Some wierdo is requesting backup against us on a dead sub.

91  2018-04-05 by snallygaster


There are no quotes. Deal with it.


  1. This Post -,,*

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wtf is even that sub about?

That much, is obvious. But whatt specific brand of autism.

The generic one 😁

tfw too poor to afford name brand autism

Gotta pay a fee bruv

t. Ajit Pai

I don't get this meme. It looks like people from some pre-reddit message board site have formed their own subreddit community to keep in touch with eachother in a more modern time, maybe? weird

nah it's just 14 year olds with their secret club, none of them would ever go on 4chan

Yea cause 4chan blows dicks and is full of preteens.

They're all drug addicts. Bluelight is a "harm reduction" druggie forum. The retards in r/loungers are all rejects from that forum. Or something. So they congregate on reddit, bitch about bluelight, and brag about their Kratom addiction. r/dropperneck is their version of u/Ed_butteredtoast

but...our version of ed IS a socially rejected kratom addict.

That’s exactly it we got run off our vbulliten by sjws cracking down on speech.

What sort of "backup" do you need exactly?

We just like the same type of shit and fuck with folks together tbh. I mainly just wanted to use that random pepe for something before I deleted it 🤷🏿‍♂️

I want you to know I've archived and catalogued your entire posting history and am running my keyword program on it right now


How does one do that? Gd nerds lol. You looking for some 🔥 right memes? I gotchu

no one cares for your memes, meme-peddler. deal them elsewhere, addict.

Honestly I don’t get the hate for a responsible oxy user. I look down on degenerate pot smokers. At least my shit is legal and doesn’t turn in into a unmotivated slacking low T shit Wiesel

People don't hate oxy they hate pathetic, thieving, piece of shit oxy addicts

There’s no hate bro, it’s just sad.

Idk squares do they things. I’m good with it. As long as you use with moderation imo

Weeds legal.


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Weeds legal.'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.


Good bot

Not in the civilized world son

I’d argue the opposite.

Haven’t touched a drug since

holy shit so you're this retarded off the opiates? jesus christ that's embarrassing, i just assumed you had to be nodding off with every comment

Ate some Kpins kratom and drank wicked weed last night. So I still party tbf

Haven’t touched a drug since

Ate some Kpins

l m a o

Meh most normal folks wouldn’t consider those drugs, son

oh my god this is how disconnected you are from functional society???

holy shit that's funny, please post more

Lol normies. Have another cup of Starbucks and chill tf out.

oh you're right, normies just don't get it man

how could they possibly understand how incredible the life of a low achieving loser is

Lol quit getting butt hurt


/u/dropperneck Sorry fam, but nobody knows or cares about your "history".

Lmao u/Lysis10

My damn history again 🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂DA🅱 ON THEM HATERS😂😂😂😂🔯😂😂

What if the hater dab back?

Stop using black emojis to pretend like you aren't the whitest person in this thread.

My fb profile is black an I’m too lazy to toggle them tbh

Why do you constantly ping that same guy? It makes you look like some clingy ex-gf or something. It's kinda embarrassing tbh.

Ping?? Idk bro you seem to be so critical of corny little details. Is it amateur hour here? Cringe tbh

Wow! And you managed that without u/Lysis10 holding your hand!! See, you can do it all by your self!!

What's this guy's story, u/Lysis10? Is Dropsy the clingy ex that calls 20 times a day like he seems? Or do you guys have some beautiful friendship where this level of emotional dependence is totally appropriate? Is this like a sub/dom thing, or are you his 12 step sponsor, or what?

She’s my safety net. We used to skype and recite poetry together and it got a little e-sexy at times 😉 tbh. Honestly I’d love a sub/dom set up if she were the dom. We trade info about the latest drugs we find, for harm reduction purposes

Honestly surprised you didn’t nod off in an oxy coma while writing that

That’s actually a common misconception oxy gives me energy to do things. It literally enhances the mind and soul imhe

Has it ever given you the energy to Kiss Your Sister? Because you should definitely get on that asap.

First cousins is the line here bro. We aren’t heathens

oh that's good I'm using this

Unfortunately it hasn’t enhanced your l ability to speak coherent English.


Also we aren’t always dead we go through periods of extreme activity. Some irl love triangle just happened from a Bluelight meet up, diseases were exchanged, cops were called on each other, rape accusations, domestic assaults of hosting parents, doxx, extreme drug use, etc

As if anyone needed more confirmation that people who unironically refers to Trump as the Geotus is white trash, a victim of child abuse, or both.

I need some backup

What a fucking tosser.

Different strokes for different folks🤷🏿‍♂️


You should collect the relevant bits and do a post here about that; sounds groovy.

r/drama is quickly becoming my favorite sub.

oh no

this is what happens when you break 50k

i really like that pepe, a nice and subtle edit

/u/Dropperneck why are you embarrassing yourself like this

Embarrassment is subjective, one mans embarrassment is another’s triumph

Doesn't that count as a Brigade?

If r/drama was a porchlight, u/dropperneck would be the moth thwapping fecklessly against it


Sorry, I got drank and played Age of Empires on Steam.

🤦🏿‍♂️ lysis jfc

lol I played Age of Empires for 5 hours. xD


I don’t get video games tbh