/r/CringeAnarchy, where social science happens

67  2018-04-08 by eva_unit_hung


Well done. Here come the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that.


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I am a bot for archiving links. Contact for info or issues

...did this snappy wannabe just quote fucking GladOS at me?

This new bot is a fuckin nerd

Eva where u been? I've missed your pale twinkish body

gettin JACKED

Post pics so I can rate u

No i meant dick pics

Upvoting and downvoting is how the radical left suppress ideas they don't like.

/u/guyfromdastore why are you on reddit if you believe this? Upvoting and downvoting are integral parts of the website 😂

As if freedom of speech isn't about creating a marketplace of ideas

freedom of speech means that people who I agree with aren't allowed to be told that anyone disagrees with them!!!

Saul Alinsky has like three chapters on downvoting in Rules for Radicals. Pretty much the centerpiece of his argument.

Yeah until it's hijacked by third party sources and bought votes.

Very easy to censor and color discussion this way especially since Reddit beats this upvotes=correctness heuristic into you. Not to mention the social psychological aspects and personal censorship this voting system causes.

Actually toxic for any discussion especially sensitive ones

Or you just get down voted a lot because you're retarded and nobody likes you

Damn bro right in the feelings


Do to special relativity, we don't know what's down!

Sirs! Ma'ams! Please downvote by clicking the button. Don't spam the comment feed with 'downvote' unless you're further elaborating!

user.type = 'bot'; I am a bot. bleep bloop


You're definitely not the first one to think that's clever.


why do you care

Share Blue spent millions of dollars so that soyboys would click a blue arrow next to your posts.

Feels good man

lol "shareblue"

Shareblue Media

Shareblue Media, formerly known as Blue Nation Review or Shareblue, is an American progressive news website owned by the journalist and political activist David Brock. Shareblue is within a consortium of political groups in Democratic strategist David Brock’s network that will raise a roughly $40 million budget to oppose President Donald Trump's policies. Shareblue's monthly reach is reported to be 140 million across platforms. In December 2017, Shareblue announced a partnership with SiriusXM Progress.

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lol yeah, we know, the nothingburger

people took you seriously sneaky sneaky


They're supposed to be used for when the comment doesn't pertain to the OP, but instead it's a "no u" button.

I mean I could post a feminist meme to r/CringeAnarchy and then post a tired anti-feminist meme that's been making the rounds for 5 years, but why would I fucking bother?

a feminist meme

you have to go a timeline where those exist and are not just failed attempts at making one

Not every political movement can come up with the brilliant idea of making some poorly drawn frog not like brown people.

Yeah. Losers are incapable.

Good one. Now do it as a virgin vs chad comic.

My autism is not nearly powerful enough.

It is a fine meme, sir, but I am not responsible for it.

lol no one believes you

what if i dont like frogs or feminists? or is that redundant?

Actually, bigot, there are a LITTANY of feminist memes, just check out this buzz feed article:



Delete your account.

How do you delete someone else's post

Have you got a strong rope and something sturdy to tie it to?

These are just normie "memes" in general.

They're memes, but not good memes

Seems like this image really was right after all.

Ok I liked the owl one.

feminists are more fluent in reaction gifs than memes

The right holds all of the high energy imhe

The difference is political humor by its title implies a lack of bias. R/cringeanarchy literally says subreddit for alt right trolls in its header lmao

It's a reference

either way, cringeanarchy is miles more transparent in what to expect than a neutral nice sounding title like politicalhumor. keep trying, its cute.

lol you believe that shit

lol you having a coherent response.

lol you're a retard, this is why you get laughed at

oh are you just trying to talk shit til one of us quits? well good luck bud I'll be passing out soon. Hope I can give you a few more luls til then. Doing my part to help the mentally deficient youth of reddit.

lol holy fuck you're a sad loser

there is a reason why everyone can't stop laughing at you, deal with it trumptard :)

i'm dealing pretty well. how you holding up bud.

just trying to out shitpost your betters doesn't exactly look like you're holding up well, but lol okay kiddo, tell us more about the lieeebrual conspiracy

well im in the hospital from a car accident so i really don't have much else to do til I pass out. funny, i'm the on on drugs and yet you're the one sounding like a tantrum. your mother really shoulda taught you some discipline, you come off as weak.

lol no one believes you, no one cares

you're a fucking loser like all trumptards with nothing else in your life besides crying about all the evidence that shows how your dear leader is an incompetent failure

now deal with it faggot

lol either you have voices in your head or you believe you speak for more people then yourself. both are signs of mental illness, hope you get some help on that. I won money betting on the election and got a raise at work a few months later so its kind of hard to convince me of your viewpoint. care to wager on 2020?

You're the vocal minority retard, why do you keep thinking that you aren't?

Oh right, you're mentally retarded.

the vocal minority with more political power in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches than at any point in the last ~60 years? it must be real frustrating when the vocal minority keeps winning. let me know when something happens that makes you happy, it badly sounds like you need it

the vocal minority

lol you lost the popular vote, remember

with more political power in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches than at any point in the last ~60 years?

Yeah, how's that working out for you?

Oh right, repugs are losing all their elections now, lmao.

it must be real frustrating when the vocal minority keeps winning

Nothing says winning quite like all the republicans trump endorses LOSING. lol

let me know when something happens that makes you happ

Trump constantly getting exposed for being an incompetent retard makes me happy, and you getting mad about that fact ALSO makes me happy :)

6) This is not a politically correct sub. If you get offended by "casual racism" or mean flairs/comments, CringeAnarchy is not for you.

And r/cringeanarchy used to be more apolitical before it was flooded with SJW BTFO compilations and hijacked by the alt-right during the 2016 election.

subreddits change. Political humor, as I can recall started and still is extremely left wing but chose a neutral sounding title, probably in a vain attempt to gain more credibility/popularity which is underhanded at best.

And Cringe Anarchy used to have diaper furs and otherkin, now it has HoggPosts and CNN tweets.

still has a good number of furries and the classic non political cringe post daily, whats your point?

That Cringe Anarchy has become politicized crapheap like a million other subs that have fallen victim to the stupid internet culture wars

yeah but at least it produces content that makes me giggle sometimes. Even for people on the left politicalhumor is objectively not that humorous and more a circlejerk of Trump/right is bad.

it’s got plenty of both

Furry cringe is always the same, but SJW's give new types of cringe every week as they declare another group haram.

Alt-right doesnt exist.


I mean in the way people seem to think of it. There are so many communities on reddit being called alt right with nobody identifying like that. In fact, some of these communities hate each other even. It just doesn't make sense.

You should write your congressman about this important truth in subreddit labeling issue. Too many retards are stumbling into these subreddits and being exposed to tame center left memes which sperg them right out.

yeah we can put it right next to other important topics like Drumpf taking two scoops and whether or not he shook some ladies hand and all the other super important Trump stories I see on the front page everyday.

Clinton spent millions on online astroturfing, theres constant paranoia about 'russian bots' and here we have a clear example of a clearly left subreddit (that appeared out of nowhere one day) with an innocuous sounding title. nice try to sound cool bro.

We can’t all be as cool as you still-rants-about-Hilary-in-2018 guy.

The Jews invented humor 2000 years ago to cover for killing Jesus. Be careful, this conspiracy goes deeper than you know.

It’s a documented fact that both sides of the political spectrum spent massive amounts of money to Astro turf online communities. You can try to be condescending but quite honestly it doesn’t work when it’s proven not to be a conspiracy. Either you have an agenda or you’re trying to be delusional cool on reddit which is just sad

A left leaning political humor sub becomes much more popular when a conservative, insanely unpopular president replaces a fairly well liked liberal? Really makes you think.

I'm not trying to be delusional cool, I'm trying to call you a retard.

ah I see you've stopped trying to sugarcoat the fact that the left has spent millions on astroturfing. My only complaint is that political humor appears innocuous on the surface but even you admit is clearly on the left. If you think its popularity is entirely organic, I can only imagine your sense of humor is about as complex as a potato.

easy with the ableist slurs there bigot, i'm sorry i've upset you with my stubborn reasoning.

How can you rag on their humor when you say criminally unfunny shit like

I can only imagine your sense of humor is about as complex as a potato.

Are you 55 years old or did you drag that line up from your Disney channel youth?

It's pretty funny that an online marketing campaign from 2 years ago is still triggering you, with a little luck it develops into a permanent paranoia disorder and results in your mom evicting you.

meh, i wasn't trying to be funny so much as calling you simple. Seems like you're out of arguments and just wanna sling insults. Don't worry my mom loves me and would to have me back home. I hope your own family life improves. Or whatever it is thats bothering you.

Also Correct the Record an online marketing campaign. lmao. Sharia Blue isn't still around, You don't think astro turfing still exists? and you're trying to convince me I'M the dumb one here? bless your heart, life must be tough.

Wait a minute, I don't agree with THESE shit tier memes, these must be the work of ShariaBlueSorosCorrectTheRecord. I better post about it. Hmm, should I mention how my mom loves me? Yeah, that will make me seem cool.

its not that i don't agree with them ( actually lean fairly left on a lot of social issues) they objectively aren't that funny, as evidenced by the experiment in the thread we're posting in. if you wanna search my history I can actually give a pretty detailed breakdown as to why the left can't meme.

My mom says she'll say a prayer for you if that makes you feel better.

if you wanna search my history I can actually give a pretty detailed breakdown as to why the left can't meme.

I'm worried that just reading that sentence worsened my social skills.

My mom says she'll say a prayer for you if that makes you feel better.

When did you tell her about me?

I'm worried that just reading that sentence worsened my social skills.

Society as a whole is already suffering from such a crucial loss I'm sure.

When did you tell her about me?

she includes a special prayer for all God's less gifted children every night, so don't worry you're covered by default.

Society as a whole is already suffering from such a crucial loss I'm sure.

What was your first language?

she includes a special prayer for all God's less gifted children every night

You sure do lie a lot for a God fearing man.

korean actually. don't worry, I've always gotten high marks in english and I apologise if my writing style is more complex then you're used to. I think God knows my intention is pretty much to talk shit til I pass out so apologies again if you actually took my mother's prayer routine seriously lmao.

I'm sorry, I don't converse with liars.

if you wanna search my history I can actually give a pretty detailed breakdown as to why the left can't meme.

Oh please break it down for me. I would love to see this.

lol you're trying to reason with the kind of petulant retard that thinks "shareblue" is a serious thing that matters

meanwhile he champions objective alt right propaganda like brietbart with national reach that gets millions of views

unlike lol shareblue

you're trying to reason

That's very offensive


lol you're such a fucking loser, go back to your trumptard safe space

why dontcha make me tough guy. please don't cool me away with your massive online following lmao.

lol look at how fucking dumb and sad you are

tell us more about caring about "online followings"

youre the one trying to tell people what to do where to post on an online forum, nice try tho. Can't imagine any other reason why you think you rate to tell anyone anything. well, besides delusional self importance born from parents not spanking ya bussy right.

lol look at this faggot, thinks his betters are reading his whiny shitposts

go back to the_donald with the rest of the badly beaten losers :)

I mean you keep trying to tell me where to go, idk what you hope to accomplish. clearly all the fun is here playing with you

p.s. didn't the_donald win the election? I don't spend much time over there but I'm pretty sure they won what matters.

lol imagine being enough of a retarded delusional loser to think your precious safe space won the election

and not the proven russian manipulation and interfernce


lol sticking to the 'muh russia' narrative when it was Clinton spending millions on astroturfing. it must suck to lose so consistently, makes it easy not to take your bait...I just feel...bad?

lols screaming "muh russia" isn't actually changing the evidence that proves you wrong retard

narrative when it was Clinton spending millions on astroturfing.

citation needed

it must suck to lose so consistently

lmao project more of your bitter rage about constantly losing trumptard, we're not done laughing at you for it :)

oh we're doing the line by lines now? fun funn

lols screaming "muh russia" isn't actually changing the evidence that proves you wrong retard

when someone actually goes down for collusion with the RUSSIANs I'll change my tune. in the meant time until you have a solid source like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correct_the_Record

"aimed to find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages about Clinton and paid anonymous tipsters for unflattering scoops about Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump," i think its safe to say the evidence is pretty safely on my side.

Can't say I've lost anything, in fact I won money on a bet for the election and got a raise at work a few months later. Feelsgoodman. care to wager on 2020?

Correct the Record

Correct the Record was a super PAC founded by David Brock. It supported Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. The super PAC aimed to find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages about Clinton and paid anonymous tipsters for unflattering scoops about Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, including audio and video recordings and internal documents.

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oh we're doing the line by lines now?

You mean responding to things? lol you're fucking dumb

when someone actually goes down for collusion with the RUSSIANs I'll change my tune

You mean unlike all the indicted trump appointees that keep getting in trouble for it?

n the meant time until you have a solid source like thi

Whew your wikipedia source that doesn't actually prove a single thing you've been crying about here? Adorable.

i think its safe to say the evidence is pretty safely on my side.

Which is why you spend so much time crying about the ACTUAL evidence that proves you wrong?

lmao, tell us your thoughts on the latest trump scandal

I won't even tell you which one, you'll just have to guess

Can't say I've lost anything

All you do is lose, it's why you keep getting put in your place here.

in fact I won money on a bet for the election and got a raise at work a few months later


You mean responding to things? lol you're fucking dumb

its a reddit specific kind of response is it not?

You mean unlike all the indicted trump appointees that keep getting in trouble for it?

yeah with things directly pertinent to the 2016 election and/or Trump. Didn't Mueller recently come out and say Trump is not considered a criminal target at this time? hmmm

Whew your wikipedia source that doesn't actually prove a single thing you've been crying about here? Adorable.

so nothing in that sounded like astroturfing which you insist didn't/doesn't happen? idk who you're trying to convince here bud, but you're doing badly


well then lets make a wager. 2020 too far away? I'm willing to bet Mueller ends his investigation this eyar and Trump remains president, hows that. since you're so certain 'muh russia' is a sure thing. put up or shut up weaksauce

yeah with things directly pertinent to the 2016 election and/or Trump

I mean, yes.

Didn't Mueller recently come out and say Trump is not considered a criminal target at this time?


so nothing in that sounded like astroturfing which you insist didn't/doesn't happen?

Nothing out of the ordinary, and objectively NOTHING on the scale of the Russian aided trump propaganda and astroturfing.

Deal with it.

idk who you're trying to convince here bud, but you're doing badly

I don't need to convince anyone, all the evidence is already on my side.

I'm willing to bet Mueller ends his investigation this eyar

AKA the cry of the alt right losers for the past year and a half.

Remember, desperately crying "LOL MUH RUSSIA" isn't actually going to make all the evidence proving you wrong, evaporate.

unironically talking about clinton astroturfing and not mentioning cambridge analytica

oh shit you're still alive

/u/Georg_Reshetov were you homeschooled?

No, why?

you have that sort of unabashed sperginess that only comes from not having been pressured into hiding it for a few years

Well, you seemed really excited and proud to prove something a retard could figure out.

After the half year i am on reddit i created a lot of hatred against r/politicalhumor

Did a child write this?

A german

Ok that explains why you're painfully unfunny

I’m not trying to be funny, but ok?

Have you submitted your research anywhere? I think your findings are really compelling

What research? The research of googling „republicans meme“ and looking at the first answer or...

Your post! Omg typical scientist needing hand-holding 😂

Your obliviousness is understandable tho, you must be consumed with thinking up more ground-breaking hypotheses to test. Can I ask what your next project will be? I suggest exploring r/trollxchromosomes that sub has many hidden mysteries

A german im not good

Could've just stopped there.

So you suggest that all germans are bad people?

No. Just the white ones

Well, to call people bad just because of their skin color and/or nationality is the absolute definition of racism.

Also can you please explain to me why all white germans are bad people?

lol whites aren't people, you silly mong


I'm not gonna fuck you, sorry

No kink shaming here

Germanly pale male

You wanted one, I am one

His words are truthful

It's literally impossible to be racist to a white person.

Cause whites are subhuman

You really love stating the obvious, no?

Keep fighting the brave fight BASED PEDE. MAGA 🐸

Ok, I guess everybody who doesn’t like r/politicalhumor is a trump supporter. I hope im not also a racist and a nazi.

Nobody likes /r/politicalhumor it's the fact that you did an experiment to figure out what a 5 year old could that makes you a retard

From doing something a retard could do to being a retard myself? That’s a bit harsh, innit?

If a 5 year old could get on the front page of a popular political subreddit, then people should know that.

>not being a nazi in current year

You'd be surprised how many people don't know r/politicalhumor is biased.

I'm not sure what kind of point you're trying to make, but getting your panties in a twist over an unfunny subreddit is actually more retarded than /r/PoliticalHumor.


Being mad that normies like normie memes is silly

Where is this dicussion going?

Well those people are retarded.

Yes, but they are voters and believe what r/PH says.

Yeah, but you're Bulgarian, so BTFO

lol mocking the objectively sad and dumb shit trump does = LIEEEBRUL BIAS

Some quality sperg-outs in that thread.


What's the point of white knighting a dead slut, u/nbvhn8etsnihos? Are you a necrophile, as well as a giant autistic faggot?

[Also the white race is doomed and won't make another 50 years. Toothpaste is out the of tube on that one bub.]

subreddit full of liberals has liberal bias

holy shit this is the next watergate

this but unironically. T_D is the same thing. people go there and get upset when they are banned for something anti-trump or if they say something a liberal would say. holy shit, you got banned from a subreddit dedicated to the current Republican President for saying he looked like a cheeto or that he is the worst president ever?

Insane. who could have guessed 😱


Lol, people get censored if they don't follow the exact narrative even if it isn't anti Trump or something a liberal would say

That's cuz TD got overthrown like a year ago when it was getting big and impactful. There was a coupe, mods and admins banned other mods, sold new mod spots to "interested parties", installed new socket puppets and people, etc.. now it's just an astroturf sub that gives the illusion of discussion while keeping them inside the bumpers. It happened around the same time as other big subs got consumed, like /r/Pics becoming an anti-Trump circlejerk, /News /Politics /WorldNews, etc becoming propaganda machines, the algorithm changes to hide bots/admin interference and "non-correct" opinions. The list goes on but you get the point. David Brock and his Ministry of Truth.

>going to this much effort to prove /r/politicalhumor is riddled with blind left bias

This is Reddit, you don't really need to prove that it's kind of a given.


I posted 2 images from google which I didn’t even had to search for

>posting >2 whole pictures

Nah too much effort fam
