Yeezy megathread

134  2018-04-25 by shitpost953

I don't wanna remove the current posts but this shows no sign of stopping. Please post any more kanye stuff in here. This butthurt and counter-butthurt could go on for days.

Yes I'm terrible and don't care about your free speech.


23.1K people talking about this

jeez lmao

It's twatter. I'm surprised the number isn't higher.

Dead platform walking.

49.6K people are botting about this

That's a lot of no-true-blacksman& strawmen

I wonder what percentage of them receive food stamps?

Holy fuck this roller coaster is just getting started lmao

I’m enjoying this immensely. The wails and gnashing of teeth from the liberals, and the inevitable, “da fuq?” From the conservatives when they find out that no, blacks don’t magically love them.

"Aye whats up my fellow Trump supporting nigge-, erm, nigga!"

I <3 U

I'm rock hard right now.

So much drama.

I can't wait for the conservative gangster rap sun genera to pop up lol

Also I am shocked SHOCKED that a rich person would vote republican

I am shocked that Democrats stay poor

Once we give everyone UBI everyone will be rich tho

> things that will happen


That why they get into politics, that is where the money is

all the shitty states with high welfare rates that take in more money than they churn out are Republican.

The shittiest cities are Democrat.

which coincidentally have the highest proportion of black people...doing a big think right now

nah, even the mountain west and Midwestern states are the same.

27 % of blacks live below the poverty line if a majority of those blacks are in the south then that doesn't put the south in the best light right?

Big think

Democrats are largely poors with a few limousine liberal masters to rule over them.

Also I am shocked SHOCKED that a rich person would vote republican

So is that the spin now?

that super rich people dont like paying taxes? our president himself takes as many measures as he can to avoid it

So who likes paying taxes? The spin is that somehow this is a self interest thing Kayne is doing, which is pretty retarded. Don't be disingenuous.

chance the rapper is Kayne? TIL

I don't like paying taxes either, and I take measures to reduce my tax burden as much as possible, despite not being rich.

TIL it's just the rich people who don't like paying taxes

Pooros don't care since they get huge refunds with EIC

get money get money also be fiscally responsible with that money

I <3 U

no i was thinking more twords the fact that the rich hate nothing more then to pay taxes and well rappers cant really be seen as being fiscally responsible...

Yeah poor people love paying taxes

Theres no way Chance isnt anti-abortion because hes so religious. If he comes out as a republican shit will be hilarious

eh, lots of black people are religious and anti-abortion, they still generally vote Dem

Time for that to stop.

It's not black people's fault that mostly mayos have been dumb enough to fall into the trap of being single issue voters over abortion.

It is mayos fault

Remember when Prop 8 passed in California at the same time they voted for Obama? Because it turns out that the highly religious black and hispanic minorities voted for a black man and against the gays.

The wonderful Mormon church bankrolled that shit with their seedy fkin money lol. Turns out you can buy public opinion.

Also anti gay and pro interventionist. They vote democrat cause theyre brainwashed.

That's obviously not true. Most republican proposals are very clearly harmful to their communities. Tough on crime laws, cutting back on welfare, there are all sorts of things Republicans want that black people really don't.

Yes, black people all need welfare and are all criminals, so obvs they hate tough on crime and welfare reform. GOT EM!

do you have a mental disorder?

Stupid honkey

Welfare, by design, prevents upward mobility. Ex: Getting a better job results in lower income. Sure welfare could be positive if it was structured differently, but its not. And some people, like myself, believe it is that way in purpose.

Bill Clinton's tenure oversaw the rise of private prisons and a massive expansion of the prison population. Incarceration rate shot up almost 50% from GHWBs term. Bill Clinton, along with Joe Biden, helped enact the Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act which added 100,000 police officers nation wide, and among other things ended funding for inmate education.

There's no way the public education loving, child of black activists, Chicago native is a Republican

Hell yeah


people still believing this bullshit? fucking god damnit what fucking morons. im not even a daddy lover

It's just calling for the death of five black teenagers decades after they've been acquitted makes you look racist. Also paying fines for ordering people of colour off the floor of your casino when a racist high roller comes in isn't a good look. Then there was that whole settling with the DoJ for refusing to rent apartments to black people.

Did that fucking Mayo just try and white splain to a black man?


We have fucking DRAGON FIRE Yeezy
They got cuck Nintendo Labo soy Comey



Lol way to completely miss the point, Chance

Now all the TPUSA fags are pretending to like rap, rap is very gay now


he looks like 40 lol

If you think this is the worst thing to happen to rap recently, boy do I have news for you.

Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

he said worst, not best

It'll last all of about five minutes. The right can't stand criticism of authority, and that's basically a given with rap.


What if Kanye is Q?


Oprah vs Kanye 2020.

This is good for dramacoin.

hindsight is

Q the intergalactic trickster god who nudges humanity toward thr next phase of evolution and cultural enlightment?

Or the guy from star trek?

Q the intergalactic trickster god who nudges humanity toward thr next phase of evolution and cultural enlightment?

He's a pretty bright guy and gives James Bond tons of cool shit but I think you're exaggerating his character just a bit


I'm at a loss of words atm

I've been trying to visit that great awaking sub for some laughs but then I just end up getting really uncomfortable about how serious it looks.

Q predicted this.

Big if true

I'm all for Kanye liking whoever he wants, but the way the pedes parade around based black men is pretty gross. I can't tell if the butthurt libs or the new mayo Kanye fans are more annoying.

Magatards: "sjw media needs to force minorities into everything smh"

Also magatards: "BASED BLACK PEDE, MAGA"

Yes and?

Ur gay

It's virtue signaling, you mong.

That isn’t what virtue signaling is

You're right. It's lack-of-virtue signaling.

Imagine a Hillarymen trying to grasp the concept of virtue

Imagine unironically supporting trump

Trump is the American Spirit. Trump is the first President in generations to fight the Dee State.


Soon all of America will be as successful and as classy as Atlantic City!

Trump's America is already better than Obama's America, friend.

Unless you are one off those people who doesn't want to work.

Jobs are down for the first time since 2010, friend.


Trump is the American Spirit.

trump is the cigarette for reedy tumblr girls with ostentatious glasses and guys who go to basement raves dressed "normcore"?

Trump is the American spirit that gets spilled in schools by brave souls to support our freedom. o7

Yes and?

This is your brain on fentanyl.

Not enough though.

Opiates don't really impose cognitive changes

Opiates don't really impose cognitive changes

This is your brain on fentanyl.

Just remember it was only a few months ago when Eminem ripped Trump and it was all the trashy mayo Trumplets who thought that they were being betrayed.

That was some good drama too. "Omg I used to like Em but now he's all political wahh." Bitch Eminem has always been outspoken.

Bitch Eminem



You're batting like a 50 in this thread

Who would win in a fight though? Em or Yeezy?

Good question, they're both skinny manlets. I would legit be down for a cage-fight between those two. I think Eminem wins, though - Kanye would have some kind of overdramatic meltdown halfway through.

the best fighter in the world was a skinny manlet.

Lmao, who was that?

Rhonda Rousey.

Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee was very good at what he did, but we never saw him try to do it after being smacked in the face by Mike Tyson.

given that Tyson was 7 when Bruce Lee died I kinda doubt that happened.

new mayo Kanye fan

Literally all his fans are mayo

Now idiots like Ben Shapiro are pretending like they liked Kanye all along. This is the strangest timeline.

I saw the clips of him talking about it he specifically stated he doesn't like Kanye's music and it has a net negstoce effect on culture, he just thinks it hilarious that a lot of people on the left are pissed that a black man doesn't follow the pre-approved list of things they tell black people to believe in the US. What're you on about?

the way the pedes parade around based black men is pretty insufferable.

They're just really, really thirsty.


Here's a based black man trying to kill Hispanics:

A TRUE pede

lol complaining about a few token trophies for the other team when the dnc has claimed ownership over the entire black race for decades

I don't even like Trump but this whole kerfuffle makes me like Kanye even more lmao

You don't have to like Trump to like Kanye... did you know that?

Wait..... What?

Fuck what am i going to do with this MAGA hat now??


Good comment

Compared to his previous body of work this is the fucking Mona Lisa


Kanye West doesn't care about black people.

This but unironically

TBH I doubt he cares about anyone, including the Donald.

himself tho

So he's the real Black Panther?



Democrat policies have been so good for black people.

Jesus, the woke mayos flashing back to their post traumatic sensitivity training all over the interweb is nauseating. I can’t tell what’s worse, the white guilt cringing about Saint Yeezus blessing daddy, or the disbelief that some black celebrities don’t shill for the welfare state. All I know is that all this digital blackface is really unnecessary.

self harm is being a white person who held kanye on a political pedestal as an entertainer he could only ever fall from and then thinks anything you have to say about his views is important.

Request: Can we have have picture of the Drama King on the sidebar please?

Request: Can we have have picture of the Drama King on the sidebar please?

Fuck no! He uggo as hell! 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Tay >>>>>>>>> Kanye

yo that useless bitch hasn't done anything for this community in months. The King has offered more charity to us lowly r/drama peasants in an hour than Tay did in a year.


The Order of Kanye is only getting stronger, when we finally take over people like you will face true justice. Public executions will be held.

mmmkay sweetie! 💅

She convinced that dude to shoot up the waffle house though.

we all have our moments

How about this, this, or this? That last one involves both of them, but still.

Kanye and Taytay have had some beef for a while, so you can pick your side, I guess.

Sorry Ed but the Kult of Kanye Kwuest has a point. He's producing wayyyyy better drama than Tay has in a while.

That is true. But I love Tay Tay so damn much!! 😭😭😭💘💘💘

Well tell her now is the time to declare her undying love for Trump.

Yeezy MAGAthread


Holy shit. Yeezy came into my room to bring me a plate of red pills and I literally screamed at him and hit the plate of red pills out of his hand. He started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on him. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to Yeezy but I’m literally in shock from Trump's tweet tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is the president retweeting Yeezy? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want to be with her. I want Hillary to be president and ban free speech. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought they were Correcting the Record???? This is so fucked.


I wonder how his trump support will look when his severe mental health problems become public knowledge.

Par for the course lmao xd

I actually don't know how many layers of irony I'm on

severe mental health problems become public knowledge.

When wasn't that already known? At least mid-2000's?

Eccentric artist vs full blown psychosis

kanye is bipolar (at least thats what I read on kanye sub) by his own admission. its already public knowledge.

who added the sidebar image lmao

Hey, mine was first!

I'm so appalled, when did Kanye forget that balding Donald Trump taking dollars from us all?

I am so angry and let down by my favorite musical artist ever. How can he be this desperate for attention to degrade himself in this way? I have been questioning for the last few hours if my connection to his songs is less meaningful and if the themes of his music are more shallow than I once believed.

I was planning on taking a trip to Chicago for the first time ever once they finished Obama's Presidential Library and basically making it a Kanye/Obama pilgrimage trip.

I am debating whether to delete all of his music off of my Spotify. I don't think I can actually bring myself to do it because he's basically half of my Spotify. I will just have to listen to his music and try to freeze him in my mind as he was before. I will not be spending another dime on his next album or ever seeing him live again. He is dead to me.

"If I say I like Kanye for defending Daddy that means I can tell all nig-nogs to get AIDS REEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU'RE THE REAL RACIST"

This, but ironically


LOL imagine being shadowbanned

I legit thought it was removed for offensive material.


Objection! It should be called a magathread.

OP is a bundle of sticks. That is all.

I'm not clever! I'm just hear to make sure you fucks don't get us all digitally removed.

and to stop the MDE influx

Thanks, I don't follow celebrity gossip. <3

"Where the fuck have Democrats gone wrong?"

Imagine letting reddit corrupt your mind this badly 😂😂😂

Democrats are now the incels of politics.


This is the darkest timeline.

Speak for yourself. This is truly the saltiest and thus the best timeline.

Holy Christ are they like the cuck soy version of r/Drama?

Gtf back to your dumpster fire

Lol I bet it's also a white person trying to explain to a black man why he's stupid.

I mean you guys wanted mayocide and now /r/hiphopheads is losing it's rag so thanks Mr. West.

Boy who would have thought that rich celebrities are dumbasses?

And so it continues off discord

I’m just excited for Trump to become part of KUWTK’s cast next season as Kanye’s BFF/fashion consultant/spiritual mentor. They can vacation in Saudi this year!

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Keep Ballin +2 -
Coonye (Kanye West Freestyle Diss) +1 - hijacking top comment to post this cringe worthy Kenya dis track he even calls kim his "mayo wife"
Lil Pump Gucci Gang but every gucci gang is replaced by PICKLE RICK +1 -

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Comeys tears on the CNN floor
Guaca bowl !Jeb! please clap he implore
Lies on the lips of the fake news
Nate Copper 538 predictions lose
Rollin' in the Presidential limousine
Only the centipedes got this, I'm hidin' til Hillary concedes
MAGA hat tweets
All red like I got the Little Marco defeats
Glass ceiling chic
I'm wonderin' if a T_D prayers reach
Is Donald Donald 'cause God loves Donald?
Bernie asks, "whose Shekels do y'all seek?"
All for Hilldawg, screech
I'm out here' votin', I know y'all read my FBI deep state leaks
Jesus was a carpenter, Trump, laid defeats
Trumps campaign stops flow from coast to coast, get the hell up out your seats and campaign Hilldawg, preach

this is the worst thing i have ever read, please kill yourself immediately

  • vomiting sounds *

highly recommend checking out /r/blackpeopletwitter for some premium salt

man are those mayos ever triggered

Kanye has good taste in presidents imo

👏👏👏👏👏👏 Kim needs to take his phone away.

Kanye confirmed Peterson fan