual men at YouTube. Second, what kind of self-respecting male shooter would only injure three before turning the gun on himself?


shooting up Youtube HQ

no Youtube livestream

Missed fucking opportunities tbqh

Facebook Live it just to rub it in.

Oh, well this will be scrubbed from the news cycle then.

His face looks like a prolapse

Sweet. Shooters now have their long awaited female diversity quota. It's about time. Fucking white men.

4? women are terrible at everything

thats bitch mode levels

If you can't hit double digits then you're not even trying.

I'm going to guess that it's just one of those "I'm going to do it" threads that are made everyday, and OP just got lucky.

Yeah, that's 99.999999% likely to be the case. Would have been a lot bigger of a deal if it weren't a domestic dispute.

*trans demore

oh no not youtube employees being shot oh no someone please stop it

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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