/u/wil/ thinks that Brianna Wu is capable to be Congressperson

179  2018-04-19 by kris_1313


We need Brianna in Congress for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that she actually understands technology

this better be fucking ironic

She understands technology like /u/wil understands warp drive.

On a fictional basis only.

She understands technology like /u/wil [-2] understands warp drive acting.


And before anyone argues, playing an obnoxious little shit who needs a slap isn't acting when you're actually an obnoxious little shit who needs a slap.

>/u/wil [-2]


I can never tell who is a good poster and who is a bad poster, because I always upvote everyone. This, unfortunately, results in spergs who have high upvote counts.

Who is u/wil

Will wheaton

Shutup Wesley!

Why does he drop the second l?

He's dumb

Cause he always takes the L

Holy fuck, I'm as dumb as a brain dead donkey on oxycontin

But wil wheaton's idiocy makes me feel sophisticated and intelligent

How do I take what he has?

Ask his wife to shove her Bad Dragontm up your bussy.

Think of it this way: if Star Trek: The Next Generation was a high school, every episode featuring /u/wil is the special ed classroom.

He ended up with a fate worse than Yar's though, being diddled by some old geezer.

Real talk, Tasha is hotter than Troy.

You might want to look her up now before you make that assessment.

Tasha isn't a real person, bro.

Sure Marina Sirtis aged better due to her gypsy blood rituals, but Denise looked better when the show actually existed.

stop smoking that crack, that scary-eyed lesbo never held a candle to the dark and sultry halfbreed alien


Tasha is hotter than Troy Troi.

FTFY and also fuck you. Troi was way hotter than Yar.

Not wanting to get some sweet medical MILF goodness

Both of you have shit taste

Oh I'd fuck /u/wil's space mom too. And then make him smell my fingers.

The chick that played Dr. Crusher was the choreographer for Labrynth. She got to tell David Bowie and Muppets and how to dance.

Troi was way hotter than Yar.

True. But she was even more useless than Wesley, which made me wish they'd teleport her into space.

"Captain, I sense that he's either hiding something...or isn't. He's difficult to read."

"Captain, that giant alien bigger than our ship is too powerful for me to know anything about it. I have a headache and need to go lie down now."

"Captain, I'm getting vague impressions of either fury or joy from the being. It either hates us or loves us."

"Captain, I sense that the captain of the romulan warbird that just fired phasers at us is angry."

What a waste of a seat on the bridge. She should have been stashed down in the bar with Whoopi or something.

Oh yeah, diddled outside of the bounds of time and space too.

But you're assuming a little shitdick like Wesley wasn't totally into that because of his daddy issues to begin with.

Yeah, but I'm still glad Tasha bit the dust. Worf is the superior security officer

Worf was always destined for DS9 to get that dat Trill bussy.

Worf's only purpose was to get the shit beaten out of him to establish how tough the heel of the day was

He also served to make Picard look more diplomatic. Every episode, Worf recommended that they fire torpedos at someone a couple of times only for Picard to be like "Nah, man. We should at least say hello and find out who they are first."

Good point.

His claim to fame was playing an obnoxious brat on Star Trek, and he's an obnoxious brat in real life. I question if he was even acting on the show, to be honest. Patrick Stewart slapped him and told him to shut up a lot, which is pretty much the default reaction to any shit that comes out of /u/wil 's mouth.

Patrick Stewart’s character or the man?

Ehh I'm willing to bet she knows more about technology than your average senator cryptkeeper. Not that it's saying much, but I guess an improvement is an improvement.

Are we using preferred pronouns now? That’s a man baby, yeah!

Have we sunk so low that knowing about backpage makes you a technology savant?

for the standards of senators and congressmen, yeah actually kinda. They are an incredibly low bar over there.

i think congressmen knew about backpage, they were prob the biggest users

heh fair point.

I wouldn't praise its technical understanding too highly, Woo was talking seriously not all that long ago about the threat of foreign powers dropping rocks from the moon.

Not foreign powers anybody.

She was worried about spacex moon mission plans. Because they could drop a rock which would have the power "of 100s of nuclear bombs". All corporation (not sure why private entities are more worrisome) would had to do would be "drop a rock into the planetary gravity well" . Scary

The real threat is ACME anvils dropped from tall buildings and failed Rube Goldberg contraptions. One day I'm going to catch that fucking roadrunner, I swear to Christ.

I think "she" believes that there's an edge to the moon that you can just walk up to and drop a rock off of and nuke the Earth.

All corporation (not sure why private entities are more worrisome) would had to do would be "drop a rock into the planetary gravity well" . Scary

Wait, why do we think corporations have an incentive to kill all their customers again?

Well kinetic weapons are a real thing to be concerned about. Expensive bht sending a big iron rod way out into soace and then accelerating it towards earth for a while can produce like extinction level destruction and we have the capability with today level tech.

The cost and logistics and impracticalities of that far exceed the net benefit (ie. providing better destructive performance than existing systems). In other words, no nobody is dropping rocks from the moon onto the earth (lol) especially not when we can do far more damage with a few hydrogen bombs.


Reminder: he

Don't forget your bios

lol surprised she didn’t call it a mainboard becuz sexism

Did she transition just so she could say everyone is mansplaining to her when she is wrong?

Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: Yes but also because as a kid he was obsessed with sailor moon and for some reason really identified with the ditzy blonde lead so one of his main ambitions was trying to do his best to get rid of his pathetic beta boy body and join the sailor squad. This is best shown in his comics he made in highschool/college.

Hes Sailor Dwarf Planet X2-5827A

we all like to joke about trans people doing it for attention but in briannas case its literally for attention and theyre a legit crazy person

Number one looks suspiciously like a phishing attempt. Those Russian must have hacked apple too. The bastards

How does Wu shit out tweet after tweet without ever reflecting on the perfect SJW caricature that has been painted by their own words? Are we sure Wu's public persona isn't an elaborate autistic satire act?

Some of these madr me irrationally angry. If you're going to write provide don't put in actual code syntax if you're going to fuck it up.

I unironically like the a= b style in C++ but good sweet Allah, Wu needs to be out of his misery.

That C++ code fucking triggered me. Holy shit.

You forgot the time she was quoted by a ton of tech outlets for recommending a PSU wipe:





http://archive.is/2lKKq The tweet in question

Do not install iOS 10. It's also bricked my iPad Pro. iPhone 6S Plus will require PSU wipe. No access to calls, email, or calendar today.

It's truly amazing how one person managed to mislead so many about technology... and now wants to do it professionally... in our government.

"PSU wipe"


Was she trying to say "factory reset?"

... how the fuck did you get here?

Someone linked to it from a mention of /u/wil yesterday.

I didn't even notice it was two months old.

📅 2018-04-17 ⏰ 17:36:08 (UTC)

We need Brianna in Congress for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that she actually understands technology, unlike the clowns who Zuckerberg ran circles around last week.

— Wil 'Ban the Nazis' Wheaton ✅ (@wilw)

🔁️ 113 💟 577


📅 2018-04-17 ⏰ 00:15:44 (UTC)

Our campaign staff needs to grow if we're going to win. I'm looking to make two hires this week. Can we please count on your support? I cannot do this alone.


Click the link below and donate. It's super fast if you have Apple Pay.



— Brianna Wu ✅ (@Spacekatgal)

🔁️ 38 💟 107


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I have no idea what I'm doing otherwise I would have started a SuperPAC to steal your money more efficiently

She has one “employee”. There no way she even knows what a pac is besides being a buzzword.

His cockzucking is far more offensive than his new age wu-wu

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Wil 'Ban the Nazis' Wheaton

Jesus fuck.

He really hated the Wheaton's law.

Wil 'Ate The Pasta' Wheaton

You can't blame his wife for the 'calling the cops on the gorilla warfare pasta' thing though, she's like 60

She is actually only a few years older than wil

She had a twisted ovary

that’s what she said, 60

gorilla warfare pasta

Is this what we're calling the Navy Seal pasta now?

/u/wil just wants someone capable of protecting us against the moon rock menace

Nah, he's just looking to someone manlier than himself for leadership. Lots of impressionable young people do that.

Oh, shit, I forgot he's an insecure middle-aged man. Shit, he's got no excuse.

He had a messed up childhood

/u/wil it's like saying Dr Phil would make a great surgeon general, and Bill Nye should be head of DARPA.

This but unironically. Maga

At this rate it’s going to become “the reason we live in a conservatard society, thanks progressives.”

Wtf I love 💗 progressives now.

"Don't you see? The fact that our insane demands for societal chance caused backlash from all the moderates is just more proof that we're right!"

Honestly at this point if Congress said, “dear morons of America, keep listening to retarded progressives or go back to Puritanism and get all “drown the witch,” which do you want?”

I’m ready for Puritanism. Let’s do it.

Implying SJWs aren't puritans wearing a different hat.

Though I could do for a good witch drowning, to be honest.

Well we won’t have to hear about transsexuals and open marriages.

Puritants actually included forgivness should you repent. SJWs lack even that basic bit of empathy

she actually understands technology


That's just bizarre.

She's not wrong about kinetic space weapons being dangerous (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment), but typically you'd want them satellite mounted in orbit over the Earth, not on the Moon.

Kinetic bombardment

A kinetic bombardment or a kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert projectile, where the destructive force comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high velocities. The concept originated during the Cold War.

The typical depiction of the tactic is of a satellite containing a magazine of tungsten rods and a directional thrust system. (In science fiction, the weapon is often depicted as being launched from a spaceship, instead of a satellite.) When a strike is ordered, the launch vehicle would brake one of the rods out of its orbit and into a suborbital trajectory that intersects the target.

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But what if you throw REALLY hard

The moon is a satellite orbiting earth

Whoa Mr. Science over here

Found Neil DeGrasse Tyson's reddit account.

With its own gravity

Everything with mass has it's own gravity, just some things more than others, like your mom.

Yo moms so fat her belt size is equator.

Damn, get educated son 🔥

And Luna will be free

Not like it mattered, place became a statist hellhole a few decades later even in Heinlein's literary wankings

You would probably want your kinetic space gun on something with a shorter orbital period. Kind of difficult to use a weapon effectively when it takes an average of 2 weeks to move into position.

You could just have a whole bunch of weapons platforms. I think that's what the us military plans on doing.

Or something that won't burn up instantly in the atmosphere, like a rock...

Yeah but rods from god would be a better system then throwing moon rocks.

Yes that's what I'm trying to say.

I wonder on the cost point though. Iron rods are heavy, would it be more economical to get a shitton of moon rocks(enough to survive atmospheric entry) and accelerate them towards earth with more force or to send rods from earth up. Asteroid mining makes this moot of course but in the mean time it's worth considering.

If you can haul enough mass into space and drop it into the atmosphere and still have it enough left to do damage then you already have ICBMs and nukes so there's literally no reason to do that. Nukes are effective enough that coming up with a better alternative is pretty much pointless. It's like running over a baby in a Ford truck . Sure you could spend a lot of money and effort to upgrade to a tank but why?

IDK man yell at the US military not me I'm not building any.

No one is lol

Putting them on the moon gives you a ready supply of rocks.

That's a joke, right?

In the context of all the deranged shit Wu has said and done, that's probably on the more lucid side of things.

No, she tweeted about how Elon Musk was going to bomb the Earth using moon rocks, which when thrown from the moon have the power of a gorrilian Hiroshimas. If she actually somehow gets on the ballot the attack ads write themselves. “Congressman Lynch wants to spend funds on things such as ‘education’ and ‘transportation’. He doesn’t want to tackle the real issues, like Elon Musk’s plan to hold the world hostage with moon rocks crude animation of Musk laughing as he throws rocks at Earth. Only Brianna Wu truly understands the threat posed by falling moon rocks!”

To be fair, Musk also dresses like Char Aznable these days.

what they both have in common is that they will have done nothing wrong by the end

The only good Gundam was Gundam Build Fighters, and the only decent character was Rinko Iori.

Brianna "We must nationalize the moon" Wu

I'm reading the expanse and yes getting something going fast is fairly easy and it's not blockable, but the amount of effort to get there and then get the rock off the moon is huge.

Could a rock survive entry? I'm guessing no

hey that’s PHYSICS, not technology

she’s one of the few GG villains who actually made a game, she can work a computer

Pretty sure "rocks dropped from the Moon" land back on the Moon

Rocks dropped from there

Someone read Hiemlein and thinks they are smart now.

She's totes going to turn the blue district red.

The only way she makes it through a Democratic primary is if she runs in a red district.

wu's running into this against a democratic candidate that from what i hear, everyone in wu's state loves, and she's effectively a nobody candidate who's barely on anyone's radar.

Especially one of those ones like rural Oklahoma where the Republicans usually run without an opponent. Then the incumbent can spend like 3 extra dollars reminding everyone that he exists and win handily.

They will vote against this proud transwomen? Who has spent her whole life being attacked by nazi alt righters. Wow

u/wil posts in r/EnoughTrumpSpam


He also posted here once crying about a lego of him.

That was great.

For the curious

That may be the high point of this subreddit.

Certainly the highpoint of /u/MasterLawlz's life. A shame he didn't end it there and go out on a high note

And in r/suicidegirls. What a sad, strange dude

How’s that strange?

Because he’s famous & doing porn non-anonymously

since when did /r/drama become pearl clutching harpies?

Lol defending u/wil on r/drama

The worst timeline right here.

Since Day 1.

Oh no! A man watches porn! Call the moral police!

Go back to SRD. We need a goddamn wall.

I’m wincing, not moralizing

Damn, where did all these u/wil defeners in r/drama come from?

u/wil is (((our))) guy.

The sardine invaders love their pet soyboy. If you want to identify a SRD poster or hisbalt, just mock Wil and they’ll put themselves.

Are you defending gross heteros?

We need a goddamn wall.

Yeah, right at the Canadian border to keep out all that fucking cold air you keep sending down to the US. Fuckers. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SPRING AND IT SNOWED YESTERDAY. SNOWED!!!

It’s warm and sunny up here. 😀


No one wants to see that porn.

Posting in porn subs is like 10x worse than posting in /r/drama.

Posting in porn subs is like being the guy who starts a conversation with the stranger peeing in the urinal next to his.

Liking gussy in 2018 lmao

Even worse they're white

Even worse they're tattooed

I won't lie, I definitely saved that image.

It’s goth softcore porn from 15 years ago. I didn’t know it was still a thing

Seriously, Suicide Girls is so 1999.

Even then it was weird, and not cool whatsoever.

Yeah, and I was kinda into that whole goth culture too because of the concerts I went to. Even then I remember looking at it thinking it was lame. I mean, the name Suicide Girls is in itself edgy lameness.

“Midget with a sorta cute face? Put a tattoo on her back and get her in the studio topless immediately!” -Suicide Girls editor, 1999

honestly i think i like him more knowing that, it's a bold thing to do when ur semi-famous

u/DylanSprouse did it better

Yeah, and Dylan Sprouse didn't ruin every episode of Star Trek he was in, so he was definitely the better child actor.

Dude couldn't even make it interesting porn. At our least our boy Eichenwald gets weird with it.

Can't forget the blog post after he got owned by drama.

What's with all the autists running for Congress lately? They don't even have state legislature experience.

Wu used the streaming service Twitch.tv to raise awareness for her Congressional campaign. It appears to be the first instance of anyone using Twitch in this manner. "One of the reasons Millennials feel disenfranchised is politicians don’t speak to them in ways that feel genuine," said Wu. "Twitch is one of the most important ways to engage younger people."

The future of American politics lol.

That’s some r/FellowKids shit

The next presidential election will be decided by number of Fortnite wins.

Is it weird that I actually think you might be right? Some pro-LoL player is going to voted in to some office by kids who think he's a great leader because he's won League Worlds twice or some shit.

We’re safe then! Can’t win Worlds if you’re an American. Koreans only.

A League of Legends pro will definitely get elected governor of some state when they're like 50.

Kripparian 2020

That fortnite streamer. Ninja, is going to be the next president

Styx is already running for gov

They don't even have state legislature experience.

The people complaining the most also think Federal Government is the only way to get things done.

Go to /r/politics and tell them that they should lobby their local governing bodies for changes they want to see happen instead of trying to fight on a national level; they'll say "ugh what I'm supposed to fight the same battle fifty times?!".

The idea of not just mandating that everyone follows your rules doesn't occur to them.

Captain Kirk is against her.

No word on Picard. Probably has better things to do with his life.

Shatner either has a very good social media team, or he's a based old dude who doesn't give a fuck and posts in 4chan

I'm going with door number 2.

shatner dont give a fuck, he's still got a legion of fans, be they star trek or even TJ Hooker [you'd be suprised how many people love him in that role as well] he's gotten wealthy enough that he doesnt really need to work again and he's at the age where he doesnt have to put on a public face and can be himself.

I'm a fan of his due to Boston Legal.

Same. He was p awesome on that show 😊😊

He has legitimately posted on 4chan in the past.

I'm going with door number 2.

That's the door that he hoped you'd choose. ╱\ ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)

He posted on /tv/

Shatner bringing the heat.


Wil Wheton isn't capable to have a thought.

That isn't true, he fantasies about Basketball Americans smashing his wife's mayo pussy and him cleaning up afterwards with his tongue.

Lets be real here, its the house. If anything Wu is over-qualified.

Isn't Brianna that ugly tranny?

yeah great idea /u/wil putting someone mentally ill in congress, that will surely make things better

The ugly tranny who was streetraced to the grave by American Hero and Future Former Marine Jace Connors.


/u/Wil you will say anything for a little bit of attention no matter how ridiculous it is ya?

Imagine being WW


So glad a man is saving women in tech by telling them what to think about a man saving women in tech. /u/wil good one...bit you always were good at playing white saviour to minorities and women.

I had no idea Wil was a retard. That explains a lot.

Well, if there's one way to create more red-hats, you've figured it out.

-she- understand technology? Wrong.


Obviously she should needs to be in congress so the moon can be annexed to keep the Nazis/Russians/GG from dropping rocks on the Earth. We can do this!

The day u/wil is capable of not being a complete waste of a failed back alley abortion is the day his shitty opinions might become worthy of paying attention to

Anyone else ‘member /u/wil going insane tht one time?

I’m not saying he’s a great lolcow. But it was a fantastic day.

one time


The person that Brianna Wu is planning on running against for state congress is very popular in his district. He is pro LGBT and minority communities and has done a lot of work in that sector. The people of his district will not vote for a lunatic like Wu over someone they know and like.

Stay the hell out of my state's politics.

Virgin Wil Wheaton vs William Chadner

Has his dipshit wife figured out copypasta yet?

What's the story here?

The self proclaimed god of the internet married an old lady who thought the "listen here you little shit" pasta was a real threat and called the cops.

Anne sees nice, but behind the times. Feel bad for her

She was in contact with cyberpolice and the consequences will never be the same

u/wil, your autism is showing.

Real question asked by a supposedly serious congressional candidat


to be fair, there are already Congressmen even more deranged than xhe is

wu isn't even a woman how can he be a congresswoman

Look, let's be real for a second, if Donald can be president, then this womynx sure as hell can be a congressperson.

pro zuck


You just want the tranny D. Admit it

Brianna Wu as an elected US representative is like one of the best things for drama I could ever imagine

u/wil, is white knighting for ugly trannies on twitter really good way to spend your time? You should focus your energy and time on stoping being depressed alcoholic and not on internet drama.

Is Brianna Wu the one whose actual name is John Flynt?