Last year, you helped me define some of the internet fringe communities. Today, I'm asking for further help.

51  2018-04-10 by mtaibbi_rs

The idea of growing fringe communities on the internet if fascinating to me. Would you say that more people are aligning themselves with these types of communities? If so, what do you think is driving people to identify with one community or another?

Could you provide me with your definition of the following communities and phrases?

  • Chapo

  • Libertarian (as it is discussed in online forums)

  • /r/communism

  • "Liberals", as used in both the Chapo community and the /r/communism community

  • Q and the Great Awakening

  • Gender Critical

  • TERF

Do you see the possibility of such online communities having real-life effect?



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Libertarians don't use the internet, everyone who claims to be a Libertarian on the internet is a Pedo, Everyone else is a soyboy besides TERFS who are Feminisms only hope because people actually talk about Women's Rights without killing themselves somehow.

I don't know what Q is, the new Pepe I assume since you're a out of touch nerd who doesn't know the Right Wing Fringe Communities I assume

Do you see the possibility of such online communities having real-life effect?

Go outside.

Gender Critical

The sidebar of their sub list Gender Critical main mission as being a critique of the very idea of gender, but most of their content is only tangentially related to this. They dislike MtFs for being born male, and also endorsing the ideas of genders by first somewhat lending credence to the idea by supporting that they were born or meant to be a certain gender biologically, and due to them acting in ways GC sees them as confirming MtFs beliefs in gender stereotypes. I think they could have an effect in having a somewhat more liberal leaning critique of transgenderism, which would allow more people to contemplate and express such ideas. Their main defining feature is their hatred of males in every possible implementation. People identify with this community because they hate males, and see them as biologically flawed individuals, and don't want to see them included in society in any un-submissive way.




People who are anti-punishment-for-victimless-crimes and generally anti-market-regulation

... (as it is discussed in online forums)

Pot smoking pretweens who hate poor people



"Liberals", as used in both the Chapo community and the /r/communism community

Apologists for capitalism and oppression. MLK’s “white moderate”. (Editor’s note: if it wasn’t for liberals, commies would be lynched by right wing chimps)

Q and the Great Awakening

Geriatric retards fighting against a world that deems them irrelevant and rightfully so

Gender Critical

People who are triggered by other people’s triggeredness. CringeAnarchy for white girls




A friend simulator podcast for and by leftists. It involves a lot of edgy humor that much of the fanbase doesn't approve of (they still donate to their patreon).


The ideology for people on the spectrum.


Communists of the edgy stalin-supporting variety

"Liberals", as used in both the Chapo community and the /r/communism community

People who identify as left wing, but aren't quite on board with the gulags (for /r/communism) and/or the overthrow of the capitalist economic system.

Q and the Great Awakening

A troll from 4chan, who made up some sort of conspiracy theory, and the boomers that fell for it.

Gender Critical & TERF

They are the same thing, the former is self description, while the latter is derogatory (an acronym for Trans Excluding Radical Feminist). According to themselves, they are against gender essentialism and its derivatives (therefore, against trangender people). To others, they hate men so much they see trans people as enemy spies.

They all share the same definition: “retarded faggots”

Aye the real life effect is these cunts sit online all day and fuck up their uni education or stick with that sweet NEET life. Any cunt that sits on reddit all day is fucking up some part of their life.


  • Gay.

Libertarian (as it is discussed in online forums)

  • Gay.


  • Hard Gay.

"Liberals", as used in both the Chapo community and the /r/communism community

  • Gayer than a Liberace / Richard Simmons hot tub party.

Q and the Great Awakening

  • Crypto-Gay

Gender Critical

  • Alt Right Nazis (BBC fetish Gay)


  • Rush Limbaugh boat ride with underage Dominican boy gay.

Do you see the possibility of such online communities having real-life effect?

Millions of people are literally terrorized by mean comments on the internet and insensitive hashtags every day. How could you deny this, you fucking alt-right pepetard nazi.

Millions of people are literally terrorized by mean comments on the internet and insensitive hashtags every day.

This, but unironically, you bussies

gay # homo # urgay # fatty

accurate af

Gayer than a Liberace / Richard Simmons hot tub party.

That would be an awesome party.

Chapo Trap House is a far leftist podcast. The subreddit is almost entirely made up of various types of socialists/communists. They love smugposting but also have a lot of infighting.

Libertarian in it's basic sense is for personal liberty with a small government. That means legalising drugs and basically all other "victimless" crimes, low taxes, etc, etc, with the government only getting involved for basic ground rules (e.g. outlawing murder and rape) and when absolutely necessary. The movement is often hijacked by and conflated with anarcho-capitalists who are some of the most retarded people on the planet.

Not too sure about /r/communism but from my experience it's pretty much the same as Chapo but not about the podcast specifically.

Liberals as used in Chapo and /r/communism is basically anyone left of center that isn't full blown commie left. They're say they're for equality and some social programs which isn't enough for the spergs at Chapo.

Q is a chan poster, originally from 4/pol/ but now posts on 8chan. He claims to be close with the Trump administration and know insider secrets about what's going down internally and posts supposed clues in the form of cryptic vague messages that could mean anything. /r/greatawakening is the new version of /r/CBTS_stream (CBTS meaning calm before the storm) after it got banned dedicated to trying to decipher Q's clues. The aforementioned vagueness makes them believe even more when something happens that could fit some loose terminology in a past Q post. Obviously it started with /pol/tards but for some reason I can't figure out, it attracted a bunch of gullible out-of-touch boomers that don't know how to use the internet properly (the types whose Twitter names are #DeplorableSusan 🇺🇸✝️🐸), making it all that much more entertaining.

/r/GenderCritical is a subreddit for TERFs - trans exclusionary radical feminists. They're almost your run-of-the-mill tumblr feminist except they really, and I mean really hate trans people. They see FtMs as traitors and MtFs as infiltrators. They also think TERF is an offensive slur LMAO.

Don't see any of these having any real world effects. Every time the far left does literally anything IRL pretty much everyone else hates their guts (see: Berkeley). TERFs are a pretty small group and are hated by literally everyone else. Q's entire following will be dead within the next couple of years. The only ones I can see having an impact are liberals which seems to be the majority of people these days anyway, and to an extent libertarians (or the sane ones at least).

Spot on definition of the Q fan base.

The difference between Chapo and /r/communism is that chapo purged the tankies.

Libertarian in it's basic sense is for personal liberty with a small government. That means legalising drugs and basically all other "victimless" crimes,

Like fucking nine year olds.

If your crime isn't literal murder Libertarians think it should be legal. Also fuck building and maintaining roads.

Ask u/flapyourwings if she honestly believes terfs are fringe and watch her go on a spree about how they are some "growing movement.

Post bussy.

Chapo - The Bernouts version of Jon Stewart liberals - thinks guffawing is an argument/gets all their news from a comedy show but a little more to the left.

/r/communism - Deranged tankies who actually believe the things in the books Chapotards pretend they've read.

"Liberals" - The types of liberals around r/neoliberal almost all believe in capitalism. To r/communism, this makes them the friendly face that the bourgeoisie put on their boot pushing down on the face of the proletariat. To chapo, this makes them the man that's, like, running, like, you know, the system and stuff.

Q and the Great Awakening - Conspiratard wing of the conspiratard party. Believe an anonymous internet poster feeds them secrets using boards like 4/chan.

Lolbertarians - Lolbertarians tend to be adolescents who to see libertarianism entirely through the lens of some form of self gratification being emphasized at the moment, i.e. blockchain, getting rich, etc.

Would you say that more people are aligning themselves with these types of communities?

Natural sorting process is prolly the main factor. More focused groups on boards break away and form their own board.

what do you think is driving people to identify with one community or another?

As far as I can tell, the people on these boards seem to genuinely have a lot in common.

Do you see the possibility of such online communities having real-life effect?

Maybe chapo or other large subs can have an effect on others. If anything, I think the smaller more extreme subs could be increasing the social isolation of their members.


Matt Taibbi do your own fucking research!

this, but unironically

serious posting to this thread should be a bannable offense

It's OK to be President Donald Trump.

Did he ever post an article from the last time?


Maybe the Zero Hedge site is down.

I've only read his Blackwater book. You hear that /u/mtaibbi_rs, I've only read one of your books!!

Online Libertarian (AKA LOLbertarian) No understanding of actual Libertarianism. Claims they are a "Libertarian" but actually they just want to live somewhere where they can live safe and free exactly like they already do in America, but also not have the police interfere if they go on a spree shooting or rape little kids or take a lot of drugs in a public place. Also they shouldn't have to pay taxes.

rape little kids.

It's not rape if the child consents tho

pretty sure r/neoliberal is the def'n of liberal the chapo sub uses, or alternately, most blue checkmark people on twitter

hard to tell the difference bc they constantly try to outpander each other


Buncha liberals who wish they were communist but don't have the balls to go full retard

Libertarian (as it is discussed in online forums)

Buncha socialists who want to believe in freedom but only through the eyes of government enforcement. (Not real libertarian thought btw but that's what it has become online)


Tankies who think Marx wasn't a crybaby bitch

"Liberals", as used in both the Chapo community and the /r/communism community

Anyone with slightly more right leaning than they are

Q and the Great Awakening

Just LOL

Gender Critical

Literally insane women


A slightly less insane version of 3rd wave feminism.

Do you see the possibility of such online communities having real-life effect?

Some more than others.

Dammit, why did you have to post effortpost fodder when I'm busy at work?

How is work at the National Library of Congress' Obscure Internet Drama Division?

Doesn't pay enough tbqhwy

yo taibbi when's your next article about how much tom friedman sucks dick, i need my fix

  • Chapo

Smarmy safespace for leftists in general. Used to be heavily tankie, but they are having a purge/civil war of sorts.

  • Libertarian

Kinda like fantasy role-playing, but for politics.


  • Liberals

Anyone who doesn't agree with tankies, but still doesn't agree with the right. Doesn't mean anything really, it's just a term used to browbeat people into submission or leaving.

  • Q and the Great Awakening

no idea, brief glances make it seem like a particularly wacky form of the already wacky conspiracy theories the far right embraces. could be wrong.

  • Gender Critical

Ultra-radical feminists who loathe men, and loathe trannies even more for being men that they feel they are forced into accepting as women. Really bitter at the best of times, but I will concede they have more consistent logic to them then a lot of other feminists.

  • TERF

See above, more or less.

Do I see these having much real life effect? I suppose it depends on how you measure it. Libertarianism and far leftist movements are growing, but I think the base for that comes from beyond these communities, they just add jet fuel to it, give it more of an identity. "Liberals" as a slur also just reflects America's growing political divide.

Gender Critical/TERF I think will actually be driven a lot by online communities. Loads of people, feminists or not, are really uncomfortable about the whole tranny question even as they are being guilted into accepting it(they don't). Gender Critical/TERF is extremely belligerent and bitter obviously, but they represent the only real, consistent rebuttal to it all without excessive kowtowing.

you raped underage russian girls. why should we help you?

Don't give me that satire bullshit either. you only started saying it once people realized how much of a psychopath you were. If Trump tomorrow said he was "satirically" portraying a bad president it wouldn't stop you from criticizing him you pedo.

wtf I love Matt Tabibi now


Gayest cunts on this entire website and proud of the fact.


Communists online


White girls who hate their dads


Stupid pizzagate

Rolling Stone is for faggots and rape fantasy fanfic.


go away normie cancer journalist

Matthew C. "Matt" Taibbi is an American author and journalist. Taibbi has reported on politics, media, finance, and sports, and has authored several books, including Insane Clown President, The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap, Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America and The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics,

lol why are you all doing this guy’s homework

Chapo: Nerdy white male poors

Libertarian (as it is discussed in online forums): Nerdy white male richies

/r/communism Teenagers who are afraid they will never have money

"Liberals", as used in both the Chapo community and the /r/communism community: Hillary Clinton & John McCain

Q and the Great Awakening: Probably fake

Gender Critical: asexual weirdos

TERF: traditional-style feminists that with a strong antipathy to futa

TERF: Feminists who hate men so much that you can surgically remove your dick and renounce your manhood and they will still fucking hate you.


some left-leaning podcast, I don't fuckin' care


Polish libertarians either worship old nutjob in tie or are even more nutty




I assume most liberals on reddit are Clinton-worshippers and have some obscure degree


Boomers, who just discovered chans


batshit insane



If I help you will you let me lick your receding hairline?

Ask someone else to make your Wikipedia entry for you--it's entirely too long. Wikis like yours always scream, EVERY ONE OF MY FARTS HAS INFLUENCED ME AND WHY YES I DID WRITE MY OWN WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE