Yeah, absolutely. Feminism really could use a marketing reboot. Or, dare I say it, a marketing makeover. Like someone said about feminism: "Oh no, we don't hate men. We just named everything bad after them."
If the goal really is to change male behavior, wouldn't you want to talk to men in a way that gets them to listen and change their behavior? But for many people they seem to care more about being right, and about sticking with things they're used to / comfortable with.
The thing is, all masculinity is inherently toxic by default. Let's think of typical masculine traits, for instance being strong. Why is this a desirable trait? Well obviously because it's easier for a strong man to overpower and rape women. Hence we should strive to remove any and all masculinity from our lives to better ourselves.
The positive aspects of masculinity are no longer coded as masculine because women must be equally capable and likely of exemplifying them. So the only things left that are allowed to be masculine are bad things. This combined with Patriarchy theory basically spiraled into the notion that almost all bad things are masculine and no good things are.
The feminine role was also destroyed but not just by feminism. The role of housewife was made useless, miserable, and lonely by machines that made chores easy and social atomization. I see Feminism as a response to this - "Our role is dead let us be men". So we did but most weren't suited to that and either lucked into more feminine careers without any societal guidance or became bitter and demanded masculine fields become more feminine.
And now we get to r/menslib, not really aggrieved by anything more than their own pathetic and rapey nature, and not really representative of any large group in society just a small detestable minority of snakes. They see the feminization of male fields, the demonization of masulinity and they just take them both right up the bussy with glee. Dreaming of how they, lacking any masculine features, will increasingly be viewed as the ideal and get more time alone with women with whom they will indulge their dark habits.
You do know that every trans woman starts out with just wearing a wig right or dressing feminine, right? It's usually part of the process to let someone begin hormone therapy in the first place.
I've never really understood that concept of toxic masculinity
Its like you find a whole lot of faults individuals tend to have, and then assign it to an entire sex rather than the individuals with the faults
Furthermore, a lot of what menslib/feminist subs point out as toxic masculinity isn't even 'toxic'. Assigning individual traits to a group and assigning the traits as toxic is in fact more toxic than the traits themselves
Sure, I understand if you don't want the traits to be seen as a norm, but calling the traits and the entire group you're assigning the traits to toxic is pretty bullshit
The only way to predict the future is to pick up a pattern and expect it to hold. Since every object is unique, abstracting their properties and generalizing a pattern for an entire class allows you to predict the behavior of an object without having previous direct experiences with it. I.e. you don't need to have ever met a specific tiger to know it's dangerous as fuck to ented his cage, because tigers in general are aggressive.
It's supposed to refer to tropes that lead men to make self-destructive choices. Like the whole pick-up truck thing, if you believe the whole "real men have trucks" thing, you'll find yourself $40k poorer at some point for no legitimate reason.
So the presumption that 'real men have trucks', is what's considered toxic here, right?
And not male truck owners, or masculinity as a whole
In that case they basically agree with MRAs. They're both against male stereotypes, but one of them uses a shitty term for it
On this point, yes. This discussion had been going on for a while on the left before "toxic masculinity" became a buzzword, but I think it was ambiguous and inflammatory enough that the press saw they could run with it, and here we are.
If my way of helping the black community was to call out 'toxic blackness' what self respecting black person would listen to me. I could have the solution to racism and they wouldn't want to hear it because I used a phrase that implied I was a racist dickhead. There's me retarded hottake.
It makes sense, though. Go on worldstarhiphop and you'll see some examples of "toxic blackness" used in the same sense that menslib uses "toxic masculinity." Racists are the most likely to use that made up term. In conclusion, horseshoe theory is correct and radical centrism is the only correct ideology.
I get what they're saying, but a lot of those guys are just as insecure as the guys they're pushing back against. It's like, the meatheads are better able to understand the grammar of juxtaposing "manly" products and behaviors, so let's respond to their LARPing by redefining masculinity in a way that we win. Just call them retards for believing "real men are X, do Y, and buy Z," and be done with them.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-08
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-04-08
AND banned....probably.
1 Imgur_Lurker 2018-04-08
Nice Try I know nagging when I see it
1 VidiotGamer 2018-04-08
I'm okay with this.
The more they silence and antagonize rational people who sympathize with them, the more fun it is to watch everything devolve into chaos.
So basically, this is good for dramacoin.
1 PowerOfJerkoffMagic 2018-04-08
1 VidiotGamer 2018-04-08
You need to go back to non-stop masturbating.
1 saddertadder 2018-04-08
wtf i hate suffrage now!?!
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-04-08
Lol of course it was. It needs to be fully cucked there.
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-04-08
Well, you know what they say - to remove something, you must have it at first.
1 YameteOniichanItai 2018-04-08
The thing is, all masculinity is inherently toxic by default. Let's think of typical masculine traits, for instance being strong. Why is this a desirable trait? Well obviously because it's easier for a strong man to overpower and rape women. Hence we should strive to remove any and all masculinity from our lives to better ourselves.
1 Ultrashitposter 2018-04-08
This presupposes that rape is bad.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-04-08
Rape committed by men is in fact bad.
1 TransRacialPygmy 2018-04-08
It’s the only way for empowered feminists to get their vitamin D. Therefor it’s in fact quite good.
1 ChateauJack 2018-04-08
Interesting theory.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
What about rape committed by gentlexirs who identify as ladies
1 zergling_Lester 2018-04-08
This comment strikes me as even worse than problematic, it is – may Allah forgive me for uttering this word – transphobic.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
I'm not really afraid of trans as much as I simply despise them with all my heart.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-04-08
You're just jealous of their ability to gain unrestricted access to women's restrooms.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
Eh, I don't want to be around women while they are shitting.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-04-08
This subreddit really went downhill after hitting 50,000 subscribers.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
We're all just re-regs of the same 500 idiots.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
Hello /u/SocialistEphebophile /u/BigLordShiggot
1 ahbslldud 2018-04-08
A man after my own heart.
1 pizzashill 2018-04-08
If you wanna watch them run in circles ask them for an example of "positive masculinity."
They find themselves in a pickle. They'll backpedal out and start talking about how "we shouldn't assign positive traits to specific genders."
1 ajitpao 2018-04-08
u/Vacartu u/BigD1966 u/seeking-abyss
The positive aspects of masculinity are no longer coded as masculine because women must be equally capable and likely of exemplifying them. So the only things left that are allowed to be masculine are bad things. This combined with Patriarchy theory basically spiraled into the notion that almost all bad things are masculine and no good things are.
The feminine role was also destroyed but not just by feminism. The role of housewife was made useless, miserable, and lonely by machines that made chores easy and social atomization. I see Feminism as a response to this - "Our role is dead let us be men". So we did but most weren't suited to that and either lucked into more feminine careers without any societal guidance or became bitter and demanded masculine fields become more feminine.
And now we get to r/menslib, not really aggrieved by anything more than their own pathetic and rapey nature, and not really representative of any large group in society just a small detestable minority of snakes. They see the feminization of male fields, the demonization of masulinity and they just take them both right up the bussy with glee. Dreaming of how they, lacking any masculine features, will increasingly be viewed as the ideal and get more time alone with women with whom they will indulge their dark habits.
1 CulturalYogurt 2018-04-08
I agree but please do not write comments this long on reddit. thanks.
1 gilmore606 2018-04-08
wow this
1 PowerOfJerkoffMagic 2018-04-08
1 uniqueguy263 2018-04-08
U need to get laid
1 ajitpao 2018-04-08
backpage was taken down :(
1 uniqueguy263 2018-04-08
The normal way, by talking to people and making them like you
1 ajitpao 2018-04-08
What do you think that comment was for? After I reap all that karma I'll be drowning in buss-ay!
1 ciccopiccolo 2018-04-08
Gussy ewwww
1 v_is_one_person 2018-04-08
This comment breaks no rules, my anonymous friend :^)
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-04-08
Very toxic to say cunt, soyboys.
1 imnotagayboy 2018-04-08
We have rules?
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
1 HagenKopter 2018-04-08
1 totalrandomperson 2018-04-08
Try to remove me, wh*Te.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
Ok. GTFO of the West.
1 totalrandomperson 2018-04-08
K A R A B O Ğ A takes, and fragile little wh*Tes have to deal with it.
1 v_is_one_person 2018-04-08
1 saddertadder 2018-04-08
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-04-08
they are threatened by it so of course they do
1 CummyBot-1999 2018-04-08
The world would be a better place if menslib soybois transitioned into qt traps
1 VidiotGamer 2018-04-08
I see you too are a man of culture and taste.
1 broden 2018-04-08
Dilate to end the hate
1 alone_in_az 2018-04-08
Only cute traps. Not disgusting heshes like /u/chocolateandicecream, who is just some nasty dude in a wig.
1 tyuijvhvhcfcjf 2018-04-08
I feel like you just mean pinged. I'd report you if 1) I knew how, 2) I knew for sure that it's against the rules, or 3) cared.
1 Achillesentry 2018-04-08
You do know that every trans woman starts out with just wearing a wig right or dressing feminine, right? It's usually part of the process to let someone begin hormone therapy in the first place.
1 aqouta 2018-04-08
They shouldn't be "let" begin HRT, they should be forced to begin HRT.
1 CulturalYogurt 2018-04-08
When did this
Become hotter than this?
All betas are beautiful. End masculinity today.
1 nameuser4321 2018-04-08
I've never really understood that concept of toxic masculinity
Its like you find a whole lot of faults individuals tend to have, and then assign it to an entire sex rather than the individuals with the faults
Furthermore, a lot of what menslib/feminist subs point out as toxic masculinity isn't even 'toxic'. Assigning individual traits to a group and assigning the traits as toxic is in fact more toxic than the traits themselves
Sure, I understand if you don't want the traits to be seen as a norm, but calling the traits and the entire group you're assigning the traits to toxic is pretty bullshit
1 imstartingtogetangry 2018-04-08
If you actually don't understand generalizations, you may want to get tested for autism.
1 nameuser4321 2018-04-08
I understand generalisations I don't understand the logic behind them
1 imstartingtogetangry 2018-04-08
The only way to predict the future is to pick up a pattern and expect it to hold. Since every object is unique, abstracting their properties and generalizing a pattern for an entire class allows you to predict the behavior of an object without having previous direct experiences with it. I.e. you don't need to have ever met a specific tiger to know it's dangerous as fuck to ented his cage, because tigers in general are aggressive.
1 RelevantEmployment 2018-04-08
It's supposed to refer to tropes that lead men to make self-destructive choices. Like the whole pick-up truck thing, if you believe the whole "real men have trucks" thing, you'll find yourself $40k poorer at some point for no legitimate reason.
1 nameuser4321 2018-04-08
So the presumption that 'real men have trucks', is what's considered toxic here, right?
And not male truck owners, or masculinity as a whole
In that case they basically agree with MRAs. They're both against male stereotypes, but one of them uses a shitty term for it
1 RelevantEmployment 2018-04-08
On this point, yes. This discussion had been going on for a while on the left before "toxic masculinity" became a buzzword, but I think it was ambiguous and inflammatory enough that the press saw they could run with it, and here we are.
1 Minimum_T-Giraff 2018-04-08
But since have "real men have x" even considered to be part of masculinity instead of usual dick swinging contest?
1 1slumber 2018-04-08
a 2002 ford ranger is like $4000 for a clean one
don't buy one though, it's probably the worst car ever made
only good for sliding around snowing parking lots drunk at 4 am
1 RelevantEmployment 2018-04-08
Used trucks don't get you mancred though, it has to be new.
1 double-happiness 2018-04-08
I think you'll find this is the correct mode of transportation for the typical /r/Drama/ subscriber.
1 niczar 2018-04-08
Not every man has a toxic masculinity. I certainly do, as my masculinity is definitely a choking hazard.
1 BussyShillBot 2018-04-08
everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle
I am a bot for archiving links. Contact for info or issues
1 XovNielkArze 2018-04-08
Guys the term "toxic masculinity" totally isn't anti-male y'all are being too sensitive no you cannot say "toxic femininity" gtfo banned.
1 imstartingtogetangry 2018-04-08
They already did for themselves, with scissors.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
Funny, I want to remove kebab
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
/u/shallowm told you /u/SocialistEphebophile aka /u/biglordshiggot had a hateboner for muzzies
1 shallowm 2018-04-08
I know, I was in doubt if he hated Jews, not Muslims.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
both actually, lulz
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
Your karma activity on my comments tell me you haven't actually blocked me like you said you would. That's a good thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°
1 broden 2018-04-08
Blocking is a sign of fragile masculinity
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
/u/Leftist_Degenerate pls respond
1 broden 2018-04-08
Pinging is a sign of toxic masculinity
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
yer mum'z a fag
1 imnotagayboy 2018-04-08
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-08
thank u comrade!!
1 Omnigoatent 2018-04-08
lmao they care more about the words used to desribe their theories than they do helping men
1 Bend_It_Like_Tyra 2018-04-08
If my way of helping the black community was to call out 'toxic blackness' what self respecting black person would listen to me. I could have the solution to racism and they wouldn't want to hear it because I used a phrase that implied I was a racist dickhead. There's me retarded hottake.
1 jasos-2005 2018-04-08
It makes sense, though. Go on worldstarhiphop and you'll see some examples of "toxic blackness" used in the same sense that menslib uses "toxic masculinity." Racists are the most likely to use that made up term. In conclusion, horseshoe theory is correct and radical centrism is the only correct ideology.
1 RelevantEmployment 2018-04-08
I get what they're saying, but a lot of those guys are just as insecure as the guys they're pushing back against. It's like, the meatheads are better able to understand the grammar of juxtaposing "manly" products and behaviors, so let's respond to their LARPing by redefining masculinity in a way that we win. Just call them retards for believing "real men are X, do Y, and buy Z," and be done with them.
1 TeenagerFanatic 2018-04-08
GussyLib at it again
1 jorio 2018-04-08
Toxic masculinity? More like awesomic masculinity!
1 imnotagayboy 2018-04-08
Imagine spending all your time typing what's going to get deleted by their faggy mods anyway
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-04-08
Soyboys upset that masculinity is toxic to them is like roaches being upset that RAID is toxic to roaches.
1 double-happiness 2018-04-08
MensLib mods
1 deere442 2018-04-08
imagine having your head this far up your ass. "toxic masculinity is fine but pussy pass IS NOT OK"
/u/BreShark how do you manage it? surely it can't be comfortable
1 thats_a_bit_pathetic 2018-04-08
"You can debate everything except the things we don't want you debating cause we're right you're wrong fuck you"
1 KingWayneX 2018-04-08
Once the left seizes a word, you arent allowed to discuss it anymore. See: gender
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-04-08
that sub is the soy capital of the Internet