Mueller coming for that bussy and even the (((lawyers))) aren’t safe

347  2018-04-09 by Strictlybutters


I think daddy has found a new way to fire his employees. Season 4 is starting off with a bang!

58% upvoted

I see our MDE immigrants are struggling to integrate into our culture

They gotta go back

The Wall Just got 10 Downvotes Taller MDEmmigrants


What is MDE

Mayos Don't Even

Micro Dick Enthusiasts

Massive Dinosaur 🦖 Enthusiasts

You belong in prison.

Dinosaurs enthusiasts don’t belong in prison

I'm disappointed that you didn't use the emoticon 🐊 in this comment.

I failed to properly represent the dinosaurs 🦖. I apologize to all

More like Minor Dinosaur Enthusiasts

I’m older than a minor and dinosaurs 🦖 are much older than minors

Alt-Right Tim and Eric rip-off lead by Sam Hyde, a "comedian" who's #1 bit is drinking 3 gallons of water while livestreaming his rants.


Huh, that's like a half of the lethal dose.

million dollar extreme

An online cult devoted to a man widely believed to be behind all the major mass shootings for the past several decades.

Don't talk to them as if they were people.

This should be stickied then.

Downvotes of peace

But there are 2 threads here and countless comment chains in unrelated posts about mde and they're not talking about this sub whatsoever. Some might call this "rent free".

136k karma in /r/T_D

Hahaha holy fuck lmao

The election was fun :)

He's definitely living rent free somewhere.


So is Scott Pruitt

Leave /u/Oh_hamburgers_ alone! 😤

He's our only resident daddy worshipper that's not 100% retarded. Also probably the only one not from Canada/Australia

Aw, thanks bud. Correct on your assumption as well, though I wouldn't go as far as worshipper, tepid supporter by now.


He's our only resident daddy worshipper that's not 100% retarded.

Also probably the only one not from Canada/Australia

/u/Ed_ButteredToast you gotta add this one to your collection.

Fucking lololol DONE!!

Still tho. This one is my favourite. Seems more dramatic

O no /r/drama's being dramatic and fixating again 😱😱😱😱

Why I never! 😭😭😭

and they're not talking about this sub whatsoever.

They do, bby



It was linked here, so I'm sure some mongo drama lurkers downvoted it

Ty brigadier

So if they were talking about it, it doesn't matter because internet points?

Why are MDE posters immigrating? Did the US Army find oil in their sub or something?

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.”

Lol. It's certainly appropriate. If he didn't want to get raided for records he shouldn't run his mouth off about potential committing felonies and cover ups.

There's a scene at the end of the 2001 movie Bully where the drug addicts can't stop talking about killing a guy and where they hid his body. Of course people overhear and it's literally the only thing that leads the police to them.

Anyway, Trump and his friends are on that level.

It's so polite of them to let the public follow along!

Snally pls sticky this. It's already causing chain sperg reactions among our illegal r/T_D immigrants.

done :3

( ˘ ³˘)♥

Bless you 😽

I stayed at an Airbnb in DC this past week and I found this gem for you:

Oh nice. Did you drink from it?

You know it. I poured a glass of dogfish 60 min ipa and it was divine.... If you had a coat of arms would it look as punk rock as the design on that glass?

Good taste. My coat of arms would probably be pretty lame.

ree my effortpost : (

That'll teach you not to effort

never. again.

Transparency, bby!

how old are you? how the fuck do you ever remember that film? you're like 30+ why are you here?

Only 90's kids can post to Reddit.

How funny is it whenever he tweets something incriminating and his lawyers have to pretend they wrote it? Personally I think they have low self esteem and that's why they let him treat him that way.

These guys are going to have a really fucking rough time.

They're so indoctrinated they've convinced themselves that the FBI is rigged against them and any and all accusations or proof of wrong doing = made up lies.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - these guys are dangerous morons and blatant proto-fascists.

and I'll say it again

No shit



They're so indoctrinated they've convinced themselves that the FBI is rigged against them and any and all accusations or proof of wrong doing = made up lies.

It's really weird considering how quickly they'll cite FBI crime statistics

Do they cite a wide variety of FBI statistics or is there one particular topic they seem obsessed about?

Black people

My guess is it's related to crime statistics including guns and/or race.

They sound exactly like Bernie bro's from the primary

are you one of those neoliberal weirdos who thinks that bernie voters are trumptards in disguise or something?

No, there's no blaming trumptards for the retardation of sanders supporters

no u

Imagine thinking federal law enforcement has a left wing bias lmao.


putting it lightly on these hombres

They're pretty close, but they aren't outright fascists. There's a breakpoint.

For now they're just declaring that everything negative about daddy is a lie.

I'm an outright fascist. And you are an outright bitch.

Why would you want to be a fascist?

Because Roman fascism built Western civilization and everything good in the world. The freedom found in a liberal world-view can only exist on a fascist foundation of beauty, unity and honor.

Communism, a loser religion with no goal other than to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, is right out.

Because Roman fascism

And stopped reading. Fascism has no connection to Rome, that's something historically illiterate clowns with no comprehension of what fascism even is keep repeating.

They do this because of where the word comes from. Paxton goes over this in his book:

The word fascism has its root in the Italian fascio, literally a bundle or sheaf. More remotely, the word recalled the Latin fasces, an axe encased in a bundle of rods that was carried before the magistrates in Roman public processions to signify the authority and unity of the state. Before 1914, the symbolism of the Roman fasces was usually appropriated by the Left. Marianne, symbol of the French Republic, was often portrayed in the nineteenth century carrying the fasces to represent the force of Republican solidarity against her aristocratic and clerical enemies.

Fasces are prominently displayed on Christopher Wren’s Sheldonian Theater (1664–69) at Oxford University. They appeared on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington (1922) and on the United States quarter minted in 1932.6

Italian revolutionaries used the term fascio in the late nineteenth century to evoke the solidarity of committed militants. The peasants who rose against their landlords in Sicily in 1893–94 called themselves the Fasci Siciliani. When in late 1914 a group of left-wing nationalists, soon joined by the socialist outcast Benito Mussolini,7 sought to bring Italy into World War I on the Allied side, they chose a name designed to communicate both the fervor and the solidarity of their campaign: the Fascio Rivoluzionario d’Azione Interventista (Revolutionary League for Interventionist Action).8 At the end of World War I, Mussolini coined the term fascismo to describe the mood of the little band of nationalist ex-soldiers and pro-war syndicalist9 revolutionaries that he was gathering around himself.

Fascism has no connection to Rome

Fascism is literally the Roman theory of nation and named for the Roman word fasces, you fucking ninny.

No, it's not you fucking illiterate ape. I literally just copy pasted to you where the term comes from and what it means.

You didn't read any of it, or you wouldn't have tried to repeat this bullshit.

The reason you repeat it is because you're a white nationalist, and white nationalists have some weird obsession with Rome, but sadly, they often don't have the brain cells to read actual academic works on the subject.

Fascism is a set of emotional traits:

assumption that fascism was an “ism” like the other great political systems of the modern world: conservatism, liberalism, socialism. Usually taken for granted, that assumption is worth scrutinizing.

The other “isms” were created in an era when politics was a gentleman’s business, conducted through protracted and learned parliamentary debate among educated men who appealed to each other’s reasons as well as their sentiments. The classical “isms” rested upon coherent philosophical systems laid out in the works of systematic thinkers. It seems only natural to explain them by examining their programs and the philosophy that underpinned them.

Fascism, by contrast, was a new invention created afresh for the era of mass politics. It sought to appeal mainly to the emotions by the use of ritual, carefully stage-managed ceremonies, and intensely charged rhetoric. The role programs and doctrine play in it is, on closer inspection, fundamentally unlike the role they play in conservatism, liberalism, and socialism. Fascism does not rest explicitly upon an elaborated philosophical system, but rather upon popular feelings about master races, their unjust lot, and their rightful predominance over inferior peoples. It has not been given intellectual underpinnings by any system builder, like Marx, or by any major critical intelligence, like Mill, Burke, or Tocqueville.69

In a way utterly unlike the classical “isms,” the rightness of fascism does not depend on the truth of any of the propositions advanced in its name. Fascism is “true” insofar as it helps fulfill the destiny of a chosen race or people or blood, locked with other peoples in a Darwinian struggle, and not in the light of some abstract and universal reason. The first fascists were entirely frank about this.

We [Fascists] don’t think ideology is a problem that is resolved in such a way that truth is seated on a throne. But, in that case, does fighting for an ideology mean fighting for mere appearances? No doubt, unless one considers it according to its unique and efficacious psychological-historical value. The truth of an ideology lies in its capacity to set in motion our capacity for ideals and action. Its truth is absolute insofar as, living within us, it suffices to exhaust those capacities.

The truth was whatever permitted the new fascist man (and woman) to dominate others, and whatever made the chosen people triumph.

Fascism rested not upon the truth of its doctrine but upon the leader’s mystical union with the historic destiny of his people, a notion related to romanticist ideas of national historic flowering and of individual artistic or spiritual genius, though fascism otherwise denied romanticism’s exaltation of unfettered personal creativity.71 The fascist leader wanted to bring his people into a higher realm of politics that they would experience sensually: the warmth of belonging to a race now fully aware of its identity, historic destiny, and power; the excitement of participating in a vast collective enterprise; the gratification of submerging oneself in a wave of shared feelings, and of sacrificing one’s petty concerns for the group’s good; and the thrill of domination. Fascism’s deliberate replacement of reasoned debate with immediate sensual experience transformed politics, as the exiled German cultural critic Walter Benjamin was the first to point out, into aesthetics. And the ultimate fascist aesthetic experience, Benjamin warned in 1936, was war.

Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program. Mussolini exulted in that absence. “The Fasci di Combattimento,” Mussolini wrote in the “Postulates of the Fascist Program” of May 1920, “. . . do not feel tied to any particular doctrinal form.”73 A few months before he became prime minister of Italy, he replied truculently to a critic who demanded to know what his program was: “The democrats of Il Mondo want to know our program? It is to break the bones of the democrats of Il Mondo. And the sooner the better.”74 “The fist,” asserted a Fascist militant in 1920, “is the synthesis of our theory.”75 Mussolini liked to declare that he himself was the definition of Fascism. The will and leadership of a Duce was what a modern people needed, not a doctrine. Only in 1932, after he had been in power for ten years, and when he wanted to “normalize” his regime, did Mussolini expound Fascist doctrine, in an article (partly ghostwritten by the philosopher Giovanni Gentile) for the new Enciclopedia italiana.

I literally just copy pasted to you

Oh wow. A copy pasta. It must be true!

And everyone take a good look at this.

We're dealing with a person that has never in his life read anything even resembling an academic work.

He read that fascism came from Rome on the daily stormer, and decided he liked the way it sounded, and never bothered to look into it.

He's not only uneducated, but he doesn't care that he's uneducated.

The feeling he gets from believing fascism comes from the Roman tradition is more relevant to him than the truth.

Maybe he's more of a fascist than I realized.

/u/pizzashill, you are a virgin leftist NEET misogynist. I am an attorney and patriot with three degrees.

Keep yourself safe in shame.

Provide a single academic work from a credible historian claiming fascism came from Rome.

This isn't an academic work saying fascism came from rome. It's a wikipedia page explaining where the word came from.

And to be clear, that only applies to fasces, fascinus has literally nothing to do with fascism.

It's a wikipedia page explaining where the word came from.

Fucking finally.

My god.

I swear, he's probably the most retarded person I've seen in this sub, and that's saying a lot.

Rofl getting rekt this badly by pizzashill means you gotta kill yourself fam. It's the only way out for you.

Imagine getting shit on by incel supreme, /r/pizzashill.

It's over for you mang

The word 'alcohol' comes from Arabic. Does that mean Muslims invented booze?

No, but it refers to the same thing in Arabic and English, so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

Congrats, you've just shown that the etymology of a word has no relation whatever to who invented the underlying concept it describes.

Now let's do the same thing with 'fascism' you fucking freak.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make


That doesn’t make any sense at all.

Right, except there are more languages than arabic and english.

Shocker, I know, but there is a world outside of "Dirty Muslims" "Dirty Mexicans" and "My sexy sister" you fucking degenerate



his point is you're a fucking retard with poor reading comprehension. This is probably due to the fact that your white trash mother drank heavily during pregnancy

Where in those Wikipedia articles does it say that fascism originated in Ancient Rome? You illiterate retard

"The fasces had its origin in the Etruscan civilization and was passed on to ancient Rome, where it symbolized a magistrate's power and jurisdiction. The axe originally associated with the symbol, the Labrys (Greek: λάβρυς, lábrys) the double-bitted axe, originally from Crete, is one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization. To the Romans, it was known as a bipennis.[2] Commonly, the symbol was associated with female divinities, from prehistoric through historic times.[citation needed]

The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law and governance. The fasces frequently occurs as a charge in heraldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived)."

Where does that say that FASCISM, THE POLITICAL MOVEMENT, originated in Ancient Rome?? Jesus christ

** it symbolized a magistrate's power and jurisdiction...**

The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law and governance. The fasces frequently occurs as a charge in heraldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived)

Again, where the FUCK does it say that FASCISM, THE FUCKING POLITICAL MOVEMENT, originated in Ancient Rome?

It is literally the symbol of Roman state power, you nimrod.

The FASCES originated in Rome and was used in Fascist symbology. How the fuck does that mean that FASCISM (THE POLITICAL MOVEMENT, NOT THE FASCES) originated in Ancient Rome?

You cannot be this dumb, please

Rome had a political ethos. The fasces symbolized the political ethos of Rome. Our roots in the political ethos of Roman, properly called fascism, is why we adopt the fasces in US political symbology today. I cannot make it any simpler for you.

Our roots in the political ethos of Roman, properly called fascism

You fucking retard

I am sorry for your loss 🏥

the best people folks. You can't make it any simpler because you have 0 clue what you're actually saying. This is one of the more amazing threads this sub has ever had. You are hilariously dumb and you should feel shame you inbred dumbfuck

This is not going well for you.


It says it in what I just quoted to you. Learn to read.

Hey you fucking moron.

You just posted information how it got it’s name..again.

Jesus you’re a shitty lawyer. Seriously go slam your head into a parked car you waste of a cumshot.

You just posted information how it got it’s name..again.

Yeah, that is why it is named that.

It is like I am talking to a wall here.

and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived)

You literally just disproved yourself.

It literally says the term fascism is derived from the Roman fasces

What specifically do you think "derived from" means?

Yes, the word comes from "fasces" - which doesn't mean "fascism". It means when they were deciding what to call fascism they used that word as a base. "fascism" literally didn't exist in those times as an ideal at all.

The reason that word is used is because Fascist Italy used this as their emblem. That emblem is what a fasces actually is.

So now you understand that just because a word is derived from something it doesn't mean that they're the same thing. That's why your last sentence disproves what you're saying: It shows that fascism literally wasn't a thing up until that point.

"fascism" literally didn't exist in those times

Of course it did. Fascism, or the impulses behind it, always have and always will. It is a basic facet of humanity.

It means when they were deciding what to call fascism they used that word as a base.

Hmmm. Why would someone do something like that?

"The feces had its origin in the Etruscan civilization and was passed on to ancient Rome, where it symbolized a magistrate's power and jurisdiction. The axe originally associated with the symbol, the Labias (Greek: λάβρυς, lábias) the double-bitted ass, originally from Crete, is one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization. To the Romans, it was known as a bi-penis.[2] Commonly, the symbol was ass-oci-ate with female divinities, from prehistoric through historic times.[citation needed] The image has survived in the modern world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law and governance. The feces frequently occurs as a charge in cyckholdaldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived)."

it's written down on the internet so it must be true that your argument that the latin word for stick = nazis is a bunch of meaningless caca potty talk. And I typed it really loud so you could read it.

It’s a no from me, dog.

not only are you bad at everything, but you reference old tv shows. You gonna say "You are the weakest link. goodbye." next?

You still haven't explained how Romes "theory of state" was fascism, you dummy. Everybody knows about the lictors carrying fasces.

How could anyone this dumb claim to have 3 degrees and passed the bar?

Let me clue in as to how this works: I am not dumb enough to waste effort explaining anything to you.

Don't sell yourself short! I've seen your explanations; you're definitely dumb enough.

do you know where you are?

Existentially, I'm always a bit lost. But I'm in my house.

But remember that time when that mongoloid Pizzashill made you his bitch? That was great.

And remember that time you made a claim that the ancient Romans were fascists because lictors carried the fasces? That was pretty funny.

Fascism is an eternal facet humanity. Rome embodied it and the fasces was a symbol of it.

A yurofag reacting to Marxism reached back for that symbol for to explain his degenerate modernist interpretation, and Marxist scholars since then have, incorrectly, represented the degenerate offshoot as being the first instance.


Fascism is an eternal facet of humanity

So is sharing and caring.




user reports:
1: Seriously give him pizzashills prison bitch flair it would be hilarious

Your wish is my command.

Whoah whoah whoah! Come on, guys. This is too much!

I am an attorney and patriot with three degrees.

Imagine going to school that long and still being this retarded

Paying Tuition Fees gets Degrees!

Probably from Hamburger University tho.

He claims to have gone to an Ivy League university, so they were either looking to spice up their neurodiversity with a literal retard, or he's lying.

He probably went to a Ivy League University as a study subject.

They tried to cure his retardation and obviously accidentally augmented it.

I am an attorney and patriot with three degrees

post diplomas

phDeez NUTS from trole so hard community college state university tech

Ah we got one of those "I paid $50 online and now I get to say I have a law degree" types. Wew lad

I am willing to tolerate your insults, so long as we can agree that /u/pizzashill is, in fact, a virgin leftist NEET misogynist.

ofc he is, which is why you should feel bad being made a fool by him

A virgin leftist NEET misogynist cannot make a fool of anyone. Whatever he says is inherently flawed.

What do you specialize in, Bird Law?

If youre getting wrecked this badly by Pizzashill then you seriously need to consider keeping yourself safe immediately.

Let's be honest. Can you read?

That’s a fine question, Steve. Really, there are no stupid questions.

Lmao, you just got curbstomped by /u/pizzashill, multiple times in a row. Oof.

/u/pizzashill is deeply confused

No u

The romans definitely weren’t fascist. They didn’t even genocide the Jews!!!

The Roman fasces failed to induce people to the psychological theories of communists born 2000 years later!


He's saying he's an anti-semite

a bundle of rods

Fascists confirmed faggots?

Romans were cool with bussy so they're okay in my book.


That was Greeks. Romans had better sense.

Nah what about Hadrian and Antoninus 🤔🤔

The occasional homo is inevitable; the Romans had the sense to find it distasteful but quietly allow it.

Caesar's troops mocked him openly to his face about the time he got bussy blasted by some old Greek king

Yeah, because getting butt-pummeled is the sort of thing Romans thought was worthy of mockery.

You’ve got it.

Yeah, those same troops followed him across Gaul, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Anatolia and Spain. Caesar may have been made some Bithynian King's bitch boy in his youth but he was a million times the man Daddy Cheeto will ever be.

Porn stars? Please. Caesar took a queen's virginity.

You are deeply confused.

You literally think the Roman Republican and Imperial systems were the same thing as fascism. A demisexual otherkin trying to read James Joyce's Ulysses while on quaaludes is less confused than you.

You literally think the Roman Republican and Imperial systems were the same thing as fascism

The Roman Republican and Imperial systems were history's clearest and best manifestation of the human impulse to fascism, and, obviously, symbolized by the metaphor of the fasces. I cannot make it more clear to you. If you are not understanding that at this point, then it is a deficiency on your end.

You are an imbecile and an arch-imbecile. The fasces were the symbol of a Roman magistrate's authority. The magistrates were elected, or appointed by the Senate; some sort of dictatorial autocracy had nothing to do with it. They carried an axe to represent capital punishment in foreign countries; that axe was moved within Rome because the power of life and death lay solely in the hands of the people. The 20th-Century ideals of fascism are not only a crackhead's retarded wank-fantasy of the highest order, they are completely intellectually divorced from Roman republicanism or even imperial autocracy and rest instead on a unholy ghoulash of dark romanticism, misbegotten socialism, and national resentment. Ole Benito was a socialist before he was a fascist. (Despite the REEEEEEE this will cause, fascism definitely contains some elements of socialism, but the cumskins' insistence that socialism=OMGEVOLFASCISM is too moronic for the English language to encapsulate. Maybe Byelorussian could do it.)

Fascism is the greatest failure of history. Even Soviet Russia lasted longer than Nazi Germany and that's saying a lot because Soviet Russia was managed by a bunch of paranoid autistic freakazoids. Hell, Chavez's Venezuela lasted longer than Nazi Germany, while relying on only one resource and with nothing else to speak of. Goes to show that even an economy run by actual idiots is still better than the pagan-fetishist, devolved, kleptocractic array of spineless bureaucrats that ran all the fascist states in the 1940s.

The 20th-Century ideals of fascism

I said at the beginning that I favor Roman fascism, not the 20th century's garbage ideologies. So, I have no argument with you.

fascist foundation of beauty, unity and honor.

Like pot marked wrists and fucking your appalachian sister?

No, like the glory of Rome.

Which had literally nothing to do with fascism, you fucking mong.

This, but the opposite.

ThIs buT tHe OpPoSiTe

/- some retard.

Because Roman fascism built Western civilization

You realize Rome was a Republic for a long time right? And then the conservative Romans opposed the populist Romans who made Rome into an empire?

And then the conservative Romans opposed the populist Romans who made Rome into an empire?

wow man, that must be real head-scratcher for you.

And German fascism led to half the country being ruled by communists for 50 years

Yeah. Now ze Germans are trying to incubate an Islamic theocracy. Sad!

Thanks a lot Hitler!

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Stop downvoting the lolcows, you retards.

Pizza gets upvoted all the time.

they always claim that Muller is a dem in disguise while he's been a Republican his whole life, meanwhile they worship a guy who was literally a dem flr decades and even supported hilldawg in 2008.

Yeah, its almost as if it is Deep State vs. the nation instead of something about parties.

wait, so you mean to say that an NYC based billionaire with ties to Wall Street and with neocons all across his cabinet somehow isn't part of the (((deep dish state))) and represents the people?

and the same guy even supported queen deep state in 2008 and contributed to her campaign, yet suddenly he's one of you guys?

get a fucking grip.

NYC based billionaire with ties to Wall Street

That isn't remotely what the "Deep State" refers to. So, obviously, no.

lmao hillary clinton is the same reptile-in-a-person-suit she was ten years ago. daddy put the same swamp monsters in his cabinet (or swampier) that have been haunting washington for years. dude swept in as an unpopular populist and changed absolutely nothing.

lmao hillary clinton is the same reptile-in-a-person-suit she was ten years ago.

Tenn years ago, she still had her person-suit on.

isn't deep state intelligence groups? Like, obama trying to close gitmo for eight years and failing?

High level politicized appointees and life-bureaucrats in intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement agencies, plus the law firms, NGOs, media outlets and private political operative firms that these government employees rotate in and out of.

So they fought against stopping torture, closing gitmo, they want wars to be prolonged, etc?

Pretty much except for trump's isolationist policies he'd be a better leader than obama in that regard so idk why they'd fight more vehemently against him


i'm not retarded so parsing this deepstate stuff is difficult for me, but you seem to know plenty

can you help me?

I cannot help you parse your own conjectures. Sorry.


i'm banned on t_d they won't help either

Tant pis por vous.

this is an english speaking forum

i'm prepared to ban your french commie ways

So basically every service Trump argued should be empowered? Then it turned out anyone who isn't completely brain dead sees Trump is blatantly unfit to hold the presidency and opposes him?


so is the Trump appointed judge who approved to breach in attorney client privilege part of the deep state too?

Geoffrey Berman

Geoffrey Steven Berman (born September 12, 1959) is an American lawyer currently serving as the Interim United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. President Donald Trump reportedly intends to nominate him to permanently serve in the position.

Berman joins a long line of notable persons who have been U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, including Henry L. Stimson, Robert M. Morgenthau, Robert Fiske, Rudy Giuliani, Mary Jo White, James B. Comey, and Preet Bharara.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source ] Downvote to remove | v0.28

It is very possible. The cancer runs deep.

so thenTrump is part of the deep state too, you fucking retard.

No. Trump is an American nationalist and hero of the people.

Not everyone he appoints has his vision or character. But, as God often works through flawed men, so does the God-Emperor.

Orginally it was CIA/NSA doing black operations funding them off the books and having no congressional oversight stuff like the Iran / contras. The fear that operations where going on internally rather than externally and that with the Intel they hold they had weight on politicians that didn't do what they want. Now I think it (((means))) something else.

Fucking deep state shill

The world has changed.

ah ok, so what exactly had happened between 2008 and 2012 to give him a change of heart and not made him part of the (((((((((((((((((((((deep state)))))))))))))))))))))))) anymore?

Nothing. Literally nothing has changed since 2008 or, hell, even earlier

You got it all wrong! Let me tell you truth, fellow American. Trump is not DEEP STATE. The DEEP STATE is REAL LIFE ILLUMINATI (NOT LIZARD, lol) made of greedy GLOBALISTS who worship LUCIFER. Not all GLOBALISTS are politician. DEEP STATE control every single major governments, pull all strings like puppet! IT IS ALL OVER PLANET, MAN, except for Russia and Russian allies because PUTIN STRONG, of course. Not like America. Full of GLOBALISTS!!!

Their goal? Kidnaps the children for SATANIC sex magic with the penis. TRUMP is only hope for futures.

Is this copypasta? It really should be, it's beautiful!

Is no copypasta, friend. It is TRUTH.


Deep State

/r/greatawakening is that way ---------->

/r/The_Donald is all around us. It lifts us and sustains us.

wow, I actually agree with pizzacuck.

I can't believe I've sunk this low.

pls help

Well, you are an unironic soyboy.

yeah and I love being one. I'm sorry you don't love yourself.

No,you don't.

No u

No you both

The poors did this.

[–]doppleprophetNo Steppy 1 point 2 hours ago tough to root out

Looking back at history...typically it is fascist response to leftist chaos which brings things back in order. I can see and feel it happening. This realization was shocking, but the cycle is obviously repeating in front of me and I am enthralled.


Well, every day you learn something new about The Donald. This level of historical illiteracy isn't that shocking, given the origin.

But most American conservatives believe fascism was a left-wing phenomena, so at least this one understands it isn't.

Actual out of the closet fascist know they are not left-wing.

They do know, but they don't say it. They like to run around pretending they're "actually pretty liberal."

Well, liberalism does protect fascist privileges like hate speech and armed citizenry.

eh, some white nationalist parties like nazbol spinoffs and SD in sweden essentially want socialism but for white people's weird.

Fascist ethics naturally grow to prominence under liberal political systems, since the best tends to prevail whenever degeneracy is not given artificial support.

We've already established you're historically illiterate and have no clue what fascism is dude.

Counterpoint: you are /u/pizzashill and, therefore, wrong.

Pretty good counterpoint imo, u/pizzashill

/u/doppelprophet is basically saying, whenever the world starts to progress and change for the better, Nazi's have to respond to ruin it all over again.

That is what I got out of the statement.

yeah... thats reeeeeeaching.....

Hey he is the one that says it is fascist respond to leftist chaos which brings things back in order.

World begins to progress and nazis fuck it up.


Do they really think there are 6million of them on that sub?


Depends on the timeline.

Probably (attempting) a holocaust joke.

Yes, they unironically think they're poor widdle victims of reddit obfuscating their subscriber count.

my internet went wacky about an hour ago, this really might be the deep state's move - pray for the safety of the First Family

This is my favorite one.

mfw this guys shitposts are so important that the (((deep state))) spends time and energy giving him fucking lag in CS:GO

leftist chaos


I mean, gays getting married, expanding healthcare to millions of uninsured, and don't forget placing regulations to prevent what caused the 2008 crash from happening again -- fucking chaos man.


Yes but Mexicans.

These guys are going to have a really fucking rough time.

My current status is relishing every single fucking second of this.

and any and all accusations or proof of wrong doing = made up lies.

Sounds like you.

Do you honestly think the FBI has acted appropriately in the Trump investigation? I only ask this to see how retarded you are willing to out yourself as.

What evidence do you have they haven't acted appropriately? What exactly are you basing the claim they haven't?

Because this might shock you, but the fevered delusions of GOP propaganda hubs are not on equal footing with reality.

/u/whattheyellS. What happened to attorney/client privilege? Either this has nothing to do with President Trump, or shits about to get real ugly real fast.

Yeah attorney client privledge isn't absolute, especially when trumps lawyer may very well be an participant in trump family crimes.

Clark v. United States, babies, Clark v. United States.

aka You gotta balk if you wanna talk also known as Don't let your attorney break the law with you, dumbass

aka Based Case aka the greatest

Are the Trumps the Bluth family from Arrested Development?

I'm just saying there are a lot of parallels

Exactly who I was thinking of

Can you see him in cut off jean shorts?

Only in my dreams.

Kushner seems more Michael Cera like.

It's an investigation in search of a crime, any crime. Special prosecutors are only appointed to investigate AFTER a crime has taken place.

Christ, /u/endprism didn’t even get a University of Wikipedia law degree.

He went to Trump U.

According to /u/turbofarts1

but Cohen is also his personal attorney, so its not an open shut case here IMO that this constituted a campaign donation. I dunno, it seems like a long shot.

Can you answer some questions /u/turbofarts1?

(1) How is the long shot working out for you as the dumbest armchair lawyer on Reddit?

(2) Does it hurt your fragile snowflake fee-fees to be so wrong about the law?

(3) Being this ignorant about the law does qualify you for Cooley Law School like Michael Cohen though. When are you applying?

(4) When Daddy Trump talks about loving The poorly educated," he was talking about /u/turbofarts1. Does that give you a boner?

Did you make this account just to fuck with /u/turbofarts1?

If I say yes, does that qualify me to a mod for /r/drama?

This is actually true though. Mueller is grossly overstepping his bounds.

Care to cite the law that requires a crime to have been known to be committed before a special prosecutor can be appointed?

And then can you also explain how that particular regulation was missed by everyone in the DOJ?

That law would be 28 C.F.R. 600.1.

When /u/Intelligent_Delay cites it, will you gobble their dingaling?

He didn't tho

Who are you to decide that?

He literally didn't.


Jk this is fun

Yep right here

Took me all of one second to find. Serious agenda posters in drama are why this place is going to shit. Especially when the serious posters are wrong about everything.

too much of a weakfag newfag to know that /u/Nerdlinger has been posting here for forever

my sides--->🚀✨

I can't wait for the temple to be rebuilt.

We'll get around to it eventually

Trumps a builder. He'll get'r done.

(((We're))) the ones who have to rebuild it. How do you think we duped the Revelationists into supporting us?

At this point daddy is basically 1/4 Jew because of Jared right?

Yer so cool.

Remember, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.


Yoga is for fags. I'm talking about getting the full flavor experience.

Serious agenda posters in drama are why this place is going to shit

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious.

Too long. Won't be reading that shit.

I'm loving this r/conspiracy larp thing you have going on here

Fuck off with your shitty pasta.

tough to root out

Looking back at history...typically it is fascist response to leftist chaos which brings things back in order. I can see and feel it happening. This realization was shocking, but the cycle is obviously repeating in front of me and I am enthralled.


Can we end the reign of alt-left terror thru the ballot box or do you think that I should start sharpening my guillotine?

The jeunesse dorée carried cudgels they called their "Constitutions."

If only the antifa and fash dressed so well

Can you imagine the online arguments they would have had in the 1790s?

Are you against shorts? Sans-culottes literally just means "without shorts."

But we can clearly link them to the mobs of the Hébertists and the pamphlets of Jacques Roux.

Nope. Just hate shorts. How's the weather in Vienna, milord?

I mean the man is a prophet, says so right in his username

Not just any prophet but a double one!!! Q ANON!!! THE STORM IS RISING!!!!

Hey /u/stinky_binks, daddy's going to federal pound me in the ass prison when all this is said and done. You think his frail 80 year old obese self will be a giver or receiver? 🤔

our hard earned tax dollars

Lmaoooo inbreeding doesn't earn them shit

Okay... this whole fucking thing has reached a screaming loud crescendo of laughing stock.... Like.. this is a National embarrassment...

He says unironically

It's odd because ... all ... the ... ellipses would imply pauses for thought, but when they occur you can be assured no such pause exists.

So idk how true this is any more but you could pick out old people easily online back in the day due to ellipsis use. They'd always inject it where it shouldn't be used and shit.

You can still see it a little bit with like blogs for auto repair. They'd say stuff like "I turn the key... And... Nothing... Dunno..."

I've noticed old people like to randomly CAPITALISE things. Maybe that's the only way to distinguish them from idiot youth these days.

Here's the bigger /r/The_Donald thread about it.

Law and order only matters if it means less black people and mexicans on the streets

Realistically, there is an excessive and illegal number of Mexican nationals on the streets.

There are too many cumskins on the street realistically.

Racism. Mods?

You must be new here

In the criminal justice system, monetary and slander based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Daddy Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Bum Bum

Or they're trying to hit Trump in ways that will provoke him to fire Mueller... while simultaneously giving new "talking points" and endless fake new stories to the Dems. The most pathetic part about all of this is how the FBI has conveniently never "raided" any office belonging to Hillary or her thugs.


Have you ever considered the possibility that $hillary is just a shit politician and not some nefarious criminal mastermind?

Lol Hillary cannot even scale stairs. Can she even wipe her own ass? She's a puppet of the globalist deep State it's really that simple.

Big if true, but consider this, if she’s as incompetent as you say why would the deep state cabal choose her as their puppet?

Because they need someone who will do anything for money and power. That's why.

Let’s see

Hillary >>>not a Chad or billionaire

Daddy>>>Chad and a billionaire

If you’re right the deep state isn’t very good at picking winners


How many times a day do you think about how corrupt Hillary is? I probably think of her at least 16 times/day and it makes me so MAD

I only think about her when I'm masturbating. Is that weird?

Wow you find time to masturbate even while tirelessly fighting the deep state and redpilling other patriots??? You must have saved a lot of energy by never working out a day in your life



To be phantasmigorically rad. To free-style like a boss. To greet other humans with smiling eyes and delightful enthusiasm. You wish you could put him in your pocket & keep him around forever!


A chad is typically a male. it's common that a chad would have gelled hair and wear sun glasses because they think they make them look cool. Chads would be know to act tough and like they can't fight however they will never fight. Examples of chad brands are afliction tapout hurley famous etc. Chads typically only drink and don't smoke.


A stereotypical douchebag asshole/jock/frat boy/ with an ego the size of the planet, who needs a swift roundhouse kick to the jaw, ala Chuck Norris style (though if actually issued by Norris, this punishment may be too extreme, even for a chad). Basically, they think they're the best at everything, love to talk shit, and are a general nuisance in every way possible.

Geez... just a word of advice. You would do better in your daily arguments if you didn't spend so much time on obscure words to sound smarter. At this point I've lost all motivation to even engage. Good luck mister crazy pants.

At this point I've lost all motivation to even engage.

He said in his reply

White trash """people""" aren't known for their tenacity, sadly

Son, there was not a single obscure word in that comment. How dumb are you?


Lol Hillary cannot even scale stairs.

Trump rode golf cart while G7 leaders walked through Sicily

Meh, using a golf cart is much more elegant than falling down downstairs on multiple occasions. In fact didn't she get thrown into a van like a side of beef during the 9/11 Memorial? Good luck defending that!

Trumps an obese 70 something who shoves McDonald's down his throats multiple time a week. Hillary's basically irrelevant but I guess you need a boogeyman to whatabout about since trumps basically just a tantrum throwing man child who may be semi illiterate.

He's just representing American culture.

a puppet of the globalist deep State

You say this like it's a bad thing 🤔

considering that donald is the fattest president since Taft I think we know who has a harder time wiping their bussy.

I think we know who has a harder time wiping their bussy.

Here is a picture of Hillary literally shitting her pants.

Seriously though, at this point what more do you need here? lol

we won't judge

works for me! likewise for the whole "cuck" thing.

whatever floats your boat.

no u c...cuck

Imagine being this much of a messy twink

messy twink

lolz please keep that type of thing in /r/politics

I don't post in that sad shitshow. We're all Radical Centrists here, friendo 😎👉👉

We're all Radical Centrists here

You sure? Today is my first time here and it seems like just another liberal shitshow of hive-mind gender confused cucks.

No offense or anything though, my centrist friendo. 😎👉👌

You sure? Today is my first time here and it seems like

We've already established you're a retarded inbred tho

you're a retarded inbred

Much logic, such deep conversation and clear wisdom in these words carefully chosen words. Do you happen to have a newsletter? Because you exhibit an impressively wise perspective on contemporary topics.

Thanks buddy! Don't forget to like, follow, and subscribe!

Lol, you sound like a real fag.


> derp

> 2018


This sub really lives up to it's name... because drama.

no u

o... i c now. ur good, real good. 2 smaht 4 me.

o... i c now. ur good, real good. 2 smaht 4 me.

i'm only goofing /u/negativezerofucks, pls don't leave

You must be composed entirely of soy.

You must be composed entirely of soy.

What is this thing, an insult?

Sure, why not?

Silly soygoys. When will they learn

Never. For us this is more lolworthy trump drama. For them this shit is serious business. Attaching your ego to a buffoon of this magnitude has got to be fucking stressful.

I can't be offended even if I try to be.

Thats good. I wasn't really trying to be insulting. I feel like maybe we should be nicer to Trump supporters. I cant imagine how much stress you're under having attached your ego to such a colossal buffoon. Do you ever feel like a total retard or are you too stupid for that level of self-awareness?

I concur.

Do you ever feel like a total retard or are you too stupid for that level of self-awareness?

Good question I think I'm just blinded by the amazing economy and the record low minority unemployment right now... also the possibility of having a peace deal with North Korea. Pure blind fucking ignorance I guess.

Thats good. I wasn't really trying to be insulting.

Same here, in case I came off that way. How are you cultist-type shitlibs doing with your "Hillary loss" depression and erectile dysfunction? I hope the wounds on your wrists have healed, glad you didn't push harder that night...

Yeah, she can't do any of that but apparently she can be apart of some super secret, super complicated, hush hush deep state, globalist conspiracy working against a guy who lies constantly, proved to lie easily with his fucking twitter, scammed people (Trump University really fucked people), and was a damned reality star.

WTF is wrong with your brain?

She definitely put her dick in some kids on Epstein's pedo island. I was there.

but whatt were u doing their??

I was there getting my young bussy turned out.


Except it's not even true.

Huma Mahmood Abedin (born July 28, 1976) is an American political staffer who was vice chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for President of the United States. Prior to that, Abedin was deputy chief of staff to Clinton, who was U.S. Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

They seized her computer.

You can tell how much they suck down Fox news talking points when you see the same phrases again and again

"Duly elected president"

Adding the word duly in front of it doesn't change the fact that the Russians helped convince swing state voters to elect him despite losing the popular vote.

the Russians


Even trumps own appointments agree with their predecessors that Russia interferenced with our election process and intends to continue doing so based on the actual evidence they have access to. They caught a Russian cyber attack on France in the days leading the their election. They've also testified to this publicly under oath. Stop being a pussy and letting Russia try to bring down western republics and democracy because you want to bootlick trump.

You sound like a crazy person posting ShariaBlue bullshit.

You sound like a opinionated yet uninformed. You know you can listen to their testimonies for free on CSPAN right? Your probably to busy bootlicking for that. The interference campaign was more sophisticated than just some Facebook ads.

And you sound like an absolute pussy

Well, I was mimicking one so

ShareBlue has a perfect record and has never published anything false

Everyone who disagrees with me is a ShariaBlue shill REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No, some are just misinformed

Do you think repeating what he said in a mocking way will somehow make it not true?

Do you really think some absurd Nanchurian candidate fantasy is true

Duly obtained search warrant

Duly denied bail

Duly fucked pornstar

Duly ordered Big Mac

Man, that really does work on everything.

/u/endprism sorry life as poor white trash isn't working out too well for you

"The feeling you are sensing would have been infinitely worse had Hillary been elected. You are sensing the insanity of the left and probably have come to the same conclusion we all have...that the left is still largely in control of the federal bureaucracy. They own all the other institutions like Hollywood and academia but don't give up hope. We're just now beginning to win because we're finally standing up and rejecting their bullshit. You've taken the red pill. Spotting liberalism is easy but tough to root out of our society."

Mueller is a republican. The Attorney General was appointed by Trump.

So is the US Attorney in NY who ordered the raid. Trump fired the other dude, who know is a podcaster.

The deep podcast state.

"The left owns everything but that's why they gave away House/Senate Majority and the presidency."

Even when they have their cake they still try to play the downtrodden underdog.

Trumptards are so cucked by the left that they have to make up conspiracies about the left controlling the deep state despite the right controlling the presidency and both houses of congress.

Same thing happens in Belgium. Our biggest party right now started about a decade ago as underdogs, which they still pretend to be now. They're constantly playing the victim, but it does seem to work.

/r/belgium doesn't even exist, stop lying about your fictious country.

Their party controls the most important positions in the government, pass tax cuts, threaten DACA, are actually budgeting a border wall, attempting trade wars and they have the gall to insist the left are still in power lol

Schrodinger's Democrats

This is not about “justice” or “answers”. This is about “impeachment"

Why not both?

They are still talking about hillary.


“Do not let the true evil out of your sight“



This had to be signed off on by the DoJ. Jeff Sessions is in so much trouble right now.

Man I hope trump stays as the president. How many presidents can say they fucked a pornstar.

Kennedy probably, though Marilyn Monroe would be close enough, right?

I would say sex symbol qualifies as "honorary porn star"

Didnt trump fuck a model too. For free? Whod suck his cheeto for free??? Idiot

I'm sure she got something out of it.

Cheeto stains?

Life time of shame and self loathing for letting that thing inside him.

Dont kinkshame her cheeto preference

Didnt trump fuck a model too. For free? Whod suck his cheeto for free??? Idiot

I just don't want Pence in the office. He might actually be somewhat competent in terms of getting (and knowing) what he wants...

There's also the possibility of him being a lame duck in this scenario


rude, ableism, reported

I'm really hoping that the investigation and trial take enough time that Pence is in office less than a year. Hopefully not enough time to do anything major.

Pence actually believes all that shit he spews.

Conspiracy time!

What if Trump's idea of making America "great" again was through martyring himself to the justice system so that Pence can assume power and enact policy change that will put us back in the 1950's?

Ermahgawd! That explains so much! Big Daddy is just using himself as bait to get all the baddies to expose themselves!

After he takes all the neo-cons and RINOs down with him, Pence will be free to rule the world! take power and put all those upitty minorities in their place make America great again!

True ☆¿D chess!

Honestly I hope everyone in the direct line of successions falls so we get President Mad Dog. He's fifth I think.

Here's how Sanders can still win...

They need to abolish the age limit for presidency. Im 17 and i think id do a bang up job. Plus i have sexy green eyes.


Tell me how many presidents had green eyes

If the answer is anything above 0 it’s too many, also I bet you’re ginger. Disgusting soulless husk.

Nahhhhhhh bro uber chad with jet black hair, green eyes, and a totes adorbs face

Are u american?

im english

even less qualified than an amerifat, sorry



Choose one

Im from New York bro! Mayomerican where its at



ughghhh fine im a curry lover

Too late, guvnah



Actually looking at your comment history you're pretty chad.

You statements are in fact true.

Keep chadding.

You're not too bad yourself!

You seem like a pretty cool dude.

im pretty likeable irl. plus green eyes

What's with the green eyes?

I have them.

HMU when you turn 18 so I can get at that bussy

You two need to get room

Pics or it didn't happen

I hate you already. Shrek yourself.


Come to the loft in the city and I'll buy you alcohol and other drugs.


U gonna rape my bussy i kno it. Dont tempt me

All the worst ones

Fuck it. Im gonna run for president when im 35

I was curious so looked it up. TIL if you want to be president and have brown eyes you're most likely fucked.

Can we please get an age limit on this fuckin sub? I couldn't give a shit about what someone that young has to say.

dude if u r older than 21 and on reddit, ur an incel

then explain /r/gonewild

U ever heard of catfishes

meh, people born in 1985 will be able to run for president in 2020. that means people that were part of the crazy 2000s internet will be able to run.

I hope some fuck can get Chris-chan to run.

I don't want Pence in office, until 2025.

The Trump salt is getting to much George Bushian currently. Having swap would not be that bad of idea. Guess you fags getting zapped.

Most of em seem pretty well off, probably could if they wanted to.

And Clinton almost certainly did just out of sheer statistical inevitability

I have a hard time imagining Big Willy Clinton not getting his sausage peppered with more than just Monica.


Kennedy thrusted that crippledick into many a thot.


In light of the downvotes this has garnered, can this get a sticky?

"oppress a jew and he'll figure out how to come back sue you." ~ Amelia Earhart

Jesus Christ. This fucker is a Cooley graduate.

is a Cooley graduate.

That's an interesting way to write "has high school level education"

Daddy better hide his Trussy🍑😉


It doesn’t even feel like we are living in America anymore.

Says Babushka.

Trump colluded with Russia to pay stormy mctits? What is this investigation even about anymore?

Same thing Slick Willys was about when a special prosecutor was appointed to investigate whitewater: a Cummies stained 👗 and illicit affair culminating in an impeachment proceeding.

Investigating the president to trigger the cons

Could be payback for that whole clinton/lewinsky thing. The deepstate has a long memory.

Mueller had the same wide ranging power of investigation that special councils usually get. If they find out about a crime, they have the power to go after it. This particular action is interesting, because mueller didn’t think it was worth his time, but he had every right, and some would say duty, to report this to the New York AG in case they wanted to go after it. Which they clearly did.

Same thing that exposed Nixon as fucking mob style political hack and exposed Clinton.

Mueller did not orchestrate this raid. He handed the information off to someone else, who then moved forward with it.

It is about arresting and prosecuting people who break the law.

Annnnnnnnnd, it is not Mueller's team who is handling this. Mueller just passed his findings along to the AG and the AG unzipped his pants and pulled out his long reaching FBI no-knock warrent to shove up Cohen's ass.

Mueller finds evidence of illegal activities

"Whoops! This isn't directly related to my mandate, specifically, Russian collusion!! Better just forget about it hehe"

That's not how special counsels work you spud

yeah, it's another nothing burger. The libtards are working themselves into a frothing frenzy over it though, so the letdown is going to be spectacular.

I don't see why it would be an issue. As far as I'm aware Trump is an ethical man who has nothing to fear from a wide ranging investigation.

Leaked pic of daddy immediately after hearing about the raid

POOR DADDY 😭😭😭😭😢😤😭😱😱😱

Super Saiyan😂


Jeff Sessions better get in front of this or he'll be out by Friday. Just saying.

Nobody can understand what you're saying with Daddy's cock in your mouth

saying this unironically

saying this and not being paid a single ruble

saying this unironically

saying this and not being paid a single ruble

He recused himself, remember? He can't do shit.

Trump boning Stormy and then having Cohen pay her off to keep quiet, potentially with campaign funds, is what may pierce the attorney-client privilege wall between Trump and Cohen and allow for Mueller to sweep and take information not just related to Trump boning porn skanks, but information passed between Trump and Cohen possibly relating to supposed Russian collusion or potentially any other crime that Trump may have committed either while Cohen represented him or possibly beyond that.

Essentially, Trump's love of boning porn stars and playmates is what might bring him down. How poetic.

Trump's downfall is due to his dick.

As with many other men. Really ironic if this is the thing that brings him down.

Imagine still thinking Russian collusion is on the table

Daddy says it's not, so its NOT 😤😭

Dude, I'm already working on a musical stage play based on this whole fiasco written from the perspective of Barron. He's old enough to know something is wrong, but not old enough to really understand what's happening. He's arguably the only innocent party (maybe Tiffany, too) in this whole political tragedy.

It's a "coming of age" story that uses the events of the Trump presidency as a background. The stage will be styled like Minecraft blocks and will blur in-game and real-life events. I just have to wait it out for the ending, but since the story is being narrated by "adult" Barron through flashbacks, I wrote him in as America's first (post-OP) transgender astronaut as he prepares for the first manned mission to Mars.

I so badly want this to be real..

Scene 1 Act

A small boy of about 13-years-old is sitting in front of a computer screen. The familiar sound satisfying sound of an iron pick axe against a massive deposit of coal and be heard in the background. The sound of a shovel digging is combined with the pick axe to create a "rhythm" as a tall, thin, but very attractive woman walks onto stage. More and more sounds from Minecraft are overlaid into the rhythmic composition as the spotlight slowly dims on the boy and the woman starts to sing in rhythm to the Minecraft soundtrack....

"This is how I spent the daaaaay

the Agents took my dad awaaaaay

I was digging for Ore,

and exploring for more

in this wonderful game I plaaaaay.

I'm safe with my headphones on

volume's loud so I can't hear my Mom

I can't see her tears,

or the worst of her fears,

when the feds came to take dad awaaaaay

on that hot muggy day in Maaaaaaay,

but I stayed inside to plaaaaaaay

Minecraft! The best game ever!

Minecraft! It even has weather!

Minecraft! You can built a boat!

Minecraft! Live in a castle with a Moat!

The Feds can't get me now!

I'm the king of this town!


u got a patreon?

Oh thank you so much for this 🌹🌷

Hey /u/xNotch whaddya say?

plz /u/xNotch.

And you'll keep wanting and wanting, because it will amount to nothing. Feel free to give me an "I told you so" if Trump is impeached. So sad.

:( I still don't get his appeal. I'm from the south and all these people that are pretty much below the poverty line voted for him even though he would end a lot of the social programs they depend on if he could and its obvious he doesn't even like poor people. I know some people voted for him because they actually thought Hillary would go door to door and take everyone's guns! I love the south,its beautiful but the amount of stupid is just astounding.

And I'M writing a Mario Bros. musical parody called Koopa! It takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom and begins with King Koopa (played as a combination of Harvey Atkins' cartoon version and Dennis Hopper's Trump-a-like in the movie) running for election against Princess Toadstool (in the Hillary role).

It's election night and The Mario Bros., Toad, and mushroom people are wearing I'm With Her shirts, while the Koopa Kids, Hammer Bros., Koopa Troopas, and Goombas are wearing MKKA (Make the Kingdom KoopAgain) hats.

With a little help from some magic wands, Koopa pulls off a stunning victory (special guests Milli Vanilli as the inauguration performers).

He then sets about putting the Koopa Kids into various posts in his administration (with Lemmy and Iggy in the Don Jr. and Eric roles and Wendy in the Ivanka role) and ruining the Mushroom Kingdom with their erratic decisions.

The Mario Bros. have to figure out the mystery behind Koopa's victory while beating the snot out of his minions. Meanwhile, infighting among the treacherous Koopa Kids threatens to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom.

Rated PG-13 for adult language.

Bro do it this would sell out on broadway

If you can't convince your client who's spent the last fifty years being as much of a scum fuck, borderline illegal criminal as possible to not run for the job that brings the greatest legal and media scrutiny in the world then you don't deserve to practice law.

He’s coming for daddy!!!

Didn't the Democrats convince us that Trump would be in prison by now? It's laughable that the Liberals here are circlejerking about his lawyer's office being raided by the FBI. For most serious thinkers they know that this is just a sign of pure desperation at this point in the game.

Didn't the Democrats convince us that Trump would be in prison by now? It's laughable that the Liberals here are circlejerking about his lawyer's office being raided by the FBI. For most serious thinkers they know that this is just a sign of pure desperation at this point in the game. Incoherent ramblings of a fentanyl addict


Lolz. Are you cucks going to cry when you find out this has nothing to do with Trump? ;) but don't worry because Hillary can still win! If you close your eyes hard enough you can almost see the Russian collusion...hah!

"serious thinkers" unironically said about the_donald

Holy shit man, holy shit


You mean the President.

...the subreddit. Tears clouding your sight?

The Donald is the President. Deal with it.


Holy buttblast Batman!


Didn't Trump tell us Hillary would ve in prison right now?

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot)

The searches open a new front for the Justice Department in its scrutiny of Mr. Trump and his associates: His longtime lawyer is being investigated in Manhattan; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is facing scrutiny by prosecutors in Brooklyn; his campaign chairman is under indictment; his former national security adviser has pleaded guilty to lying; and a pair of former campaign aides are cooperating with Mr. Mueller.

That is significant because Mr. Manafort's lawyers have challenged Mr. Mueller's mandate as overly broad.Mr. Cohen is a longtime lawyer and fixer who, in a decade at Mr. Trump's side, has served as a reliable attack dog against real or perceived threats to Mr. Trump.

Asked last week why Mr. Cohen made the payment, Mr. Trump replied: "You'll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney, and you'll have to ask Michael Cohen."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Trump#1 Cohen#2 search#3 Mueller#4 prosecutors#5

Surprisingly it's /r/worldnews coming out on top so far. LARPer with big plans to stand around with his guns.

This deserves it's own post

I don't get why these gun freaks think they can do shit against a United "we have a $500 billion dollar war infrastructure at our disposal" States.

Like who are they going to fight against anyway? Republican controlled congress who they literally elected? Or is it just an excuse to MAGA and lynch a liberal on the streets?

Law and order only matters when it's law and order that benefits you lol

I’d like to see you try and do something /u/tragician

....then laugh when a cop shoots a tear gas canister right at your purple angry face.

If everyone around you is falling, how long before they come for you?

Yeah, raiding someone's attorney is extremely off limits. Mueller has lost his mind or else he has nothing and is trying to goad the President into firing him.

lol what

Raiding the PRESIDENT'S attorney is some soft-coup madness than could get people killed.

Sounds like a threat, gimpy

Coups get people killed. That is an observation, not a threat.

A special prosecutor appointed by the DOJ executes a search warrant signed by a judge = coup?

Are you just acting retarded?

A search warrant against your attorney to get dirt on you is a violation of your civil rights.

A search warrant against the President's attorney in an attempt to overturn an election is a coup.

So that's a no on the acting part.

You need better material, boo boo.

^totes not bussy blasted at all



... Ug, not if the lawyer is committing a crime dumbass. Lawyer's don't get some magical immunity where they can break the law.

Look's like Daddy has some company in not understanding the law whatsoever and being bussy-blasted past the point of recognition

not understanding the law

This is why you can't interfere with people's attorneys, you numbskull.

Unless the attorney was complicit in a crime, dickpimple.

It is incredibly difficult to prove that an attorney is "complicit" in the crime of his client, because attorney-client privilege protects discussions relating to any such theoretical crimes. Again, going after the attorney in search of evidence is exceedingly rare and is almost always prosecutorial misconduct and a threat to everyone's basic freedom.

But he did, since his attorney is so retarded he publicly stated that he broke the law

Sorry, your dumb conjecture does not give you the right to seize communications between the attorney and client.

Sorry, your dumb conjecture does not give you the right to seize communications between the attorney and client. If I say things that makes them true.

Your mouthbreathing opinion vs. Fmr FBI director/current special counsel and a federal judge.

I think you've got just the right credentials to post in /r/legaladvice

Yes, my opinion is in concurrence with the vast majority of attorneys and contrary to that of a specific, incredibly controversial attorney pursuing political aims. You've got it.

in concurrence with the vast majority of attorneys

The US Supreme Court via Clark v. United States says you're full of shit

I think you've got just the right credentials to post in /r/legaladvice

no u



Where did he say that?

He admitted it publicly. How fucking stupid are you?

Attorneys aren't immune to legal proceedings you fucking retard
Show me one law that prevents this

Attorney client communication is almost entirely immune to seizure, discovery or admission and it is a huge fucking deal when some tries to make an exception

Are you a lawyer?


w0w so it isn't illegal, like I was saying
Maybe fucking kill yourself, buddy

Keep Yourself Safe, friend.

Maybe fucking kill yourself, buddy.

Don't do this.

Yep he has spent millions and the media is all in with “Muh Russia” so he’s getting desperate to bring non process crime charges to higher level folks.

Yeah it's not like some trumps top hires have been indicted or anything. 5 guilties for cooperation and one in jail.

It’s not like those crimes occurred while drump wasn’t even a candidate or had anything to do with Drumpft in general. Muuuuuuh Russia to be candid I do miss all of the fake news stories about Russia though

It’s not like those crimes occurred while drump wasn’t even a candidate

You realize trump was planning this election run since way back in 2014 right?

had anything to do with Drumpft in general.

You only know the ones they've been publicly charged with, pretty obvious those guilty pleas came with the string of they need to cooperate and spill on the rest of trump campaign and trump. Pretty much every top trump official and his kids have been caught lying about meeting Russian agents and a few in communication and coordination with Wikileaks a foreign state actor to coordinate. Pretty interesting seeing Russian embassies, wikileaks, and trump campaign posting coordinated propaganda multiple times.

Fake news much? Lmao at the people they haven’t charged yet. Mueller on a fishing expedition bc they may not even have any of these charges stick if manafort wins his filing. Someone in the dnc gave Wikileaks those emails bc Hillary fucked Bernie, and there is still zero evidence of any Russian collusion. Literally zero, I’d love to see some though tbph

Which filing? He's lost his motion to have the case tossed already and his arguement about "over reach". There's a good link to start with.

Ya I’m out the loop admittedly. Remember Your Russia conspiracy theory when you make fun of Q and the great awakening hot rod.

Sounds like patriotic police work, bringing criminals to justice no matter who they are.

True Patriots don't beat off to a guy they call God Emperor.

The President works for America. His opponents work for narrow ideology.

The President work for himself, only cares about himself, only cares about his ego. He's always been like that, ALWAYS. Gotta be one gullible half-wit to think he's suddenly changed, especially with everything he's doing and how he acts.

The President work for himself

Then we are fortunate that his self is synonymous with America.

No... that definitely is not it.

He has not deviated from my vision for a true American President in any way.

God bless Donald J. Trump, an actual, larger-than-life hero.



Surely this is the end of Dumpf! What ever will he do. Looks like shareblue was right all along.

Can you at least try to be interesting instead of using dead memes

Folks using Drumpf unironically like you wouldn’t believe dead memes

Combating dead memes by also using dead memes

Bold strategy Let's see if it pays off

It will dag nabbit. I seen it work beforeinns

Virgin Trump v. Chad Mueller

I'm sure a man who is continually outwitted by a porn star's attorney is just playing 18D Snakes and Russians.

I hope nothing comes of it. /r/politics temper tantrum will be glorious. But if something does come of it, /r/thedonald will be spazzzing out. WE WIN EITHER WAY!

Is it a surprise that the lawyer of a crook is a crook himself?

They often are the ones doing the crookery for their clients.

Can this retard stop wasting tax payer money on his witch hunts all ready?

According to /u/turbofarts1

but Cohen is also his personal attorney, so its not an open shut case here IMO that this constituted a campaign donation. I dunno, it seems like a long shot.

How is the long shot working out for you as an armchair lawyer? Does it hurt your fragile little ego to be so wrong about the law? When Daddy Trump talks about loving The poorly educated," he was talking about /u/turbofarts1.