How did we miss this sub? A group of people predicted something BIG would happen today because of some code deciphered into 'they are taking over', 'all will die', etc. Is the end nigh?

143  2018-04-18 by snallygaster


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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weird that they have the same CSS as /r/animalgifs...


the fuck

What the whatin’ what-the-what?


/u/Arszilla 7A363641202A40464344363D372024323736

/u/Arszilla Don't listen to 73696D756C6174696F6E, 36PMKRPOQGQKUEQCAHPV3LBBBM4JUXACON

/u/Arszilla, youre alright, dont go to 7G3KFO9UUUUU73696D756C6174696F6E36PMKRPOQGQKUEQCAHPV3LBBBM4JUXACON tonorrow

Hi. Creator here

I suggest you to read the megathread 2.0 first then see the DISCUSSION thread to ask questions etc

TLDR: some guy on twitter made up some shit and now people are taking it seriously (?)

Well there are accounts; posting cryptic messages for 2-3 years now.

We are trying to debunk them

The voicemail is fake but the stuff after it hold credibility so far

It's likely that it's all one person. Lurk around and you'll learn that certain people are literally insane. This is someone pulling a long con. Trying to be the next John Titor

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lol thread deleted.


Hello there

How's your day? Anything interesting happen?

Maybe in the near future perhaps. Regarding CERN or NASA perhaps (In my opinion)

Are you pro or anti daddy?

Whatnis that suppose to mean?

Are you for or against daddy? It's a simple question.

Who is daddy is the question that must be answered first

Orange Daddy ofc...

Donald Trump





🎵is he rich like me?🎵

A+++ taste

Trump. Do you support Trump, yes or no.

If the moon were made of cheese, would you eat it?!?

What's your stance on Trump? BASED, cuck-BTFOing GEOTUS pwning the libtards, or nazi rapist oppressor-of-minorities who will cause WW3 any day now? (You have to pick one or the other- no in betweensies)

(Also, it's probably help your sub's numbers if you linked that 'megathread', rather than just mention it. r/drama types tend have difficulties with tasks more complex than "click here".)

I do not care bout the subreddit’s status etc.

I do not share my political views about other world leaders except Erdogan. I only talk bout the stuff that I am knowledged on.

How did you find this place so fast?

Someone pinged me (mentioned me) so yea...

Aww, shucks. I was thinking you were a extremely good detective. :(


Hi, I hope your day's going well!

How much egg is on your face now that nothing happened?

If anyone wants to talk to these specimens. I assure you this isn't kaalaaaacord

there was this autistic kid in one of my classes in high school and he was fucking terrified of the world ending in 2012. the black kids discovered this and spent the rest of the semester terrorizing him. they'd get him so worked up, he'd be screaming and shit, someone would get sent to the office, rinse and repeat.

by december someone would just have to go "joe, guess what? 2012!!" and he'd be shrieking and pounding his desk and the teacher would be screaming at everyone to lay off him. sometimes the poor kid would just begin shouting "2012 IS NOT REAL. 2012 IS NOT REAL" i think they really broke something in him.

I wonder if he joined the conspiracy world when he grew up.

2012 was a great one. It was around for years; I remember otherkin forums talking about when that was going to be the 'lifting of the veil' wherein they transform into their True Selves and everyone can freely practice 'majick'.

holy shit, what a shame that didn't happen

but was honestly the most credible of all the modern conspiracy theories about the world ending.

Agreed; if any date could be remarkable then it's Dec whatever it was 2012. But life goes on as usual.

The Millenium Bug shit at least had some factual basis (even if it as wildly exagerated), instead of being based on mystical predictions and astrology like most of these things.

I read a book about apocalyptic groups (in particular one fundy Christian group, who kept picking dates, then just picked a new date a few months later when the original date passed without event). They found that failed predictions of "apocalypse on [x] date" only strengthened the convictions of the group, through some bizarro psychology.

TL;DR These niggas be cray cray

Harold Camping

Harold Egbert Camping (July 19, 1921 – December 15, 2013) was an American Christian radio broadcaster, author and evangelist. Beginning in 1958, he served as president of Family Radio, a California-based radio station group that broadcasts to more than 150 markets in the United States. In October 2011, he retired from active broadcasting following a stroke, but still maintained a role at Family Radio until his death. Camping is notable for issuing multiple failed predictions of dates for the End Times, which temporarily gained him a global following and millions of dollars of donations.

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Hey, fsdgfhk, just a quick heads-up:
millenium is actually spelled millennium. You can remember it by double l, double n.
Have a nice day!

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What was the name of that book? Y2K was interesting, but in hindsight I think we overestimated our dependence of technology at that point and it was way overhyped by media and pop culture.

I heard shit could have got pretty bad with powergrid errors causing failures but coders managed to fix everything in time.

AI singularity has far more robust repercussions and no one really talks about it at all. Life goes on


I’d be more worried about an efficient factoring algorithm than sky net tbh

You want to know the secret of robotic influence on the world

There is no efficiency

I just realised I was getting the book ("When Prophesy Fails"- following an apocalyptic UFO cult from the 60s) mixed up with other stuff I'd read about Camping. But, yeah, the Y2K stuff was completely overhyped- I was just a kid but I remember it being obviously overhyped, and that [1] a software problem like that shouldn't be that hard to fix, and [2] even absolute worse-case scenario and all computers did crash, it wouldn't cause the Mad Max scenario people were talking about. (my dad was never known for his great decisions)

When Prophecy Fails

When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter which studied a small UFO religion in Chicago called the Seekers that believed in an imminent apocalypse and its coping mechanisms after the event did not occur. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance can account for the psychological consequences of disconfirmed expectations. One of the first published cases of dissonance was reported in this book.

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It was overhyped, but there was a shitload of backend work done as well. Luckily nerds work well with deadlines.

This is a group in Parks n Rec.

I remember on New Year's Eve2000, one of my local news stations had someone go to a gas station to see if the pumps were working once it was midnight. This poor guy had a look on his face that was a mix of "I could have been getting drunk right now and " I went to journalism school for this?"

6/6/2006 in Hell, Michigan was pretty remarkable.

i remember something about expectant mothers trying to avoid giving birth on that date lmao

December 21st 2012. 12/21/12. My best friends 21st birthday. We liked to joke that he was supposed to do something to end the world.

I think the most credible, objective prediction is this one:

Estimated years from now: 10 duotrigintillion

Description: The heat death of the universe is a scientific theory in which the universe will diminish to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore will no longer sustain directed motion or life.

Yeah but what month?

gross, i didn't even know duotrigintillion existed

In all honesty, at midnight 12/21/12 some tiny part of me breathed a sigh of relief.

You should check out the TSUKI project if you like weird internet doomsday cults. Sadly most of the drama is over by now but there's some archived stuff if you look around.

Our Fire Magic isn't strong enough to counter their Yiff Magic! What shall we do officer?

poor bastard. he probably posts on mde now.

Wait so they thought aliens were coming? How is spirit cooking and satanic baby cannibalism fit in?

It doesn't look like it got overtaken by alt right conspiracy theorists, somehow. At least not from a quick glance.

There's been a helicopter circling over my neighborhood for the last half hour. I think it's started!

What color is it?

I can't tell. There's this weird yellow cloud that appears to be on fire. The fucking thing is blinding; I've never seen anything like it in Portland.

Try moving closer to get a better look, perhaps its golden coloration is a sign from G-d that the undesirables will finally be cast out?

It would totally make sense to start the apocalypse here. Fingers crossed!

I just heard the Blue Angels flying past my house. WOW!

That would actually be really cool.

I saw them a couple of times. It's a really entertaining show. Those guys have to be on a lot of adderall tho.

Do they just go to random airshows?

My house just flew over an ICBM


this seems like a pretty cool arg tbh

As far as ARGs go it's top-notch. Whoever put it together is impressive. It looks like it took years.

Which date was the the great awakening was expecting something to happen?

Oh right, every day.

*Great Woke-ning

To get the maximum effect, should one smoke or snort this type of autism?

boof it

I would but hemmroids 😥😢😭

the number of posts in one day was startling!